
Attack on Bangtan

As Rap Monster and Suga begin their deceitful friendship with the pretty tourists, the rest of Bangtan continues their drive downtown. This takes a little longer than it should have due to the boy’s amazement of the foreign city. After many stops and starts, they finally make it to a restaurant area with too many people to make it easy to stop. “Aish,” Jimin leans around the wheel, trying to find an inconspicuous place to drop off Jin and J-hope.

“Just drop us off already, we know where to go.” Jin has his hand resting on the handle, waiting for the car to stop.

“Namjoon-hyung said I have to stop off at the mall!”

J-hope smiles widely, leaning over the seat to Jimin, “He’ll never know~ Come on, just drop us off here and we will get to play a little.” His voice trails off as he watches a beautiful foreign girl walk by with a couple of friends. He follows her long legs and ashy hair with his eyes, “You know, check out the merchandise.”

V smiles knowingly, “How much do you think she’s worth?”

“Hm?” J-hope snaps out of his trance and rejoins the conversation, “Oh, I would give her a priceless tag if she let me put it on her.”

The boys hoot with laughter while Jin shakes his head at the immaturity. At a stop light, Jin throws open the door and steps out, “If you want to try things on, you better get out Hoseok.” In public, the boys don’t use their codenames. No one knows their real names anyway.

“Can we check out the rides?” he says, stumbling out of the car excitedly.

“Hoseok, don’t even start that. You want to be the ride.” Jungkook calls out to the boys.

More boyish laughter follows the two members who weave through the cars to get to the sidewalk. They turn around in amazement at all the sights but quickly supress the excitement so they can blend in as locals. As they begin walking towards the first pit stop, a local burger place, J-hope is once again charmed by the looks of the natives to L.A. This time it’s a girl out with what looks like her boyfriend. “Ya, she’s beautiful.” He stares at her curvy back which flows beautifully into skinny jeans.

Jin hits his shoulder, “She’s taken.”

J-hope shrugs, “Hearts change.” The older man shakes his head at the younger one’s playfulness. J-hope stares another moment longer before his lips challengingly and pointing to her lightly, “Dare me to go get her number?”

“We have to stay low!”

“Come on! Bangtan is known to be playful and besides, I just want her number. She will never get mine!”

Jin sits down at an outdoor patio, waving over a waitress. “Go ahead, I’ll get us lunch.”

J-hope waits a moment for the boyfriend to disappear into a store to go over to the girl who plays with her phone. She shifts with annoyance, waiting impatiently for her date to come out of the basketball store. “Hey.” He calls out to her, walking up with confidence.

J-hopes swagger is swayed as she looks up and he sees she’s not Japanese as he previously thought. Her intense blue eyes watch him with suspicion and light curiosity. “Hi.” The girl’s voice is polite and almost as soft as her shoulder length, dark brown hair. 

“Is that your boyfriend?” J-hope cuts right to the chase, he’d rather not have some awkward fist fight with the man inside the store; especially since he still has a gun under his belt and he’s been known to be pretty trigger happy.

The girl slips her phone into her jean’s back pocket. “Brother.”

“Ah, older or younger?”


“Really? You look younger~” J-hope flashes a flirty smile at the girl who only gives him an up-and-down of his attire.

“Thanks for flattering but, I’m not interested.”

“Your mouth says no but your eyes say yasss.” His voice is light and playful, he feels comfortable around the girl.

At this mention, though, the girl’s eyes harden, “Hm, I don’t think so. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be.” She turns on her heel, hips swaying loudly and confidently as she strides into the basketball store behind them.

J-hope looks over to Jin who just waves him to do whatever he wants. The boy’s confidence remains intact as he walks in behind the girl, “Okay, let me try again~?”


Jin watches the boy trail after the pretty girl into the store, smiling and jumpy like an excited puppy. He sighs and begins to pick up his burger, pushing aside wrapping paper and pulling out the pickles—he didn’t know what they were called in English and couldn’t say anything to the waitress. Jin looks up at his surroundings, light hits his face, beautifully enhancing his prince-like features. Feeling someone’s stare, he turns his head to see the ashy haired girl in the middle of a group of people. Some guys, some girls, they all crowd together over greasy food and laughter. Her presence is off to the side, she sits on the edge of her seat at the edge of the group. Not really a loner but not really social either. Her light coloured eyes bounce the sun’s rays around, creating a pretty shine on the irises. The handsome Korean smiles at her causing the girl to blush and look away quickly.

Nodding, Jin turns back to his food, thinking that L.A won’t be as boring as he previously assumed. Before he takes a bite, he looks back to the ashy girl to see her gone from her seat. A little surprised, he looks from side to side to see where she could have gone. A little discouraged, he takes a large bite of his burger.

“Hi.” A female voice has him choking on his burger in surprise. “Oh! Uh, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you…” Jin continues coughing, reaching for his drink which the girl softly moves out of his reach. “But I did want to talk to you.” She sits down with a sort of elegance across from him as he finally catches his breath, tears in his eyes. “So, what are you doing in L.A?” Her smile is gentle but her voice is sharp.

“What are you talking about?” Jin puts on his act, smiling with the slightest hint of sarcasm.

“I’m talking about you, Bangtan Informant.”

Jin’s smile freezes at her mention but he quickly regains control of his expressions, “Who?”

She scoffs and gives him a ‘no bull’ look, “Stop playing dumb, . Bangtan’s territory is South Korea, not L.A.”

The man continues to play dumb with her and he can tell she’s getting angry, “Should I be worried you’re confusing me with Jim?”


“Ah yes, Jin.”

She stands, her hands on the table, “Well, if you run into Jin, let him know MissFits is not happy you moved in on their home ground.” The girl flips her hair dramatically as she walks past the crowd of people, two other girls following her lead, before disappearing into the busy streets behind them.

Jin grabs his drink and takes a long sip, watching her walk out of sight.  He closes his eyes and disappears into his mind palace, a place he envisions as a sort of library.

He lazily steps down the large staircase into an old fashioned library with books as far as his can see. He smiles and walks towards the area of ‘Known Mafia Gangs’. In this section, each shelf is designated to a certain gang but when he reaches the one labelled ‘MissFits’, only a single book is found. The informant opens the pages, flipping to the only page filled out. A single paragraph is shown;

“MissFits can be considered Bangtan’s female counterpart, a large all female mafia organization with three top leaders and four state leaders who rule the entire west coast of North America (interesting fact; MissFits is pro-feminism, pro-LGBQT, pro-eco, pro-human and very active within many charities. They are an anit-gang, gang). They’re known to have many subordinates and so much territory that no one even considers taking it from them. The leaders have never been identified but the two of the four known state leaders are known. One; Medina who is known for weaponry and close-combat, and Two; Mahima who is a known gossiper and great at spreading rumors with facts. They are known to communicate and work with Blockbuster and B.A.P on merchandise swapping and even information exchanged.”

He then puts the book under his arm, walking back towards the previous shelves. He stops at the section of B’s and finds B.A.P’s shelf which overflows with information. Since B.A.P is Korean based, Jin has a large quantity of information to play with. He runs his hands over the spines of the worn covers before picking up a dark red one with small scripture that says ‘Known Associates’. After many pages, he lands on a single sentence that peeks his interest. Taking a pen, he copies the line into the MissFits’ book.

“B.A.P is planning to meet MissFits in person to set up permanent partnership.”

The date is recent which only further interests Jin. He moves a few feet down to the BlockBuster shelf, a little less packed for they are a little more underground and not as loud as B.A.P. Again, he copies another sentence from a battered blue book into the MissFits new one.

“BlockB began rumours that MissFits is a fraud set up by the American government to weed out the other gang’s in the area.”

 Jin sighs, ready to exit his library. He pushes the books back onto their respective shelves and makes a mental not to talk to Rap Monster about his findings.


Jin opens his eyes to see that an hour has passed and his food has been eaten. He pouts slightly, seeing a sleeping J-hope sitting across from him. The handsome man kicks the sleeping one’s knee, “Wake up.”

J-hope jumps awake and stretches widely before smiling at Jin, still only half awake, “Hello, brain-head.”

“We should get going.”

“You were in there a long time.” All of Bangtan knows about Jin’s library and they know not to touch him when he’s in it. If they disturb him, information can be lost and an angry Jin is not fun, anyway.

Jin shrugs, standing up, “I found out something interesting.”

J-hope moves with him, not bothering to clean up after their lunch. They begin walking towards a bus terminal, getting ready to catch a bus down to Venice beach where they’ll meet up with the rest of Bangtan. As they buy their tickets from a bored looking, pimpled teenager, J-hope quietly asks, “Like what?”

“Did you know we’re on MissFits’ territory?”

“Miss…Fits...so that’s why Namjoon wanted to come here.”

“You mean this is one purpose?” Jin is impressed with Rap Monster’s thinking; attack the enemy from the inside out.

“Yeah, I guess. I wanted to go to Florida.”

“Florida is hot.”

“So is L.A.”


The boys wait on a bench near the terminal; since this is a long ride, they need to take a special bus. “You probably found more than that, right?”

“Yup.” Jin turns to J-hope, “I think I met one of the S.L of MissFits.”

J-hope sits up quickly, nervous and excited, “Are you serious?” When he gets some weird glances from his raised voice, he lowers it a few notches, “Which one?”

“I think it was Medina.”

“Medina? The one who has a weird obsession with knives?”

“You have a weird obsession with bombs.”

J-hope sits up, a little offended. “We’re not talking about me!”

“Well I’m 56.7% sure.”

“Only that?”

“In statistics, it’s a high enough probably to be the same thing as 100%.”

“But it’s not a 100%.”


“But it is 100%.”


“But it’s no—”

“Do you want to die?”



The two members fall silent as the bus terminal starts to fill up with more and more talkative humans. J-hope fidgets in his seat before talking again, “Why do you think it was her?”

“She threatened me and, I don’t know if I was on purpose but I saw an outline of a knife on her inner thigh.”

“Why were you looking there? ~” J-hope’s voice is poking as he makes fun of his Hyung.

Jin just shrugs, not fazed, “She was pretty okay.” J-hope just stares at him, mouth hanging open, obviously shocked by Jin’s blatant confession. “So what happened with your girl?”

J-hope pouts, slouching back into his seat, “She walked into the store and then disappeared. I think she knew someone there and went out the back or something.”

Jin chuckles, smirking, “She rejected you again, didn’t she?”

“No!” J-hope looks at him with eyes full of truth and confusion, “I’m telling you! She went out the back!”

“Did you at least get her name?”

“I think it was Mahi…something.” He sighs, “Her brother was calling to her when she disappeared. He got mad at me!”



Jin sits up, “Was the girl’s name Mahima?”

“I guess, it was really foreign sounding so I don’t really remember.”

The informant slumps back into his seat, “That’s not helpful.”


Watching the world around him, he feels a shiver go up his spine as if someone is studying the two boys. He glances around him casually, looking for anyone who stands out. His eyes catch onto two girls in matching sweaters who sit across at the opposite bus terminal. Jin proceeds to take them in, from the colour of their hair, the way they sit and even the surgical mask the shorter one wears, all the information goes into his library. As a truck drives across the street, momentarily blocking the view of the two strange girls, Jin breathes quickly. Only, when the truck moves, the girls have disappeared. “What…” Jin is in disbelief as he looks around for any sign that they have moved. This scavenger hunt doesn’t last long when the bus they were waiting for finally pulls up.

“Finally! Why is it that in America, everything comes late?” J-hope stands as if he has just aged fifty years. “Let’s go to the beach…each…let’s get a wave, they say…” The man trails off into a popular song. Even as a genius bomb designer, he is still immature and playful.

Jin walks with him into the bus, sitting near the middle. J-hope puts up little fight against Jin’s want to be near the window. As they settle into their seats, Jin at the window, J-hope in the aisle seat, Jin thinks he catches another glance of the mysterious girls. He believes he needs to do more research on both MissFits and now these weird girls. He closes his eyes, “J-hope, I’m going in. I need to check something.”

J-hope looks over, “but that means I have to watch for the stop.”

“Yeah, now don’t bother me. This is important.”

The man sighs loudly, pulling out his phone and opening up a few games. “Fine.”


Jin disappears into his mind and J-hope disappears into his games but while they are distracted, they don’t notice the matching girls walk onto the bus and take a seat just behind them. Nor do they notice two pretty blue eyed girls take a seat in front of them; weapons flashing menacingly.

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Chapter 2: woah o: i love this so far~ can't wait for you to update.
Crazycapivara #2
Chapter 2: Oh boyyyyy I'm so so so in love with this ahsgdfjl It's so well written, the way you portrayed each character is great and omg, blockbaptan gang au *hugs fic* I'm excited for the next chapter :D
WangTang #3
Chapter 2: Oooo this is so good! Ah Jins intelligence is y ^_^ update when you can :)