Revenge or love


This is about a girl who tries to get revenge on her parents. She works with a agency that is willing to help her find the killers. As she go to school she meets a boy who takes a interest in her and she is getting distract from her plan and slowly loving in love. What will she do. What will choose revenge or love? Read and you'll find out.


Rei Ko (female main character)

Brave, strong and stubborn. She lives on her own. She has no one ever since her parents died. She works for the Black Shadow Agency.


Takao Osuma (male main character)

Smart, strong and selfless. He lives in a mansion, with his family. He has Aniko his older sister then Ayu,Lala,and Aki his only brother,then his little sister Miki. He works for his father in the Osuma Company.


Jun Hoshi (male side character)

Brave, honset and loving. He lives on his own. His parents are working for the american CIA. He works for the Black Shadow Agency.


Kimi Kou

Jealousy, unkind, and self center. She lives in a mansion. She the only child. Her dad company works with Osuma Company.


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Chapter 3: Update girl.