
The Families Three Blocks Apart
双胞胎 - Shuāngbāotāi - Twins
"He's playing with me!

"No, he's playing with me!"

"No, he's not!"

"Yes, he is!"

"No, he's not!"

"Yes, he is!"





"Jongin want to play with ever-"



Both boys glared furiously at each other as a frightened Jongin stood in between them, an arm clasped in the tight grip of each boy.

"Go away and play with the new train set baba got you, stupid." Luhan scowled at his pesky little brother, tugging Jongin closer to his side.

"No! You always play with Jongin! I want to play with Jongin this time!" Shixun countered with an equally angry scowl and tug.

"That's because he's my best friend!" Another tug.

"No, he's my best friend!" Another tug.

"Stop being annoying, Shixun! No one wants you here!" Tug.

"You're the one being annoying! You go away!" Tug.

"Shut up! Jongin wants to play with me, not you!" Tug.

"No, Jongin wants to play wi-"

"JONGIN ARMS HURT." Jongin suddenly bursts into loud wails, tears streaking down his plump cheeks. 

Luhan and Shixun looked in shock as Jongin continued to cry and cry and cry until his usually tanned face turned an angry shade of red and his breathing unevened, "Look what you did, Shixun!"

"I didn't do anything!" Shixun panicked, tears welling up in his own eyes as he clumsily tried to wipe Jongin's face with his little chubby hands, "Jonginnie, don't cry!"

"JONGIN WANTS HYUNG." Jongin continued to sob helplessly as the brothers attempted to calm him down.

"Stop it, Shixun! You're making him cry more!" Luhan shoved his stupid brother aside and gently patted Jongin's face with the sleeves of his sweater. But no matter how much he patted, Jongin's cheeks were repeatedly wetted with fresh tears.

"Jonginnie, please stop crying. Hyung's here." Luhan smiled brightly as he cupped Jongin's hot, wet face with his small hands.

"I'm Jongin's hyung!" Shixun cried as he pushed his older brother away from his Jonginnie, clasping a hiccuping Jongin into a tight hug, "Don't cry anymore, Jonginnie. Hyung's got you!" 

"Stop hugging my Jonginnie!." Luhan screeched as he pushed up off the floor and lunged towards a Shixun who was clutching a still sobbing Jongin closer to his chest and further away from Luhan.

"He's my Jonginnie!" 

"No, my Jonginnie!" 

The boys continued to scream at each other as Luhan tried his hardest to rip Shixun's arms off his precious little Jongin with his small fists and short legs. Shixun screamed as Luhan tugged at his hair, retaliating with a scratch to Luhan's face. At some point during the brother's scuffle, Shixun's arms had loosened around Jongin who proceeded to trip over someone's foot and land face first onto the floor. 

"Why can I hear Jongin crying?!" The door slammed open to reveal a very angry Jongdae. 

The brothers paused from their position on the floor with Luhan's fist still wrapped into Shixun's hair and Shixun's fingers still clawing at any visible spot of skin. 

"Hyung!!" Jongin wailed from his spot on the floor as he sat up and fisted his little hands, wiggling his arms in the air. His cheeks were ruddy from all the tears and his forehead was rapidly reddening from the earlier impact

"Jongin-ah, what happened?" Jongdae rushed towards his little brother, scooping him up into his arms, kissing his forehead softly as he turned to glare at the brown-haired brothers. He had a pretty good idea what happened.



Both boys turned to each other at once, scowling once again as they continued to bicker and point blame at the other.

"Aish! I can't handle you two. Explain it to your own brother," Jongdae huffed, carrying a sniffling Jongin with him to the open door of the brothers' playroom, "Yah, Boxian-ah! Come over here and sort your little brothers out!"

A nine-year old boy with ruffled black hair and pale skin poked his head into the room, "What?"

"Your little brothers made my little brother cry again," Jongdae explained, gently brushing his brother's swollen eyes as the younger sniffed pitifully, his little chubby hand absentmindedly at the lobe of Jongdae's ear as the other clutched onto the front of Jongdae's shirt, "Seriously, I don't even know why I keep bringing him round here when all they do is fight over him and make him cry."

"Yah, what did you two do this time?" Boxian frowned at his little brothers who were both pouting, arms folded across their chests with identical scowls. Brats.

Both boys immediately started talking loudly at once, "Yah! One at a time! Shixun, what happened?"

Boxian watched as his little brother took a deep breath, "I wanted to play with the new train set baba got for me last week with Jonginnie bec-"

"Stop calling him Jonginnie! Only I can!"

"-ause I know Jonginnie likes trains but then butthea-"


"-Luhan came and tried to take Jonginnie away from me and it's not fair because Luhan always takes Jonginnie away and I can never play with him and I really want to because I love Jonginnie and I hate Luhan because Luhan's stupid and a big, fat meanie!" Shixun panted heavily, lips pulled down into a frown, lisp going out of control as he became more and more animated. So animated that by the end of it, his usually slim eyes had rounded massively and turned suspiciously glassy for a boy that claimed crying was for girls.

Boxian nodded at his little brother before turning to the other sulking figure, "Luhan, anything to add?"

"Shixun was being mean to me! He wouldn't let me play with him and Jonginnie with his train set so I wanted to play mini foosball with the set Xing-ge bought me because I hadn't tried it out yet because I was waiting for Jonginnie to come back from his nainai's so we could play together but stupid Shixun wouldn't let Jonginnie come play with me!"

Boxian sighed at the idiocy of his younger brothers, even if they were only five years old, "Guys, you have to learn to play together otherwise Jongin won't want to come over to play anymore."

Both boys stared in open-mouthed horror at their older brother, bottom lips wobbling as tears flooded their wide eyes, "NOOOO! DON'T TAKE JONGINNIE AWAY. XIAN-GE IS A BULLY."

"No! Don't cry!" Boxian rushed forward to cover his younger brothers' mouths, attempting to muffle their deafening cries as their bodies shook from the sheer force of their sobs, "Stop crying! Oh my god." 

"Nice going, idiot." Jongdae snickered as he rocked a snoozing Jongin from side-to-side, carefully covering his ears to block out as much of the racket as he could.

"Shut up, Jongdae." Boxian scowled at the smirking boy before turning back to the dire matter at hand, "Guys, shush, okay? I didn't mean that, Jongin can keep coming over, okay? But only if you both stop crying."

"B-but Xi-Xian-ge just s-said that Jon-Jonginnie doesn't li-like us a-anymore!" Luhan hiccupped through his sobs, face scrunched up in an ugly manner as the tears continued to pour down his face.

"No, I didn't!" Boxian frustratedly rubbed his face, "Look, just stop crying and I'll get you both ice cream, okay? From your favourite store down the street, yeah? Baba doesn't even have to know!" Boxian smiled encouragingly at the twins as he wiped their faces.

"Ca-can Jong-Jonginnie c-come too?" Shixun sniffed, lips still curled down at the corners as he rubbed at his red eyes.

"Of course he can!" Boxian beamed triumphantly as his little brothers calmed down, their breathing slowly turning back to normal.

"You promise?" The teary twins chorused, each holding out their tiny pinky fingers.

"Promise." Boxian grinned as he wrapped his own pinkies around his little brothers', his heart melting at their rare moments of adorableness.

"Uh, guys, sorry to break the moment and all, but my appa's just texted me to take Jongin home."

Boxian braced himself as the twins erupted into another wave of snot and tears.




Oh gosh this is nervewracking but I'll probably have the next chapter up soon since I've written quite a few already ^^ 

I hope you liked this! ^^ 


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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 1: I miss them
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 1: rereading this again and the twins are soooo cute!!
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Love the twins hahaha
itsemmalee #4
Chapter 7: i love this so much. i cant wait for more huhu but it will help if you tell us what age are the boys in here and who is the eldest and middle.
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 6: Twin Hannie and Hunnie are so cute!!
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 2: I want little Nini!! So cute
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 1: Hahahaha!! Twin hunhan is trouble
Chapter 6: that was shooo cute ;;A;; thanks for the update! and happy belated birthday to you dear author :)) break a leg <3
KissMeFanny #9
Chapter 6: Cute cheeky HunHan and Yifan stop teasing them...aigoo..fighting for the next chapter