Chapter 13

You're My Playground

It was now Saturday morning, and I was getting ready to hang out with Jihoo, Kevin and Yugyeom. Yugyeom insisted on going with me, because he didn't trust Jihoo and Kevin fully yet. 

"Gosh, stop worrying so much. You're going with me, so there's nothing gonna happen," I said. I was now talking on the phone with Yugyeom. He kept on nagging me about not being too touchy with Jihoo and Kevin or he'll punch them. 

This week has been quite hectic. The day after I hung out with Yugyeom, Megan and Daniel were back at school. I spent a lot of time with them and with Yugyeom, since the other GOT7 members were hanging out with Riley a lot. Megan and Daniel of course didn't mind hanging out with Yugyeom, because he was really nice to them and easily fit in with us. I haven't really heard anything of the other members, because I haven't really spoken to them since the day Riley came to our school, except for a simple 'hello'. I wasn't avoiding them (and I hope they weren't avoiding me), it was just that they were hanging out with Riley so much, we didn't get to see each other. I also didn't go to GOT7's house this week. 

"Oh! Did you know the hyungs didn't even text me or call me that day? They hung out with that girl the whole day and forgot about me, but whatever," Yugyeom said. 

"Really? That's weird.. They usually treat you like a little baby," I said and furrowed my brows. I put my phone on loudspeaker and looked for some clothes. At the end, I went with thick tights, a loose dress and a knitted cardigan. I quickly put on some eyeliner and mascara, grabbed socks and headed downstairs, where my mom was making lunch, since it was 12.30am now.

"Honey, eat before you go," mom said and put the food on the table. We sat down together and ate lunch. When we finished it was 13.00, which meant Yugyeom could be here in any minute. Just then, I heard a knock and someone shouting.

"Annaaa! Open up~" Yugyeom shouted.

"Yeah yeah, coming!" I stood up and ran to the front door, opening it. Yugyeom hugged me really tight and let go after a while. 

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah, just let me get my coat and put my shoes on. Go greet my mom, she's in the kitchen," I said and ruffled his hair before running upstairs to get my shoes and coat. I could hear my mom and Yugyeom talking from upstairs.

"Yugyeom! Sweetie! Did you have lunch yet? Here, sit down and eat some before you leave," mom offered. Yugyeom probably accepted it and sat down. I could hear my mom getting a plate for Yugyeom and placing it on the table. 

"Thank you!" Yugyeom beamed and just then, I walked down the stairs. He digged in immediately and it looked like he had been starving for the past day. When I got to the living room, I put on my creepers on and sat next to Yugyeom, watching him eat.

"Are you that hungry?" I asked, looking at him, "Did the guys not give you breakfast or lunch?" 

"They were out till late last night and they're still sleeping.. So, no I haven't eaten anything yet, but thanks to your mom I'm not starving," he said with a big smile on his face. I smiled and got up, helping my mom clean the plates in the kitchen. Soon, Yugyeom came into the kitchen and put his plate in the sink. He stared at the both of us.

"I'll do it," he eventually said. My mother refused to let him do the dishes, but he lightly pushes us away with his hip, "It's okay, I'd gladly do it." We let him be and mom left the kitchen. I grabbed two water bottles for me and Yugyeom and 2 apples. I put them in my bag and waited for Yugyeom to finish doing the dishes. 

"Done!" He said and put his coat on. I did the same and we both gave my mom a kiss before leaving. We agreed to meet up in front of the cinema, so that's where we went. We took the bus, which would leave in 3 minutes, so we had to rush. Actually.. not really, since it's like a 2 minute walk from my house, but just in case the bus comes early.

"Let's go!" Yugyeom shouted and hooked his arm with mine. We walked to the bus stop together and arrived there just in time. The bus came and we got in. And again, we went to the back of the bus. I placed my bag on my lap and Yugyeom sat next to me. 

"How long does it take?" Yugyeom asked.

"Probably 20 or 25 minutes, since the bus has to stop every 2 seconds," I said and sighed. I sat near the window so turned my head to look outside. I eventually fell asleep and my head landed on Yugyeom's shoulder. He flinched at first, but when he saw I was sleeping, he smiled and continued doing what he was doing, which was playing games on his phone and occasionally looking outside. With Yugyeom on his phone and occassionally dazing off and me sleeping, time flashed by. We were soon at a bus stop near the cinema where we agreed to meet up with Jihoo and Kevin. 

"Anna, wake up, we're here!" Yugyeom 'whispered'. I opened my eyes and was greeted with Yugyeom's face, which was a tad bit too close. I lightly pushed him away and thanked the bus driver. We got off and looked for a bench to sit on. We soon spotted a little bench and sat on it. I took my phone out of my bag and checked for any messages from either Jihoo or Kevin. I had one text message from Jihoo.

Jihoo: Annaa! I'm sorry but we'll probably be there 5 minutes later, hope you don't mind waiting a bit longer! 
Anna: Ahh, that's okay! Yugyeom and I just got here so we're probably just gonna look around and wait until you guys come. No need to hurry c:
Jihoo: Thankss! See you sooooon~

When I was done texting him, I noticed Yugyeom reading with me over my shoulder. He gave me a goofish smile and sat straight up when I looked at him. 

"Let's go to the supermarket and buy some snacks for the movie," I said and pulled him up with me. He agreed and we walked to the supermarket nearby. We bought drinks, chocolate and some snacks. I put them all in my bag, hoping it would fit, it luckily did. Satisfied, we exited the supermarket and spotted Jihoo and Kevin in front of the bench we were sitting at earlier. 

"Jihoo! Kevin!" I shouted and they turned around immediately. 

"Ahh! Anna and Yugyeom, there you guys are," Jihoo said and smiled at us. We walked up to each other and gave each other a quick hug. 

"Did you have lunch?" Kevin asked. 

"Yeah, we did, at home. What about you two?" I asked. 

"Oh.. we didn't..." Jihoo sadly said. 

"Let's grab a quick lunch and then go watch a movie!" Yugyeom said. I gave him a questioningly look. I nudged him in the side, "Are you planning on eating again?" I whispered. 

"Maybe," he said and smiled, showing his teeth. I shook my head and laughed at him. He must be really hungry then... Poor Yugyeomie.. 

We went to a little cafe next to the supermarket Yugyeom and I went to earlier. Yugyeom ordered a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, I ordered a strawberry-banana smoothie and a red velvet cake, and Jihoo and Kevin ordered something slightly bigger than Yugyeom's meal. Our orders soon arrived and we slowly ate everything. We were planning on watching 'Deliver Us From Evil', and that movie didn't start until 14.30, so we still had about an hour left. 

"Yah, Yugyeom!" I looked at him, displeased. He took my smoothie and drank it without asking and he even had his own. 

"Sorry.. I finished mine.." He said and looked down. I felt sorry and lightly shoved my smoothie in front of him, "Drink," I said. He grinned and started drinking the smoothie and finished it in a few seconds, "Monster.." I joked and laughed. Jihoo and Kevin were also laughing, while they still had food in their mouths. Yugyeom and I looked at them disgustingly and laughed. We waited for the  both of them to finish what they were eating. After 10 more minutes, we paid for our meals and left. 

"Let's go, let's go!" Yugyeom and I shouted. We hooked our arms together and walked to the cinema next to Jihoo and Kevin. They imitated us and did the same, which we didn't realize. 

"4 tickets for Deliver Us From Evil, please," Yugyeom said. We all paid for ourselves and walked up the stairs, where you could buy popcorn, drinks and other snacks. We only bought popcorn, since we already bought all the drinks and snacks earlier. We paid for the popcorn and went in, looking for our seats. The seats were a bit at the back, and then in the middle. Satisfied, we sat down and placed all our drinks in the cupholders. I sat next to Yugyeom and Jihoo, and Kevin sat next to Jihoo. We got the snacks out of my bag and placed them on our laps. The advertisements started and we went on our phones for the time being. I took some photos as a memory and the boys did the same. I saved it as my screenlock, which meant the screenlock with Jackson would disappear. I sighed at seeing it. I kinda miss GOT7, but if they don't want to see me or hang out with me, that's their choice right? I have absolutely no right to come into their life and act like I belong there. I'm already very thankful for Yugyeom. Even though all the other members hung out with Riley, he did not and hung out with me. He also acts just like a brother to me and in such a short period, I've came to love him so so so much. 

"Anna Anna Anna, the movie is starting!" Yugyeom shouted, which resulted in people saying 'sshh' to him, "Oh, oops," he said and dug his head away. The movie started and everyone became silent. Yugyeom and I started digging into the popcorn and realized we were eating too fast. He put it on the floor, so we could eat it later. 

".." I silently said and bend down to pick up the bucket of popcorn I kicked over. I could hear Yugyeom, Jihoo and Kevin giggling, so I turned my head and glared at them. They shut up immediately and proceeded watching the movie. I picked the bucket up and sat straight again, pouting because almost half of the popcorn was dropped. I continued watching the movie and ate the popcorn that was left over. 

"I'm disappointed..." Yugyeom said. 

"Me too..." I said. He turned his head towards me and high fived me. 

"Wh-what's wrong with you two?" Kevin said, "I'm freaking scared now!" Yugyeom, Jihoo and I laughed and patted his back. 

"Don't worry Kevin! Just remember to sleep with an owl pillow every night!" Jihoo joked and laughed. He was referring to the owl plushy in the movie that made really scary noises. We exited the cinema and Yugyeom and I said our goodbye's to Jihoo and Kevin.

"It was great hanging out with you two! Hope we can hang out again soon," Kevin said and waved. 

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun and especially enjoyed Kevin's screaming during the movie," Yugyeom teased and also waved. Kevin glared at him, which only made Yugyeom laugh.

"Text us when you're here again Jihoo!" I said and waved. 

"I will! Don't forget us~" Jihoo said and waved. Yugyeom and I went to the bus stop and waited for the next bus, which would arrive in 1 minute. We decided to go to GOT7's house and just hope that Riley is not there. Yugyeom told me that he had some new moves he wanted to teach me and I, of course, agreed. I haven't danced in a while and I really missed it. I also really missed the boys, so I hope I'll get to see them. 

We were now in front of GOT7's house and I don't even know why, but I was so nervous my heart was somersaults. Yugyeom got his key out of his jeanpocket and opened the door, "I'M HOME!" he shouted and motioned for me to get in. I got in, took my shoes and coat off and waited for Yugyeom to finish doing the same. He quickly took everything off and hooked arms with me, probably sensing my nervousness. We walked in and were greeted by an angry Jaebum.

"Where the hell have you been, young man?!" He shouted and stood there, with his arms crossed.

"I was out with Anna, Jihoo and Kevin.." He softly said and looked down.

"And you couldn't even take the time to tell us?" He shouted, even louder now. I stood there, uncomfortable.

"You were all slee-" 

"He saw you guys were sleeping so decided not to wake you up," I said, cutting him off in the mid of his sentence. Jaebum went silent and just stared at us. Yugyeom gently grabbed my wrist and walked off to the living room, where 2 more members were sitting.

"Hey Anna! Hey Yeomie!" Mark said and waved before turning his gaze back to the tv screen. 

"Oh! Hello Anna, haven't seen you in a while!" Bambam said and jumped up. He ran up to us and gave me a tight hug. I hugged him back, glad that he missed me and not actually forgot me because he hung out with Riley a lot. Bambam then moved to Yugyeom and also gave him a tight hug. 

"I missed you too, Yugyeom!" He said and hugged him even tighter. I could see Yugyeom grasping for air.

"He can't breath," I whispered in Bambam's ear, which made him let go immediately. 

"Annaaa~ Let's look for the others," Bambam said and dragged me and Yugyeom with him, holding our hands. Yugyeom and I looked at each other and shook our head. Of course Bambam is still his cute little bubbly self. 

"Hyung! Anna is here!" Bambam shouted and pushed me in the door opening. Youngjae turned his head and his face lit up when he saw me.

"Annaa! I missed you! Why didn't you visit us this week," he whined and pouted. He hugged me really tight and shook us. 

"I'm sorry... I thought- hmm, never mind, I was just busy," I finally said. I first wanted to say 'i thought you guys were hanging out with Riley and didn't want to interrupt you guys, oh and also, Riley is scary', but decided not to. Youngjae luckily believed it and nodded. He let go of me, so we could look for more members. 

"Jinyoung hyung Jinyoung hyung!" Bambam shouted. He went into his and Yugyeom's room and opened a door to get to Jinyoung's room. Jinyoung was lying on his bed and intensely playing a game on his laptop. He jolted up when he saw Bambam's face. 

"Ahh! What's wrong?!" Jinyoung yelled and placed his laptop on his bed. 

"Nothing.. Anna is here!" Bambam said and pointed to me. 

"Annaaa! I missed you, come here~" Jinyoung said and pulled me in for a hug. 

"Calling me oppa yet?" 

"Uhm, yeah, okay, oppa?" I hesitantly said. He seemed satisfied and had a big smile on his face. He patted my head and ruffled my hair afterwards. 

"Let's look for Jackson hyung now, shall we?" Bambam said and hooked his arm with mine. Yugyeom did the same, but then with my other arm. We walked to Mark and Jackson's room and found him on his phone, texting someone. 

"Jackson hyung~"  Bambam whined and slid next to him on his bed. Jackson was startled and dropped his phone on the floor, just then we could see he was texting Riley and they were using A LOT of hearts. I didn't think much of it and ignored it, while OTHER people made a big deal out of it, which was quite funny. 

"OOOHH JACKSON HYUNG ARE YOU BEING LOVEYDOVEY WITH RILEY?" Bambam 'said'. This made Jackson jolt up and pick his phone up immediately. He turned it off and started denying it.

"No." He said very sternly. 

"Yeah, you were, stop denying," Yugyeom said and that's how the two maknaes started teasing Jackson. He was probably kind of annoyed and started groaning. He wanted to send us away, but then saw me.

"Anna? What are you doing here?" Jackson asked.

"Well, hello to you too Jackson," I said and bowed jokingly, "Yugyeom and I just got here."

"Yugyeom and you?" I nodded and smiled. He still had a very confused look on his face and I just didn't understand why. When he realized he had a confused look on his face, he turned his face back to normal and looked at Yugyeom and Bambam reading Jackson's text messages.

"Yah YAH YAH!" Jackson yelled and tried to grab his phone back. 

"Here you go! We read it all, hyung, it's imprinted in our head and we're gonna tell Jinyoung, Jaebum and Mark hyung!" Bambam said and handed the phone back to its owner. Once again, Jackson groaned. He got up from his bed and we all went to the living room, joining Mark on the couch. All the others joined us too and sat on the floor.

"OH! Guys! Riley agreed to go to the concert!" Jackson excitingly said. 


"Oh my god, yas!"

"What you invited Riley?" Yugyeom asked. I could clearly hear disappointment in his voice. 

"Yeah, why?" Jackson wondered. 

"Just that.. you guys have been hanging out with her more and more and you kind of forget Anna still exists and it seems like you guys don't even care about me anymore.." Yugyeom said. He looked down at his feet and sighed. I looked at him sadly. He must feel so left out and ignored.. 

"What? You're the one hanging out with Anna all the time!" Jackson suddenly yelled.

"Well yeah... because you guys are hanging out with Riley a lot and I'm sorry, but I don't like her.. at all," he said. 

"That's your own problem then," Jackson said and grabbed his phone off his lap and started texting again. The other members were silent for a bit and a while later, Jaebum spoke up.

"Why don't you like her?" He asked. Yugyeom looked at me immediately. I shrugged. He then got up and gently grabbed me by my hand, leading us to his' and Bambam's room. He locked the door and looked at me first. 

"Should we tell them?" Yugyeom asked, after a while. I hesitated to tell them or not.. We haven't really spoken for a week and I think they're getting really close to Riley and hmmmm.. I don't know.. 

"I don't know.. Is it really any of their business?"

"Of course it is! We've all been friends for way longer than they have been friends with that girl," Yugyeom said, trying to assure me they're all still super good friends of mine.

"Can you do the talking?" I asked. 

"Sure~" He said. He unlocked the door and gave me a tight hug before opening the door. We went back to the living room and sat on the floor. All the other members stared at us and waited for one of us to talk. 

"Okay.. I'm not sure if you guys believe me, since you have been best buddies with her since her arrival at our school, but please just hear me out and do the yelling or whatever at the end," Yugyeom started. Everyone nodded with a confused look on their face. Jackson on the other hand, was still on his phone texting away. 

"Do you guys remember the first day when she came? She walked with Anna to her locker, right?" He said, and all the boys nodded, "Well.. she came back later, saying Anna couldn't come with us because she had some problems, right? Did you guys believe her?"

"Ehh.. not really, because Anna would've told us herself.." Bambam said.

"Then why did you still leave with her?" Yugyeom asked.

"Because...  she's pretty and she's a noona and I didn't want to disrespect her.." Bambam said, and looked down. Youngjae soon agreed and nodded his head. 

"I believed her," Jackson said and gave us a disapproving look, "Why would she lie?" 

"I don't know, but she did," I said, finallly speaking up after a while. 

"Maybe you're lying." Jackson said, lifting up an eyebrow. 

"Yeah, well, maybe you're an ," I said and stood up, planning on leaving the house. Yugyeom grabbed my wrist and told me to sit back down. He pouted and gave me that puppy look of his. I eventually sat down and sighed again.

"Hyung, why exactly do you think she would be lying?" Yugyeom asked.

"Why wouldn't she? Why would I believe her? I don't even know her that long," he simply stated.

"And you do believe Riley, who you've basically known for a week?" Yugyeom asked. I don't really know what's happening here, though.. I don't understand why Jackson is acting like an , I don't understand why everything is as it is. I'm so freaking confused at everything and because of this, I can't even say a word. I'll probably stutter.

"Whatever, go on with your story or I'll leave," Jackson said and put his phone down. 

"Okay.. Well, when Riley and Anna went to Anna's locker together, I kind of followed them and heard their conversation. Riley was literally threatening Anna and telling her not to hang out with us again or something might happen.." Yugyeom said and looked at me right after. He pinched my cheek and tried to assure me that it was okay. I didn't even dare to look at the boys' faces.

"Did that really happen, Anna?" Bambam asked, looking at me worriedly. 

"Yeah.. I actually didn't want to tell you guys, but Yugyeom told me to do so," I said and pointed towards Yugyeom. 

"Why didn't you tell us earlier, oh my god?" Jinyoung asked, wide-eyed.

"You guys were busy and I didn't really think it was that big of a deal.. Until someone here told me it actually was."

"How do you call that 'not big of a deal'? You should've told us earlier, Anna! We wouldn't hang out with her that much if we knew!" Jaebum shouted. I got scared because of his voice, because he never yells when I'm here, and he's also yelling to me, which makes everything 10 times worse. Yugyeom gently squeezed my wrist, to assure me it was okay and I had nothing to be scared of. I took a deep breath and responded.

"See? You guys would still hang out with her, so what's the difference if I told or not?" I said. Luckily, my voice came out normally, without shaking. 

"I wouldn't hang out with her anymore if you told me earlier...." Bambam said and scooted closer to me. He side-hugged me and leaned his head on my shoulder. I smiled and ruffled his hair, "Thanks," I said and put his hair back into place again.

"I wouldn't either.." Youngjae said, "You're much nicer than her.. She always tries to get Jackson's attention by flirting really badly, and then acts normal to us again, but whenever Jackson's in a 1 meter distance, she starts flirting again.." I slightly smiled at him. 

"I probably wouldn't either.. She's kinda annoying," Mark said and sighed. He got up and went to his room. We were all a bit confused by his actions, but thought maybe he just needed a little bit of space. 

"I wouldn't either, Anna. If you don't want us to hang out with her again, just tell us and we'll do that immediately," Jinyoung said and gave me a thumbs up.

"No no no, I have absolutely no right to do that. If you guys want to hang out with her, you can, I wouldn't mind," I said. I wasn't even lying.. It's their life.

"Ohhh, I definitely will," Jackson said and smirked. What the hell was he even trying? Who's he trying to seduce with that smirk... lol

"Go ahead," I said and gave him a thumbs up. It seemed like he was quite confused at my reaction. 

"You wouldn't mind? Won't get jealous or anything?" 

"Why would I? I still have the other boys, Megan and Daniel to hang out with. You can do whatever you want, I don't really care.." I said, slightly nodding and smiling. 

"Stop being a liar and go home," he said and grabbed his phone again.

"I'd gladly go home, ," I said and stood up. The other boys, except for Jaebum and Jackson, followed me to the door.

"Get home safely Annaa~" Yugyeom said, "We're visiting you tomorrow!" Bambam said and grinned.

"Get home and rest well, okay? You look tired. Text us when you're in bed," Jinyoung said and pinched my cheek. I nodded and smiled. 

"Anna! You didn't break the promise we made a week ago, right? Just because I didn't spend time with you, doesn't mean you can go around telling people!" Youngjae yelled, jokingly. "I didn't, I didn't, don't worry!" I said and gave him a thumbs up. 

"See you next time Anna," Mark said and smiled at me. I put on my shoes and coat. I gave each of them a hug and walked down the stairs that led me to the pavement, and turned around. 

"Thanks for believing me, oppa's," I said and waved. 

"You finallly called us oppa!" Bambam beamed happily and smiled widely. I laughed at him and shook my head. I stood still for a moment and waved again, "Bye~ thanks for being my friend since the beginning, you guys are the best!" I said and gave them a thumbs up, while saying the word 'best'. 

"You too, Anna! Thanks for showing us around and being our friend, although we can be pretty annoying," Jinyoung said and chuckled. We said bye again and I left. While walking, I send Yugyeom a short text.

Anna: Oppa! Thanks for today, you're the best and the most amazing person! Thanks for loving me and supporting me, I love you >﹏◕

I put my phone in the pocket of my coat and went through my bag to look for my keys. I found them at the bottom and opened up the door to my house. I could smell an aroma of food that came from the kitchen, so I quickly kicked my shoes off and ran to the kitchen.

"Muuuuuum!" I said and backhugged her. I showered her with kisses and then gave a quick glance at what she was cooking. 

"Hey sweetie, I'm making Korean food for you," she said. 

"Thanksss! You're the best! Saranghae!" I said and showered her with kissses again, without letting go from the backhug.

"Go change now and make some homework, I'll call you when it's ready," she said and gave me a kiss on my forehead. She patted my head and gently pushed me towards the stairs. I ran upstairs with my bag and coat and changed into comfy clothes aka a sweater and a legging. My phone made a sound, so I took it out of my coat and read the message I received. It was a message on LINE from Yugyeom.

Yugyeom: Still can't get over you calling us oppa tbh
Yugyeom: And of course I love you and support you, silly! I absolutely love being your friend and I'm not planning on stop doing that for a while kkk
Anna: Well, get used to it, because that's how you guys told me to call you and my mom keeps nagging me about it, SO YEAH
Anna: You're sososoosos cute ;;____;; sobs
Yugyeom: Of course I'm cute! 
Anna: But still not cuter than Bambam
Anna: Who's this..
Anna: Helloo! \o/
Yugyeom: He left 
Anna: I was joking earlier, you're both equally as cute, now stop whining and go eat dinner!
Yugyeom: Okayy! You have dinner too! I'll call you later tonight ~

I quickly sent the other boys a message on LINE and went downstairs to help my mother with whatever she needed help with. 


Hello againnn!

Short chapter for you guys!
I haven't really been doing a lot for school lately.. So, I thought, why not write another chapter? LOL

I'm also going crazy. I think I might have a crush and I've known him for almost 5 years now and I really don't know how to deal with crushes HELP LMAO
I usually just secretly stare at him and look away fast, before he even notices.. I'm such a creep omfg.. 
Over these years I did have little feelings for him, but not really a crush and now I do, how the did I end up with liking him tho....... he's so not like my ideal type and it's just weird, never thought I would actually have this dumb crush on him. I only like him for his silly personality and he's cute in a "OMFG YOU'RE SO CUTE I WANT TO RUFFLE YOUR HAIR AND PINCH YOUR CHEEKS"-way. 

Also, little story AHEM:
My school has this thing for every senior class, that they have to do ballroom dancing, and today we spent 1 hour doing the chachacha. I dreaded it so much because we had to dance with guys from our grade, who I do not talk to a lot.. But it ended up being quite fun? I laughed a lot and really liked dancing it! I also danced with my crush orz.. AND!! I never told you guys before, but I really really like dancing, like almost every style. Also, we're going to slow dance next week, so that's gonna be much worse than today, because I didn't have to be that close to the guy this time, but slow dancing is quite intimate right? LOL BYE

I ALSO GOT OVER 700 VIEWS OMFG! I can't actually believe so many people viewed my story..... I'm literally sitting here and wondering how that happened.... OTL


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Thank you!
I'm really sorry for not updating for a few weeks! I'm planning on getting back at it, since i'm on my winter break~


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Neko_Eonni #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for your greetings, I hope you had a great time with your loved ones
suamortentia #2
Chapter 23: Happy Holidays \o/ Hope you enjoy a lot too.
Neko_Eonni #3
Chapter 22: Great chapter!!!! I really ship AnGyeom~ I'm glad they made up
suamortentia #4
Chapter 22: Still too adorable *-* I'm not the biggest fan of Yugyeom, but I admit that they're cute together :P
Neko_Eonni #5
Chapter 13: I really really REALLY hope she ends up with Yugyeom!!
Chapter 21: Awwww
princessfanfan #7
Chapter 20: she needs to end up with yugyeom. too cute together >_<
Chapter 20: ERMEHGERD I LOVE THISE DANCERS OMG!!! CX I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT CX (can I ask you how old you are and do you have a Kik??) Like seriously sorry for asking but like I never knew a person that knows those dancers cx
suamortentia #9
Chapter 19: Jackson <3 UISAJDISOASDA, well, I'll just wait for more. Fighting!
Chapter 19: Yet another amazing chapter CX but seriously she should end up with the cutie makane (if that's how you spell it hehe ><)