
The Families Three Blocks Apart

안돼! - Andwae! - No!

The sound of the doorbell startled Kyungsoo from his nap. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and baking a cake with Jongin and Jongdae had left him beat. The house was uncharacteristically quiet with his snoozing younger brothers and Chanyeol at the dentist with their appa, leaving a fourteen year old Minseok, who was preparing lunch, in charge. 

"Can someone go get it? My hands are dirty."

Kyungsoo carefully lifted a softly snoring Jongdae's legs off his lap as he got up from off the couch, pausing when Jongdae groaned in his sleep before settling down and cuddling a sleeping Jongin closer to his chest, "I'll get it, hyung."

"Remember to look through the peep hole first!"

"Yeah, yeah," Kyungsoo rolled his eyes but tip toed to look through the tiny gl in the front door anyway.

Squinting to look through, Kyungsoo was greeted by the grinning face of Boxian with a waving Luhan in his arms and Zitao's arm around his shoulder, shielding his younger brothers from the cold. 

"Who is it?" Minseok called, walking through to the living room as he wiped his hands with a towel.

"Boxian, Luhan and Zitao hyung." Kyungsoo replied, taking off the safety chain and opening the door.

"Hey!" Boxian and Luhan cheerfully greeted the boys as Boxian settled Luhan onto the ground before taking off his little brother's shoes and coat, "What'chu guys up to?"

"I just made lunch, you hungry?" Minseok smiled at a silent Zitao who gently nodded back.

"Awesome! I'm starving!"

A tug on his pants caused Kyungsoo to look down at the small figure looking up at him with impossibly large eyes, "Where's Jonginnie?"

"He's on the sofa." Kyungsoo smiled affectionately as a delighted Luhan clapped his hands and rushed towards the sofa, his brown waves bouncing wildly with every step.

"Where's Shixun?" 

"Baba took him and Yixing-ge to the salon to get their hair cut." Boxian shrugged as he followed Minseok through to the living room where a silent Luhan was staring adoringly up at a napping Jongin in Jongdae's arms. 

"Why didn't Luhan go with them?" Luhan's hair was a mass of fluffy waves that settled delicately on his forehead, just about grazing his eyes.

"Baba's a er for Luhan's aegyo." Boxian sniggered as he poked a non-moving Luhan in the cheek on the way to his favourite armchair in the Kim household, "Plus, Jongin said that he likes Luhan's hair so now he refuses to get it cut." 

"I swear, my brother has your brother wrapped completely round his little finger." Minseok chuckled as he softly shook Jongdae's arm to wake him up. 

"You don't even know the half of it." Boxian huffed, groaning when Kyungsoo decided to squish himself onto the armchair with him. 

Jongdae groaned, eyelashes fluttering as he rapidly blinked the sleep out of his eyes and stretched his aching body, careful of the body of heat still napping on his chest. 

"Ugh, how long did I sleep for?" Jongdae yawned, moving to sit up before Luhan launched forward and pushed him back down with surprising strength for such little hands and slim arms.

"No!" Luhan scowled, shouting quietly, "You can't get up!"

Everyone looked at a glaring Luhan in surprise. Shixun was the twin with the angry scowl. Not sunny Luhan with the bright smile and fluffy, bunny laugh.


"Jonginnie is still sleeping!" Luhan hissed as he glared at a still bewildered Jongdae with his little fists perched on his hips, looking at Jongdae as if he was stupid for even asking. 

Jongdae looked around the room, still confused with sleep and met the eyes of an amused Kyungsoo and a silently chuckling Boxian, "But I needa pee-"

"No!" Luhan stomped his tiny foot, "Jonginnie is sleeping!"

Boxian was pratically dying at this point. 


"Be quiet!"

Boxian made a mental note to get Luhan an extra large ice cream on their way home. 

Jongdae turned to his hyung with a pleading expression, an angry Luhan was surprisingly scary, "Hyung..."

Minseok snorted but decided to take pity on his now squirming younger brother. 

"Hey, Luhan," Minseok squatted beside the still fuming boy, "Jongdae-ge needs to go to the bathroom and we can't have him going to the bathroom on the couch, can we?" 

"But Jonginnie is still sleeping!" Luhan whined, his entire face scrunching up in frustration as he stomped his foot again. 

Minseok sighed silently before a great idea struck him, "What about this, Luhan? Jongdae will go to the bathroom-" Luhan made a sound of protest, "-and whilst he's gone, you can carry Jongin instead."

Minseok grinned as Luhan paused, looking at him with a suspicious but obviously excited expression, "Really?" 

"Really." Minseok smiled pleasantly, ruffling a squealing Luhan's hair.  

A strangled 'hyung' reminded Minseok of a writhing Jongdae with a full bladder.

"Luhan, sit down on the couch so you can hold Jongin." Luhan immediately scrambled onto the adjacent couch, settling comfortably beside the armrest at the soft sound of Zitao's voice. 

"Hyung," Jongdae whined pathetically, "Hurry up~" 

Minseok chuckled at Jongdae's pained expression before carefully lifting Jongin off of Jongdae and cradling Jongin's head onto his shoulder. As soon as Jongin's weight was lifted off of him, Jongdae sprung off the couch and down the hallway to relieve his aching bladder. 

"Gege~" Luhan called out softly, his small hands making grabbing motions in the air, "I wanna cuddle Jonginnie~" 

Minseok breathed out a laugh before gently settling Jongin into Luhan's arms, "Be careful Luhan, okay?" 

Luhan barely registered Minseok's words as he stared down in fascination at a pouting Jongin snuggling into his hold. He reached up with the hand not supporting Jongin's weight to brush Jongin's hair off his forehead, revealing long lashes which fluttered atop his chubby cheeks every so often. His lips were pink and pouty as he breathed rhythmically, chest rising and falling gently with every breath. 

You could practically see the stars in Luhan's eyes as Jongin tightly gripped the front of Luhan's Iron Man shirt in his sleep, a soft hue of pink dusting his cheeks as he bit back a huge grin. 

Kyungsoo snorted at the lovestruck expression on Luhan's face, "Your brother is so smitten with mine." He whispered to Boxian. 

"I wouldn't be surprised if he lawfully unites our families in the future." Boxian snickered, throwing his legs across Kyungsoo's lap, resulting in a not so gentle elbow in the ribs. 

"Guys," Minseok hissed at the now wrestling boys and the silently judging Zitao, "Come help me in the kitchen."

All three boys obediently shuffled behind Minseok toward the kitchen, leaving the fluffy scene in the living room behind them. 

"Where's Chanyeol?" Zitao's soft voice emerged as he shuffled into the kitchen with drowsy eyes. 

"At the dentist."

"Again?!" Boxian exclaimed from his spot on the counter as Kyungsoo filled the plates Boxian got down from the cabinet with rice. 

"Yeah, he's convinced he's got a cavity even though he brushes his teeth about five times a day," Minseok rolled his eyes before turning to Zitao, "Can you get the cutlery, please?" 

Zitao nodded before shuffling over to the drawer beside Boxian's kicking feet. 

"That was the most relieving pee ever," came Jongdae's loud voice as he scratched his arm, "And what's with Luhan making googly eyes over Jongin?" 

"When has Luhan not made googly eyes over Jongin?" Kyungsoo sniggered, gathering the napkins before bringing them over to the dining island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Okay, okay, enough of Luhan being head over heels for Jongin and more actual helping out." Minseok snapped, throwing a dismissive hand at Jongdae, "Go wake Jongin up, food's ready."

Jongdae grumbled something sounding suspiciously like bossy moodypants as he walked back out into the living room. 

"What are we having?" Boxian leaned over Minseok's shoulder, peered into the large pot and groaned, "Chicken curry?"

"What's wrong with chicken curry?" Minseok frowned as he scooped a steaming ladle of curry over the rice.

"Nothing. Except the only reason you make it is 'cause it's Jongin's favourite." Boxian rolled his eyes.

"No, I don't."

"Don't even deny that huge little brother complex you harbour, hyung."

"Shut up, Boxian."

"Wahh! Chicken curry! Jongin love chicken curry!"

"I tol-"

"Shut up, Boxian."




And here we have a typical googly-eyed Luhan and bratty Boxian :D

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that it wasn't too boring ;-; 

Oh and thank you so much to my 16 subscribers and 2 lovely commenters c: It really makes me smile seeing a notification for a subscriber/comment!

I should have the next chapter up by next week!

But until then,


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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 1: I miss them
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 1: rereading this again and the twins are soooo cute!!
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Love the twins hahaha
itsemmalee #4
Chapter 7: i love this so much. i cant wait for more huhu but it will help if you tell us what age are the boys in here and who is the eldest and middle.
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 6: Twin Hannie and Hunnie are so cute!!
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 2: I want little Nini!! So cute
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 1: Hahahaha!! Twin hunhan is trouble
Chapter 6: that was shooo cute ;;A;; thanks for the update! and happy belated birthday to you dear author :)) break a leg <3
KissMeFanny #9
Chapter 6: Cute cheeky HunHan and Yifan stop teasing them...aigoo..fighting for the next chapter