21/10/2028, 08:15 PM

Fragment of Memories



Amber’s POV

“I hear you get yourself robbed days ago Key?” Luna asked him as we sit ourselves at the café

“Oh yeah, I heard that too from my senior” Jiyoung said while flipping the menu, deciding what she want to eat

“Excuse me, are you ready to order?” The waitress come to us

“Geez, that robbed thing again. Wait a sec, spaghetti and Americano for me please” Key said to the waitress

“Apple pie and tea for me” Vic-umma said

“Us too please”

“What do you want to eat Unnie?” Suzy who sit beside me ask me

“Hm? Hmm.. I’ll just eat what you eat Suz, just give me coffee” I said smile at her (A/N : Oh? Suzber again? :v)

 “Fine, two sandwich for us, coffee for her and green tea for me” she said smiling at the waitress

“Okay, please wait a minute” the waitress bowed at us and leave our table

“So what happen again with the robbed thing Key?” Min asking Key again

“Ah yeah, so I just go out from a supermarket not far from my house, since it’s near I decided to just walk there. It’s already midnight and I walking alone bringing my snack until near one dark alley just a couple block from my house this guy appear and drag me to that dark alley”

“That’s creepy hyung” Taemin said

“I know right, when he dragged me there he covered my mouth with his palm” Key continued with his story, now all of us listening to him

“What happen then? Are you okay?” Ssul asked, worried

“If I’m not okay I won’t be here. Back to story, that guy said to me to give him all my money or he will beat the crap out of me”

“Did you do it?” Hae-hyung asked, curious.

“Nope, an idea suddenly popped up on my head and I start to…… seduce him” Key smirk at us

“heh?” all of us said at the same time

“Yeah, I just give him this seductive look and run my fingers at his body, ooohh that toned body and run to his pants his clothed crotch before slowly opening his zipper and slid my fingers inside feeling his dic-“

“WAIT STOP NO NEED DETAILS” we said almost at the same time, trying to stop him from going further more

“Whaat? It’s just started getting fun” Key said pouting

“Ughh.. I think I lost my appetite” Henry said, patting his stomach

And we laughing at that

“So what happen next?” Minho ask him

“Please spare the detail though” I add

“His face was like ‘, what the !?’ and he looks so scared and run away left me alone”

“wooaa daebak hahaha” Vic said and clap her hands

Hell ? of course he will run away!! All the boys look at Vic with the same of-course expression

“Well, you do have some unique way of self-defense, Key” Hae-hyung said to him

“And it’s only work with Key!” Jjong said and we all laughed




“Guys, this is Krystal, my friend”

“Hello everyone my name Krystal Jung Soojung, you can call me Krystal, I’m on my first year here now, nice to meet you”

“Wooaa you!! The first year we see on first day. Yah llama face!! You said you didn’t interested!”

“Susshh Jjong!”

“eyy what’s this? Our llama blushing?”


“It’s nothing. Don’t listen to them”

“Oh you will regret it if you don’t listen to us Krystal, come sit here”


“We will tell you all things about this embarrassing dino head with llama face!”

“Yah Min”

“Aww are you blushing again, aigoo our llama so cute”




I smiled at the memories of our gang on high school, the next day after I introduced Soojung to my friends she bring her friends on our table, Ssul, Suzy and Jiyoung, and introduced them to us. Since then all of us, with Hae-hyung and Vic umma and sometimes with Jess and Yul too always hangs out together and our gang are inseparable. All of us are very close to each other and always take care of each other. I’m glad I have them as my friends. Thanks guys


“Ahahaha, it’s been so long since we had a good talk like this guys” Min said to all of us

“yeah you bet” Luna said

“Oh, how about we go to the basketball court now?” Minho said

“Nice idea! How’s that guys?” Onew asked us

“Of course we’re in, it’s our usual hang out spot anyways, so why not” Luna said

“Cool. How about you Am? In for some game? Or are you too scared now because I’m too awesome” Jjong said smirking at me

“Hahaha in your dreams Jjong, hell I’m in!” I said to them, grinning like a dork

“hell yeah” the guys shout at the same time and the girls smiling at me


So after paying our food we go out and walk to the court. It’s not that far from the café since the café just beside the hospital and the hospital not really far from our high school. The basketball court just a couple blocks behind the school.



“You can play basketball?”


“Pfft you wish stupid”

 “Hahaha let me tell you Krys, this llama face here is one of the best player here, she’s the woman team’s captain and she’s even play better than the boys, not me of course since I’m the most awesome here”

“Yah! in your dream Jjong, I can kick your in an instant”

“Ha! Challenge accepted!”



“Hen! I’m free!” I shouted to him, we are currently doing 3 on 3 now, I’m teamed with Minho and Onew while Jjong teamed with Henry and Taemin. Sport is not Key’s thing and Hae-hyung is our ex-coach so we kind of don’t want to embarrass him because we kick his kekekek, just kiddin. He hurt his arms during coaching last week so he can’t play for around 2 weeks. 

“Am!” he pass the ball to me, I’m doing lay-up and BAM! Score!

“Nice dude!” Minho give me high five

“Nice pass dude!” I said to him back and we run back to our position

“Dude one on one! dude one on one!” Onew shouted at us as we trying to block the other team

“Not so fast lil dino” Jjong said to me, I’m blocking his way and pressing him trying to snatch the ball on his hand. He keep on dribbling the ball in front of me, trying to find a way to pass me but I won’t let him.

“Jjong!” Henry shouted at him and Jjong pass the ball to him, but I already know he will do that so I snatch the ball mid-way and quickly dribbling, lay-up, and scoring for our team again.

“Hell yeah llama!” Onew come to me and ruffled my hair. After that I come to Jjong and playfully ruffle his hair

“Not so fast dino-dino!” I said teasing him and playfully stuck my tongue out. Actually Jjong, Hae-hyung and me look similar so we call ourselves dino bros, Hae-hyung is big dino, Jjong is dino-dino and I’m lil dino

“Yah you just get lucky” Jjong said stuck his tongue at me too

“Yeah, yeah the same luck since years ago” I said teasing him and all of us laughing at that


After an intense basketball game we walk to the side of the court where the girls, Key and Hae-hyung sit. As we come closer the girls already have bottles of water with them, they give each of us one.

“Thanks” we said



“Here for you, you must be thirsty”



“Yeah, Hae-hyung become more and more strict these days”

“Stupid, it’s because it’s only 3 days left before the tournament. Come sit here”

“I know I know, haish why are you calling me stupid again”

“because you are”

“you mean, anyway thanks for always watching us practice”

“no problem, our friends watching here too and you guys doing good, I know you guys can do it, go get the trophy”

“what will you give me if we get it?”

“yahh, getting it is already a big present for you, you still dare to ask me a present?”

“Whaat? You won’t? then I won’t play well at the tournament”

“Yahh don’t pout, you’re not cute at all stupid”

“Owch, no need to flick my forehead like that princess”

“Hey lovebirds! Stop your lovey dovey act and Amber get your here!”

“We’re not lovebirds! Haishh yeah yeah coming coach. Wait here okay Krys? Let’s walk home together later”

“Yeah, shoo, you need to go back now”


“Aye, aye coach, why is he nagging so much today, is he on his period?”

“I hear that Amber! You want run 50 laps and doing 50 push-ups today?”

“Eyyy, I’m sowiiiieeee”



I look at my friends beside me who laughing over silly things. It’s so nice to be like school’s day again, going school together, joking and sleeping at class, making prank at school’s hallway, pissing off some teachers, eating lunch together, going training together while the rest who not really into sports still sit at the side court waiting and cheering for us, and after that we all will going home together.



“Okay that’s enough for today guys”

“Yes coach!”

“Good job guys. Prepare yourself for the tournament and try to not injury yourself. Tomorrow is our last day of training and after that I will give you all one day rest to prepare for the tournament, so I expect ALL OF YOU to come early tomorrow, understand?”

“Understand coach!”

“Good. You can go home now”

“Thank you coach!”



“Mann, Hae-hyung sure fired up about this”

“Hahaha, I know right Jjong, this year’s players are good, I guess he want to take back our trophy after a long time”

“Yo Am you okay?”

“I’m okay Hen just a little scratch”



“Huh? Whats wrong with your legs Am? Why you walking like that”

“Nothing much coach, just a little scratch”

“Let me see”

“I’m okay coach”

“Okay okay, just a little scratch and I think it will be okay tomorrow just put a little ice on it, but remember Amber, do not injury yourself more okay?”

“I know hyung~”



“Sorry for making you wait, let’s go home?”

“You okay?”

“Eyy, it’s the third time someone ask me if I’m okay or not. Geez it’s just a little scratch, no biggie krys. It’s not like my legs are bleeding non-stop and need to be amputated”

“Ha ha ha ha so funny stupid, if you say it like that again your legs will really get amputated by ME”

“Ouch now my legs feel more hurt than before, why so scary princess, I’m just joking”

“I don’t like that kind of joke Amber”

“Eyy, I’m sorry, don’t pout you look ugly hahaha”

“Seriously take care of yourself stupid”

“I know I know princess”

“Yah! don’t messed up my hair!”

“But you are so cute”





“So, I’m going now princess, take care”

“Before you go can you let go of my hand first?”

“O-oh.. I-I’m s-sorry”

“Hahaha.. stupid”

“Yah! don’t stuck your tongue like that ugly princess, you’re the one who don’t want to let go before this”

“But we’re walking across street, be a gentleman”


“Hishh! Whatever you say”

“Hahaha, bye princess, see you tomorrow”

“YAHHH I said stop messing my hair, YAHH don’t run away you stupid llama face!!”




“But that time you really are strict with us Hyung” Jjong said to Hae-hyung

“Yeah, Amber even make a joke that you’re on your period” Henry added

“What? Wait don’t tell him that!” I said quickly stopping my train of memories and joining my friends conversation on how our tournament went

“Woops, it’s just slipppppp like that~” Henry said teasing me

“Yah you’re doing it on purpose”

“Aww Amber I’m hurt, so all this time you thought me as a girl? I know I can be pretty as but come on dude did I need to show you my manly side?” Hae hyung said giving me a wink

“Eww, I’m sorry, please spare me hyung” I said with straight face

We are just laughed at that

“But really kids, did you really not know why I’m so strict that time? Well, you guys all talented. On the boys team we have Jjong, Henry, Minho, Taemin and Onew as our star player with so many other talented first year and on the girls side we have Min and Amber as our aces. It’s such a waste to not win the championship again after a long time since I know with a discipline training and work hard you guys are undefeatable”

“Woaa.. you should say that on the winning speech coach haha” Onew said

“I want to, but too speechless to even say a thing that time”

“So sweet hyung so sweet, I’m really really really touched” Jjong said sarcastically

“Aww hyung I think I’m gonna get diabetes tomorrow from your sweetness” Henry added, smirking at Hae Hyung

“Yah I’m serious here”

“We know hyung we just teasing you” Jjong and Henry said then we laughing at Hae-hyung’s redden face

“But really hyung, thank you so much for coaching us until we get that trophy” Minho said and we all nodded sincerely at him

“Sure kids, it’s not just because of me, it’s because OUR team work. All of us. Thank you. You guys are awesome”

“You sounds like old man” Key said to him

“Technically, he is” Vic umma said and we all laughing


Right, it’s because OUR TEAM work we can win back that trophy. We take care of each other. The ones that playing, the ones that coaching, the ones that always cheering us, the one that treat our injury, the ones that always waiting for us, all of us always have each other back, without one of us we’re nothing, that’s why




We’re undefeatable


so how is it this far? lol

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Waiting for ur update author...
jasonds #2
Chapter 12: Poor kryber...please make soo jung wake up soon author nin
tania07 #3
Chapter 12: poor amber:')
Chapter 12: That's my fave Secondhand Serenade song damn! The feels!:(( Soojung please wake up princess..
kimster26 #5
Chapter 12: Hmm. Awake by secondhand serenade?
Chapter 11: Ye true two is better than one, so wake up now Soojung.T^T
tania07 #7
Chapter 8: woooh im so happy thor, im watching coach carter too its very awesome, are you basketball player? haha i love your story thoor im new reader here! i hope your story not hanging thor because is so sad to me! thank you aothur shi
jasonds #8
Chapter 11: finallyyyyyyy....great story author nimmm....its felt like highschool all over again...so sweet....luv it...thank u author nim..i hope u can update soon...beautifull story
Lysanguyen #9
Chapter 11: Finally, you're back!^.^
aww..i love this chapter..kryber,they are so cute..
haha..poor of them being teased by their friends n lius..