fast forward to one year later.....

One day...someday...

(My POV)

Today has been a long day...the client here in HongKong has unbelievable demands..but as the saying goes, The client is always right...good thing we will be wrapping up this in a next weekend I'll be back in Korea..

Pulling out my ipod, I pressed shuffle and the song played....

Tonight, it's been a year.....

It has been a year since Jongin and I broke was a painful year..but I managed to go on...travelling for work helped me..but I still think about him all the time..I still miss him...I touched the ring that I use as a pendant..It was the ring Jongin gave me on our 100th day..

"Okay...I need a beer..." I told myself....I then head off to my favorite bar...

(Kai's POV)

"This is it..this is the place.." I told my co-members...

"Why are we here?" Sehun asked

"You guys said we try the night life here in here we are..".....

"This place doesn't give off a party vibe" Chanyeol complained...

"At least there's no one in there that will recognize us..." Suho said...

The place looked like as she has described it..the comfortable looking sofas..the flat screen tvs that show some fashion show and a kpop song is playing...

We are in HongKong for a photoshoot with a local clothing brand, and since we have worked so hard for the past year the company allowed us to have a few days off..we can stay in HongKong for 3 days unlike the original plan that we will head back to Korea as soon as we finish the shoot..

So here we are in Tsim Sha Tsui..I have managed to make the members go to the bar that Marie always talked about...

Tonight it's been a year since we broke up...I focused on my career to numb the hurt I was feeling..I miss her..I miss her so much..I still think about her..On instinct, I touched the ring that I am still wearing...

As we walked inside, I heard the song playing and stopped in my tracks...

Listen to my story

I saw a falling star

And I made a wish upon the tiny spark, then

My heart belongs t you forever, forver more

I hope my wish can be heard to the sky.....

"Are you okay?" Kyungsoo asked with a concerned voice

"yeah..I'm good.."

We sat at one of the corner sofas and ordered our drinks...

The other members soon become comfortable..relieving of the stress and tiredness that we all feel..

Chen noticed that I was quiete than usual..."Jongin-a! Why are you so quiet?"

"I just remember Marie...the song that's playing is Starlit Night by of her favorites..."

"You still miss her?" This time it's Baekhyun who showed concern...

"I do..."

"Maybe you should start dating again...." says Luhan

"I can't...."

Tao tapped me in the shoulders...

Lay just shook his head...

The other members resumed their cheerful banter..I can't join them because CNBLUE songs keep on playing and it doesn't help just makes me miss her more..I know she's okay..I moniter her life by checking her instagram account..she deactivated her twitter account so I don't know if she keep tabs on me..I know she's in HongKong recently but I don't know if she went back to Korea already...

Stabirabi rapstapstabira

Stabirabi rapstapstabira

You're my love....

Aaah...Still in Love..yes..I'm still in love with her..I miss her..I want to hug her again..the smell of her hair..the touch of her hand..her love of books..the way we can sit side by side, me playing on my ipad and she reading on her ebook reader..her love of rollercoasters..her laugh..I miss her so much my chest hurts..what would I have to give, how much I have to pay to see her be with her again..

I was not a religious person but after we broke up I started praying..I prayed a lot that I will have the strength to continue despite my heart being broken to pieces..I pray for her to be safe and if we are meant to be we will meet again...

And it seems that night, as the door of the bar opens, I think my prayers were answered..

Marie walked in the bar...

It felt as if the world stopped spinning..I can't hear the member's voices..I'm not sure if my heart was beating.. "She's here! She's here!" I told the members.... that's when she looked at me..

As our eyes meet, I know..this is it..she said that maybe someday, one day we will meet again..and I'm still in love with her..I think I love her more than I love her before, if that is even possible..

I went up to her and said "Hi!"

She smiled, the smile that always warms and melts my heart at the same time "Hello Kim Jongin!"

I saw her necklace, the ring I gave her on our 100th day, the other half of the ring I'm wearing, is the pendant...with that I felt that this time we will work things out...

I reached for her hand and squeezed it "I missed you! I miss you so much..."

She squeezed my hand back and said "I missed you too!"

I hugged her as tight as possible and this time I have no plans of letting her go....

Just please know why my heart is beating for you......

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