The Tournament (Part 2)

Fragment of Memories




A/N : Actually some parts of this chapter inspired from a film called “Coach Carter”, it’s a film about basketball. Old film, but really good, go check that out guys! :) oh and some part have the same conversation from the film but with a little bit modification. Can you find it? kekekeke


STILL FLASHBACK - 28/08/2009


Amber’s POV

The boys win the match and we are so happy, the boys even cry when they hear the long whistle indicating that the time’s up and they’re winning 95-93. All of us are so happy but we still have a job to do, we need to win this match to win the National trophy. After a little bit celebration for the boys, they give us a hug and say fighting to us. Coach Hae gathered us at the side court



“Okay girls, this is it. This is your time to prove to everyone that you deserve this. Do your best out there and play it with your style, not theirs. Understood?”

“Understood sir!”

“Amber I need you to always press their aces, just follow her wherever she goes and make sure you have your eyes on her”

“Yes sir”

“Okay, let’s do this”

“Let’s do this!!” we all shouted



When we get in position I look at where Krystal sit and she look at me too, giving me a ‘fighting’ sign, I grinned at her. Then we hear the long whistle indicate our match has begun


At quarter 3, the match really tight, we are a little bit losing from them with 67 for us and 70 for them. We trying our best to pressure them, get the ball from them and attack but they are too strong. I keep guarding that ace and success in blocking her effort to score a few times but that’s not really enough



“Jia!” I said passing to her

“Got it!” she said receiving my pass but then Seoul’s player push her until the ball dropped out of the line

“That’s foul! SM’s ball!” I said to the referee but he said “Seoul’s ball”

“It’s our ball!” I shouted at him

“Amber calm down! Go back now and defense!” Coach told me to calm me down “That’s a bad call ref” he said to the referee after I come back to my defense position. An opportunity to attack but now we need to defense again. ! No time anymore



“Defense! Defense! Defense!” The crowd cheer for us, we’re defending as hard as we can but they are finally make a score again and with that we hear the whistle indicate the 3rd quarter is over. We only have one last quarter to do this and we are 5 points behind them, all of us sit at the player bench with a sad look, it’s like it’s over for us.




“Look girls, you told me you deserved to be here right now! Well you’re not playing like it! All this tournament we playing our game! But look at you right now, you playing theirs!” coach Hae shouted to us

We just hung our head low

“When we step on the floor, every second that clock is ticking, we are pedal to the metal! We run the ball! We pressure the ball! And most important, we are the one that will control the tempo of the game! We make them play SM’s ball!”

We look at him

“Min you can do this! You can take that kid! Force her left, and when she crosses over, you jump on her!”

Min nodded at him

“Minzy push the tempo”

Minzy nodded at him

“Jia and Fei crash the boards!”

“Amber keep on guarding their monster ace! Press her and don’t let her out of your sight even for a second!”

“Don’t push for three points, push for a safe two points, no need to rush girls we still have time!”

“Do you understand!?”

“Yes, sir!” we all said together

“Don’t lose your spirit, it’s not over yet, now lets get out there and kick some !” coach Hae shouted at us




“Good now get back and let’s win this!”



We come back at our position and before the last quarter begin, I take a glance at Krystal and she giving me this worried look, I just stare at her for a while and focused back at the game. I need to focus for now. At the last quarter we do what the coach told us and it turn out good, we’re finally a little bit catching up, now it’s 76 for us and 78 for them. It’s only 40 seconds left and I currently dribbling the ball



“Offense! Offense! Offense!” The crowd cheers for us

“Min! Zombie run! Zombie run!” I said to her, she understand my code and immediately run for it, I pass to Fei, Jia, and after that some tricky pass from Jia to me but she actually passing to Min, Min doing shoot and that’s it, score! Now it’s 78-78 with 25 seconds left.

“Defense! Defense! Defense!” The crowd said

“Go back now! Amber! Go back! Min!” coach Hae shouted at us, we immediately going back to defense, no time to celebrate now. We try to defense but the other team doing some tricky run too. I try to guard and block their ace but she keep on pushing me until I fall down and she scored again.

“That’s a foul!” coach shouted but the ref ignored him

“What’s your problem!” I said standing and start walking to their ace player who pushed me

“Am! Calm down! Let’s just do this” Min said holding me back, I angrily walking back to my position. 10 seconds and we are behind them 2 points. We need 3 point, or two at least so they will give extra time. I give the girls my code and they nodded their head. Games start again, I dribbling the ball quickly and find someone to pass the ball but all I see is everyone are guarded and I definitely can’t passing to them




The time ticking, 7


Let’s just do this



I make my shooting position for three points


Jumping high


But then their ace player who always guard me blocking my way, she’s jumped too and pushed me


But I’m faster than her, shoot!


The ball reaching the goal


I falling down hard, my hands come in contact with the floor first



! Did I break my wrist? Arghh… it’s hurt! wait.. how’s the ball?



I ignore the pain in my hands, holding my pained hand with my other hand to somehow reduce the pain I look at the ball that already down on the court now, no one said anything, no one moving, even I can see all the audience went silent. I look at the score board and my eyes widen when it change to 81-80 for our win. The commentator’s voice bring me back to reality




“I can’t believe this! Such a miracle at the very last time! Ladies and gentleman it’s finally settled! With such an unexpected amazing shoot at the last second, SM High School finally turned the table and won their National Trophy back! Congratulation” The commentator said



“AMBER!!!!” I still can’t believe what happen when all my team mates and the boys team suddenly all running to me, lifting me to celebrate and after that put me down and hugging me

“Wait.. we.. did it? We won?” I ask Min after she hug me

“Yes LLAMA!! Good job! Awesome shoot” She said ruffling my hair, the girls follow behind and ruffling my hair too

“Good job little dino!” Jjong said to me and lift me up then ruffling my hair too with the boys

“NO ING WAY! WE WINNN!!!!” I finally realize that we win. I hug them all and celebrate for our win ignoring the pain on my wrist until coach Hae come to me, Vic umma following behind him.

“Good job Amber! Now come here first to Vic so we can see how bad is that” coach Hae said to me, pat my shoulder then look at my swollen wrist


So I walk to Vic umma and get my hand examined, my team mates wait for me to be examined with worried eyes.



“Ouch! Umma that hurts~” I said to her

“Shushh! Don’t be such a crybaby” Vic umma told me and she put a bandage around my wrist

“So how is it?” Hae coach ask me

“She’s alright, nothing breaks, but I suggest she come to hospital later to check if there are any fractured bones. For now I just wrap the bandage around her wrist and she will be okay” She said while bandaging my wrist “Now try to move your wrist, does it still hurt?”

I try to move it “Not really umma, just a little”

“Good. Don’t move it too much, and be sure to come to hospital later, and congratulations”

“Thanks Umma” I said smiled to her




Coach Hae and my team mates looked at me and screamed





I grinned and went to celebrate with them. We received the trophy, I represent the girls team since I’m the captain, Minho represent the boys team and Hae-hyung represent our school when received the National trophy. After that we take a picture together to capture these beautiful memories forever, how hard we work for this and how long we wait for this. When all the formal ceremonies all done, we change our jersey but decide keep wearing our basketball’s short then we go back immediately to our school to celebrate our win, the school throw a party at the school’s hall for all students



When we reached the school, it’s so crowded there, all the students come out to welcome us back and we immediately go to the school’s hall. After some speech from the coach and the captains, saying thank you and other things, we finally start the party. We eating, drinking, dancing, loud music can be heard anywhere. When the teams mingled with the crowd, the students and even the teachers keep on giving us bro hug, high five with us and telling us we did a great job. Min, I, and the boys try to search for our friends and when we spot them we immediately hug them one by one



“Congrats guys! You’re awesome!” Suzy said to us

“Yeah, that’s awesome hyung!” Ssul said after she hugged me

“Yeah thanks to you guys too for cheering us” Min said and me with the boys nodded while grinning

“Now now let’s enjoy the party!!” Henry and Jjong shouted, our gang start to go to enjoy the party and look for something to eat when I feel someone tug my shirt. Before come back to school, our team already changed our jersey to shirt. I look back and see Krystal, my lips immediately form a smile

“Congratulation stupid” she kissed my cheek and hugged me

“Thanks Krys” I hugged her back and kissed her hair “Want to grab something to eat?” I grinned at her and she nodded, I grab her hand and we off to look for some food



After the party, I walked home with Krystal because we live at the same neighborhood. All along the way we have our hands intertwined but there’s this awkwardness between us, she just hung her head low and I looking at somewhere else trying to avoid looking at her. At the party and before the match it didn’t really awkward having intimate contact with her because that time my head full of nervousness because of the match and at the party it full of overwhelmed feelings of winning the championship.



But now, when it’s just two of us, it’s awkward. I didn’t know what I must say and I was trying really hard to control my heart which is doing sprint right now. But for me, for us, this awkward atmosphere is not that ‘awkward’ atmosphere when you get uncomfortable, instead this is that kind of ‘comfortable awkward’ thing, we just enjoy the feel of our hands with each other and the feel of each other presence.



“Did it hurt?” She said snapping me out from my thought, running her thumb on my bandaged wrist

“Yeah, a little bit, Vic umma said it’s okay, I just need to go to hospital to check if there are any fractured bone or not later”

“Then it’s not okay stupid” she said pouted

“Hahaha, don’t worry, it will be fine” I pat her head

“But I’m worried”

“Don’t be” I smiled at her and she went silent, after a while of walking silently again she said



“Uhm.. Am..”

“Hm?” I turn my head to look at her

“Can I come with you to hospital? Just to make sure..” She said hanging her head low

“Ahahahaah, worry too much princess?” I said teasingly at her

“Hish! Whatever! Stupid servant!” She said and walking angrily ahead of me, I smiled and jog to catch up with her

“Hahaha just kidding princess, of course you can, oh what will happen to this lowly servant if her princess not beside her always” I said bowing to her and taking her hand on my hand again, she didn’t refused.

“Dork. When will you go?” She said pinching my arm and finally looking at me now

“Ouch! So violent! Tomorrow, can you?” I said and she nodded “Great! Uhh, but look Krys, I know we come to hospital tomorrow so they will have all medicine in the world if something happen…” She looked at me confused and worried

“….. so please don’t be so violent at me there even if you know they can save me immediately when you violating me, you violent princess” I said with straight face and she look at me with this what-the- look

“I mean, come on, you can be so violent that I think I will die just because your glare, well if looking at how Jess is maybe it’s in the genes?” I said walking away from her. I’m just teasing her actually, so I walk away from her to hide my laugh

“Violent you say? I show you how violent is” she said sweetly while cracking her hand. I turned around to see the most creepy sweet smile I ever see



Uh-oh.. I waken up the devil



“Uhh.. Krys?”

“Yes, Am?” she said smiling sweetly and slowly walk to me

“Maybe it’s time to uhmm… run away I guess?” I said nervously

“Ohoho, you won’t dare”

“Okay, that’s my cue, bye” and with that I run saving my life

“YAH STUPID LLAMA DORK FACE COME BACK HERE!!” She said and we chasing each other, I laughing at her and tell her to catch me if she can





After some kick and punch we finally arrive safely at her house. We stayed for a while in front of her house, no one wants to say good bye


“Umm, I need to go now” I said breaking the silent

“Yeah, see you tomorrow?”

“Sure, good night Krys” I said and started walking away from her


“Huh?” The next thing I know she’s running to me and tiptoed then kissed my cheek, I just froze at my spot

“You’re doing good job today, congratulation on your win and take care okay? Good night Amber” she said and quickly walked away but I’m faster, I grab her wrist and pulled her into a hug.

“Thanks, Krys” I said sniffing her hair scent and kissed her hair. She relaxed on my embrace and wrapped her arms around me. We stayed like that for a while until I break the hug, put my forehead on hers and staring at her eyes, trying to tell her how much I love her. But no, I didn’t plan to confess now. I want to make it special for her when I confess so I just staring at her beautiful eyes then I kiss her forehead, seeing that she closed her eyes and didn’t refused me, I continue kissed down to her eyebrows, her nose, and lastly her cheek. After that I caress her cheek and her hair while she slowly open her eyes and we just staring at each other, our eyes, our hearts, our gesture saying love for each other and I can’t be more happy than this.

“I think I really need to go now” I smiled and she nodded, I grab her hand and squeezed it before slowly walk backward and slowly letting her hand go. When I finally a little bit far from her I waved at her and turn around to walk back to my home with a big smile on my face





I love you, Krystal




END OF FLASHBACK - 21/10/2028, 10:00 PM


Amber's POV

High School time sure is happiest time in my life. After a lot of catching up and some nostalgia with my friends, we walked back to the hospital and they come to Soojung’s room to bid her goodbye and said to her that they will come again later to see her. After that they bid me goodbye and I hugged each one of them saying thank you, they just smiled and patted my shoulder. I’m so happy to have friends like them. They’re supportive and always there for you. After the guys went back home, I come to Soojung’s room and sit on the seat beside her bed, holding her hand and it gently



“Hey, Soojungie I’m back. The guys and I just had a nice talk and catch up, we talking about our life now and doing some nostalgia at our times at High School. We even played basketball, and as always I beat Jjong hahaha”


“Well, I know you’re tired now and I’m tired too, I need to work early tomorrow, so let’s sleep?” I said that while her hair. I kissed her forehead, down to her eyebrows, down to her nose, her cheek and lastly her lips, then I whisper to her ear

“I love you so much Soojungie, good night” After that I sleep while sitting beside her bed, my head on her bed beside her arms and my hand holding her hand tight.





“Good night, Amber”




A/N : please tell me what do you think :) Thanks!



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Waiting for ur update author...
jasonds #2
Chapter 12: Poor kryber...please make soo jung wake up soon author nin
tania07 #3
Chapter 12: poor amber:')
Chapter 12: That's my fave Secondhand Serenade song damn! The feels!:(( Soojung please wake up princess..
kimster26 #5
Chapter 12: Hmm. Awake by secondhand serenade?
Chapter 11: Ye true two is better than one, so wake up now Soojung.T^T
tania07 #7
Chapter 8: woooh im so happy thor, im watching coach carter too its very awesome, are you basketball player? haha i love your story thoor im new reader here! i hope your story not hanging thor because is so sad to me! thank you aothur shi
jasonds #8
Chapter 11: finallyyyyyyy....great story author nimmm....its felt like highschool all over sweet....luv it...thank u author nim..i hope u can update soon...beautifull story
Lysanguyen #9
Chapter 11: Finally, you're back!^.^
aww..i love this chapter..kryber,they are so cute..
haha..poor of them being teased by their friends n lius..