Chapter 20

You're My Playground

"Anna~" Yugyeom whined.

"What is it, oppa?" I asked. We were on my bed, each on our own phones. We just woke up and weren't really in the mood to get up and wake up all the others, so we stayed in bed.

"How is your friend Jenny like? Is she nice? Is she pretty?" 

"She's really really nice and she's also very pretty! She's also a big fan of GOT7," I said and put my phone away. A smile immediately appeared on Yugyeom's face. 

"She does? Who's her favourite member?" He asked. I thought for a while, because I wasn't sure if she's ever mentioned her favourite member.. I do know she once mentioned something about having a weakness for dancers (which I also have).

"Ahh! I remember now. She doesn't have one favourite member, though, she likes Jackson, Mark, Jinyoung and you," I said and chuckled. That's like almost the whole group, but when I told her that, she said that it was too hard to choose one favourite member. I do agree with her on that, because they're all equally good looking and they're all kind and caring. I'm sure she's going to like Yugyeom, who doesn't? 

Yugyeom smiled and didn't say anything else. He put his phone away and stretched his whole body. He rolled to my side and then back to his own side and again, back to my side again. "Stay on your own side~" I joked and pushed him away. We eventually decided to get out of bed and brush our teeth. After that, we changed into warm clothes so we could go outside. We were planning on getting breakfast for the others. 

"Take a scarf with you," Yugyeom said. 

"No, I'm okay. My neck itches really bad when I wear one," I said and shrugged. I stretched my arm out to open the door, but was stopped by Yugyeom. He wrapped a thick scarf around my neck and patted my head afterwards. We left the hotelroom with everything we needed and walked to the elevator. We made our way to the lobby and exited the hotel afterwards. It was quite windy outside and I was glad that Yugyeom put the scarf around me, or else I would be freezing to death. 

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked. 

"Everything's fine," he answered and shrugged. Because we both didn't know where or what we wanted to eat, we just took random left turns and right turns and eventually ended up in a street with all kinds of cafe's. One especially stood out to us. It was a cafe called "Note" and it had a very vintage feel to it. Most of the furniture was made from wood, which was mainly why it had a comfortable and cozy feel to it. 

"Yah, they have red velvet cake here! And look at the variety of drinks!" Yugyeom happily beamed. 

"Oppa, people are looking at you weirdly," I giggled and shook my head.

He shrugged and smiled, "But that's why you like me, right?" He said, while blinking his eyes. I laughed and nodded. We decided to order something for us to eat and drink here first, before ordering more food to bring with us to the hotel. 

"I'll have a pumpkin spice latte, a Great British Breakfast and a chocolate chip cookie," I said.

"I'll also have the pumpkin spice latte, a smoked salmon & soft cheese bagel, and lastly a berry crunch!" Yugyeom said. The cashier told us the price, and before I could give her the money, Yugyeom lightly bumped me away with his hip and paid for it. The cashier told us to take a seat somewhere and that she would bring it to us later. 

"Thanks.. for paying, even though I wanted to pay," I said and gave him a hug. He laughed and looked around for a table for two, near a heater. He found one in the corner and walked towards that table. I followed him and sat down opposite of him.

"Anna, there's a famous dancer who's giving a workshop in London today. Want to go?" He asked. I could see his eyes sparkling while talking about dancing, and it made me feel really happy to know that dancing made him that happy.

"Sure! Who is it?" I asked.

"Guess. You know the person. We've talked about that person before," he said, still smiling. I slightly tilted my head and thought for a moment. There are a lot of famous dancers.. We've also talked about a lot of them.. So how am I supposed to know?

"Is it... Lyle? Keone? Chachi? Ellen? Bam? Vinh? Ian? Brian? I don't know anyone else.. Oh! Maybe Pat? Or is it a group.. Quick Crew?" I asked. I named a whole list of dancers and I'm not even sure if I had one right.. 

"It's Brian Puspos!" Yugyeom said, almost squealing.

"WHAT?!" I squealed, "Uhm, oh, uh.. I mean, what?" I whispered. Some of the other costumers were looking at me, and I was so embarrassed of myself.. First Yugyeom embarrassing himself, then me..

"I know right!" He said.

"Of course I want to have a workshop from Brian Puspos!" I said, "I really want to scream, but uh.. let's not do that." We both laughed until our order arrived. The girl put our drinks down first, and then our food. We thanked her and started eating immediately. I was super hungry, for some reason. Yugyeom wasn't that hungry, so he shared his Berry Crunch with me. 

"Open up," he said and fed me a spoon with the Berry Crunch, when I opened my mouth. "Thanks," I smiled and took a sip of the pumpkin spice latte afterwards. I only had one word to describe the drink, which was "Fall". 

"I actually can't believe we're going to meet Brian Puspos, I'm literally freaking out inside," I said and wavered my hand in front of my face. Brian Puspos has always been a big inspiration to me so I can't believe I'm going to meet him. I had missed so many chances to meet him or attend a workshop from him, and to be in London and go to one of his workshops is so much more than I had imagined. 

"I already ordered tickets for his workshop," Yugyeom said.

"What? How? I just said yes.." I said and gave him a confused look. 

"I might or might not have planned this beforehand. I knew you were gonna say yes," he said and grinned, feeling super proud of himself. 

"No way! Oppa, you honestly have to stop being so sweet," I said and sighed, "How much was it? I'll pay you back."

"I'm not telling you~ I don't want you to pay me back, because it's a gift from me to you," he said and stuck his tongue out. We were now making our way to the cashier again to order food for the other members.

"Oppa, I'm gonna punch you if you don't tell me how much it cost you," I said and put my fist up, of course not meaning it. 

"Wow, okay, I am scared now," he chuckled, "It was a total of 100 bucks for two people." My eyes almost bulged out of my eyesockets. Why would he spent so much money for me? I have enough money with me, so I could've paid for it myself. I was planning on secretly putting 50 bucks in his suitcase or jeanpockets when he wasn't looking, so it's not that bad. I don't like it when people pay for me, especially not if it's that expensive. I'm a young independent woman and I can pay for myself. I'm really grateful that he went out of his way to do this for me, though, but it's just that I don't feel comfortable with it. It makes me feel guilty and Yugyeom has already done so much for me, I don't need him paying something that expensive for me.. 

"Oppa, please don't ever spend that much money on me again," I said, hooking my arm with his. 

"We'll see. It's just that I really wanted to take this workshop with you and I was scared that the tickets would be sold out. Just let me do this once, okay?" He said. I sighed and eventually nodded. I'm still going to put the 50 bucks in his pocket, though. 

We ordered everything we needed, waited for a bit, received a bag full with the food/drinks and made our way back to the hotel. We tried to figure out the way back to the hotel, and after asking tons of people and some security guards, we safely made it back. We entered the lift and went to our floor. The first room we knocked on was Jaebum's room. He opened up, still half asleep.

"Goodmorning oppa, we bought breakfast," I said and handed him his breakfast and Bambam's breakfast. He thanked us and we left. Next room we knocked on was Jackson and Mark's room. It got opened almost immediately by Mark.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Mark asked. 

"Breakfast!" Yugyeom said and handed him the bag; which contained two drinks and two sandwiches. 

"Huh? Did you guys go out to buy this?" He asked.

"Yeah, we just got back," I said and smiled. Mark nodded and called for Jackson. Behind Mark, we could see Jackson crawling out of the bed, still with the blanket around him. He was still half asleep and didn't realize who were standing in front of him, until a minute later. 

"Goodmorning to you too Jackson," I said and chuckled. His hair was all over the place and he looked really messy. We said bye and went to Youngjae and Jinyoung's room, which was the last room we had to go to. I knocked on their door, "Oppa!"

"Who's it?" Jinyoung yelled back.

"Who do you think? Who else calls you oppa?" 

"Oh! Anna! Be right there!" He shouted and I could hear rumbling sounds. Soon, we were met by an almost dressed Jinyoung. He had one arm in his shirt and he had a towel on top of his head. 

"Well, you look handsome today," I joked and handed him the bag with foods and drinks. He took a peak inside and smiled brightly. 

"Thanks!" He beamed. He looked behind him, only to see Youngjae getting out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Yah, Choi Youngjae! Anna and Yugyeom bought food for us." Youngjae turned his head and looked at us wide-eyed. 

"YOU COULD'VE SAID SO EARLIER, I'M HALF HERE!" He shouted and ran back to the bathroom. It all left us laughing and cracking. Yugyeom and I decided to go back to my room and drink the drinks we also ordered for ourselves to drink in the hotel. Instead of drinking, I immediately lay down on the bed. Somehow, I was really tired and I didn't understand why. I didn't even do anything that required a lot of strength.. 

"Something wrong?" Yugyeom asked. He put his cup down and sat down next to me. 

"No, I don't think so," I said, trying to inhale and exhale as calm as possible. 

"You're breathing heavily.." He said.

"I know.. not sure why, though," I said and lay down on my back instead of my stomach. I stared at the ceiling and we both didn't say anything for a while. I honestly have no idea why I was heavily breathing like that.. I've never had this before, but maybe it's just a one-time thing. I shouldn't worry about it too much. 

"What time does the workshop start?" I asked, glancing at the clock on the wall.

"6pm until 9pm," he said and lay down on his side, facing me. 

"Did you even bring clothes for dancing?" I asked. I know I didn't, so I have no idea what I'm going to wear. I mean, it's only dancing, but that's why I need comfortable pants and shoes, which I did not have with me right now. I do have the shoes but not the pants. 

"I sneaked into your room last time I was at your house and took your black pair of chachimommas with me. They're in my suitcase," he said. 

"What is wrong with you? How could you prepare all this and keep it a secret until now?" I asked, "And how did I not notice that my favourite pants were gone?"

"It's because I'm the best and you love me for that," he said and pointed at himself with his thumbs. I chuckled and turned away, hugging the plushy I was holding. I was super thrilled for Brian Puspos' workshop and I'm not sure what to do now or if I even want to do anything. 


It was finally time to go to the studio for Brian's workshop! Yugyeom and I spent the rest of the day by lying in bed and napping. It was now 5pm and we were both changing. I was in the bathroom and he was in the room. He also had the same pair of chachimommas that I had and we were both wearing a white shirt, so it looked like we were trying to match, but we really weren't! I honestly just picked out a random oversized shirt that would be comfortable to wear for dancing.. 

"Anna, let's go tell the others that we're leaving and that we're back after 9!" Yugyeom yelled. I was in the bathroom, trying to put my hair up, but it wasn't working because I at being a girl. 

"Yah, what's taking you so long?" He knocked on the door. I unlocked it and let him in. 

"My hair is acting like ," I said and groaned. I went through my hair with the brush one more time. Yugyeom then suddenly took the hairelastic from me and started tying my hair up for me. I wanted to punch myself for being such a useless girl, because Yugyeom tied it up in less than 10 seconds for me . 

"Thank you," I smiled and looked in the mirror to check if my eyeliner was smudged, and it luckily wasn't. 

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and put my coat and shoes on. We had our backpacks, where the dance shoes were in. We also put some water and some snacks in there. After making sure that we had everything with us, we left the hotelroom and told the other guys that we were leaving. They were planning on going somewhere to eat dinner, which we of course didn't mind. They promised us to bring something with them for us. 

"Let's go meet Brian!" We both beamed. We had our arms hooked and made our way to the hotel's exit. We called a taxi beforehand, so we wouldn't get lost. The taxi was already waiting for us when we got outside. 

"Hello," I greeted the taxi driver and took a seat in the back. Yugyeom did the same and placed his bag next to him. I was super pumped to meet Brian, and I couldn't hide my excitement! Yugyeom was just as excited and we didn't say anything until we arrived at our destination. We paid the driver and got out. There were a few people lining up outside of the building, so we stood behind them. We got in in no time, showed the man our tickets and walked inside the dance studio. There were around 50 other people there. Everyone was either greeting Brian, who was in the corner, or putting their shoes on. Yugyeom and I decided to put our shoes on first, before greeting Brian. We did everything and put our bags in one of the lockers they had there.

"Oh my god," I mumbled. I wasn't sure what to say to him, so I was slightly starting to get nervous. Yugyeom walked in front of me, holding my hand. He could probably feel me shaking, that's why he squeezed my hand.

"Hello Brian, I'm Yugyeom. I'm really glad I got the chance to do one of your workshops," Yugyeom said and smiled. They both shook hands. Now it was my turn.

"Hey, I'm A-Anna. Nice to m-meet you," I stuttered. I almost wanted to punch myself.. 

"Hey Anna, are you nervous?" He asked and chuckled.

"Well, yeah.. I've been wanting to meet you for so long," I said.

"You finally did, right? No need to be nervous, I'm just a fellow dancer! Just remember that this workshop is meant for having fun," he said and smiled. His smile was worth gold and I am so glad I'm here. 

"Can we take a picture with you? Before we get all sweaty and disgusting," Yugyeom joked. Brain nodded and told a guy (who we didn't know) to take the picture. Yugyeom handed his phone to him and stood next to Brian, while I stood on the other side. Brian put his arm around me and smiled, so I did the same. After the picture with Yugyeom and I, we each took seperate photos with him. Brian and I took one normal one and a few other ones that weren't really pretty (LOL). Yugyeom did the same and we all laughed at the pictures afterwards. We left Brian alone so he could talk to other people. 

"Oppa!" I said, almost screaming and squealing. We had a big smile on our faces after that. After waiting for another 15 minutes, the class started. Brian clapped his hands together for everyone's attention and stood in front of the big mirror, facing us. Everyone hurried their way to the floor and faced Brian. 

"Hello! My name is Brian and today's workshop will be given by me! Please enjoy and remember that this is about having fun. Don't worry if you make any mistakes, no one's going to judge you for that. Dancing is a way to express yourself and it doesn't matter if you make mistakes. We'll start off with a warming up!" Brian walked towards the laptop in the corner and put on some music. We followed his warming up and loosened up our bodies. After 5 minutes or so, Brian started teaching us the choreography. 

We spent a whole hour learning the choreography to his dance "Foreign" by Trey Songz. It was easy to follow for me and Yugyeom and it was time to dance in front of the others. Brian divided the group in five and let the groups dance one by one. A lot of people did great and everyone was being very respectful towards everyone. The atmosphere was great!

"Okay, I'll be picking out five people that I think are really good, and they'll have to dance in front of the group," Brian said and tapped his chin, "Okay, you, you, you.." 

"And you two!" He said and pointed at me and Yugyeom. We were honestly quite shocked that we were picked out, because there were a lot of other people that were super good. Anyways, Brian started the music and counted down for us to start. The whole dance went great for us; we made no mistakes and it was very enjoyable. 

"I really want you two to do it again, if you don't mind," Brian said and, again, pointed at us. We weren't sure if it was because we were bad or because we were good.. So the other three dancers sat down on the floor next to all the other people and watched us. We waited for the music to start and started dancing after Brian's countdown. Everyone clapped when we finished and threw their shoes/hats at us (which is a sign of respect). Brian also clapped, which made me feel so so so thankful. 

"You two did great! You're one of the best dancers I've taught to. Really, wow!" He said. 

"Thank you so much, it means the world to us. I'm speechless.." I said and smiled. I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of class, and Yugyeom apparently also couldn't. The next choreography he taught us was a bit harder, but still doable. After Brian thanked us for coming, we went to the lockers and put our shoes on. We went back to thank Brian for this amazing experience one last time before leaving. 

"We just wanted to thank you again for this amazing experience," I smiled brightly.

"Yeah, it seemed like a once in a life time experience. Also, thanks for the compliments! We've both been dancing for a long time, and to hear something like that from you is quite overwhelming, honestly," Yugyeom said. 

"It's nothing guys. You two deserved those compliments. When I said that you two were the best dancers I've ever taught to, I meant it. I'm surprised you're not famous yet! I hope you enjoyed my class and go home safely, okay?" He said and smiled. We each gave him a hug before leaving with a big smile on our faces. We entered the taxi, which Yugyeom called during our break.



We turned our heads to each other and burst out laughing. We hugged each other.

"I can't believe that just happened.." He said. I rested my head on his shoulder, still smiling brightly, "Thank you, oppa.. for making this possible for the both of us."

"It's nothing~ I'm glad you liked it," Yugyeom said. After 5 minutes or so, the taxi arrived in front of our hotel. We paid the driver, thanked him and entered the hotel. We greeted the receptionist and made our way up with the elevator. All the way up, we were giggling and smiling. We couldn't wait until we could tell the others about today. We texted the guys beforehand, to ask them where they were, and they were all in Jaebum's room. We knocked on Jaebum's door and waited.

"Hey guys, how was Brian's class?" Jaebum asked, while opening the door further for us to go in, "Seems like you had a lot of fun by the smiles on your faces." I went towards the bed and lay down.

"Brian complimented us multiple times!" Yugyeom yelled and ran towards Bambam, enveloping him in a hug. 

"He did? What did he say?" Jackson asked, full of excitement. 

"He told us that we were the best students he had ever taught to!" I said and hugged Jinyoung's arm, who was lying beside me. 

"Oh my god, he did?! I'm so happy for you two, but I'm also kinda jealous," Jaebum chuckled. He ended up giving both of us a hug and a peck on the head. The others also congratulated us. They gave us the food they took with them for us, which we ate immediately. We spent the rest of the night not doing much. We went to the hotel's swimming pool for a while, before going back to our own rooms to take a shower. Everyone slept in their own rooms this time. I told Jenny about the day and went to sleep pretty early. I was really tired, because Yugyeom and I woke up early, even though we went to sleep around 4am, and we danced for 3 hours straight. I didn't mind, though, because it involved dancing, but it was just that I didn't want to be tired the next day. 

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I'm really sorry for not updating for a few weeks! I'm planning on getting back at it, since i'm on my winter break~


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Neko_Eonni #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for your greetings, I hope you had a great time with your loved ones
suamortentia #2
Chapter 23: Happy Holidays \o/ Hope you enjoy a lot too.
Neko_Eonni #3
Chapter 22: Great chapter!!!! I really ship AnGyeom~ I'm glad they made up
suamortentia #4
Chapter 22: Still too adorable *-* I'm not the biggest fan of Yugyeom, but I admit that they're cute together :P
Neko_Eonni #5
Chapter 13: I really really REALLY hope she ends up with Yugyeom!!
Chapter 21: Awwww
princessfanfan #7
Chapter 20: she needs to end up with yugyeom. too cute together >_<
Chapter 20: ERMEHGERD I LOVE THISE DANCERS OMG!!! CX I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT CX (can I ask you how old you are and do you have a Kik??) Like seriously sorry for asking but like I never knew a person that knows those dancers cx
suamortentia #9
Chapter 19: Jackson <3 UISAJDISOASDA, well, I'll just wait for more. Fighting!
Chapter 19: Yet another amazing chapter CX but seriously she should end up with the cutie makane (if that's how you spell it hehe ><)