Doing Good Is Good For You

100 Days
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"No... No... I... I have homeworks to finish. Goodbye." Sehun said quickly.

He then ran out of the room.

Luhan looked at the closed door sadly.

"I... really want to come back alive."


Sehun would be a big fat liar if he said he didn't feel guilty after he heard that.

But he didn't want to admit that.

"It's not even my fault."

Sehun ran as quick as he could.

Finally, he arrived at his small apartment.

He was panting hard.

He quickly came to his apartment and locked the door.

He leaned at the door, still panting.

He closed his eyes.

Luhan's face soon came to his mind.

"No." He thought.

"I should take a bath and do my homeworks." Sehun nodded.

he then went to take a bath.

After that he cooked himself a simple dinner.

He cooked alone, ate alone and washed the dished alone.

He then went to his bedroom to do his homeworks.

It was 8 P.M. already.

Sehun began to do his homeworks.

He had quite a lot, from math to history.

But who were you kidding? He was a scholar.

He could finish his homeworks in less than an hour.

It was too early to sleep.

He then went to lay down on his bed.

He closed his eyes.

"I... really want to come back alive."

Luhan's sad voice was ringing in his mind.

Sehun shifted uncomfortably.

He opened his eyes and stared at the the ceiling.

"Even though he saved me, it's not my fault."

Sehun remembered the way Luhan pushed him away.

He gulped.

"It should've been me."

He sat down and ruffled his hair in frustration.


Sehun heaved a long sigh.

"I'll just help him with his mission."

Sehun then got up and changed his clothes.

He grabbed his jacket and walked out.

He locked his apartment door.

"Should I really?"

Sehun bit his bottom lip.

"I... really want to come back alive."

"Okay. Okay."

Sehun then walked to the hospital.


When Sehun arrived at the hospital.

The lady at the receptionist told him that the visiting hours had ended.

"You should come back tomorrow. The visiting hours will start at eight."

"Thank you." Sehun said.

"Since I'm here already, I won't come back with nothing." Sehun thought while walking out.

"Visiting hours?" Sehun scoffed.

He walked in again.

He bowed to the lady and walked to the long hall way.

He looked back.

There was no one.

He then walked to Luhan's room.

He looked around. No one.

He then opened the door and walked in quietly.

He huffed when he realized that he just sneaked in to Luhan's room.


Sehun only saw the unconscious Luhan--Luhans body.

He walked to the bed.

He stared at the body.

"Where is he?"

Sehun looked around.

"Where can he be?"

Sehun pouted.

"Should I just come back tomorrow?"

"Aiisshhh... I come to help and he isn't here."

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296 streak #1
Chapter 3: finally Sehun want to help luhan,,,,ahh I hope they can be closer :D :D :D
296 streak #2
Chapter 2: Sehun is really shock,,,,and run away,,,
luhan saved you,,,why are you run away from him, sehun~~~~
296 streak #3
Chapter 1: Luhan really soooooo nice to people and hurt himself,,,,
poor him,,,he's not supposed to die because he's so kind~
ainanilla #4
Chapter 1: Wow......first chapter.......amazing.
Chapter 6: ahh, I'm not sure if I should post this here but since I saw you update I was like okay, why not?
omg, recently I got into seventeen and when I saw the images of woozi and hoshi (I hopefully did not butcher their names if I did I'm so sorry) I was like omg precious babies. they're just so cute!!! woozi is like a little puppy omg.
but that's off topic and good luck with the contest and congrats on your accomplishment!!!:)
sir_harold #6
Chapter 6: Wow....the storyline sure interesting. I luv to see guilty sehun. Hurhuehue and poor Luhan.

Sometimes, being kind is so hard. Not everyone will appreciate it. I admire luhan in here.
DevilNextToYou #7
Is Luhan or Baekhyun chanyeol boyfriend lol
And he has 100 days to live?
galaxiez_princess #8
Chapter 1: "galaxiez_princess thank you for reading this dear ;)" omg this is really scary
galaxiez_princess #9
Chapter 1: Wtf omg why does the first omg it has my user name how tf omg wtf