Chapter 14

You're My Playground

I woke up the next morning, heavily breathing. I was sweating and my chest was rising up and down from the breathing. Just then, I remembered the vivid nightmares I frequently had a few months ago, but they somehow stopped. Apparently, it's back again. Not sure if it's gonna happen again... 

"Annaa?! Honey? Why are you up so early?" Mom came running into my room and saw that I was breathing heavily and of course, she also saw my sweaty face. I took a glance at the clock and saw it was only 6am. I went to bed really late yesterday, so I was extremely exhausted. 

"Is it the dreams again?" Mom asked worriedly. I looked her in the eye and nodded. I was still trying to get my breathing in a steady pace, and it eventually did go back to normal after a while.

"Honey, should I make a doctor's appointment for you? I don't think breathing like that everytime you wake up from a night mare is normal.." She said, still with a worried look on her face.

"They probably can't even do anything about it. Maybe it's not something they can treat?" I said. I always hated doctors when I was younger, and I still do, so I try everything to get out of it. 

"I'll make an appointment for you and see what happens, okay? Go back to sleep now, I'll sleep here with you," she said and exited the room to make a call. I lay back down and sighed. I took a glance at the clock again, and it was 6:12am. I only had like 1,5 hours of sleep... I closed my eyes, looked for my earphones and listened to music while falling asleep. I'm glad music helps me fall asleep. For the past few years, I've never slept without music. 

The first song that was playing, which was Coffee by BTS, ended and mom came into my room. I was still not fully sleeping, so I was aware of what was happening around me. Mom quietly snugged into the bed and put the blanket around the both of us. She hugged me and started saying things.

"Sweetie, sleep well. I'll wake you up when you feel like you've slept enough," she said and rubbed my arm gently. I fell asleep quickly after she said that. I did fall asleep with a smile on my face. Moments like these make me feel grateful for every little thing in my life. I've always been grateful for the things I have in live, but moments like these make me appreciate them a bit more than I do usually. 


"Anna sweetie, it's almost 3pm! I think it's time for you to wake up," mom said and stood by the door, looking at my still sleeping figure. She approached me and knelt down beside me. She my hair, that was spread across my pillow, and repeated her last sentence. I slowly opened my eyes, but was blinded by light, so I closed them again. This made mom chuckle.

"Sweetie, wake up or you won't get any ice cream," she 'threatened' and walked away, leaving me there on my own with a dilemma. To wake up or to not wake up? That's the question. I decided to wake up and get out of bed, because I like ice cream and I'll do anything for it. And if it only takes getting up from bed, I'll definitely do it. And besides, I can get up now, brush my teeth, wash my face, put on some moisturizer, go downstairs and lay down on the couch again!

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and I looked horrible, so I decided to take a shower, refreshing and it makes me feel less disgusting. I stepped into the shower and spend almost 15 minutes taking a shower while singing and almost slipping at an attempt to dance in the shower. Who dances in the shower? It's pretty stupid and dangerous, and I don't understand why I did that. I could've slipped and broken my neck and no one would've found me because I couldn't make any sound. After taking a shower and drying myself off, I put on leggings and a sweater that's probably 20 sizes too big for me. I brushed my teeth and put on some moisturizer. After feeling fresh and clean again, I went downstairs with my phone, earphones and charger. 

"I'm downstairs~" I shouted and ran to the kitchen. Mom was making lunch for us and I saw a container with Ben&Jerry's ice cream. I secretly took it and started eating. 

"Yah yah yah! You didn't have lunch yet, eat it after lunch," she scolded me and told me to help her with some things, and I gladly did. We sat down together and ate lunch together. After finishing everything, we did the dishes together and I made some tea for the both of us. 

"Ice cream time!" I shouted and ran to the fridge to get my ice cream. I grabbed a spoon and started eating. 

"What about your tea?" Mom asked. 

"I'll drink it," I said and took a sip of my tea, eating ice cream afterwards. Mom shook her head at me, "You'll never change, huh?" I looked at my mom and smiled proudly at her, "Probably not!" Mom shook her head and took a sip of her tea. We sat in the living room on the couch, watching supernatural together, even though mom is extremely scared of these things. Everytime something happened (which is like every 2 minutes), she would look away or act like she forgot to do something in the kitchen. Just when mom walked off to the kitchen, I heard a knock on the door. I got up, taking my ice cream and blanket with me, and opened the door.

"Oh! Hey guys!" I greeted and waved my container with ice cream in the air. 

"Hey Anna~" Yugyeom said and chuckled.

"Hey! Jackson didn't come with us because he's being an and hanging out with Riley, but don't pay attention to him," Jaebum said and patted my head.

"Good afternoon! Can I also have some ice cream?" Bambam said and entered my house. The rest (except for Jackson) followed him and took off their shoes. They all greeted me and went to the living room. Some stood still and didn't move.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Wh-what a-are you w-watching?" Bambam asked, covering his face with his hands.

"Uh, supernatural.. Why?" I asked, "Ahh! Yugyeom told me! I remember now~ I'll turn it on again!" I said and jumped on the couch and sat down with a loud 'thud'. Yugyeom sat next to me and covered himself with the blanket, but he stood up immediately and went to the kitchen, where my mom was. He greeted her and asked for a few spoons, which mom handed to him. 

"Annaaa~ Hope you don't mind sharing with us," he said and scooped a spoon full of ice cream. I sighed and glared at him, "I actually do, but since mom probably won't let me eat it on my own, why not share it with you guys," I said and smiled. I only realized then, that some of the boys were still standing frozen on their spot, covering their faces with their hands. I paused supernatural and got up, approaching Youngjae, Bambam and Jinyoung, placing the ice cream on Yugyeom's lap. Jaebum, Mark and Yugyeom were sitting on the couch with amused looks on their faces. 

"Guys.. It's not that scary.. We can watch something else?" I suggested. When they heard I paused it, they put their hands down and sighed out of relief. 

"No no no, it's okay! It's your house, we'll try to adjust," Jinyoung said and went to the couch, crawling behind Jaebum. Bambam and Youngjae did the same, trying to hide behind a member, except behind me or Yugyeom. I pushed the play-button and it started again. It got intense immediately and the members behind us hid behind one of the members in front of them.

"Why is it so dark in here..?" Bambam asked. 

"Because that makes it more fun, and I hate when light comes in and reflects on the tv, absolutely hate that," I said, still focused on the tv. We spent the rest of the day watching more episodes of Supernatural. Bambam, Youngjae and Jinyoung eventually 'got used' to it and were able to sit normally. We were now all eating out of one ice cream container. 

"Honey, it's almost 7. Are they gonna stay over for dinner?" Mom shouted from the kitchen.

"Yeah! Probably!" I answered, without asking the members. Although I did not ask, they all cheered happily and clapped there hands. I looked at them questioningly and shook my head. They all shrugged at the same time and chuckled. 

"Guys! Dinner's ready!" Mom shouted and I pressed the pause-button immediately. I ran to the kitchen and helped mom with the plates. The others followed and did the same, getting chopsticks, spoons, knifes and all out of the kitchen drawers. Soon, we all sat down and enjoyed the food mom made. At the end of dinner we chatted some more.

"By the way, maybe we should bring some food over to your house for Jackson to eat," I suggested and only received surprised and frowning faces, except from my mom, since she doesn't know what's been going on and all.

"Uhh... how are you still worried about him when he was being a freaking yesterday?" Yugyeom asked. 

"Watch your language, young man," Jaebum said and glared at Yugyeom. Yugyeom shut up immediately and sat up straight, "Sorry..."

"I don't know.. he still needs to eat, right?" I said. They all nodded and eventually agreed.

"I'll bring it there and go back," I said and stood up. 

"I'm going with you!" Yugyeom said and stood up with me. I went upstairs to get my coat and went back downstairs afterwards. I put on my docs and my coat and waited for Yugyeom finish doing the same. In the meantime, I went to the kitchen and grabbed the food mom put aside for Jackson. I went back to Yugyeom and luckily, he was done. He grabbed the bag with food from me and offered to hold it. After a while of discussing it, he eventually got to hold it. We exited the house and went to GOT7's house. 

"Anna, you're too nice," Yugyeom whined and looked at me.

"Not really... you guys are my friends so isn't it logical? Even if he doesn't eat it, you guys can eat it later when you get back," I said and shrugged. Yugyeom sighed and shook his head. I hooked my arm with his and we soon arrived in front of their house. He grabbed his keys out of his pocket and opened the door. 

"Hello??" Yugyeom shouted, and didn't get any reply back. We both suspected that Jackson was still out, so we went to the kitchen and placed the bag on the counter. We wrote a quick note that said: Hello Jackson Wang, Anna and I brought food for you that Anna's mom made. Just microwave it and it'll be good to eat! Enjoy!!

Yugyeom stuck the note on the bag and we went upstairs to check all the rooms, just to make sure no one was there. We opened the bathroom first, then the rooms of the other members and finally got to Jackson and Mark's room. I lightly knocked on the door, but didn't get any response. Because of that, Yugyeom barged in first and was shocked at the sight in front of him. 

Jackson and Riley were cuddling and we walked in....


"Yeah, well there is.. But we brought some food that Anna's mother made," Yugyeom said and glared at Riley. She smiled at him innocently, as if she was really that innocent.

"We? Who is we?" Jackson asked curiously. 

"Anna and I..." Yugyeom said. I stepped inside and gave him a small wave and smile. 

"What is she doing here? Who allowed her to? Were you at her place?" Jackson bombarded us with questions. 

"One at a time please.." Yugyeom said softly.

"Okay, what is she doing here?"

"We brought food.." Yugyeom said and looked at Jackson as if he was the most stupid person on planet earth. He honestly did seem slightly stupid.

"Who allowed her to come in our house?" 

"Everyone." I said.

"I didn't ask you, shut up," Jackson backfired, and I just stood there, puzzled.

"Why are you being so mean to her, what the hell?" Yugyeom said. He was clearly annoyed at his elder. He even cussed, which is not very usual for Yugyeom.. He seemed very defensive.

"It's okay, let's leave.." I said and pulled on his arm. Yugyeom shook his head immediately and I let go, "No, we're not," he said sternly. 

"It's her own fault. She was the one that lied," Jackson simply stated and scoffed. Yugyeom looked at him in disbelief and also scoffed, "You're kidding right? Did you ask Riley yet? How do you know she was lying?" Yugyeom said. 

"Okay, Riley. Be honest with me, did you or did you not threaten Anna and tell her to stay away from GOT7?" Jackson asked. Riley looked around helplessly and sighed, "I did... but it helped our relationship, right?" She said and put an innocent act on again. I squeezed Yugyeoms arm lightly, to tell him I was annoyed, and Yugyeom did the same back. I slightly smiled but tried to cover it up. 

"What?! You actually didn't, right? You're freaking lying, right?" Jackson said. His eyes were so wide and Riley was clearly intimidated. 

"I'm sorry, okay! But why do you guys even hang out with her? Are you all trying to get in her pants, or is the other way around?" She asked. This girl has absolutely no respect, does she? I'm actually hurt by those words, it absolutely makes no sense at all. She's the one hanging out with GOT7 to get in Jackson's pants so why is she assuming me of doing that. 

"Girl, you're the one trying to get in his pants, why are you trying to assume me of something you're trying to do.." I said, "I'm out of here, I don't need any of your bull," I said and pointed to Jackson and Riley. I left the room and could hear Yugyeom yelling something.

"I'm sorry to be disrespectful, but you're so so so dumb Jackson. I'm also done, don't expect us to hang out with you again Riley," Yugyeom said and left the room. He quickly ran after me and caught up with me at the front door.

"Hey, everything okay?" He asked. I nodded and sighed, "Yeah, I'm fine. He's just so dumb and ignorant and Riley is just the same. Maybe they do suit each other," I said, which made Yugyeom chuckle. We stood still for a moment and Yugyeom grabbed me by the shoulders, "Anna, remember you still have me, Bambam, Youngjae hyung, Jinyoung hyung, Mark hyung and Jaebum hyung, okay? We'll never leave you for a girl, because we've known you for the longest and we promised each other to stick together, right?" He said and looked me in the eye. I slightly nodded and hugged him. 

"Thanks for always encouraging and supporting me, oppa. I'm so grateful for you and the other members. At first, I thought you were all kinda annoying, but turns out you guys are the most important guys in my life, plus Daniel of course," I said, still hugging him. 

"Of course, I'll always encourage and support you with whatever you do," he said and my hair.

"I'd do the same with you guys," I said and nuzzled my face in his chest. He's a lot taller than me, so that's kinda easy to do. After a while, we let go and walked back to my house. 

"What took so long?" Jaebum asked. 

"We had a little fight with Jackson hyung.. He was cuddling with Riley and when we came in, he got mad because I was there and from there we kinda started yelling at each other and at the end I walked off and said I didn't want anything to do with them again," I said and sat down next to Bambam, leaning my head against his shoulder. The others were quite shocked at Jackson's behaviour.

"What is wrong with that kid.." Mark softly said and sighed. Just then, someone's phone rang.

"Hello?" Jaebum answered annoyed. He put the conversation on speaker for everyone to hear. 

"Hyung.. Is Anna there?" Jackson asked, his voice slightly shaking.

"Ehh, yeah, why.." Jaebum asked. 

"She just walked off and... Is she there?" He asked again. We were all confused and puzzled. Why did Jackson suddenly call and ask for me? Bambam suddenly patted my head. I looked up and smiled. I wasn't particularly sad or anything, just disappointed at his behaviour. I thought we were pretty close and stuff but he ruined everything because of that Riley girl.

"Yeah she's here, why? Weren't you two on bad terms?" Yugyeom suddenly asked. 

"What? Did you put me on speaker hyung?" Jackson asked, confusion clear in his voice. Jaebum said a quick 'yeah'. Jackson decided to talk again and cleared his voice. "Anna is also there, isn't she?" Jackson sighed. He got another 'yeah', "Anna, please.. Can you come over here? Please.."

"No." I said. 

"Please Anna.. Please let me explain.." 

"Why the hell do you still think I would do that?" I asked. He was acting really weird and bipolar.. Just a while ago, he was yelling in my face and now he's asking me to come over? 

"Please.." He said. He sounded so desperate that it was actually quite pitiful to listen to. Bambam nudged me in the side and I looked at him, "What?" I whispered. He looked at me sadly and whispered again, "Maybe he has an good explanation, just hear him out," he said. I sighed and decided to agree.

"Okay, but I'm leaving if you start insulting me or start bringing me down again," I said and stood up. I left without saying anything else. I grabbed my coat and slipped my shoes on, leaving to GOT7's house. I got there in just a minute and knocked on the door. Seemed like Jackson was waiting for me in front of the door, because it got opened just in a matter of a second. He waited for me to get in and closed the door. I walked to the kitchen and sat on one of the chairs at the dining table. 

"What did you want to say," I asked coldly, and looked him straight in the eyes. 

"I.. I wanted to apologize.. I got.. jealous because you were hanging out with Yugyeom a lot and were kinda neglecting me.. And then Riley came along and I grabbed that chance to make you jealous or something, but I failed miserably.." 

"That makes no sense at all," I said. I sat there, gazing at him and waiting for him to finish saying what he wanted to say, because I couldn't understand what he was trying to say. It's all a bit too confusing for me.

Jackson sighed before talking again, "I.. I really.. really like you, but you seem to only hang out with Yugyeom and I just got jealous and I do dumb and stupid stuff when I get jealous and that's kinda it.. I'm sorry.." He said and grasped for a breath. He searched for my eyes hopelessly and waited for me to say something. "Please say something.." He said desperately. 

"I.. don't know what to say, to be honest.. You could've talked about it to one of the members? Or you could even talk about it with me.. You just.. kinda made everyone mad, especially Yugyeom.." I said and looked back at him. He heaved a sigh and looked back down. 

"I know.. but as I said earlier, I do pretty dumb stuff when I get jealous," he said and slightly chuckled, "But.. uhm.. I do like you, a lot.. And you don't have to say anything, just keep it to yourself and when you think you have a definite answer, tell me.. but not now," he said and looked back up again. I nodded and smiled. 

"I will, are we good again?" I asked, still with a smile on my face. His eyes glistered out of happiness and he nodded immediately, "Yes yes yes, of course!" He answered and hugged me. I laughed and hugged him back. 

"The only thing you still have to do, is to apologize to the others for being such an ," I said and pulled out of the hug, patting his shoulder after finishing my sentence. He sighed and nodded, "I know.. Wanna come with me and get some chicken? I'm sure they will forgive me when I give them chicken," he said.

"Yeah.. but maybe Yugyeom not.. He was really really mad back there and I don't think I've ever seen him this mad, and neither have the others," I said. 

"I know.. he's always such a cute respectful kid, so it's kinda weird and scary to see him like this.. He must really really like you, most probably as a little sister," Jackson said, flinching at the thought of Yugyeom also liking me and them having to fight over me. 

"It'll be okay, I don't think he'll hold a grudge against you," I said and comfortingly patted his shoulder, "Still wanna go buy them chicken?" I asked, trying to change the topic to something more comfortable.

"Yeah, let's go. Also, let's stop at the cafe to get some coffee and bubble tea for the members," he said and grabbed his car keys and his phone. We quickly left to go to the KFC and ordered everything we needed to order. We left after receiving the order and paying. I also sent a quick text message to Yugyeom, saying we were almost done talking, not wanting to tell him that we were getting food for them even though they had dinner an hour ago. We quickly ordered chicken at the KFC and left afterwards.

"Let's go to the cafe and get some bubble tea!" Jackson shouted, while we were sitting in the car. "Please stop being so excited, I'm almost deaf," I said and covered my ears. He laughed happily and nodded. We soon arrived in front of the cafe and we both got in, ordering 9 bubble teas and 5 coffees. We were told to sit for a moment and wait for our order, because the order was quite big. 

"Back to your house, I guess," he said, after they finished giving us our order. I wondered why Jackson suddenly sounded so reluctant to go there, "What's up?" I asked him and faced him. 

"Just... I haven't been there for a while and what if Yugyeom opens the door and starts yelling at me?" He said, worrying about all kinds of stuff that probably wouldn't happen. The others probably knew we were back on good terms again if I took him back to my house. I did sent a sneaky text message to Yugyeom to tell him that I brought Jackson with me, and although he didn't react /that/ happy, he was nice enough about it. 

"Nothing will happen, don't worry," I assured him and gave him a thumbs up. "Thanks, Anna," he said, "Thanks for forgiving me, after I acted like an this whole time."

"It's okay, it's probably the hormones acting up," I joked and laughed at my own joke (why am I so sad). Luckily, Jackson also laughed, so I wasn't the only one that laughed. "Maybe.." He said and chuckled. Soon, after about a 10-minute drive, we arrived in front of my house. Jackson parked his car and grabbed the bags. I took one from him and opened the door with my keys, "I'm back!!" I shouted and I could hear everyone scrumbling around, probably trying to get up from the floor. I opened the door to the living room and saw they were all indeed standing up.

"Jackson bought chicken, bubble tea and some coffee for you all as an apology," I said and placed the bubble tea on the table. 

"Food and drinks as an apology is honestly not the best way," Youngjae mumbled, but everyone could hear, including Jackson.

"Do you really think we're going to forgive you, especially me?" Yugyeom said, clearly full of disappointment. Jackson shook his head furiously, "No no no, I was still gonna hold a speech, please bear with me and drink your bubble tea or coffee and eat chicken in the meantime," he panicked. The members reluctantly grabbed a drink and a piece of chicken and sat down, be it on the floor or on the couch. 

"Okay.. I already apologized to Anna and she forgave me, so now it's time to apologize to you guys. I.. I've been acting like an for the past week and it's because of a really really stupid reason, which I can't tell you just yet.. I will.. soon, but not now. I also promise not to hang out with Riley again, I deleted her phone number and before doing that, I sent her a text telling her I knew about everything. I'm also withdrew her invite to our concert. Please.. please forgive me.. Especially Yugyeom, I'm sorry for not believing you or Anna or any of the other members.." He said and looked down, feeling guilty for everything he has done, "I'm also sorry for not hanging out with you guys this week.."

"Is that all?" Jinyoung asked, looking at him while raising an eyebrow. Jackson nodded and didn't dare to look Jinyoung in the eye. "Good, because I forgive you. You do have to do the dishes and clean the house for one week straight," Jinyoung said and smiled.

"I also forgive you. You probably had one of your dumb and stupid moments again, but if you dare to hurt Anna or anyone from GOT7 again, I won't hesitate to punch you in the face," Jaebum said and smiled, "I also agree with everything Jinyoung said." Jackson sighed, but smiled back at Jaebum, thankful that they forgave him. 

"I also forgive you hyung.. But don't hurt my best friends again!" Bambam said and pointed at his elder. "Yah! Bambam! You're still not allowed to point at your elders even if you're fighting, alright?" Jaebum scolded. "Sorry, hyung..." Bambam said and looked down. I went over to him and hugged him, patting his back also. He was quite startled at my sudden hug, but eventually hugged back. "Thanks for calling me one of your best friend," I whispered in his ear. "That's because you are," he said back and pulled away, grinning widely. 

"I also forgive you, just don't be so stupid again, okay? Or else I will kick you out of our room," Mark said and looked at him. Jackson nodded and smiled gratefully. Soon, Youngjae also agreed and forgave Jackson. Now, there was only Yugyeom left to forgive him. Everyone looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to speak up, but it seemed like he was thinking about something. I nudged him in the side, and only then he realized everyone was waiting for him to speak up. 

"Yugyeom, please say something.. I know I made you really mad, but please, I'm really sorry.." Jackson said desperately.

"Okay, wait," Yugyeom suddenly said, "You only believe us when Riley finally decides to speak up about it? You didn't believe any of your members whom you have known for all these years? Instead, you decide to believe a girl whom you've known for a week?"

"I know, I acted immature and stupid, but please forgive me Yugyeom.." Jackson said, looking at me and some other members for support. No one said anything though.. We all though it'd be better if they solved this together, without others interrupting. 

"I really do want to forgive you, but it's hard.. I really thought you were trustworthy, hyung. You ruined all that in just one day.." Yugyeom said and sighed.


"I know Anna, I know. I forgive him, for now.. But hyung, if you mess up like this again, I probably won't," he said. Jackson was really happy and went up to hug Yugyeom. 

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He beamed and went on, hugging other members. I was standing beside Yugyeom, so I hugged Yugyeom. "You're amazing," I said and patted his chest. "I know." Yugyeom said and flipped his non-existent hair. I laughed and let go. We then started eating and drinking everything that was left over, I mean who wants to waist any food? 

"MOM! Come downstairs! Jackson bought bubble tea and chicken!" I shouted from downstairs. 

"Eating again, huh?" Mom joked and ran downstairs, joining us. Jackson handed her her bubble tea, she thanked him and started drinking.

"Anna, you also have one," Jackson said and handed it to me. "Thanks!" I beamed and gladly took it. I ate 2 or 3 pieces of chicken, because I was still really full from dinner. The others though, still kept eating, even though they had dinner an hour and a half ago. Mom and I sat on the couch, while the boys were sitting on the floor, eating their chicken and drinking bubble tea or coffee. We silently laughed at them, because they looked like beasts that haven't been eating anything since last year. We waited for them to finish eating, so we could all go to bed. 

"Hyung~" Yugyeom and Bambam whined, "We're sleepy." They said and tugged on Jaebum. Jaebum tried to pry them off, obviously annoyed. "We're going home soon, stop whining," Jaebum said. 

"Sooner!" Bambam whined. Yugyeom and Bambam then went to the kitchen and washed their hands, making sure they were clean and smelled good. They then joined me and my mother on the couch. 

"Sweetie, I'm tired, you wait for them to finish eating and go upstairs after, okay?" Mom said and left, without hearing my reply. I sighed and just agreed. Bambam and Yugyeom then laid down on my lap and both fell asleep, each on one side. At first, I was gently touching slash their hair (creep), but soon, I also fell asleep. 

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I'm really sorry for not updating for a few weeks! I'm planning on getting back at it, since i'm on my winter break~


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Neko_Eonni #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for your greetings, I hope you had a great time with your loved ones
suamortentia #2
Chapter 23: Happy Holidays \o/ Hope you enjoy a lot too.
Neko_Eonni #3
Chapter 22: Great chapter!!!! I really ship AnGyeom~ I'm glad they made up
suamortentia #4
Chapter 22: Still too adorable *-* I'm not the biggest fan of Yugyeom, but I admit that they're cute together :P
Neko_Eonni #5
Chapter 13: I really really REALLY hope she ends up with Yugyeom!!
Chapter 21: Awwww
princessfanfan #7
Chapter 20: she needs to end up with yugyeom. too cute together >_<
Chapter 20: ERMEHGERD I LOVE THISE DANCERS OMG!!! CX I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT CX (can I ask you how old you are and do you have a Kik??) Like seriously sorry for asking but like I never knew a person that knows those dancers cx
suamortentia #9
Chapter 19: Jackson <3 UISAJDISOASDA, well, I'll just wait for more. Fighting!
Chapter 19: Yet another amazing chapter CX but seriously she should end up with the cutie makane (if that's how you spell it hehe ><)