The search is on


"Let me drive first",Kyungsoo.


"Okay.Just tell me if you get tired",Suho.


They're actually using a Van.Its the first thing they bought with the money they have saved.Its been with them for two years now.


Driver's seat,Kyungsoo.Kai is sitting beside him.While in the middle its Suho with Sehun.Chanyeol decided to sit with Baekyhun at the back.


Baekhyun feels so tired after what happened.Dreaming about spirits calling his name,crying,asking for help.While others screaming,angry,trying to hurt him.Its really his worst dream for the second time around.So even if he does'nt like to sleep on their way to his hometown,he can't control his eyes from closing.


"He's sleeping?",Suho looking at Chanyeol.


"Yeah.He must be really tired".


"What if he'll have nightmare again?",Suho.


"Dont worry hyung,its morning",Kai.


"Yeah right",Suho.


"Oh I forgot to bring my magical pail",Sehun.


"I had few nightmares before but It never made me weak to the point that I'll end up fainting.In his case,its like draining his energy.Its really weird",Kai.


"That's why we have to find out what's its cause.He cant suffer like this forever",Chanyeol.


They need to drive for twelve hours before they can arrive to their destination.Suho decided to sleep since he'll be driving next.While Sehun in his side got bored since he can't talk with Suho.Chanyeol at his back kept his silence which is really not normal.He use to be the noisiest one together with Baekhyun.But this past few days,he became the unusual serious Chanyeol.Kai infront of him is also sleeping.While kyungsoo is so serious driving.He cant disturb him.He sigh.


"This trip is really boring".


"We're not going there to have fun Sehun",Chanyeol.


"I know hyung".


When Baekhyun woke up,he scream after seeing a woman in white dress infront of him.With blood in her face.


Suho who take over in driving step on the brake.He was taken aback with Baekhyun's scream.Even kai was awaken and made Kyungsoo stand up suddenly that caused his head to get hit.


"What's wrong?",Chanyeol.


Baekhyun closed his eyes hoping that the woman he saw will be gone.But as he opened his eyes,she's still there.


Baekhyun can't think of anything else to do other than hugging Chanyeol tightly.He close his eyes again.Everyone in the Van kept their silence though in their hearts they are nervous.For Baekhyun to act like that,he surely have seen something.


"Calm down.Its okay,we're here.You're not alone.Just ignore them",Chanyeol.


At that time Baekhyun is panting.He's trembling.Though his eyes are close,he can hear the spirit talking.He's having goosebumps.He can feel the ghost holding his arm.It feels cold.


"N-no.Dont",he can feel himself getting weaker.


'Help me.I need  you.Feed me with your energy..'


"L-leave me alone.Please",he's starting to loosen his arms in Chanyeol's neck.


"Baekhyun!Baekhyun!",he can feel Baekhyun lossing his strength."Dont sleep.Hey!"


"I hope this can help",sehun sprayed something in the car especially in Baekhyun's side.


"What's that?",Kyungsoo.


"Holy water".


Baekhyun heard the woman shouts'Nooooooo!!!!!' like she's really angry.After that,he cant feel the woman's cold hand in his arm anymore.He slowly move away from Chanyeol.He suddenly feel embarassed again.He know he's blushing that time.He notice Chanyeol looking away from him.


"Its okay.Men don't do it usually but I think they do it with another guy too if they're scared?"


"Im not gay".


Chanyeol looked at him defensively"I-Im not saying you are!I know you're just scared".


"B-but it's not manly.Im sorry".


"Its really not a big deal with me.Im more-Baekhyun!",


Baekhyun suddenly close his eyes and fell forward towards chanyeol.He got unconscious again.


"Not again",Kai.


"What are we going to do?", Suho starting to panic.


"There's obviously nothing we can do whenever he faints other than to let him rest",Kyungsoo.


"Hyung is right.But I think your holy water did work Sehun",Kai"where did you get that?"


"We went to the Church this morning right?I ask the Priest to bless this".


"Sehun you sit here.I'll drive.I dont think Suho hyung can still drive".


"Oh I thought you already got use to Baekyhun hyung's hug and dont want to share it with us",Sehun grinned.


"Shut up!Why make it an issue.That's his personality even before.He have done that to you many times before too right?"


"But not that tight",




Baekhyun sleeping with head in Sehun's lap.Sehun is sleeping too.And when he woke up,he notice it was already dark.He did stretch his hands and accidentally hit Baekhyun's arm.He notice something.He then touches Baekhyun's forehead which made him more worried.


"Suho hyung!"


Suho turn to him"Why?".


"He's burning!"


"What?!",Suho feels Baekhyun's forehead and its really hot.


"We're almost there",Chanyeol.


They feel the Van speeding up.


"Is it okay for the five of you to stay here?My son's room is quiet small", 


"Its really fine Mrs.Byun.We also want to stay near him so we can be sure he's okey",Chanyeol.


Baekyhuns Mom smile faintly"Im really glad my son have friends like you Chanyeol,Suho,Kai,Sehun and Kyungsoo".


They're all staying in Baekhyuns room.Baekhyun is in his bed.Still with high fever but it seems like he's sleeping peacefully.


"I'll be coming here from time to time to check him.By the way,does anyone of you notice where my son placed his bracelet?The one that he have since you were young?"


"The one with cross?",Suho.


"Yes that's it.Do you have it with you?"


"I think he lost it during our show four days ago?Why Mrs.Byun?"


"Im just asking since he already has it since he was young.We told him not to take it off",looks anxious.


"Is that bracelet has something to do with the spirits disturbing Baekhyun?",Chanyeol.


Her face shows fear now...


"S-Spirits?Are they hurting m-my son?"


They look at each other.


"Honestly we came here because of that.They started to give Baekhyun nightmares.The other day they appeared and made Baekhyun so scared.I think on our way here too.Everytime they appear,Baekhyun gets weak.He suddenly scream,became weak,fainted,and now he's having a high fever",Chanyeol.


"My son",she started to cry.


"Mrs.Byun,do you know what's causing it?",Kyungsoo.


'When he was still a baby,he always gets sick.He keeps on crying.When he started to learn how to talk,he always tells us about kids inside his room playing with him even if he's alone.There were also times when he cries because he can see people without head or with blood in their clothes,wounded.His father,he came from a family of psychics.He said what Baekhyun can see is normal with their family.But then,there's something that differs.Those spirits wants something from my son,they're using his energy to stay longer in this world and get stronger.My son's energy gives them power like being able to move objects or even harm humans.My husband made that bracelet to protect our son from them.And now its gone,they're starting to haunt my son again.My husband only made one as what I know.And he's already dead,I dont know how to protect our son without that bracelet'.


"This is really unbelievable but true",Kai.


"What about his grandparents?Aunt?Uncle from his father's side?Maybe they can help us?Or make a bracelet same with the one protected him for 21 years",Chanyeol.


"That's another problem.I know no one from my husband's family".


"That's really a problem".


They heard Baekhyun moan.They all look at him.He's having a nightmare?Or is it because of his fever?They're not sure.Baekhyun's mom touched Baekhyun's forehead with his palm.He's burning up.He's shivering too.Sweating.


"Oh my God.He's not gonna die right?",Suho about to cry.


"Ofcourse he's not gonna die!",Chanyeol.


Baekhyun's Mom keeps on crying.She does'nt know what to do.She's just holding her son's hand tightly.


"Lets bring him in the hospital!",Kai.


"There's no hospital near here.We still have to travel for two hours",Baekhyun's Mom.


"Then what are we going to do?!",kyungsoo starting to panic.


"I cant use water to wake him if he's that sick",Sehun.


Chanyeol sit in Baekhyun's bed.


"Baekhyun!Wake up!Dont die on us coz Im really gonna kill you if you would!",he remember something"Sehun!The holy water!".


Sehun hurriedly took the spray bottle with the holy water from his bag and gave it to chanyeol.Chanyeol sprayed the holy water in Baekhyun's face and arms.They had goosebumps when it suddenly block out.Then strong wind blows from the window.They heard angry screams then silence came and the the lights again.


That's all their first time experiencing something as creepy as that.They all got shocked and cant speak a word.They're just looking at each other with fear in their eyes.It was so sudden that not even a whisper came out from their mouth.


"I-its cold",


Its like Baekhyun's words woke them up from a spell.They went near Baekhyun's bed.


"B-Baekhyun,son",she hug her son.


Baekhyun heard his mother's voice.He's happy.He hug her back.He opened his eyes and smile faintly.


"M-mom,I'm back",he almost said it like a whisper.He feels so weak.Its so cold but his mom's hug gave him warmth.


"Im sorry son,I dont know how I can protect you.Im sorry".


Based on what her mother said,he's sure his friends told his mom about his situation already.He also thinks something happens again.And it seems like she really knows something.But then,he feels so tired to ask quetions for now.He went back to sleep again.



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