Airah: Kazuya [Rejection]

My Story/ One Shot Collection/ [Haitus]
Please enjoy
“You know what Yamaa! Just forget it! I’m tired of you!” I yelled at my brother. Recently he started to get so irritating. It’s only until recently that he felt that he had to become all brotherly. It made me mad that now when I was grown he wanted to have a say in what I did.

“Do you really have to fight with your brother?” my friend Kazuya asked me.

“It just doesn’t make sense. The whole time he was making his career he didn’t care what happened to me and now all of the sudden he wants to be wise brother? “I told him. Kazuya sighed.

“He means well. Plus, maybe this is how he shows regret for leaving you like that.” Kazuya tried to explain. I shrugged.

“Look can we just not talk about my brother.” I told him. He nodded and we sat outside in silence. There were never any stars outside considering all the lights from Tokyo. However it was dark and cold.

“Do you want to go for a walk?” Kazuya asked.

“Yeah, sounds good.” I answered. We got up and started treading around the neighborhood.

“You know one time when I was younger I had a crush on this girl, so I would follow her home every day and the day she caught me told me to leave her alone she slapped me across the face.” He told me. I couldn’t help but start laughing.

“Wow Senpai you were a real ladies man when you were younger huh?” I joked. He shrugged and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

“Yeah well I learned that that wasn’t the right way to pursue a girl.” He told me. I laughed. I kept thinking to myself about how charming he seemed to be.

“Yeah well I’m surprised you aren’t with a girl now.” I told him. He chuckled slightly.

“Well, it’s not that I can’t it’s just… there one girl that I’m waiting for.” He said. I didn’t know why I felt so much pain from hearing him say that. I wondered who the girl would be. I wondered how amazing she had to be to get his attention. “What are you thinking?” he asked.

“Nothing…just wondering what I can do to get along with my brother,” I lied.

“Oh well… maybe you should just talk to him.” He told me. I shrugged.

“I’ll give it a try.”I said. We walked back home, and I didn’t feel like talking to Kazuya. He left and I decide to talk to my brother.

“Umm… look Yamaa… it’s not that I don’t like you telling me thing its just… my whole life you went on doing your own thing and you weren’t really like a brother to me. So, now it’s just weird having you telling me things. You have to give me time to adjust.” I told him. He looked at me and nodded.

“I’m sorry for just leaving you I really am. However, I want to be your brother. I want to be there when you need me. I want to be someone you can depend on.” He told me. I looked at his face and I could tell that he was being sincere about what he was feeling.

“Okay…I understand that. Just…give me time okay?” I said. He nodded.

“Well I don’t know if I’m in a good position to ask this but…do you like Kazuya?” He asked. I felt my cheeks heat up.

“I-i….I’m not sure.” I told him. He laughed.

“Well… maybe you should figure it out because I think he likes you.” He told me. I nodded and went up to my room thinking about it. Maybe I did like him…but how could I ever tell him that after what he told me today.

*Maybe I just need to take a chance*

[A couple days later]

“Kame…”I called him by his nickname.

“Yeah?” He answered.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked. He nodded. “What would you do if say… I had a crush on you?” I asked. He stopped walking and turned to look at me.

“Umm… well do you?” He asked. I shook my head.

“Just answer the question.’’ I commanded.

“Well… I would tell you how I’d feel about you.” He told me. I could feel the curiosity build in me.

“How exactly do you feel about me?” I asked.

“Well first tell me if you really do have a crush on me.” He said. I pouted .

“Fine, I have a crush on you.” I declared. He smiled and took my hands.

“I love you…and I’ve been waiting for you to return my feelings for the longest time.” He told me. I couldn’t believe what he told me.

“You mean this whole time you felt this way about me?” I asked. He nodded.

“Yea…I just… I’d rather just be your friend and you not know about my feelings than you knowing about how I felt and then….rejecting me.” He said. I kissed his cheek and shot him a warming smile.

“Kame… you’re something.” I said. That day he walked me home and we went hand in hand.
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I'm wondering how many of you still read my one shots T.T


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Some of these are so cute. I enjoyed reading them!
name : Hana
age : 19
partner : Kim Kyu Jong(ss501)
plot : Hana, Kyu Jong and Kim Hyung Jun were bestfriend from chilhood... Hana and Hyung Jun fell in love to each other.. at the same time, Kyu Jong also fell in love with Hana and just can watch Hana from distance.. Kyu Jong always take care for Hana whenever she sad or happy.. One day, Hyung Jun got an accident.. ( u can just write anything about what happened after the accident)

extras : Kim Hyung jun and the rest of SS501 member, Lee Seunggi, Ha Ji Won, Sistar's member..

i hope u can acccept apllication..
anyways, all ur one shot stories are really nice.. daebakkk !! keep it up..
Name: Anais (blonde, green eyes, half french/german)
Age: 20
Partner: Minho (SHINee)
Plot: She works dilligently at the small french pastry shop/cafe that her parents own. She loves the smell of the bakery, and she always smiles. He likes to spend his free days in front of the pastry shop, seated in one of the cute garden chairs with some thick book in his hands, letting the sun shine onto his skin. Until she accidentally spills his coffee one day, and he catches a small glimpse of the blush on her cheeks.
Extras: Best friend: Lee Chaerin (as she can speak french with her), Minho should think at first that she can barely speak korean other than what her job as waitress/seller requires.
I hope it's not too set, feel free to let your imagination run wild! :) I'd just like that it makes clear it goes maybe over one or two months. :) Thank you in advance!~
Name~ ChoHee


Plot~She and Kikwang has been dating and then she thinks that he's cheating on her because he kept avoiding her but he avoids her because he's sick. She doesn't know then when she does know, she tries to help him without him finding out... (I don't know if that makes sense.. but just make the best of it :)

Partner~Kikwang (B2ST)

Extras~Mir (MBLAQ) likes her too

Comments~Thank you :)

Name- Lucy

Age- 19

Plot- Lucy gets a surprise birthday thrown. Although she is extremely happy and joyful, she feels lonely because all of her friends are with their boyfriends. It also saddens her that she has turned 19 and she has never fallen in love or kissed a guy before.

Partner- Kiseop (U Kiss)

Extras None.
SooYunandTaeminnie #6
KEKEKEKE. I can't wait for her to read this. And I saw Korean American friend and thought me. OTL. Good job. c: I'm sure she'll love it.
SooYunandTaeminnie #8

Name: Mary

Age: 19

Plot: When Mary meets Key, lacking the ability to speak any korean, tries to frantically express her love for him, thought She is very SHy. (Mian for lack of info.)

Partner: Key of SHINee


Comments: This is for my friend, She is a HUGE Locket.
ZhangAoeka #9