A million Galleons can't compare (to what we have)

A million Galleons can't compare (to what we have)




Byun Baekhyun drags his bulky school trunk, the wheels rocking over the gravel of the dirt path, shaky and unsteady. The snow has been cleared to the sides, leaving the ground slightly wet and cold. Baekhyun snuggles his chilled cheeks into his muffler - mustard yellow patterned with dark green stripes and embroidered with the prestiged House crest.


The Hufflepuff House crest.


December has arrived and Christmas is just around the corner. He comes back home for the holidays, taking some time off from school and the club to spend it with his family. Byun Baekhyun, fifth year student at Hogwarts and the vice president of the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, in short, S.P.E.W, was born to a muggle and a wizard. The sixteen year old isn't just merely a half-blood. His paternal great-grandmother was a Veela, and that makes him an eighth-Veela. Beautiful looks flows in their blood, even after generations, regardless of gender.


His parents must be out, probably doing some shopping for the festive season, since the windows of his family’s humble cottage are dark, the lights in the rooms unlit. As he makes his way closer to the porch, he sees the outline of something, or some creature, curled into a ball, shivering on top of the old doormat. Baekhyun hurries over to the porch, perturbed by what he saw.


He leans closer to take a better look at the sleeping form of the creature. Large ears stick out from the sides of its head, its scrawny body freezing under the thin dirty tea cloth that serves useless in this winter. Lanky arms and legs cuddles close together for some warmth, and pasty skin stretches taut over bones. Its body is weirdly disproportionate, too large head (and ears) attached to such a feeble and small bony body.


As a high position member in S.P.E.W, he knows what exactly this creature is. Here, sleeping on the ragged doormat of the Byun cottage is no other than a subject of the Society's concern -


An elf.


"Mr. Elf! Are you alright?" Baekhyun cries out in worry, pulling his muffler off his neck and wrapping it around the thin body. The elf gets waken by his movements, rubbing his bleary eyes sluggishly before fully opening those huge glassy orbs in great surprise and horror.


"Young sir!" The elf gets on his knees immediately, bowing down low to hide its shameful face. He starts to sputter frantically. "Channie apologizes for taking up the doormat! Channie should die! Channie should just freeze in the snow instead of dirtying Young Sir's luxurious mat with Channie's filthy body!"


There’s nothing luxurious about the doormat though, Baekhyun thinks. Their cat, Cheesesauce, had peed on it two summers ago, and his mother didn’t get it clean thoroughly, neither did she bother to change it.


The elf lets out a shriek when he finally notices the yellow Hufflepuff scarf wrapped around his body. He trembles and cries profusely, spouting out even more words of apologies and suicidal intents.


Baekhyun clamps his hands on the bony shoulders and lifts him up off the ground, automatically forcing the elf to stop bowing and knocking his head on the floorboards of the porch. He tries to shake the elf out of those revolting thoughts, with a little too much force that the elf's limbs swing haphazardly from their sockets like that of a lifeless rag doll.


"Channie, don't think that way! You are a free elf you have no master! You can do whatever you want and you have all the rights!"


. . .


Baekhyun takes the elf into the warm house. The elf stands there quietly, patiently waiting for orders as he watches his new master rummage through his bag for a quill and some parchment.


That's right, his new master.


He used to serve the Kim family, particularly the youngest son, his Master Jongdae. He would follow his Master around, carrying out his faithful duties promptly and efficiently as instructed, just like how all good ol' house elves would do. He thought he was one of the best elves in the Kim household, since he's one of the most hardworking elves even if it was just by a tiny margin over the other elves, which was why he never saw it coming; Channie didn’t expect to receive one of Young Master Jongdae's old socks. That, was the first thing he saw by his feet the moment he opened his eyes one morning. He tried to keep calm, despite the thoughts of an undesired outcome haunt his mind. Maybe, he thinks, that this was just one of Young Master's socks that were usually strewn all over the floor untidily. He went up to his master’s closet room and kept the socks into the drawer. He makes a mental note, reminding himself to increase his effort in keeping his Master's clothing items neat and organized, before he gave himself a self-inflicted punishment by banging his head against the solid wardrobe. It had hurt greatly, but at least he’s confident that he’ll remember his mistake and not err in future.


It was only when his Master told him those words - I'm setting you free - did Channie know that he’s reduced to a homeless and master-less elf. There were gossips among the other house elves that Young Master Jongdae had set his personal elf free because of someone he likes in school. Channie found out later that his Master was trying to be in the good books of a young sir called Kim Junmyeon.


Baekhyun sends an owl to the president of S.P.E.W. He has a phone and he thinks it will be so much more convenient if he could just dial the numbers and make a call, but sadly, most wizards and witches have no phones, sticking to using only traditional methods. Baekhyun likes using modern muggle technology, but he only really does use the gadgets when he’s at home. It’s not like his mobile phone can work on the magical grounds of Hogwarts anyway.


“Alright! I’ve sent a letter to the President! Now let’s get you something to eat.” Baekhyun declares, heading into the kitchen to grab some crackers and jam.


Channie doesn’t dare to eat, not unless he is instructed to. His new master is too kind and also really beautiful for a male, he observes. He shouldn’t be so nice to Channie because Channie feels like crying. To elves, kindness from their masters would be the greatest reward ever for their service. Not even a million Galleons can compare to the joy and satisfaction it brings to them from a simple act of kindness or words of gratitude from their beloved masters.


Baekhyun spreads the blueberry jam over the crackers, offering them to the elf, while he feeds the crumbs to Cheesesauce. The elf only stares up at him fondly with glossy eyes, mouth quivering with his lips pursed together. Smiling kindly, Baekhyun leans down and brings a cracker right to the elf’s mouth, nudging the corner gently at his lips.


“It’s okay, you can eat it. Please, eat this.”


Channie decides not to waste his new master’s kindness, because it would be dreadful of him to keep his master waiting. For certain, he knows he has already done something bad. He shouldn’t make his master wait with outstretched arm, or even use the word ‘please’ on him.


The sweetness of the jam spreads over his tongue once he takes a bite, the same way how delightful warmth spreads over his chest. He munches the cracker quietly, turning to a side to hide his unappealing face from the eighth-Veela boy.


Baekhyun giggles and pulls the chair beside him open. “Come on Channie, sit up here! Eat on the table, the floor is dirty.”


Channie cannot resist even if he wants to. He feels embarrassed to sit beside his master, he's too inferior. Yet he finds himself moving forward as told and climbing up the seat. Partly, he did so because it was an invitation from his master, but only he knows that there was something more. There was something about how the young wizard seems to draw him in, and how he wants to be closer him - just like how bugs are attracted to lights.


"Do you have a birth name? How old are you? Where are you from?" Baekhyun shoots him strings of questions while picking up Cheesesauce off the floor and onto his lap, the ginger fur of the Tabby leisurely. The elf stops chewing abruptly, swallowing the dry cracker down immediately to clear his mouth, ready to respond to his master. This makes him choke a little, sputtering when he tries to form words to give his answer.


Cheesesauce jumps away from Baekhyun’s lap at the sudden croaky cough.


Baekhyun pours him a cup of water right away, patting the bony back soothingly. He can feel the rough ridges of his spine and ribs, causing his face to contort with sympathy.


"Take it slow. I'm sorry I should have wait till you're done with eating," he apologizes. Baekhyun takes note of this elf's behaviour. That could be insightful, since the society is preparing a brochure to spread the wonderful facts of these hardworking creatures to let the students understand more of elf behaviours and how not to trigger them. (There was a rise in the bullying cases of school elves. Some students purposely triggers the elves so they'll hit their own heads with pots, pans and even brooms.)


"Channie is fine, Master. Master doesn't need to be sorry," the elf answers timidly when his coughing fit calms down. He wants to give a reassuring pat to the wizard, but he flinches his hovering hand away. He doesn't dare to touch the wizard.


"Channie's doesn't have a birth name, Channie is an orphan. Channie is sixteen this year and Channie came from the Kim's house, the big mansion up the hill in the next village."


Baekhyun nods, taking out a pen and paper to note it down. (He doesn't use parchment and quill this time because it's troublesome, and those are not as cheap as paper and pen). He scans the details on the sheet of paper and his brows furrows in thought.


"Channie, if I tell you to do something for me, will you do it?"


The elf nods eagerly, eyes coming alive and widening with interest as he waits for his first instructions. He is always ready for his Master's orders. Carrying out tasks makes him feel useful, giving him some sense of self-worthiness.


"Call me Baekhyun, not Master. And you can use the pronoun 'I' too. Try it!"


The elf's face turns ghastly pale and he shudders a little at the thought. This is not correct, he's never done this, or even thought of saying these words before. Fear returns into his expressive eyes, turning dull as burden fills them up.


"Master, Channie cannot-"


Baekhyun hushes him up with a slender finger against his lips. The elf shuts up immediately, heart pounding from the sudden, unexpected contact. Baekhyun lowers his finger down slowly, trying once more with the elf as he smiles encouragingly for the elf to go on.


Baekhyun’s lambent eyes look at him with such expectation, and Channie hates to disappoint him.


"B-baekhyun. Ch- I... I will try my best."


The smile that graces Baekhyun's lips is lovely and gentle. It warms the elf up from the winter cold he suffered earlier on, even though there was no heat radiated directly. If a smile was something tangible, Channie swears he would keep his master’s one safe and close.


. . .


Baekhyun’s parents were surprised to see an elf in the hall when they got home with the Christmas groceries and decorations. Haven’t met any magical creatures prior to today, Mrs. Byun was fascinated by the elf, whereas Mr. Byun was more keen to know the circumstances. Baekhyun’s dad works at the Muggle Liaison Office in the Ministry of Magic which developed his interest in the muggle world; he did study about the ethical rights that exist for muggle humans and animals after coming across humanitarian articles in his reading. Especially animals. In the magical world, no one really cares about them. However, Mr. Byun donates to the WWF, subscribes to the National Geographic magazines and even has the local zoo's membership passes. He values Life and thinks that elves, goblins, centaurs and some other magical creatures can be classified as semi-beings, not demeaning terms like ‘beasts’ or ‘the unknown’. For that, they should also have their own rights in the magical world. In a world where wizards and witches are the supreme race, the other beings and creatures are often seen as inferior. Also, Mr. Byun really likes Nifflers and Hippogriffs so he couldn’t understand how at this age, no petting zoos or wildlife sanctuaries for magical creatures were set up.


It was no surprise that Mr. Byun was supportive of his son’s involvement in S.P.E.W, even when there are other much cooler clubs available for Baekhyun to join.


Like father, like son - both of them have a kind heart.


(And a pretty face.)


Baekhyun's parents welcomed the little guest, allowing him to stay over for the holidays. The Byuns certainly couldn't send the poor elf out roaming in the icy streets. Channie feasted with them for Christmas, even though there was much difficulty for the Byuns to get the elf to dig in heartedly. Channie stayed away from the turkey, ham, the desserts, cakes and the wine. He filled his plate with potatoes without gravy and greens, preferring a plain humble meal with just a goblet of water. He kept his head low throughout, never dared to join into the family's chatters and random conversations.


The family didn't want to force the poor elf, or stressed him further by being pushy in offering him good food. The elf had looked so ashamed, guilty and small at the dining table. He looked really pitiful and seems to be in extreme discomfort.


Baekhyun takes the elf up to his bedroom after dinner. He walks over to the corner of the room and opens his wardrobe, waving for Channie to come over.


"These are my clothes since I was young, but I'm growing and I can't fit into some. I don't need that many clothes either, so pick any of them that you like! You look cold!"


Channie widens his eyes, dishearten. This isn't happening again, he dreads this moment. He spent only a week with his new master and now he's going to be freed once more? Being freed too often is a terrible track record for all house elves. They like to be enslaved, not freed.


Baekhyun sees the elf start to tear up with fat tears welling from the corner of his eyes, mucus taking their time to trickle down. Panicking, he shuts his wardrobe, slamming it closed like it was something vulgar. He bends forward to comfort the creature.


"It's okay if you don't like them! We'll go shopping tomorrow, alright?"


Channie shakes his head so forcefully that he starts to see clones of the same images in his eyes whilst he wobbles in place, dizzy. He bursts into tears, and his face scrunches up into something unattractive. He kneels down suddenly and he clings onto Baekhyun's leg.


"Channie doesn't want to be freed, Master. Don't chase Channie out! Channie will work extra hard so Master can be happy!"


Baekhyun is taken aback. There has to be some misunderstanding between the elf and him. He doesn't remember enslaving an elf, he doesn't need an elf's service, so what is Channie talking about? He pulls the elf away from his calf and he squats down to face him at eye level.


“Listen, Channie! I’m not chasing you away. You just need clothes in this winter, otherwise you’ll freeze to death,” Baekhyun shakes his head. “You have the rights to live comfortably.”


That doesn't stop the woeful elf from crying. Sighing, Baekhyun opens his school trunk and pulls out a mint green sweater. The old trunk has been lying next to his wardrobe, unpacked, since he returned home last week. He gets up from his position and walks towards his desk; he looks through his drawers, finally pulling out some ribbons and a pair of scissors.


He folds the sweater and ties it with a red ribbon, cutting away the excess. Baekhyun peeks over his shoulder and sees that the elf is still in a crying mess, continuously shaking his head in denial that he does not pay notice to him.


He returns to the sniffling elf, the snot and tears that ran down Channie’s face stained his tea towel garb. He sits down cross-legged before Channie, hiding something behind his back.


"Merry Christmas, Channie! Got this new sweater on sale from Hogsmeade, I hope you'll like it!"


Baekhyun smiles sweetly, handing the present to the elf.


Channie blinks up at him, eyes still red with all the crying. “It’s a Christmas gift!” Baekhyun explains. “You cannot turn down a gift.” He says sternly. A gift. Channie repeats the word and he lets this fact sinks in.


Seeing no immediate response, Baekhyun urges the elf to try the sweater on.


Channie doesn't know how to turn his master down.


. . .


Elf Law, Section 337, Code 5611:

An elf without a master will begin service once a witch or wizard takes the elf to their abode. Thou shall not reject or choose. Thou shalt serve the new masters till the end.




Channie scrubs the floors of Baekhyun's bedroom. This is his only chance to work, since his master is away at town. In another two days, his master will have to return to Hogwarts, leaving poor Channie behind here. All alone.


He tries to think optimistically; when master is away in school for months, he can have more time to clean up the whole house and even plant a mini garden before his next return. He can also paint the bedroom to Baekhyun’s favourite colour, and he can clear the all the rubbish hidden under Baekhyun’s bed too. Baekhyun hates bugs, so he’ll see what he can do to exterminate those pests from the cottage.


He hears the door open and he races off to keep the rag and bucket away. He washes his hands before he makes his way to the hall to greet his master.


Yes, his master. The elf is stubborn. If Master Byun lets him stay here, he will always be his master, Channie's wonderful master.


Except, he can't speak of this reverent appellation whenever Baekhyun is around.


Channie really couldn't use ‘Baekhyun’, calling his name so easily just like that. He decided on 'Young Mister Byun' instead, and was relieved when Baekhyun sat well with that.


"Channie! Look what I've got for our tea time!" Baekhyun gives the small cardboard carton in his hand a little shake with glee.


He thanks Channie when the elf helps to carry some of the other paper bags in his hands. There were books, new parchment, quills and everything he needs stocked up for his return to school. The are plain white badges too. The society has decided to make promotional badges for S.P.E.W. This is guerilla marketing, with funds from President Kim and effort from VP Byun.


Baekhyun pulls the chair out and he takes a seat. He looks over at the elf, without saying anything, but the elf knows and quickly make his way to the table.


He clears his throat, pausing after to create some suspense to keep things exciting. "Cinnamon Bun! Banana Cream Crepe! Chocolate Parfait!" Baekhyun announces one by one with enthusiasm and glee, taking out the delicacies from the box to show his little friend. It is like a beauty pageant, and Baekhyun is the program’s host. He parades the treats before his little friend, lining them up before them both.


Those are just the regular confections. What would a magical world be without some magic in their food?


"Whizzyberries Watercake, Cauldron Cakes and Flaming Kiwi Cups!"


Channie's mouth is watering just by looking at the food, and so is Baekhyun's. He tells Channie to sit up on the chair beside him. He takes the last one out from the box to join the array of cakes and pastries laid before them.


"Treacle tart." He whispers with exhilaration, gazing fondly at pastry. The golden lattice top crust lays over the warm rich syrup filling. It is a work of pure gastronomical art.


(Baekhyun wishes there is an elective for Gastronomy in Hogwarts. He hates his Divination class.)


During the days he spent with the elf, Baekhyun learns that Channie would only stare at him quietly, waiting, if he never tells him what to do. He needed to tell Channie to eat, to rest or to sit down. He even had to tell Channie he's good managing things by himself, which was actually a thoughtful way of saying 'leave me alone', so he wouldn't make the elf feel bad. The elf just follows him around, eager to be instructed. Whenever it happened, Baekhyun tells Channie to use his free time to do something he likes. He discovered that the special little elf likes baking and gardening, and it gives him some sort of satisfaction when he sees Channie do them well. It was much easier this way than giving him a specific instruction to follow. Baekhyun doesn't like giving out orders.


He cuts each treat into half to share them with Channie. He knows if he doesn't portion it in advance, Channie would never dare to eat from the same plate as him. That's how the elf is like, timid and fearful in Baekhyun's presence. He’s not scared because Baekhyun is mean or abusive, but the fear comes from the great adoration and respect he has for him. Sharing had always ended up with Baekhyun eating alone as the elf watched on without making a move to eat.


(He asked Junmyeon over in a letter once, and the older boy told him that to elves, it was disrespectful of them to have their masters share their things. Elves should always get the inferior treatment, such as leftovers or rags, as these were much more acceptable. Good food and new clothes were way too lavish for them.)


"Okay done, let's eat!" Baekhyun chuckles, eager to cram every morsel and bite into his hungry belly. He pushed the plate to the elf but elf doesn't start.


Byun Baekhyun tries a new approach.


"Whoever starts eating first is the... Loser!"


Channie grabs the pastries right away and starts shoving them into his mouth, dirtying the corners of his lips and causing the crumbs to litter over his body. Baekhyun shakes his head at the sight, but a smile hangs on his lips. At least Channie gets to try the things he likes, even though he needs to resort to this method. He starts with his afternoon tea time with his Treacle tart first, gracefully peeling the foil cup with his dainty fingers, while Channie is moving on to his third pastry.


Master is now the winner!


. . .


Channie misses his master. The bubbly and gracious Master Byun with the beautiful face and the kind smile and the soft hands. His master with the wit, humor, wisdom and talents.


He discovered that his master can sing well too when Baekhyun was in the shower one time. His voice was clear and bright, yet it changes to raw and husky when he's singing a rock song, soaring high and swooping low at different notes. He should have expected him to have a good voice, since whenever his master speaks, there's always the nice lively lilt. Or maybe he's just really biased towards everything about him, after all, Baekhyun's morning off-tune croaking still sounds melodious in his ears.


Channie feels envious, but mostly lucky. How is his master so capable and good at everything?


He wonders how is his master doing in Hogwarts. It has been a month since his master left the cottage. Both Mr. and Mrs. Byun are working in the day and when they return in the evening, diligent Channie would lay out dinner for them before he heads to Baekhyun's bedroom where he stays.


It was just like any other typical day, but later in the afternoon, unknown worry and fear settles in him. There is the sense of something impending that clings onto the elf, affecting his ability to concentrate on his chores.


An elf's six sense.


Mr. Byun received news in the evening that his son got injured in a game of Quidditch during P.E class. It was nothing too severe, the nurses in the Hospital Wing should be able to fix him up in a jiffy. However, Channie overhears Mr. Byun telling Mrs. Byun about Baekhyun's situation.


With a snap of his fingers, the elf disappears.


. . .


"Master! Master Byun!" Channie squeaks down the empty corridor of the castle. He apparated into Hogwarts with elf magic. Usually, without their master's permission, elves are not suppose to use their magic. However, he was desperate, and Baekhyun wasn't around. He couldn't ask anyone, so he makes the decision himself, under the influence of his emotions.


He bumps into a student at a corner and he falls flat on the stone floor.


"Wait, isn't this Channie?"


The elf looks up at the student with glossy eyes, worry swimming within them.


"Young sir," Channie starts in a small shaky voice. "Do you know my Master Byun? Where is Master Byun?"


The student wrinkles his face up in distaste, mouthing the word 'master' in puzzlement. However, he doesn't hold the elf back since he could tell the elf was in a frantic search for someone.


The student leads the elf down the corridor and takes a turn to the right. "That's the Hospital Wing. Baekhyun is inside resting, you wouldn't want to go in now, visiting hours are over." The student informs.


He looks down but the elf is already missing.


"Mr. Kim Junmyeon!" a nurse barks out. She closes the door behind her while holding a tray with a bottle of medicine that glows green. "I thought visiting hours are over why are you still standing here? Go back to your Common Room, Mister!"


. . .


Channie's heart drums in his chest wildly as he makes his way to the bed at the very last end of the Hospital Wing. The moonlight pours through the tall arches of the castle walls, providing dim light that illuminates the lane between the line of single beds on each side. He keeps very silent, and his throat bobs down, swallowing the lump stuck there when he finally reaches the side of the bed.


Tears brim his eyes, threatening their fall when he sees his master. Baekhyun's leg is wrapped up in white linen strips. The magical treatment, coupled with the bandages, makes the broken bones mend back together. He should be able to discharge the next day if his injury shows a stable progress in recovery.


Still, Channie's heart hurts for his master.


He's afraid to rouse his master's sleep. If Baekhyun sees him here inside Hogwarts,  he knows he'll cause more trouble and unease for the wizard. Having a broken leg, his master needs more rest than anything. With that sensible thought, Channie climbs up the bed carefully and slowly. He pulls the blanket up to Baekhyun's chin as gently as he can, tucking it well at the sides, ensuring that his master will have a warm cozy sleep for the night till dawn.


Snow falls from the sky in the serenity, the whites contrasting with the darkness of the night. The snowflakes in the air surrounding the old castle is similar to white polka dots on a black cloth, just like the pattern on Channie's socks. Polka-dotted.


. . .


"If you want to stay in Hogwarts, you absolutely cannot leave this room."


It has been days since his injury during Quidditch practice. President Kim told him of his little visitor, which was only then did he know that Channie had come to school. It turned out that the elf was taken away by the school's caretaker to work in the kitchen with the other elves in Hogwarts when he saw the elf dozing away, on school grounds near the Hospital Wing that next morning.


Apparently, S.P.E.W's campaign isn't working that well. The Society's mission is to eradicate all 'lf-slavery, fighting to achieve employment rights for them. Yet Hogwarts still uses house elves in the kitchens and also the housekeeping and cleaning crew, without any salary payment. Actually, it's quite a miracle how this pathetic club still survives with only five members and pitiful funds. (Thankfully, their pure blood president's family is rich, so Kim Junmyeon often credits the club funds with his own money.)


Channie nods obediently, giving a bashful smile to his healthy master. Baekhyun looks radiant, even better than he ever has before. Baekhyun doesn't know, but Channie has stolen a medicinal vial from the herbology room. He added a few drops of the white viscous liquid secretly into Baekhyun's glass of milk that the wizard drinks every night before bed for a better sleep. The elf found out that the sap from a young Fanged Geranium’s leaf has benefits for his master's newly mended bone, and will ease the pain in his leg till everything is fully recovered. He just wanted Baekhyun to get well sooner. It so happened that the sap has beauty properties when mixed with milk, and now Baekhyun looks prettier with clear, dewy skin so smooth and soft. His hair is shiny and silky, giving a healthy sheen to the fluffy black hair.


Channie is pleased with himself as he admires the young wizard silently.


The elf looks around, the old castle walls are rugged and weathered, withstanding even after centuries. Baekhyun brought him to an isolated part of the castle, where the S.P.E.W office is located. They had to climb a flight of stairs to reach the tiny room at the top of the tower. Channie had tottered behind his master, ready to catch him if his legs gave way from all the tedious stair-climbing.


"Junmen Amen!" Baekhyun calls out the secret code. The door creaks open.


Kim Junmyeon's office is a vast difference from the gloomy dull walls outside. The office had cream coloured wallpaper. The president chose fun and bright plastic furniture instead of the solemn solid ones made from timber that are used in most rooms of Hogwarts. There is a large board behind the desk, showing a hierarchy chart (of the five members) and photos of various elves. Channie takes a close look at one of the photos - a tiny elf with large expressive orbs the size of goofballs as eyes and ears that are larger than his. What captures him in is the confident happy smile rarely sees in elves. He squints and sees the name Dobby carved in the golden label plate.


"These are the elves that had contributions to the human and the magical world. We think they deserve this credit for their achievements." A voice explains.


The final year student just arrived to his mini office to see his Vice President and that elf standing in the middle of the room. The elf is curious from the way how his eyes darts around drinking in the sights and colours, yet wary to explore the room as he stands close to Baekhyun.




Channie's ears perk up when he hears the familiar name leave his master's lips. His heart drops when he see the boy, the same one he met near the Hospital Wing. If this person took his Master Kim away, is he going to take his Baekhyun away too?


Channie narrows his eyes, a flash of hostility directed to the prim blond male sitting behind the desk with the placard 'President of the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare' placed on the table.


Baekhyun take his hand suddenly, and leads him forward. The firm yet soft hold on his hand takes his attention away from his pointless, one-sided staring game (Channie was too short, Junmyeon didn't see him from behind his desk).


"Hyung, can Channie stay here? He's not part of Hogwarts, but I can't send him back just like that." Baekhyun entreats, putting his hand on the elf's shoulder like a concerned parent.


Channie isn't considered petite or tiny for someone of his kind. Although he's really thin, he still towers over with a head taller than most elves and unlike their sparse hair growth, he has golden-orange locks that grew longer in the past few months. The most blatant difference between Channie and other elves would be clothes. Yes, Channie has clothes on. Not those old unwanted pieces with holes and rips and stains, and certainly not those dirty rags draped and tied around the body. Even when Baekhyun was away in Hogwarts, Channie received clothes and interesting items sent by him in parcels by the owls almost fortnightly.


The young wizard was guilty for not having time to take the elf for shopping back during the school holidays, so he tries making it up to Channie by getting him clothes from Hogsmeade and H&M Kids - he was in the city anyway, since he needed to board the Hogwarts Express.


Baekhyun thinks he has good taste in Elfish fashion.


Channie stands in the S.P.E.W office in a navy sweater and cropped pants. He's got red sneakers on paired with polka dotted socks. He even has a monotone striped canvas backpack, currently laid aside at the corner of the room beside the couch.


Flashy, for an elf that is.


President Kim’s eyes flicker onto Baekhyun, shooting a quick look at his Vice President before giving a warm, amiable smile to the little creature. Junmyeon invites the elf over to the couch and gets him to fill up a form. He strides back towards Baekhyun with his forehead creased into a frown. Baekhyun knows that his president has something serious to speak to him about whenever he has the leader-face on.


“Byun Baekhyun!” Junmyeon calls out in hushed anger, grabbing Baekhyun’s wrist and pulling him to a side of the room. “You are SPEW’s Vice President how can you keep a house elf! You are betraying our rules and your own morals!” He jabs an accusing finger at the younger boy's chest.


Junmyeon is furious, but he keeps his volume low because he knows the elf is in the room. Elves are protective of their masters, and for an elf like Channie… Junmyeon is afraid that the elf may attack him and rip his throat off, if he so dares to do anything to Baekhyun or scream at him. He wanted to smack his VP's head earlier on, but quickly decided against it.


Baekhyun stares blankly at his president, opening his mouth and closing it. He looks across the room and sees Channie blinking at him innocently, looking over at their direction.


He needs to explain himself.


“I didn’t hyung! Channie is not my elf!” Baekhyun reconsiders his words when he sees Junmyeon’s unimpressed look. He's not trying to push the responsibility away, really. “Okay, Channie is my elf... sort of," he emphasizes, "but I am not his master! He’s a free elf! F-R-E-E, free!”


“I think I remember Channie calling you ‘Master Byun’! Don’t lie to me you twathead, I’m going to take your position away! No more VP for you!”


Baekhyun sighs in exasperation. He walks over to the large desk before the elves portraits and searches through the drawers. He finally finds what he needs.


He flips open the guidebook to a page and shoves it before Junmyeon.


A house-elf can only be freed when their master presents them with clothes.


"There! See it? Now look at his body tell me what do you see?" Baekhyun demands. Both wizards turn their attention to the elf.


It doesn't take an idiot to figure out what are the things on Channie's body. It is so apparent - the different colours, prints, patterns and textures worn on his body - they are proper, fitting clothes, unlike the filthy tea towels and baggy old pillowcases he sees the elves in Hogwarts wear.


"Clothes..." Junmyeon breathes out shakily. He acknowledges this very fact with his own eyes, yet he still has his doubts unanswered. How is this possible?


"Clothes, that's right. Hyung, Channie is a free elf, he can leave whenever he wants! But he doesn't want to go and I can't just chase him away! He was homeless and he looked sad, cold and hungry so I made him stay with us for Christmas."


Junmyeon nods hesitantly, processing what he just heard. Is it possible for a free elf to choose to stay enslaved? He doesn’t understand why the elf doesn’t go ahead to live his life with the freedom he deserves. Why does the elf concern himself with Baekhyun, forgoing the liberty?


Baekhyun ignores Junmyeon’s current internal confusion with himself, and makes his way over to the elf. The elf hands him his form right away, seeking for approval from him with the look of a young child.


Junmyeon turns to look at the pair, still perplexed. Sitting side by side on the couch together, Baekhyun tries to teach Channie how to hold a quill properly.


The president sees the admiration in the elf's eyes, the adoration overflowing for Baekhyun in them.


. . .


Channie didn’t wanted to stay in the S.P.E.W office tucked in some far corner of the castle, so Baekhyun took him into his dormitory room, down at the basement near the kitchens, where the Hufflepuff common room and dorms are concealed behind a stack of barrels. The elves working in the kitchens likes the young wizard, so they would offer him his favourite treat sometimes whenever he makes his way across the basement to the common room. They didn’t like Channie though, looking at him with disdain for they see the clothes he has on. They assumed that he is a bad elf, bullying the young wizard into getting him things. He's a disgrace to their kind.


“Channie, don’t take this the wrong way,” Baekhyun begins as he sits on his bed, “but why don’t you go away? You can look for a job here, Hogwarts does pay wages to elves if you ask for it. S.P.E.W can assist you if you need help settling down.”


The elf stops what he’s doing and looks up at the wizard. He was busy folding Baekhyun's freshly laundered clothes into a neat pile when the boy speaks up.


Baekhyun looks apologetic. He tried to phrase it to the best he could, but it just sounded harsh and very much like he's trying to chase the elf away. What he really means is that Hogwarts gives him a better prospect. He can work here, earn a salary, maybe fall in love with one of the female elves and start a family. He knows with Channie's good natured disposition and capabilities, he could easily be promoted to the kitchen elves’ supervisor in time to come if he works there. Or maybe if Channie prefers gardening, the large greenhouse by the hill can always use some help.


Baekhyun doesn't need a house-elf, neither does he need a personal servant. Baekhyun has nothing to give; only some clothes and occasional yummy goodies, and maybe a warm room to share. He's not sure if it is alright to keep the elf in the Hufflepuff's dormitories, and even sharing the secret code to get into the Hufflepuff basement.


The Hufflepuff common room and dormitories are cozy and comfortable. Located in the basement, it is sheltered from the elements - of cold winds, raging rains and sweltering summer heat. Shades of yellow and hues of copper are seen everywhere, all associated with the House. Simple furnitures of rustic browns and blacks are in place, with lumpy beanbags scattered over the floor of the common room for the students to use. There is a large mural of the Hufflepuff’s badger near the fireplace. Baekhyun's room is at the far end of the Boy's dormitory. This year, he got a room all for himself. His roommate ex-roommate had transferred to Durmstrang Institute, so now he's the only occupant of the room.


"Young Mister Byun, did Channie do something wrong? Why do you want Channie to go away? Channie will fold the clothes faster and neater, if Sir, you'll let me stay." The hurt Channie felt was breaking his voice apart, trembling as he begs to stay.


A sigh comes out from the exasperate wizard. Maybe he's been too kind to the elf that he now becomes clingy and overly attached. It's been nearly four months since the elf had lived in his room. The elf was quite a good roommate, although he sleeps on a mat near the door and not an actual bed. The room is still pretty much Baekhyun’s. He's happy to have a him as a companion for days when he misses home, but he can't have an elf following him around. Even if he manages to convince Junmyeon that he's not taking advantage of the elf, by their interactions, one would totally say that it is something between a master and his... servant.


Channie will carry Baekhyun's books as he walks with him to class. He washes his cauldron, vials and bottles after Potions. He kept his room neat and tidy, dusting the tables and shelves whenever Baekhyun was away for lessons. He goes to the Owlery daily to collect mails and letters for him. He fetches Baekhyun his broomstick and waits for him at the Quidditch field before his P.E classes, always remembering to bring water and some grain bars in case he gets hungry after the games. He washes his clothes, he cleans his room, and he tidies his bed. At night, he even makes sure to get him his milk warmed just right and close the curtains to block the chilly night breeze because he knows Baekhyun gets cold easily. Channie's waits to hear the young wizard's soft snores every night before he allows his eyes to close and sleep. That is how the day ends for him.


And Baekhyun couldn't do anything if the elf is always a step ready before him, taking the initiatives, eager to do things. Baekhyun’s day starts when he opens his eyes to soft sunlight filtering through the curtains into the room. He turns to see a basin of lukewarm water placed on the table for him to freshen up; his neatly pressed uniform laid on the chair and his school robes are in the hands of Channie. Even his books and assignments, all arranged accordingly to the lessons he has for that day, are in the elf's possession while he gets himself ready for class. He slips into his well polished shoes, and there the elf is, already by the door. Opened for him and waiting.


Defeated due to his soft heart and from Channie's pitiful sad look, Baekhyun pats the elf's head to comfort the creature.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way." Baekhyun speaks with a comforting tone. He decides to make up to the elf, who has been nothing but terribly nice to him. He crosses the room and gets his sling bag over. Inside, he takes out an antique locket from it, rose gold coloured body embellished with fine carvings and tiny crystals that caught the warm light of the room, glimmering delicately. He lifts the chain up and the elf cranes his neck forward obediently. Channie casts his eyes down on the locket sitting on his chest.


"There, looks good, doesn't it? I got the same one too!" Baekhyun tells Channie and he pulls out the locket hanging around his neck from under his sweater to show him. Baekhyun had gotten the pair of the locket for eight Galleons from a small second-hand shop at the nearby town when his class had to go to for some Herbology research.


Channie flashes a toothy grin to the young wizard, wiping a stray tear away as he clutches the locket in his hand. This, will be something he treasures for as long as he lives.


. . .


Originally, the locket was intended for someone else.


Baekhyun gazes in admiration at the older wizard whizzing past in the air on his broomstick. The Gryffindors are given the field after the Hufflepuffs' practice slot, so he now has a reason to linger behind after watching his House practice; he can easily say he’s waiting for a friend if someone asks. Ever since he saw the attractive male for the first time on the Hogwarts Express, he knows he is infatuated. Baekhyun always tries to make time from his schedule to watch the Hufflepuffs (read: Gryffindors) play.


Just so he can watch the team's swift Chaser.


Luhan is a seventh year student in Hogwarts, belonging to the House of Gryffindor. He is a talented Chaser, a clever student well-liked by many teachers and fellow peers, and also a dutiful prefect for his House.


Baekhyun started harbouring a crush on the elder when the final year student offered him help while onboard the train. Baekhyun was smaller in built than most other wizards of his age, yet he lugged one of the biggest trunks around. He couldn't get his bags into the train carriage, and the dashing youth with an equally dashing smile helped him carry his belongings in. The teenager patted him on his head affectionately and treated him to some Bertie Bott's every-flavour beans before he left his cabin.


(Well, he got rotten-eggs flavoured bean and it kind of spoiled the beautiful moment.)


He tried to give the senior the locket on his birthday last week, but Luhan told him to keep it for himself, requesting for something much simpler if Baekhyun insisted on getting him a birthday gift.


Fretting when he returned to the dorm, he asked Channie for help with baking. He didn't tell the elf anything much, so the elf assumed that Baekhyun just wanted something tasty to eat. They sneaked into the kitchens at midnight and baked a batch of cookies. Channie cleaned up the area all by himself and packed the cookies into packaging when Baekhyun had fallen asleep while watching the oven.


Baekhyun waits in anticipation for the handsome wizard to come to land. He holds the bag of homemade cookies in his hands, as he tries to plan out a smooth conversation in his head. He needs to think of what to say, otherwise he'll just get tongue-tied at a simple (but blinding) smile from Luhan and he'll be letting the opportunity go by. Baekhyun is a shy boy, possessing the traits of a humble and quiet Hufflepuff whenever he's before the confident and suave Gryffindor prefect. He’s not sure if someone so outstanding will ever like such an ordinary boy like him. However, Luhan called him cute before so that must mean something, right?


"Baekhyun! Did you waited long?" The senior lands with precision and skill, his feet gently on the grass. He removes his Quidditch gloves and swings a leg over to get down from his Firebolt V. 69. The sweat on his skin glistens like crystals in the sunlight, and his golden brown locks are pushed back from his face, tied together into a small messy bun. He looks handsome and beautiful, all in simultaneity. Baekhyun wonders how can someone look so perfect and charming even when he's all sweaty. In his fantasy, Luhan would take him flying around on his broomstick to admire the mountains and lakes surrounding the castle.


Baekhyun snaps out of his daydream and shakes his head. The senior ruffles his hair, saying goodbye at the same time to his teammates. He takes a swig of water from his bottle, before guiding the younger boy to the steps.


"You played really well!" Baekhyun praises, face gleaming with his admiration for the Chaser. Luhan chuckles and gives a nonchalant shrug, "I guess consistent practice makes a difference."


Baekhyun gulps down saliva to moisten his dry throat, hoping to calm the nervousness swelling in him. He needs to say something more to the point than idle chatting, something not boring and irrelevant. The hold on the bag of cookies tighten, his slender fingers enclosing the clear plastic material.


"Luhan-hyung! I have something to say." Baekhyun ponders for a moment, considering how he should word it without sounding desperate. There is an upcoming ball for the students, to celebrate about something which Baekhyun doesn't really remember what it is for. The moment he hears the Head of House mentioned something about a dance, his mind drifted away to a slow music, dimmed lights and the dance floor - with the arms of a certain charming senior around him.


Luhan nods, allowing him to continue. However, he looks at his watch a few times, seeming a little distracted and rushed when Baekhyun was living inside his own mind for a little too long.


"This is for your birthday, I hope you'll like it!" Baekhyun passes the cookies over, keeping his head down to hide his creeping blush. The senior student accepts it and picks up his Firebolt from the floor.


Baekhyun bites his lips, alright here goes nothing. Even if he gets rejected, he can pester their lame and single president to go together. But if everything works out and Luhan agrees, this will be the best day of his life. Second best, if the day of the ball is included.


"Hyung, I was wondering if you-"


Baekhyun's words dwindles away when he gets a firm pat on his shoulder from the other male, stopping him from his invitation to the event.


"Listen Baek, I've got to rush!"


Leaving him with that, Luhan speeds away, striding down the castle halls and making a turn for the staircase that leads down to the Dungeons.


Baekhyun stays on the stone steps, sitting quietly as he stares at the bag of cookie by his side, left behind forgotten.


. . .


The ball ends as soon as it came.


Baekhyun got himself drunk. Junmyeon hoists the younger boy up by his armpits, and with the help of Jongdae, they staggered down to the basement. They tried to avoid the aggressive flailing arms (at some point, clingy), craning their heads away to prevent the uncontrollable boy from ranting and sobbing tears into their ears and neck.


Baekhyun had went to the ball as a third wheel for Junmyeon and Jongdae in the end. After that day, he didn't had the chance to catch Luhan alone to talk or ask him out. It was all fine, being alone without a dance partner, he had convinces himself.


But it's not fine when he saw Luhan walking into the great hall with that stink face Slytherin boy. Something snapped inside him when he witnessed the blond Slytherin drop a kiss on the hand of Luhan, which earned the blond a giggle from the older boy.


The Slytherin even had the nerve to smirk at him when he raised his head up and met Baekhyun's eyes. He slips his hand over Luhan's waist and leads him over to the dance floor, and there was mockery from the way he flickered and kept his gaze on Baekhyun occasionally, beckoning; even blowing a kiss over at him once on purpose.


Oh Sehun didn't stop just there. He sent a Slytherin student and made him ask the lonely Baekhyun for a dance.


"May I have a dance with you?" The Slytherin student asked in a refined manner. However, it was all faked politeness when the added, “out of sympathy, spewboy.”


Byun Baekhyun lost control of his emotions and composure, seething with anger and embarrassment. He nearly smacked the boy’s face, but the Slytherin jerk ran away before his hand made contact. The only thing he could do was to take advantage of the free flow alcoholic beverages, otherwise he might run up to the pair and break the nasty face of Oh Sehun, before the eyes of the whole school, in his state of humiliation and jealously. During the last song for the night, he might have accidentally (or purposely) spilled something over Luhan too. He was just really upset at everything and it didn’t helped that he was already drunk. Then he took his time to formulate a suitable hex for the deserving boy while downing alcoholic shots in a corner. He's quite unpredictable and scary when his mood was in the lows.


Channie opens the door immediately to receive the drunk boy into the room. He goes off to get a washcloth and basin ready, while Junmyeon struggles to put Baekhyun down on the bed. Baekhyun is still energetic, in a drunk way. He utters rubbish, then he cries, the next moment he sits up and walk all around the room, sometimes punching into the empty air muttering 'dickhun' or dancing to a sad waltz alone. He keeps calling for a refill, and gets upset with the slow service, Baekhyun drinks the water in the wash basin instead. (Thankfully, Junmyeon grabs the basin before Baekhyun can chug down the whole bowl.)


Jongdae stands awkwardly at a corner of the room, staring at his ex-house elf. He doesn't know where Channie had gone after he presented him a sock. Yet, here the elf is in Hogwarts, dressed from head to toe in casual clothes. The elf is doing better than anyone in the room when it comes to taking care of Baekhyun. He manages to hush him down and leads him to the bed. He pats his back and persuades Baekhyun to go to sleep. Baekhyun starts acting up again, jolting off the mattress and suddenly clinging to the elf while he rubs his tears and snot on him. The elf chuckles airily and Baekhyun's soft black hair, in a rhythm to comfort him. He waits till he's done with his tantrum before he gets him to lie down on the pillow. Finally, Channie takes the washcloth and squeezes it dry, wiping the tear streaked face gently with fondness.


Seeing that his junior is under the elf's good care, Junmyeon takes his leave with Jongdae tailing behind. It was strange how the elf didn't reacted when he sees his old master. He just gave him a polite bow and went to tend to Baekhyun right after.


"Master, drink some water."


Channie lifts Baekhyun up slowly, bringing the goblet to the chapped lips. Baekhyun takes a sip and his raw throat feels much better. The water quells the burning sensation from all the alcohol he had consume one after another. It helps to clear the bitter taste in his mouth, and it certainly helps in making him more relaxed.


"Tell Channie, master. Who did this to you? Who made you cry?"


Baekhyun sniffles and buries himself back under the security of his blankets, sinking into the mattress. His pouted lips quiver slightly just as a face comes into his mind.


"Sehun, that Slytherin scum stupid erected head."


. . .


"Seokkie, have you ever been in love?" Channie asks the kitchen elves’ supervisor as he helps the chubby elf peel some potatoes. Seokkie is much older, he must have experience in love.


"Why? Of course I have." The chubby elf grins, smugness discernible on his face.


"Well, who do you like?"


"You don't know her...” Seokkie answers half-heartedly after some hesitation. Channie follows the other busy elf around the kitchen persistently as he persuades Seokkie to tell him. “She’s the pretty elf by the counter, the one with butcher knife, over there." Seokkie eventually tells him out in annoyance, threatening to hit the pesky elf with a swat of the pan.


"Her? A female elf? What about..." Channie trails off. He can’t explain why he’s disappointed with the answer.


"What about what? Don't tell me you like her too! I'll hate you." The older elf scolds, lips downturn with discontent.


"Of course not, I think might have someone I like. Someone way, way better than your girl!" Channie boasts happily. What’s so good about that female meat-cutting elf? Seokkie’s taste is bad, he thinks. Without awareness, his hand comes up naturally to fiddle with the locket that hangs around his neck.


"Whatever. Get out of the kitchen if you are just here to bother me! You aren't even a school elf to begin with, why are you here all the time?" Seokkie mutters as he dumps the chopped up leeks into the frying pan.


"I'm here because my master is here!" Channie exclaims, sticking out a tongue at the older elf.


Seokkie rolls his eyes at that childish action, turning the knob to bring the stove flame down. “The Hufflepuffs are returning soon, you don't want to be late." He reminds him, before adding a pinch of salt into the food. Seokkie doesn’t pay much attention to Channie because he’s busy preparing a meal for the kitchen crew with some leftovers from the dinner.


"Oh before I go, Seokkie! What is this?" Channie asks innocently, holding up a flask.


Seokkie turns around to look at him. "That's Potated Potato juice, refreshingly tasty to elves, but can be a problem for the humans. You can take some back to try if you want!"


. . .


Luhan barges into the Great Hall the next morning, making his way straight towards the Hufflepuffs’ table.


Baekhyun starts to feel excitement stirring within him with each step closer the senior takes. Luhan still looks heartbreakingly handsome, this time his hair is down and tousled, dressed in black school robes instead of the Gryffindor team colours. Luhan has never look for Baekhyun on his own accord, is it possible that he is doing so now? Did Luhan felt sorry? Did he like him better than that Oh Sehun? Is he here to ask him out?


A small smile settles on Baekhyun’s lips when Luhan stands before him. Yes, he’s really looking for him. He waits patiently, the smile never leaving his face. He's ready for a confession or even a kiss if the senior is bold, just something to sweep him off his feet. In his mind, Luhan will proclaim his raging feelings for him and the hall will rupture into cheers, while some might cry in envy, jealous of the perfect match between them. His heart flutters when he thinks about that.


"What did you do to Sehun!" Luhan grabs Baekhyun by the collar, causing the smaller boy to be jerked off the bench.


Baekhyun looks appalled and confused as all the other Hufflepuffs’ attention are now on them. He’s now embarrassed from the attention. He doesn't know if he's feeling sick from over-eating the delicious hotcakes for breakfast, or from the way the eyes directly looking into his is blazing with wrath. Even though Luhan has never shown any blatant interest in him, at least, there wasn't any time where fury looms over him. Luhan has never looked at him with disdain before, so something bad must have happened. He really doesn’t remember clearly what he did at the ball, he may or may not have done some regrettable things.


"Playing dumb? Come with me to the hospital wing!"


Luhan drags the smaller boy down the hall, striding to the Hospital Wing. Quick footsteps pound onto the stone floors, leaving only echoes behind in this deserted corridor. Baekhyun tries his best to keep up. The hold around his wrist is too tight, like a mental handcuff cutting into his skin that only contracts in when he tries to pull away.


Luhan pushes the huge wooden door open and pushes Baekhyun inside. There isn't much students around, except one or two lying on the beds while the nurses gather the empty trays.


Baekhyun sees him easily. Even with his face swollen to two times the size than before, Baekhyun recognizes that mop of dirty blond hair and skinny flat body.


Oh Sehun's face looked like it has been knocked by a train and slammed onto a table. Or maybe by a lamp post too, just right after, for a greater measure of accuracy on the situation of his face. It is swollen, contorted and ugly. His handsome features are now buried by the swelled cheeks and puffy eyes and bumpy lips. He looks terrible, barely recognizable to others with all the lumps and bumps on his face.


"Neu-ahn, Beek-oon." Sehun croaks out when he sees the two boys, unable to form coherent words with his swollen tongue. Sehun has contracted a serious case of Potatoism, where his face becomes bumpy and round like a large potato. His thin and sharp face becomes lumpy and his tongue is swelling thick and heavy. Also, he has little dry flaky patches over his face, causing the texture of his skin to become rough and dry. His fair skin is now dull and brownish, loosing the radiance. Oh Sehun's face looks like a fresh potato harvested from the ground.


Luhan pats Sehun's hand understandingly, telling him to get more rest. He tucks him into the covers, before pulling Baekhyun aside.


"See what you did?"


Baekhyun shakes his head in confusion, unable to grasp the connection between Sehun's case of Potatoism and himself. He doesn't know what happened to Sehun, and he feels bad for him. Yet he thinks that this temporary change to the Slytherin's cocky and good looking face seems to be a nice retribution since he acted so obnoxious at the ball. After all, Potatoism goes away in a week or two, and it doesn't leave scars unless the scabs are scratched. So it shouldn't be that big of a problem.


"Don't tell me you don't know! Someone saw your elf putting Potated Potato juice into Sehun's bath water in the common bathroom. How can you explain?"


Baekhyun gasps in surprise. His elf? Channie? His brows knits into a frown and he blinks innocently at Luhan, shaking his head to deny the accusation. Instead, it makes Luhan enraged at how Baekhyun seems to push his involvement away by acting dumb. He shoves the smaller boy on the shoulders hard.


"Quit acting, Byun Baekhyun. I don't know why you did this to Sehun, but whatever it is, I am so disappointed in you." Luhan says solemnly, turning his back onto Baekhyun and he walks away to Sehun.


Chapped lips are caught between his teeth, and his hands are curled into tight fists. Baekhyun's vision blurs.


Baekhyun has never come across Dementors in his life, but he guesses this is what it feels like. Maybe it's purely exaggeration on his part because of a newly broken heart, but he does feel depressed, sad and despair - like he will never be happy again.


. . .


"Get out!"


Baekhyun screams, clamping down on Channie's arms and dragging him towards the door. Channie tries to pull away, unwilling to yield because he doesn't want to go. He doesn't want to leave Baekhyun, he wants to stay. His eyes are clouded behind fresh tears, flowing down non stop as apologies leave his lips continuously. He had admitted that he tried to harm the Slytherin wizard when Baekhyun came looking for him earlier for an explanation.


"You are a terrible elf! I spoiled you too much." Baekhyun spits out, tugging the elf with more strength. With a rush of blood to his head, he doesn't even consider how hurtful his words can be. All he knows is that he's upset and he feels indignant. Luhan now hates him for something he didn't do; and Channie is now a dangerous elf capable of harming beings, inflicting dismeanor even without his command. It's contradicting, how he always tells Channie he's a free elf and he can do whatever he wants. Yet, when it all boils down to this, he's furious that the elf acted on his own without his permission. Perhaps, he's mad because the elf is linked to him somehow; they have a relation. The guilt is forced upon him, since he's somewhat responsible for the elf's misconduct. Channie has always been obedient and never did reckless things, and that's probably the real reason why Baekhyun really got upset. It feels like he has given too much trust and freedom to the elf, so now the elf has turned around and commited this misdeed behind his back. He didn't expect the elf to do this, and maybe, beneath all the anger he shows, he's just worried sick for the elf, fearful of what course of action Sehun or Luhan might take to pursue this matter. If anything happens to Channie, Baekhyun knows he is unable to shield or protect him.


It is a complicated feeling that cannot be easily put into words.


The elf resists weakly, but he never dared to be defiant. He doesn't want to go, but he cannot ignore Baekhyun's command, neither can he wrench from the tight grasp on his wrist and stubbornly stays in the room.


They reach the door and Baekhyun slowly drops his hold on the thin wrist. "Channie," he asks for his full attention, even though he's not facing or looking at him.


"Why did you do that?"


The elf swallows thickly and looks up to Baekhyun's cold back with tear-filled eyes. He wants to say something, but he couldn't explain why he did so. It was an invalid reason.


Getting no answer, Baekhyun turns around impatiently, only to sees tears flowing down the large sad eyes. Guilt, mixed with irritation, snaps his composure apart. When the elf looks at him like this, he feels he is heartless and cruel. Yet, he's not the one exactly at fault here, so why is the guilt drowning him? He once wondered if Channie has certain Elfish magic to control his emotions, playing with them and orchestrating them. Laughing at himself for having such irrational thoughts, he decides that he doesn't deserve to deal with such problems. Baekhyun stomps back into his room and grabs random clothing items. He returns to the door and throws them all at the elf, the clothes falling in a pile before Channie's feet.


"Just go."


The door closes on Channie with no hesitation, and that instance, hollowness and despair floods into him. He holds up a fragile hand, putting it on the door separating them. He wants to knock, but he knows he shouldn't make a fuss and annoy Baekhyun anymore. He lets his hands slide down, before looking down onto the wooden floorboards dejectedly.


He couldn't tell Baekhyun that he did all these, just because Oh Sehun made his master cry.


. . .


Channie signs a work contract with Hogwarts. He needs a reason to stay in the school, a reason to stay in the same castle as Baekhyun. Baekhyun has awarded him with clothes, and according to the Elf Laws, he has no reason to stay in Hogwarts, or to stay near him.


He holds the quill like how his ex-master had taught him so, steadying the inked tip over the blank line on the parchment.


Baekhyun feels lonely.


It's been a month since he sent the elf away. He knows Channie is still somewhere in Hogwarts, since he didn't went back to his parents home. Channie couldn't have gone elsewhere, right?


However, he doesn't see him around. Not even once. Living in the Hufflepuff dormitories, the rooms closest to the kitchens, even passing by daily, he still doesn't catch a glimpse of that particular elf. He has no idea where he went, but somehow, he believes the elf isn't far away.


He's right.


The elf has never appeared before him, that was because he was never actually before his sight. Channie lurked in the shadows, following Baekhyun closely, watching over the small wizard. Always exactly three metres away, never standing in the middle of the path, he hid behind the tall pillars and wall edges to stay undetected. Hogwarts has many places to hide - from the large paintings to stone columns, to the many statues and even the display armor suits. It also helps that Channie's height isn't that tall, even though he's taller than most elves, he still comes up only to the thigh area of the average adult wizard.


Channie didn't do anything. He couldn't. He stopped himself when he saw Baekhyun carrying a load of books from the library one evening; he turned away the other time when the short wizard stumbled and tripped over his long robes while rushing for class. He wanted to reach out, yet he didn't dare to make a move. He only did small, insignificant things, ensuring that the young wizard got enough to eat by leaving chocolate bars on his seat or dropping biscuits into his bag. These actions usually go unnoticed.


Channie follows the wizard down to the Great Lake. Winter winds leave chilly scratches across the skin, the weather turning too cold and the air too dry. The leaves have fallen, leaving behind bare branches like upright forks. Fresh layer of first snow covers the ground, just like a soft padded blanket. The colours have muted, the scenery around the castle turns into an unsaturated dullness of whites, greys and blacks.


He hides behind a rock, watching Baekhyun throw pebbles into the lake as the boy sits by the bank. The pebble disturbs the peace of the surface, creating ripples as it sinks down to the bed.


It seems like Baekhyun is waiting for someone.


It isn't long before the Gryffindor prefect staggers down the sloping path. Patches of grass, uneven pebbles and slippery snow make his gait unsteady.


"You were looking for me?"


Baekhyun stands up in a hurry, swatting away dirt on his . He pulls his coat tighter and adjusts his beanie, before clearing his throat nervously.


"Luhan-hyung. It's been awhile..."


Luhan gaze flickers up and he looks at him coldly. Although much of the anger for that incident is gone, there still is contempt present in his eyes.


Baekhyun looks down at his feet, feeling despondent and small. He starts playing with his locket, hoping it would help a little to calm his nerves. He doesn't know why he calls the older boy out today, and even chose such an ill-suited meeting place.


"If you don't already know, I am dating Sehun."


Baekhyun nods, once, twice. He could have guessed so already, even though no one told him specifically until right now. If it was the past, his heart would have shattered into millions of broken shards and he'd most probably be crying for a week or more, wrapped inside his duvets alone in his room. Instead, he takes this news better at present, more willing to accept the rejection. Nevertheless, there is still a lump caught in his throat and his heart falls, unable to avoid dejection. It isn't unfairness he felt, or indignance. It was more of guilt, regret and hopelessness mixed together. Pensive thoughts fill him up.


"If there's nothing, I'll go back now. See you around!" Luhan excuses himself, tucking his hands into his pockets as he makes his way up the hill to the castle. The older boy shivers.


Baekhyun slumps down onto the ground, and tears flows from his eyes unknowingly. Swirls of steam pushes out through his mouth with his uncontrolled breathing. The last thing in this world Channie can resist is to see Baekhyun cry. It is a weakness, a weakness that sprouted ever since he made a promise to himself to keep the beautiful smile on the boy.


The elf is unsure but he takes small, hesitant steps to the boy. He puts a hand on Baekhyun's back, patting in a rhythm to soothe him. The touch is brief.


Baekhyun looks up to see Channie, for the first time after months since the day he made him go. Channie is now dressed in a piece of old rag, barefooted and underdressed for this weather. No longer is he in clothes Baekhyun had bought for him. Channie looks like an ordinary elf now, dressed the same way as the elves of Hogwarts. All except for that antique locket hanging around his neck.


The locket. It is so glaring in his eyes, reminding Baekhyun of his silly unrequited feelings for Luhan and also his responsibility for the elf.


In a pique of anger, Baekhyun tugs at the locket on Channie's neck, breaking the chain. He flings it into the water.


"Don't wear it anymore! It's nothing! Nothing!"


The locket sinks down in a matter of seconds.


So does the elf's poor heart, sinking down with it into the bottom.


It all happens too fast and Baekhyun isn't able to stop the elf. Channie plunges into the water right away, to the exact spot where the locket sank. The freezing water, like ice daggers, stabs into every inch of Channie's body. He gasps from the shock of sudden coldness biting his skin, and air bubbles escapes from his mouth. Underwater, oxygen supply is cut away. It leaves the elf with nothing but his previous gulp of air to sustain himself. Channie isn't a good swimmer, but he tries and he kicks his legs. The lake is murky, with pieces of weed and suspended particles obscuring his vision. After some time, Channie sees the copperish glimmer of the locket, lying on the shallow area of the bed. He has been swimming in the cold waters for awhile now, in search for the only precious thing he ever has. He became unaware of the heaviness in his head, or the stiffness in his limbs, but he could certainly feel the pain in his lungs, crying out for air. Despite that, he continues to dive himself down a little bit more deeper, stretching his arm out to grasp the chain.


. . .


"Wake up Channie! Please, I beg you!"


Baekhyun resurfaces from the cold waters of the Great Lake, flipping Channie's limp body up the bank. Clutched in the elf's stiff hand is the locket, the chain entangling with his fingers.


Baekhyun takes off his padded coat and lays it over the small body, warming the bitter cold limbs of Channie with some friction from his palms. He rubs his cheeks and the scraggy arms, hoping as he did so that there will be some response. The chill down his spine isn’t from the low temperature, he knows. He’s frighten, staring at the unconscious elf and the purplish lips he got from the cold.


Desperate, he gets into position, placing his hands on Channie's chest ready to resuscitate him. He gives it several pumps, checking to see if there is any slight movement. Seeing no response, he tilts the elf's head slightly upward before he presses Channie's nose. He takes a breath and leans down, attaching his lips with Channie's mouth.


He pushes air in.


A frenzied cough follows after the initial splutter. Channie coughs out water from his lungs. Crisp dry air rushes back into them, filling them up and invigorating his senses. He's like a recharged robot, the air that flows into his windpipe is equivalent to the electric currents reviving the robot. He welcomes pain in his lungs and the numbness of his body, because all these sensations tell him that he’s still alive. He opens his eyes slowly, taking time as his foggy mind regains consciousness. He feels the warm wetness on his face and his eyes refocuses, only to see Baekhyun's face hovering above his. He is crying.


"You stupid little elf! You could have die! Why did you do that? I command you to stay with me, I order you to be by my side!"


The elf sits up gingerly. He gives a weak nod, accompanied with a small smile. Feeling the icy metal in his hand, he lets relief wash over him. Channie holds the locket up, looking at the young wizard expectantly with slight nervousness as he slings the chain over his neck. He’s thankful to be alive even after his stupid reckless act. He’s thankful for retrieving his prized possession. But mostly, he’s thankful to see Baekhyun again.


Baekhyun cries uncontrollably, wetting Channie's face even more with the saline liquid. He pulls the elf closer before wrapping the jacket around the both of them, embracing the small body into a warm, tight hug. He's cold too, chilled to his bones; and he's shivering, but nothing can compare to the warmth he felt when the elf's thin arms encircle his waist. Their matching lockets clink against each other with their contact.


. . .


The tall elf and petite wizard sit before the fire place, shuddering a little as their body temperatures returns to normal. Kim Junmyeon paces up and down, a frown nestled between his brows. He is vexed by what had happened, scolding them for doing such thoughtless thing. He still has another problem added on for him by his VP.


"You want me to help Channie revoke his contract with Hogwarts?"


Baekhyun nods glumly, before exchanging a doleful look with the elf. They are sharing a mug of hot chocolate, the creamy sweet liquid a great comfort to their cold bodies. Baekhyun looks up at his president with pitiful eyes, trying to persuade him to help.


"Channie is a free elf that wants to be binded to Young Mister Byun." The elf explains in a meek voice. Christmas is coming, and he wants to go back home with Baekhyun. He wants to follow the young wizard to everywhere, and he’ll love to go back to the cottage where they first met. He misses Mrs. Byun's cooking and Mr. Byun's random outburst of a song. Right now, he doesn't know exactly what feeling it is that he has for the pretty human, but he knows it is significant enough to claim his loyalty and devotion to him. He just want to be to stay by his side and be his close companion. He doesn't need gold, salary, she-elves or a family on his own. Byun Baekhyun is his family and his friend, Baekhyun is more important than wealth or the trivial feelings of love.


(Perhaps, Baekhyun is already considered love.)


He's actually glad that ex-Master Kim abandons him. When one door closes, another opens. Because of that, he gets to meet Baekhyun.


Junmyeon pats the pretty boy on his head with sympathy, eyes softening and expression fatherly. "I'll write to the Housekeeping office dealing with such affairs. Don’t worry, I’ll see what I can do." Baekhyun makes a gleeful sound, leaning his head into Junmyeon’s hand to get his affection. Junmyeon chuckles at the puppy-like behaviour Baekhyun displays. If Baekhyun is an Animagus, he will definitely be a fluffy samoyed pup.


Junmyeon takes out his wallet and searches for his Gringotts Gold Card.


. . .


Capable President Kim couldn't get Channie out of the contract, but he manages to apply leaves for the elf. For all the days a student gets for his vacation, the elf will get the same amount of days. With this benefit, Channie can now go back to the Byun cottage with Baekhyun to spend the holidays.


Christmas comes again and it's a year since they first met on the cottage’s porch. The doormat is still the same, and spoilt Cheesesauce is still as fat as ever.


Baekhyun doesn't have many close friends, but he does have plenty of people interested in him. However, he doesn't need all these attention. He feels contented when doing the most normal, everyday things with the elf.


With an elf he calls his best friend.


They spend most of their time together, and Baekhyun enjoys the carefree and easy relationship they share. On a few occasions, he wonders if he’s doing things correct, or is he actually taking advantage of the camaraderie - since he knows the elf is solely faithful to him and will never let him down like how humans will do. Take Slytherin’s Oh Sehun for example, his playboy ex-boyfriend. The relationship was a regrettable period in his life and he hates to bring this up, so he tells nobody about it. Sehun probably took an interest on him during their first year because he’s good-looking among boys and prettier than most girls, which little dweeby Baekhyun had to thank the Veela blood in his veins. Sehun broke his heart a month later with an unexpected break up, but then he got back together with him again shortly after. He was under the spell of Sehun’s persuasive eloquence, persistent pursuit but most of all (he now admits), he’s just attracted to his face and body. Their relationship keeps going in a cycle of constant break ups and patch backs. Eventually, Baekhyun realised that Sehun has never actually been serious in him. In their third year, the playboy finally lost interest on Baekhyun, ending their relationship once and for all and went to date a pretty Ravenclaw, later on a few others more. Sehun has a total of sixteen exes before Luhan.


Oh well, he might dump Luhan too. Rumors say that the Slytherin boy is in some kind of on-and-off relationship with his roommate Kim Jongin, the same boy who humiliated Baekhyun at the ball. Perhaps this is the 'off' period right now, and soon it'll be 'on' again. Baekhyun knows that both of them are idiots. This is possibly why his seniors advised the Hufflepuff first-years not mingle with the Slytherins, they are complex and are difficult to get close to. Those s mix better among themselves.


You’d think that after ending things with Baekhyun, Sehun would leave him alone. Wrong, Slytherins are never that simple. That head taunted and mocked the petite Hufflepuff whenever he saw him in the halls and corridors of the castle. All throughout his fourth year, Sehun called him ‘spewboy’ and sang him ridiculous songs he made up for him and S.P.E.W. Yet, he didn’t have the guts to do the same to Junmyeon though. The Slytherin was aware of his president’s affluent family of purebloods and that his parents were in powerful positions in the Ministry. So the quiet Vice President was the best target to make fun of. Nobody in school takes Baekhyun seriously when he gets angry, because really, in their eyes, the petite wizard was just too cute to look upset.


That night before bed, Baekhyun and Channie sits across each other, cross-legged.


"Open yours first!" Baekhyun urges, impatient with anxiousness.


Channie blushes lightly under Baekhyun's scrutiny while he is tearing the paper with clumsy fingers. The wrapping paper comes off to reveal a hideously knitted sweater, with a large 'C' embroidered in the middle.


"I made this for you! Like it?" Baekhyun confesses with pride. He pricked all ten of his slender fingers while doing all the sewing and knitting, but he thinks his sincerity is conveyed with each stitch and thread.


(He doesn't dare to admit to Channie that he had given up halfway and kinda freestyled his way with the needle through the loops and yarn, ignoring all the basic or crucial steps to knitting.)


Channie slips the sweater on his body right away. He couldn't hide the smile spreading on his lips when he the sewn alphabet lovingly.


"Baekkie, open yours too!"


Baekhyun unties the ribbon and lifts the lid off the box. Sitting snugly inside is a polaroid camera, in Baekhyun's favourite colour of sky blue. His eyes lights up with delight and amazement, taking out the camera to admire it. He flashes a grateful smile, bright and wide. His eyes crinkles prettily from the smile, stars appearing in the them.


"How did you buy this?" Baekhyun asks in puzzlement as he turns the camera around to fiddle with the settings.


"My salary from Hogwarts! I asked kind President Kim to take my Galleons to a money changer at Diagon Alley, and Mr Byun helped me get it from the muggle malls, since..." Channie stops in the middle of his recount, and gestures at his incredibly large ears. He hasn't forgotten that's he's an elf, a magical creature; therefore restricting him from appearing before muggle shoppers.


Baekhyun wipes a stray tear from his eyes. He's touched by the things the elf does for him, and how well he knows his likes and dislikes. Now he feels ashamed of his ty Christmas gift.


He loads the films and switches the camera on.


"Come here!" Baekhyun calls out, the polaroid camera ready in his hand.




The film develops and Channie peers at the photo in the white frame.


His ears are so large that they could not fit fully into the photograph. He looks awkward, eyes closed halfway because of the camera flash. He was also looking at some other direction and not into the lens. (He's never taken a picture before so he didn't know where to look at.) On the other hand, Baekhyun looks absolutely gorgeous. His head is tilt to an ideal angle, his smile is sweet while he looks into the camera, capturing his pretty eye-smile. The contrast of the two subjects bounded by the white frame is a vast difference, yet they complement so well, creating a balance of harmony even with their differences. Being or creature, they both looked happy in the photo together. The wizard and the elf are glad to have each other.


. . .


5th August, Potato Pie Day.


The kitchens are empty, except for one or two elves baking their own version of potato pies. One benefit of a Hogwarts kitchen elf is the free access to all the ingredients and kitchen facilities. This is just one of the other few rules implemented in the school which S.P.E.W had actively worked for to establish.


Channie opens the oven and puts in the homemade potato pie carefully. He specially added Baekhyun's favourite cucumbers into the potato and stewed beef filling, before laying the knead pastry over the circular baking pan to be send for the oven. He returns over to the table, hopping onto a high stool and starts reading a cookbook while he waits for his pie to bake.


It's a tradition in the town of Hogsmeade, where families would make potato pies on this day to commemorate the occasion. It was quite silly, how the origins of this tradition started. Nobody actually remembers the story behind it, as the potato pies has been the main focus ever since. Even so, who wouldn’t look forward to a day where the smell of freshly baked, mouthwatering pies fills the morning air?


Baekhyun sneaks into the kitchens after breakfast at the Great Hall. He lightly hammers Channie's head, before messing up the golden locks of the engrossed elf.


Channie beams when he sees Baekhyun, abandoning his book as he holds the wizard’s hand immediately. He gets down from the kitchen stool and leads Baekhyun over to the large oven at the corner to show him his pie.


Baekhyun has to bend a little lower to peer through the glass of the oven. The orange glow illuminates their faces and the slow heat radiates, gently touching their skin with warmness. Inside of the oven, Baekhyun can see a large pie in the middle, basking under the warm glow, slowly baking its way to utmost perfection.


Baekhyun turns to his right and looks at Channie, his gaze full of admiration, fondness and pride.


. . .


Baekhyun walks out of the classroom and bumps into a strong chest. His books scatter on the floor and a pair of hands help him to pick them all up. The person is much taller than he is, and Baekhyun isn’t feeling exactly pleased. He is eighteen this year but he doesn’t look like one because of his smooth supple complexion and his height. Height, he decides, is the main culprit. Rubbing his head, he looks up and sees a boy smiling widely down at him, teeth set in two neat rows, bright eyes partially covered by his long golden fringe cascading down to frame his adorable face. There’s something really familiar about this boy, but Baekhyun can’t exactly tell what it is.


The boy sneezes all of a sudden and he rubs his nose bashfully, large ears that stick out going pinkish red.


Baekhyun gives the strange boy a once-over, who does nothing but looks on dreamily and smiles at him dumbly, before he takes his books and notes from the boy’s hands. He mumbles thank you and turns his head away to leave in hurry. Final year for Baekhyun in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has came. There are so many tests coming up and so much to study for. He really has no time to waste. Thankfully, whenever he’s studying till the wee hours of the morning, he has someone always there by him - someone who makes calming herbal tea and his favourite snacks, abandoning sleep along with him and staying up together.


The boy leaves a lovelorn long glance in the direction Baekhyun went. He reaches into his pocket and his fingers comes in contact around a metal body. He squeezes the locket inside his palm.


He sneezes.


Nervously, the boy pulls out a flask from under his coat and he gulps down the solution inside. He shudders a little at the nauseating taste, but he keeps the liquid in his mouth and forces it down his throat because he knows, its all worth it.


He sneezes again.


He really needs to tell the witch to fix this concoction as he’s experiencing some side effect. Nevertheless, he’s extremely thankful for this... plastic surgery in a bottle. It’s a new invention by Jung Soojung, one of the smartest witch the House of Ravenclaw ever had. The witch is interested in Beauty and Cosmetics, so with the entrepreneurial spirit in her, she starts a simple shop at Diagon Alley with her older sister. Jessica & Krystal sells cosmetics and beauty products; the girly looking shop is hard to miss with all the pinks.


This special potion allows Channie to choose how he wants to look like, or how long he wants the magical effect to last, simply by adjusting the ingredients and adding some amount of Soojung’s own magic powder. His preferred concoction - a specifically customized formula - enables him to stay as a 185 cm tall human boy till the evening, just around the time when Baekhyun finishes his classes.


He bumped into Soojung accidentally one night when the adventurous witch was sneaking around in the kitchens, looking for ingredients to experiment with. Unaffected even though she was caught, Soojung shrugs it off and coolly makes him an offer. Basically, he is now her guinea pig for this new product. Soojung had guaranteed no threat to his life when she tested the potion on him. So far, everything goes relatively well, except for his constantly itching nose.


From that day onwards, Channie has a secret he hides from Baekhyun. This secret is none other than the mixture in his flask, murky grey liquid, effervescing with golden bubbles - the Revolutionary Polyjuice Potion: Make Me Gorgeous! from Krystal by Krystal Jung.

Channie sneezes, yet again.




Author's notes on the next page -->

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Chapter 4: Waaat that's it>< man! i wish there would be more
Chapter 4: throughout the story i was imagining harry and dobby and i was like NOPE I CAN'T IMAGINE DJJSSJAKAK BUT STILL THIS STORY IS STILL CUTE!!
Chapter 4: This is so adorable, I don't even know what to say ><
It's nice to read about Hufflepuff Baekhyun for a change and omg elf Channie! It was fun reading something different for a change and I can only think about how cute it was. Thank you for writing this amazing story, I really liked it *^^*
Chapter 3: "Da ?" Was exactly my reaction when I realized that Chanyeol was an elf like "OMG what's going on?"
This is lke the most creative and original thing that I've ever read and I'm kind of amazed by Hufflepuff!Baek (in the fic I read he was either a Slytherin or a Gryffindor) and Elf!Chanyeol (Holy gosh I actually started crying of laughter when he spoke of himself in third person or at realization of him being bald, which he is not- thanks Merlin)
Potato Sehun for the win!




your writing has improved so so so much (not that it wasn't already awesome before)

i don't even know what to say? i don't deserve this omg? its too goood ;; YOU REALLY MADE ME CRY YOU KNOW with Baek being a jerk to chan and chan giving his everything to baek (and cries at the oh sehun here omg ahahah) IT FELT LIKE I WAS REALLY READING AN AUTHENTIC HP STORY OH MY GOD. ;A;

sorry you know how stupid i am w conveying my thoughts lol and so this comment will just be an incomprehensible chunk of feels but REI REI REIIIIIIIII BELIEVE ME WHEN I TELL YOU THAT THIS IS AWESOMEST

(but tbh its second only to oh sehun suffering from Potatoism OH MY GAH AHAHAHAH)

idk what else to say. pls take my heart. i love you forever. one of the best ever fic ive read and AWESOEMST BIRTHDAY PRESENT. HUHUUHUHUHUHUHU thank you so much oppa. ;u;
Chapter 4: Ah... a story where Baek is (finally) taller than Chan XD jk.
It. Was. Great. I'm not a huge fan of HP, but it's fun to read about this au.
I like this. A lot. Thank you :)
nurzuwaida #9
Chapter 4: the dobby is cute omg i really enjoy reading this
soulpreme #10
Chapter 4: i can feel the love for yeol even tho he was a dobby-kind-of elf rather than a legolas-kind-of elf in the story lol

oh i wish there's some fairygodmother that could turn him into human (like pinnocchio) bc he's such a sweetheart i cannot contain my feels, like when baek throw him away i felt like i was the one being thrown into a trash bin

thank you for writing this!