Meet Sen Mitsuji

Septimal Moon | LOVELESS & Facebook based RP | We have CAT EARS and lots of spots available! | Come and join us~

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."
Age 26
Bond name: Serenity 
Bound to: N/A
Cat ears: No.
uality: Gay
When Sen was only twelve years old, he found his fighter. He wasn't that hard to find. From the moment they met, Sen could feel an electricity pulsing between them, as well as a distinct mental connection that he could mistake for nothing else. Soon after they met, the two were bound, and Sen really liked James. He really really did. The name the two boys were given was "Serenity" because when they fought, they did not induce a hostile environment. Instead of violence, the boys washed their opponents with a sense of peace, distancing them from the ongoing battle so that they could bind them without any bodily harm. They're teachers had always thought that their way of fighting was weak, to refrain from injuring one's opponent, and they were quite often hounded for their choices in fighting. Then one day, when both boys were about fifteen, after being reprimanded for what seemed like the thousandth time, James stood up from his seat on the benches that surrounded the training grounds, looked the teacher square in the eye and said; "Do you idiots really not know why we fight like this? After three years you still can't see what's staring you in the face? It's so simple I bet a three-year-old could figure it out. No, I'm sure they could. We fight like this because, unlike you savage, sadistic bastards, we actually put some value in human life. To put somebody in that much pain just because they share a different name than you? It's absolutely pathetic." With that, James grabbed Sen's wrist, proceeding to tug him out of the training grounds, and as Sen watched this blonde boy's back, his shoulder's moving stiffly against the bone as anger and frustration began to settle into them, he could feel his heart pounding. It was then that Sen knew he was in love with this man. Of course, their teachers had been right. Serenity did need to learn how to fight in hostile situations. As the two boys began to climb the Unit ladder, their technique got less and less effective. They were still strong, one of the best even, but not strong enough. It goes without saying that James had hated this kind of fighting, to harm an opponent was a completely vile idea for him. He would most often try to keep Sen out of these situations. Maybe a bit too much. James began to fight alone quite often, and without the aid of a sacrifice, took all of the damage himself. Sen had, on more than one occasion tried to join these battles, but James was smart. Only fighting when Sen was asleep, or too distracted by another task to immediately notice the battle, and when Sen finally did arrive, the battle would already be too far gone for him to participate. It wasn't any particular battle that did his partner in. Rather it was the constant strain they took on him, and the fact that James never really got time to heal in between them. His body wasn't built for it like Sen's was, and then, the night of his twenty-second birthday, James simply passed away peacefully in his sleep. Peacefully...Sen had always thought that was an important bit. That James at least passed away with as little pain as possible would have been really important to him. Even if it did hurt others. Especially Sen. After James's death, Sen began to train himself very harshly as a sacrifice. Teaching himself how to take on attacks with as little damage as possible. He also thought this would have been really important to James. In the end, Sen ended up succeeding the previous Chairman of his school, a fighter, because he had been the most powerful sacrifice and retained the least damage after a school-wide battle. Sen vowed to take the school and make it into something that his other half could be proud of.
Personality: Sen is a self-proclaimed pacifist. He does not believe in violence unless it is in self defence. He tries, however, to keep this particular moral away from his students because he does not want them to become weak in battle like he once did. Sen is very kind, loyal and open-hearted. He has an amazing sense of humor and gets along with most of his students and staff (as well as having slept with a good chunk of the men.) He is also very charming and can be serious if he thinks the situation calls for it.
Sen Mitsuji
"You can learn anything, as long as you have google."


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Name: Heo Minseon (Way)
Group: Crayon Pop
Fighter/Sacrifice: Fighter
Age: 24
uality: Biual, leaning towards women.
Password: Fighters are more likely to be submissive.
Bio: Can I give one when I join? I'm on mobile right now--
~ Min Yoongi
~ Sacrifice + with cat ears
~ 18
~ Gay
~ Submissive
~ When Yoongi was at the age of 3, he had a vision that he was to be placed somewhere that he was destined, but as a child, knowing nothing at all, he just let it slip and did nothing about it. When he reached his teenage years, his parents told him that they will support him in every decision he makes, even if it takes risking his life. Yoongi once again had the vision, though it was blurry in such, he had a feeling that he needed to go that place. Not 3 days after the vision, he told his parents that he would go and be on an adventure, to where ever his feet will lead him. Yoongi was already walking on the streets until he arrived at a glorious building, with a sign Seven Voices Academy, without regretting and hesitating, he entered the academy and did whatever was needed.
kpopwannabe101 #4
Chapter 3: Jaejoong
Sacrifice /I cant remember about that cat ears orz no cat ears means you have had right? Because if so hes a -- so he wouldn't have ears if thats the case./
fighters are more likely to be submissive
/May I please submit a bio when accepted? Im on mobile at the moment/
+Park Hyungseok
+Sacrifice + cat ears
+Fighters are more likely to be submissive
+Hyungseok ran away from home at the age of 15 because of his abusive parents and lived on the streets until he was taken in by an old married couple when he was 16. When he turned 18 he left their house to do something with his life,he had many jobs but got fired at all of them because of his clumsiness. After awhile of getting fired at every job he got he decided to enrolled into a strange school,Seven Voices Academy. ( I dun even know ;u; heh )
--pcyans #6
NAME: Wu Yifan // Kris Wu
GROUP: Actor/Soloist (sobs)
FIGHTER OR SACRIFICE: Fighter + no cat ears ≖‿≖
AGE: 22
UALITY: Homoual
PASSWORD: Submissive
BRIEF CHARA BACKGROUND: Yifan had grown up in a wealthy family, considering he was the eldest heir to his father's company. As a child, however, he was neglected by his workaholic father while his mother stayed home and tried to keep him as happy as possible. When he was 12, his mother became pregnant with his younger sister, then died at childbirth. His father became depressed and began to drown himself in his work, barely having any time to spend with his two kids. With all of the weight that had been put on his shoulders, he left his sister in his aunt's care and decided to do something else with his life, and (after attempting to be an artist and failing) soon enrolled himself into Seven Voices Academy.
NAME: Kim Jonghyun
AGE: 24
PASSWORD: Submissive
BRIEF CHARA BACKGROUND: I'd elaborate more on a full profile later. Just some points.
- Abused through childhood to preteens by father for various reasons.
- Mother passed away through the middle of the abuse time period, leaving him alone.
- Father dumped him off to the side of the road one day after driving him home from school.
- Wandered about until he found himself at Seven Voices Academy
- Trains as a Fighter from age sixteen until now. Hard to do so as he often fights with other classmates and has no Sacrifice.
- Rowdy and cold upfront because he built that personality due to the abuse; he doesn't want to be weak.
- Very dominant despite being a fighter as he wants to be strong and have other person weak because of him. He would bottom if he has to, or if tied down.
RachelBunny #8
Hello. Um...Krystal here.
I apologize for saying this, but I don't think I can be active anymore.
My parents have put me on an electronics ban, so I can come on only once in a while until I can get them back.
orz I apologize again if this makes you upset.
I will make sure to delete myself from the groups and everything.
Maybe I'll join later when I'm off my electronic ban. o/
buxxerfly #9
Chapter 3: Could I reserve Girls day Sojin ?
Name: Zhang Yixing
Group: EXO M
Fighter or Sacrifice: Sacrifice + Cat ears
Age: 20
uality: gay
Password: Submissive
Brief Chara Baekround: Yixing grew up in a happy family until he was 11 and his parents gave him up for adoption. He helped take care of the younger kids, while with the older ones they beat him up almost everyday he continued to learn what not to do and after he was 19 he left the orphanage and got enrolled in seven voice.