Subway Line No. 2


Pairing: Mino/Taehyun



This fic was inspired by WINNER's 100 Q&A here.

So I thought, what if they might have pass each other by, on Line 2, but as complete strangers? 




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pretenditsanicename #1
Chapter 1: awwe this is soooo cute <3
geezsrsly #2
Chapter 1: This is so fullfilling. Much fluff
nadhzakira #3
Chapter 1: i like it <3 the kind of mundane adorable love story which i really like :'')) pure sweetness
Chapter 1: thank you so much for continuing this story and for your hard work, overall! it's too asjdkadjkas <333 I LOVE IT! I'd love to read more of your works...maybe namsong even ;) <3
Vickun #5
Chapter 1: Oh my god this is adorable! You should totally continue writing this as a chaptered fic~!
Chapter 1: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH this is totally overly unbelievably cute. <3 It makes me feel guilty that my shortfic is so short. <3 *inspiring
Chapter 1: So i just finished read the first namsong fic in my life and this is too cute, i feel so fluffy and smiling when read it. Nice rie ! I love the way you elaborate the story, how you describe the details, you're very detailed tbh. It was neat and nice, you described it well ! How Mino's develop his feelings toward Taehyun but still on the edge, he's like a loyal dog to him and its sweet when Taehyun open himself little by little. And eventhough this is a one shot, you build up the story events by events, which is nice (again). I like this hehe :')
lingzw87 #8
Chapter 1: I love this one shot! Very nice and well written!! I like how fluffy it is! Oh my feels!! Can totally picture them in person as i read it!! Love it! Off to re-read again!
hotmess1223 #9
Chapter 1: i like it. thanks!
14181027ngp #10
Chapter 1: Omg this is cute! ♡