3-Getting to know each other.

Facebook maniac!

I dont know, A big I DONT KNOW why i am here at this stupid park to meet that minho guy. Am im so crazy? i will meet a guy who i just know in facebook? Well im here so i dont need to back-up this meeting.

". His late almost 20 minutes!" I just yelled.

I sit to the nearest bench and take a look all over the park. No trace of minho. Even i dont see him in personal, I have an image of him in my mind. A tall and let say.. Handsome guy. That's what his image formed in my mind.

"Hey, Are you taemin?" I look up to him and i see a tall and handsome guy. I know his that minho guy.

"Ne, And you are minho right?" 

"Yes, Take a sit." We both take a sit in the small wooden bench.

"So, Tell me about yourself" He said.

"I just tell everything i need to say.." I said.

"No, Not really.."

"What do you want to know?"

"All about you taemin. ALL."

"Are you gay or something?! Are you a stalker?"

", Im too handsome to be a stalker!"

"Why do you want ALL about me?"

"Nothing, I feel interested with your life taemin."

"Interested?  What's interested to a playboy like me huh?"

"Oh, So your a playboy. You dont look like that.."

"So what are you trying to say so?!"


"Angry taemin?"

"Ofcourse not *whisper*"

"What did you just said?"


It's so awkward. I want to punch his face but, Those beautiful big and brownish eyes attracting me. His mascular body and his tall and handsome appearance is just perfect! . Im not gay! Im not gay!

Minho's P.O.V

"Angry taemin?"

"Ofcourse not *whisper* "

"What did you just said?"


I just act like i dont hear what he just said. He said to me. I dont know why im still calm even he say words rudely to me. I dont know WHY. For my opinion, I dont expect that he's so beautiful. If he dress like a girl and blended to other girls, He will not notice that he's a boy. He's more beautiful than my ex-girlfriend. He have a milky skin and a slim body. Just so perfect for the next victim. Oh my, I hit a jackpot you know? I just stare at him everytime. 

"Hey dude, Are you okay?" He ask me.

I just back to normal world "Oh, yeah.."

He check his wristwatch and look worried.

"Hey, Let's just meet next time. I need to go okay?"

He possibly have another appointment so i just sai okay.. His walking calmly and not rush. I love how he act himself. He dont look hot.. As a boy.. but as a girl. Perfect, bravo! His skinny jeans and t-shirt really fits him. 

, What did i just say? What did i just thinking. Im straight! I dont boys like that idiot. Im not gay!

Taemin's P.O.V

He's looking at me.. So awkward. Is this guy is gay. I hate gays! But.. He's stares melt me like a ice remove in the ref. I just use my wise excuses to leave him. I wish he will not stalk me or even follow me to know my house. Im alone in my house and no one is there. I will punch him if he ever think of abusing me. But his face, look so innocent. like an angel..

What the hell i am thinking?! My name?! Will be ruin because of that guy! I will be gay and everyone will tease and judge me easily. My charisma will gone. All i have will gone. I hope that guy will leave me forever or else my whole life will be ruin! 


[A/N] Annyeong~ Strawberryshin updated~ Two chapters for one day ^^. Im happy my friend likes it! And thanks for supporting and giving your opinions in my fanfic! It's will help me alot! Thank you thank you~

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What are you doing minho? XD


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minhosims #1
Welcome back to AFF, and update soon!
minhosims #2
This fic *cough* supposed to be updated *cough*
starpaints #3
minhosims #4
and this is absolutely *cough* not a long chapter XD<br />
Make a longer one in the next chapter, Pia~
minhosims #5
OMGF!!! Minho's a drug lord? TT^TT<br />
Why is he so bad in this story? *cries an ocean*<br />
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But Taemin was so cute when he scared of Minho, lol<br />
that's because he seems so confident and act like a cool guy but in the end, he's sobbing when Minho's threatening him, lol<br />
Taemin is way too cute XD
@Minhosims: Sure! I will make the chapters more longer ^^<br />
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And you was im talking about in that statement :)<br />
<br />
Im happy AI likes it ^^
Taemin your already attracted to Minho? hehehe ^^
minhosims #8
Im happy my friend likes it!<br />
<br />
I wish it was ME ;__;
minhosims #9
and..<br />
actually, I like *cough* a LONG *cough* CHAPTER :p<br />
no, I LOVE LONG CHAPTERS to be exact XD<br />
<br />
Your chapters are too short, dongsaengie XD
minhosims #10
BTW, this site didn't give me the "new story updates" notification!<br />
Good thing that you wall me!