
The Families Three Blocks Apart
뽀뽀 - Bbo Bbo - Kiss


"Noona! Jongin hungry!"

"Jongin-ah, for the last time it's hyung, not noona."

Jongin stared up at his brother with large, unblinking eyes before breaking out into an adorably huge grin, "Noona!"

Kyungsoo sighed in defeat as he reached down to pick up a wiggling Jongin from his little fort of plushies on the living room floor, "How can I be mad at this little face." He cooed, squishing his baby brother's round cheeks as he strolled into the kitchen, "What do you want to eat, Jongin-ah?"

"Pancakes!" Jongin cheered as Kyungsoo strapped him into his high chair before pulling out the necessary equipment to make Jongin some breakfast.

"Since you've been a good boy lately, I'll even put some chocolate in it today." Kyungsoo winked at his little brother as he gurgled happily, eyes in crescents and mouth open wide in delight.

"You're going to make him even bigger than he already is, Kyungsoo-yah."

"He's not fat! He's just plump."

Jongin squealed at the sight of his gangly older brother, in the doorway, eyes still drowsy with sleep, "ChanChan-hyung!"

"Jongin-ah!" Chanyeol boomed, all tiredness leaving him as he stretched his arms out to gather a squealing Jongin into his arms, "How's my favourite little brother doing?"

"Why's he hyung when I'm noona?" Kyungsoo muttered under his breath, mixing up some more pancake batter.

Jongin giggled as he stretched his head up with pouty lips, "Bbo bbo~"

Chanyeol squealed internally over the cuteness of his little brother before leaning down and planting a big, fat, sloppy smooch on Jongin's little lips.

"Ew," Jongin cutely scrunched his face as he wiped Chanyeol's slobber off his cheeks, "Hyung nasty."

"Did you sleep well, hyung?" Kyungsoo called over his shoulder as he expertly flipped the pan with a flick of his wrist. 

"Yes I did, Kyunggie. You?" Chanyeol replied, not taking his eyes off a laughing Jongin who was hiding behind Chanyeol's large palm in a game of peek-a-boo. 

Kyungsoo hummed in response as he carried on working on getting the plate of pancakes to a sizeable height. God knows his brothers could eat a lot.

"Ah, hyung, can you go wake up the others, please? Breakfast is almost ready." 

"Sure!" Chanyeol grinned, lifting up a still laughing Jongin, "Want to go wake up hyungs, Jonginnie?" 


"Let's go!" Chanyeol walked briskly down the hallway before quietly opening his brothers' shared bedroom door. He pressed a finger against his lips as he crept towards the still forms lying on the double bed. Jongin giggled behind his palms at his silly hyung's face.

"Jongin-ah, wake hyungs up."

"MINMIN HYUNG, DAEDAE HYUNG WAKE UP!!!"Jongin screamed as he leapt from Chanyeol's arms and onto the startled figures on the bed. Chanyeol launched himself onto the bed also, mindful of Jongin who was rolling around on Minseok's legs like a worm.

"What th- Chanyeol-hyung I'm going to kill you!" Jongdae glared at his stupid older brother who had rolled onto the floor and was currently laughing and clapping his hands like a moron.

"Hyung~" Jongin crawled up a sleepy Minseok's chest, wrapping his plump arms around Minseok's neck and tip-toeing on his hyung's crossed legs, "Bbo bbo~" 

Minseok's expression immediately brightened as he swooped down and placed a gentle kiss on Jongin's lips, "Morning Jonginnie.'

"Hey! Jonginnie, what about hyung?" Jongdae cried defiantly, pouting his thin lips.

"DaeDae-hyung~" Jongin laughed cutely, crawling off Minseok's lap and waddling two steps over to Jongdae's sulking figure, "DaeDae-hyung~" 

Chanyeol snorted at Jongdae's stupid face before Minseok smacked him upside the head for teasing.

"DaeDae-hyung~" Jongin patted Jongdae's chest as he struggled to cling on to his elder brother's neck without the extra leverage of Jongdae's legs, "Bbo bbo~"

Jongdae huffed and twisted his head to the side but not before wrapping his arms around Jongin so the poor boy wouldn't fall over.

"Bbo bbo~" Jongin whined, kicking his feet and tapping Jongdae's cheeks, "DaeDae bbo bbo~"

"Oh my god, just kiss the kid already." Chanyeol groaned, rolling his eyes as he laid his head onto Minseok's lap, his still firmly set on the ground.

Jongdae peeked down at his little brother's huge dark eyes partially hidden behind his messy mop of silky black strands, lips pink and pouty in between bulging cheeks and immediately crumbled, "KYAA~ JONGINNIE YOU'RE SO CUTE!"

Minseok rolled his eyes affectionately at the sight of his little brother pressing several kisses onto his baby brother's scrunched up face.




A typical morning in the Korean household~ ^^ 

Sorry this update was slow... I was busy the past week but to make up for it the next update should be up in an hour or so! :D



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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 1: I miss them
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 1: rereading this again and the twins are soooo cute!!
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Love the twins hahaha
itsemmalee #4
Chapter 7: i love this so much. i cant wait for more huhu but it will help if you tell us what age are the boys in here and who is the eldest and middle.
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 6: Twin Hannie and Hunnie are so cute!!
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 2: I want little Nini!! So cute
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 1: Hahahaha!! Twin hunhan is trouble
Chapter 6: that was shooo cute ;;A;; thanks for the update! and happy belated birthday to you dear author :)) break a leg <3
KissMeFanny #9
Chapter 6: Cute cheeky HunHan and Yifan stop teasing them...aigoo..fighting for the next chapter