Oh Sehun

100 Days
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Luhan opened the book.

“Oh Sehun?” He read.

“See you again then, Luhan. Good luck.” She said and disappeared.


Once again, the darkness covered Luhan's vision.


When he woke up again this time, he quickly recognized the place. He was in a hospital room.

His eyes fluttered open.

He heard sobs beside him.

"Baekhyun." Luhan said.

Baekhyun was crying with Chanyeol hugging him.

"Baekhyun-ahh." Luhan called again.

Baekhyun seemed not to hear him.

Luhan then reached his hand to grab Baekhyun's hand. But Baekhyun's hand was holding his hand.


Luhan sat up.

When he looked back at the bed, another him was laying there.

Luhan was beyond shocked. He fell from the bed.

"What is this?" Luhan was trembling.

Slowly, he stood up and looked at the crying Baekhyun.


He was sure Baekhyun could hear him this close, but Baekhyun didn't seem to do so.

"Chanyeol. Chanyeol-ahh. I'm here." Luhan screamed.

Chanyeol also didn't seem to acknowledge him.


Luhan reached out to touch Chanyeol. He failed.

Luhan's mouth was open, nothing came out.

Luhan shook his head.

"Am I dead?"


Suddenly, an unfamiliar face came to his mind.

“You’re not supposed to die today. Since you’re a really nice guy, you will have a chance to live again.”

Luhan chuckled.

"I'm not supposed to die."

"Then I'm alive?"


“You will have two choices. One, you complete the mission before 100 days and come back alive or two, you fail the mission and die.”


"Ohh.. The mission." Luhan said and wiped his tears.

He looked at Baekhyun and smiled bitterly.

"I'll come back soon, Baekhyun-ahh."

He then looked at Chanyeol lovingly.

"Wait for me, Chanyeol-ahh."


"The book. the book." Luhan mumbled.

"She gave me a book. Where is it?"

"Where is it?"

"Where are you, bookie?"

Luhan looked around.

On the small table, he saw a small book.

"Hohoho. There you are."

Luhan went to take it.

When he opened the book, he saw a photo on the first page.


There was also description with it.

"Oh Sehun. 18 years old. A high school student at Thunder High School. Currently living alone. No parents. Very quiet." Luhan read.

"It's that headphone boy."

"So, his name is Oh Sehun? Sehunnie?" Luhan nodded.

"Where is he?"

"Ohh there is address too."

Luhan read the address and smiled.

"Oh Sehun, I'm coming." Luhan put the pocket book into his pocket.

He was still wearing his clothes from before the accident.

"Baek. Chanyeol. Wait for a little while." Luhan threw a last glance at Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

Chanyeol was still comforting a crying Baekhyun. Chanyeol looked so sad too.

"For the time being, please take care of Baekhyun, Chanyeol-ahh." Luhan smiled a little and walked out of the room.

When he reached for the door knob. He failed.

He tried again. Failed.

Tried again. Still couldn't.

"Aiiisshhh this is frustrating." Luhan grumbled and bang his head to the door.

"Ohh?" Luhan was startled.

His head didn't hit the door.


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296 streak #1
Chapter 3: finally Sehun want to help luhan,,,,ahh I hope they can be closer :D :D :D
296 streak #2
Chapter 2: Sehun is really shock,,,,and run away,,,
luhan saved you,,,why are you run away from him, sehun~~~~
296 streak #3
Chapter 1: Luhan really soooooo nice to people and hurt himself,,,,
poor him,,,he's not supposed to die because he's so kind~
ainanilla #4
Chapter 1: Wow......first chapter.......amazing.
Chapter 6: ahh, I'm not sure if I should post this here but since I saw you update I was like okay, why not?
omg, recently I got into seventeen and when I saw the images of woozi and hoshi (I hopefully did not butcher their names if I did I'm so sorry) I was like omg precious babies. they're just so cute!!! woozi is like a little puppy omg.
but that's off topic and good luck with the contest and congrats on your accomplishment!!!:)
sir_harold #6
Chapter 6: Wow....the storyline sure interesting. I luv to see guilty sehun. Hurhuehue and poor Luhan.

Sometimes, being kind is so hard. Not everyone will appreciate it. I admire luhan in here.
DevilNextToYou #7
Is Luhan or Baekhyun chanyeol boyfriend lol
And he has 100 days to live?
galaxiez_princess #8
Chapter 1: "galaxiez_princess thank you for reading this dear ;)" omg this is really scary
galaxiez_princess #9
Chapter 1: Wtf omg why does the first omg it has my user name how tf omg wtf