Meet Eva Cheung

Septimal Moon | LOVELESS & Facebook based RP | We have CAT EARS and lots of spots available! | Come and join us~

"I am insensitive, I have a tendency to pay more attention to the things that I need."
Age 24
BN: Ambivalent 
Bound to: Lee Hyeri
Cat ears: Yes
uality: Biual
Flashback: 2 Hours Old.
"There's been an accident. Sir? Mr. Cheung? Mr. Cheung!" Officer Benny Yau said in exasperation. Mr. Cheung kept quiet, without officer Yau saying it he knew what happened. For the last two hours he felt like something was wrong. It was like an itch in his stomach that he just couldn't scratch, he tried calling his wife all day but none of them went through. "Your wife didn't make it..." The itch turned painful, like it was finally scratched with a chainsaw. "...But the baby survived." Officer Yau finished, but Mr. Cheung already tuned out. He couldn't cope with this. He had been with his wife since they were thirteen, when they bonded. How was he supposed to cope with this now? "Leave." He stated, looking up at the officer. "But Mr. Cheung, You need to come in..." Yau replied, furrowing his brows slightly. "I said leave!" Mr. Cheung slammed the door in the officer's face. Yau sighed and shook his head. He'd have to go back to the hospital, come back later to speak with Mr. Cheung. His inexperienced partner was with the baby so he has to go relieve the other from his duty of taking care of the poor girl. As Yau was walking to his patrol car he heard a gunshot behind him. His eyes widened as he slowly turned around. "Mr. Cheung?" He called out before running to the door and turned the knob. The door was unlocked. He didn't waste anytime rushing inside; right by his feet lay Mr. Cheung on the ground. The man attempted to shoot himself, but he narrowly missed and was still alive in a pool of his own blood. Yau pulled out his walkie and called for an ambulance. He rushed to the dying man's side and pressed his hand to his wound. Mr. Cheung looked up at Yau with eyes more clear then what they were before. "Do I have a son or daughter?" Mr. Cheung struggled out, a drip of blood running out from the corner of his mouth. "You have a beautiful baby girl." Yau whispered in response. "A daughter? That's what her mother wanted. A little girl." Mr. Cheung attempted to laugh but just managed to spit up blood and stain his white polo. "Name her Eva, okay? After her grandma." He added, his voice got weaker with every strain as he forced himself to speak. Yau just nodded in response, he would make sure the baby's name was Eva. Mr. Cheung let out a small smile before his eyes went flat and he went limp. It was the first time that Yau watched a person die, see the blank look of a fresh corpse. He heaved a sigh and closed the man's eyes. He looked peaceful now, his lips still forming a smile. if it wasn't for the blood he could have looked like he was sleeping. Slowly Officer Yau stood up, sirens could be heard in the background, slowly approaching.
  Fastforward: Age thirteen.  
Eva traced a fingertip down the grave stone in front of her. She didn't come here often, she didn't know her birth parents. Though, she seemed to find a sense of peace while looking at the names of the people who created her. She was taken in by Officer Benny Yau and his kind wife. They told her the story of her real parents, how her mother died in a car accident, and her father's suicide. "Today my teacher told me to stay home from school tomorrow because everyone is bringing in their fathers. They forget I have Officer Yua." She said sadly, she hated how everyone pitied her.  She didn't even know her birth parents, she didn't feel any sadder about these two graves then she did about any other grave in the small cemetery. She mostly felt curious. What were the people that made her like? Would she have gotten along with them? Their friends didn't speak about them, and she didn't know the rest of her family. "Hey Eva..." Came a voice behind her. Eva turned to spy one of her classmates, Sarah Lao. "Hey there." Eva smiled cheerily before noticing the roses in the other girl's arms. "Are you here... visiting someone?" Eva asked awkwardly. Sarah nodded. "My mom died last year, remember?" Sarah replied sadly. Eva did remember, it was a terrible time. There was an oil fire at one of the factories, many people lost their lives that day. "Mind if I join you?" Eva asked, standing up and dusting off her pants. "But aren't you visiting your parents?" Sarah asked with a light tilt to her head. "My parents are strangers to me." Eva responded and let Sarah lead the way, which he calmly did. "I don't know how you do it. Having both your parents gone..." Sarah mused sadly. "It's not that bad. I mean, I don't know them. Sometimes I wish they were here so I can learn who they are but I don't care either way. It would be harder for you, loosing someone after living with them for so long..." Eva trailed off and looked over at Sarah. They never had more then a light conversation, even though they had been in the same class for three years in a row now. Sarah stopped at a grave and knelt down, placing the flowers down. Sarah was quiet for a few minutes before bursting into tears. Eva didn't know what to do, she was never around anyone crying so violently. After a while she knelt down beside Sarah and took the shaking girl in her arms, running her hands through her hair. Eventually, Sarah calmed down to mere sniffles and Eva began to speak to the grave, to the woman that lay under it. "You have a very strong, pretty daughter, Ms. Lao. You should be proud of her, where ever you are." Eva's words made Sarah lift her head and look at her. "Thank you." Sarah mouthed at her, making Eva smile. They embraced and sat like that for hours.
Fastforward: Age Sixteen
Eva stood emotionless in the Hospital room. The machine made a constant buzzing sound before the nurse unhooked it and a bitter silence filled the room.  Suddenly Naomi Yau screamed and grabbed her husband's cooling hand as she cried. Eva felt numb, she couldn't take this. Officer Benny Yau was her father, her friend. He couldn't die on her. Why would he do that? Through the wave of uneasiness Eva felt a hand slip into hers. She looked over to her right, there stood Sarah. She held onto Eva's hand tightly for support. Eva wrapped her arms around her best friend and cried, her warm tears soaked Sarah's shirt. They stood there, hugging, like they did years ago when they became friends. "Eva baby, lets go, you don't need to stay here." Sarah whispered in her ear. That seemed to be the thing Eva needed to hear and she nodded. Slowly, Sarah lead her out of the room and outside the hospital. The starch cold air felt good as it clawed down Eva's throat. Her eyes were red and puffy already from crying. Sarah pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket and began to dab at Eva's eyes gently. "Sarah..." Eva trailed off, her voice cracking slightly. "Yes Eva?" Sarah replied calmly. Sarah had a tear in the edge of her eye, she was trying to be strong. Strong for Eva. Over the last three years of them being friends Sarah and Benny Lau became quite close, he became like a second father to her. This must have hurt her as well, and probably brought up bad memories for her. "Thank you. Thank you for everything. And, I finally know what it was like for you all those years ago." Eva whispered in a strained tone. That was the words that made Sarah break. The tears started down her face as the girls embraced again.
Fastforward: Age eighteen
Eva sat in front of her vanity table, looking in the mirror. Her pink hair was done up in tight little curls and she applied a thick layer of makeup. Tonight was the night of homecoming and she looked absolutely stunning in her silver dress and matching strappy heels. She was going with Jeremy Gao, a boy in her class. She didn't speak to him much but he asked her and she decided 'why not?' The person she really wanted to go with wouldn't agree, besides, it would be absurd if two girls when to homecoming together. Eva sighed and looked at the picture of Sarah and herself she had tapped to her mirror. It was during summer and they were both at the beach in bikinis. It was that day that Eva started questioning her uality. She grew very fond of Sarah, in more ways then Sarah felt for her. These feelings scared her but she chose to ignore them, she wouldn't destroy their friendship for something she wasn't even sure of. "Eva, Sarah's here!" Naomi called up to her. Eva smiled brightly, instantly becoming happier. "Send her up, I'm almost ready!" Eva called back, finishing with her lip stick. A minute later Sarah came into the room. She was in a beautiful blue strapless dress. "Wow, you look so pretty!" Eva smiled, making Sarah laugh. She had a nice laugh. "You look even more gorgeous." Sarah replied as Eva stood up, embracing her friend. Sarah pulled back and smiled at her. The next few second went by quickly in a mass of confusion. Eva wasn't sure which of them initiated it but suddenly Sarah's soft lips were against hers and she was kissing her back. Eva's arms wrapped around Sarah's petite waist while Sarah's hands were in Eva's hair. They couldn't tell how long this make out session lasted but suddenly Naomi was calling up again. "The boys came!" Eva and Sarah quickly drew apart and stared awkwardly at each other. "Your lipstick is smudged." Eva pointed out, making both girls laugh. They rushed to the vanity stand to fix their make up quickly.
Fastforward: Age

Eva returned to her hometown for the first time since she left for college after high school. She greeted Naomi and they had a tearful reunion. Now she stood in front of the house of Mrs. Sarah Gao. Eva and Sarah soon lost contact with each other when they both went their separate ways. While Eva decided to go to college to become a teacher, Sarah stayed home- and apparently got married to Jeremy Gao, Eva's old homecoming date.  Eva sighed gently and knocked on the door. Sarah opened the door with a baby in hand. "Eva?" Sarah asked in confusion before smiling brightly. "I thought I'd never see you again!" She exclaimed, making Eva laugh. They embraced each other the best they could with the baby. "Come in come in!" Sarah stepped back so Eva could enter the house. "You have a baby! A beautiful little girl!" Eva said proudly and smiled. "We do! Jeremy and I decided to name her Eva, Do you like it?" Sarah replied, a small hum in her voice. Eva felt a surge of pride. "I love it." She replied with a smile. "Your hair is still pink." Came a male voice behind her, it was Jeremy. "Well, I think it suits me, don't you?" She replied, flashing him a smile. He returned it before wrapping his arm around his wife. They looked good together. "I thought you were still in school? What happened?" Sarah asked and furrowed her brows. Eva's smile turned sad. "I'm finished school. This is my goodbye. I am leaving Hongkong." Eva replied quietly. Tears sprung into Sarah's eyes. "Forever?" She asked quietly. Her tears made Eva tear up. "Maybe.." Eva whispered back. as if sensing it, Jeremy took little Eva from Sarah and the two friends embraced one another.
Fastforward: Present
Eva peered up at the seven voices academy and let out a small sigh. She was finally here. Her first teaching job. She held her chin up high as she walked through the front doors. 
Personality: Eva is proud of who she is. She is hard to bring down and tough. The loss of Benny Yau and Sarah Lao/Gao guarded her heart, she isn't one to fall in love easily, or even get entirely close with anyone. She makes friends easily despite this though, her outgoing nature makes her likeable. She tends to be slightly hyperactive outside the classroom but takes her job as a teacher seriously and quickly changes her attitude. 
Eva Cheung
"I'll take years off my life, before I take life off of my years."


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Name: Heo Minseon (Way)
Group: Crayon Pop
Fighter/Sacrifice: Fighter
Age: 24
uality: Biual, leaning towards women.
Password: Fighters are more likely to be submissive.
Bio: Can I give one when I join? I'm on mobile right now--
~ Min Yoongi
~ Sacrifice + with cat ears
~ 18
~ Gay
~ Submissive
~ When Yoongi was at the age of 3, he had a vision that he was to be placed somewhere that he was destined, but as a child, knowing nothing at all, he just let it slip and did nothing about it. When he reached his teenage years, his parents told him that they will support him in every decision he makes, even if it takes risking his life. Yoongi once again had the vision, though it was blurry in such, he had a feeling that he needed to go that place. Not 3 days after the vision, he told his parents that he would go and be on an adventure, to where ever his feet will lead him. Yoongi was already walking on the streets until he arrived at a glorious building, with a sign Seven Voices Academy, without regretting and hesitating, he entered the academy and did whatever was needed.
kpopwannabe101 #4
Chapter 3: Jaejoong
Sacrifice /I cant remember about that cat ears orz no cat ears means you have had right? Because if so hes a -- so he wouldn't have ears if thats the case./
fighters are more likely to be submissive
/May I please submit a bio when accepted? Im on mobile at the moment/
+Park Hyungseok
+Sacrifice + cat ears
+Fighters are more likely to be submissive
+Hyungseok ran away from home at the age of 15 because of his abusive parents and lived on the streets until he was taken in by an old married couple when he was 16. When he turned 18 he left their house to do something with his life,he had many jobs but got fired at all of them because of his clumsiness. After awhile of getting fired at every job he got he decided to enrolled into a strange school,Seven Voices Academy. ( I dun even know ;u; heh )
--pcyans #6
NAME: Wu Yifan // Kris Wu
GROUP: Actor/Soloist (sobs)
FIGHTER OR SACRIFICE: Fighter + no cat ears ≖‿≖
AGE: 22
UALITY: Homoual
PASSWORD: Submissive
BRIEF CHARA BACKGROUND: Yifan had grown up in a wealthy family, considering he was the eldest heir to his father's company. As a child, however, he was neglected by his workaholic father while his mother stayed home and tried to keep him as happy as possible. When he was 12, his mother became pregnant with his younger sister, then died at childbirth. His father became depressed and began to drown himself in his work, barely having any time to spend with his two kids. With all of the weight that had been put on his shoulders, he left his sister in his aunt's care and decided to do something else with his life, and (after attempting to be an artist and failing) soon enrolled himself into Seven Voices Academy.
NAME: Kim Jonghyun
AGE: 24
PASSWORD: Submissive
BRIEF CHARA BACKGROUND: I'd elaborate more on a full profile later. Just some points.
- Abused through childhood to preteens by father for various reasons.
- Mother passed away through the middle of the abuse time period, leaving him alone.
- Father dumped him off to the side of the road one day after driving him home from school.
- Wandered about until he found himself at Seven Voices Academy
- Trains as a Fighter from age sixteen until now. Hard to do so as he often fights with other classmates and has no Sacrifice.
- Rowdy and cold upfront because he built that personality due to the abuse; he doesn't want to be weak.
- Very dominant despite being a fighter as he wants to be strong and have other person weak because of him. He would bottom if he has to, or if tied down.
RachelBunny #8
Hello. Um...Krystal here.
I apologize for saying this, but I don't think I can be active anymore.
My parents have put me on an electronics ban, so I can come on only once in a while until I can get them back.
orz I apologize again if this makes you upset.
I will make sure to delete myself from the groups and everything.
Maybe I'll join later when I'm off my electronic ban. o/
buxxerfly #9
Chapter 3: Could I reserve Girls day Sojin ?
Name: Zhang Yixing
Group: EXO M
Fighter or Sacrifice: Sacrifice + Cat ears
Age: 20
uality: gay
Password: Submissive
Brief Chara Baekround: Yixing grew up in a happy family until he was 11 and his parents gave him up for adoption. He helped take care of the younger kids, while with the older ones they beat him up almost everyday he continued to learn what not to do and after he was 19 he left the orphanage and got enrolled in seven voice.