I can see them!


Baekhyun seemed just fine that night so they let him join their show.


It was a great night.Not having a single empty chair.Even added few more chairs to accomodate everyone.It was a night in which they will sing songs requested by their avid listeners.The crowd really got amazed since they have played all requested songs perfectly.Until something happened during their last song.


It was a jolly song that fits as a finale for that night.They were jumping on stage,waving their hands,asking the audience to sing with them.Even the audience started to dance along with the music too.


And during Baekhyun's part,he was still smiling while singing but suddenly his vision started to get vague.He's lossing his own balance too.He almost fell backwards but luckily Kai was there to catch him.Kai help him and sitted him on stage.Kai did not speak a word but there's a worried expression in his face.Chanyeol stood up and went to Baekhyun's side after he notice Baekhyun almost falling.It was Kyungsoo who ask him what's wrong.


"I-I dont know",that's all he can say.He really cant explain what's going on too.He started to panic when he's starting to see faces with blood,a woman without a head,a child crawling without his other leg.He tries to push them away,kicking them.


"No,no,stay away from me!?",he started to scream.He can now remember his dream.Its like a de javu.Afraid that they might choke him like what happened in his dream,he started to struggle .


"Hey Baekhyun what are you doing?!",Chanyeol stopping Baekhyun's feet from kicking.While both Sehun and Kyungsoo stopping his hands from punching.Kai is holding his shoulder too.While Suho is trying to act as a cover from the audience sight of what's happening.


They decided to pull Baekhyun backstage.They're getting too much attention from the audience in the most unusual act they're doing.


Baekyhun is still screaming and hurting them already.They dont know where he's getting his strength.He's so strong.


"Im sorry Baekhyun but I have to do this",Chanyeol slap Baekyhun with half of his strength.It was effective since he stop kicking and punching.He then look at their faces.They are all catching their breath same with Baekhyun.They are all bathing with their own sweat too.


"Baekhyun?",Chanyeol having a doubt that Baekyhun is back to his old self already.


But when Baekhyun jumped into Chanyeol and hug him then started to cry,it made them get more worried.


"I-Im scared",his tears became unstoppable.


"Scared of what Baekhyun?",he's moving his hand in circles at Baekhyun's back.


"T-They want to hurt me.Kill me".


All the members looked at each other after what Baekhyun said.They dont know how to react about it.


"Who are they?"


"I dont know",Baekhyun looked at him but closes his eyes again" they're looking at me!They are shouting at me.Help me Chanyeol",hugging him tighter.


Chanyeol feel his tears running in his cheeks.He feels sorry for his friend.Its frustrating for him right now knowing that there's nothing he can do to ease Baekhyun's agony.All he can do is hug him back which is really not helping at all.At first they all got scared that Baekyun might faint.But now with Baekyhun's situation,its like they all want him to faint to stop him from crying and trembling.


They stayed in that position till Baekhyun started to calm down.He's no longer crying which gave them relief.But then he looks so weak,tired but still hugging Chanyeol and not talking.They offered him water but did not respond.Chanyeol's back is starting to feel pain already.With half of Baekhyun's weight on him,he needs to balance himself so they wont fall.But maybe Sehun saw that he's getting tired since he made an effort to support his back by letting him lean on Sehun's back.


When Baekhyun open his eyes,that's the only time he notice Sehun sitting back to back with Chanyeol.That made him realise that he's actually still hugging Chanyeol without considering their position.He felt embarassed after remembering all that he did.Especially hugging Chanyeol.He acted like a woman.Hugging a man while crying is really not manly.He then pull himself away from Chanyeol which made him fall in his back.It happened so sudden that even Chanyeol was'nt able to react.And again,he made his friends worried.


"Baekhyun!!!",everyone calling his name at once.


He covered his face with his hands"Im sorry".


Those are the last words he remembered himself say.He think he fainted.But not really sure if for what reason.From being tired,being weak or from embarassment.He really dont know.


They decided to cancel their show the next day.The time Baekhyun woke up and knew their decision,he insisted that he's fine and no point of cancelling the show.


"You dont have to do this for me.We all need money right?I really hate being a burden!",he feels like crying but he's controlling himself not to.


"Its okay Baekhyun.We wont get penniless with just a day off.And besides,we all need this.To relax even just for a day a week",Suho.


"Suho hyung is right.Everyone agreed with this so this is really not an issue",Kai.


"You dont have to cover up for me.I know you guys are doing this for me.I-I really dont know what's happening with me but-but I'm really just fine".


"That's also what you said to me last time but it has gotten worst",Chanyeol.


"What if we go to a psychiatrist?",Kyungsoo.


"What about a psychologist?Is there any difference between them?",Sehun.


"Im not crazy!Maybe I was hallucinating yesterday but that does'nt mean Im crazy!",he started to move backward.Away from his friends.


"That's not what we meant Baekhyun.Its just,with what's happening I personally think you need to get some help",Kyungsoo.


"No.I dont need them!I can handle myself!"


"You can handle yourself?Is that what you think you did yesterday?Hurting us?",Chanyeol.




"No.Im just letting him realize how he handled himself yesterday".


Baekhyun got silent.He's now looking down on his feet."Okay,Im sorry".


"Baekhyun.Tell us.What's really happening with you?We will try to understand",Chanyeol".


"I already said it all yesterday right?It sounds crazy but that's really w-what I saw".


"Is that also what you saw in your dreams to?".


He nod.


"Maybe you have a third eye.That's cool!",Sehun.


"If that's the case,believe me its not cool".


"So you really have a third eye?You can see spirits?Ghosts?Dead people?",Kai who seems really amazed too.


"I dont know",Baekhyun.


"So that explains it all",Chanyeol.


"You really believe that's the reason?",Baekhyun.


"Yeah.Rather than to believe that you're crazy".


"Then its a psychic that we need to find for help",kyungsoo.


"How about your family?Maybe you have a member in your family that holds such gift too",Suho.


"This is a curse,not a gift.I dont want this!And after 21 years,why now?I mean,I did not even do anything for me to have this all of a sudden".


"Lets call your mom,your grandmother or anyone from your family".


"You know where we live.There's no phone in there".


"Then lets go to your hometown".


"What?No.That's too far from here".


'Its fine.There's four of us who can drive".


"I'll just go there alone.This is my problem.You dont have to bother yourselves".


"We want  to go there too hyung.It has been so long since we went somewhere far from here",Sehun.


"How about work?We cant just all leave".


"Its fine.I think they'll let us have atleast one week vacation.Honestly after what happened yesterday,manager suggested for us to take a break for the meantime",Suho.


"So its my fault again".


"No that's not it Baekhyun.They just want us to take a break.To relax!"


"What if we cancel this trip for now?I mean,what if we're just giving too much meaning to what happened yesterday?We're not even sure if it will happen again".


"Lets have a deal then",Kyungsoo"If you'll have a nightmare today or we can notice you seeing weird things again,we'll leave by tomorrow".


"I like that idea",Chanyeol smiled.




'No nightmares.I should'nt sleep then.I'll just close my eyes so I can't see anything.Have this earphones the whole night so I cant hear them too.Perfect plan'.


They had a deal plus all his bandmates decided to sleep in their room so they can easily wake him up if something happens.Sehun even fetch a pail of water and placed it inside the room in case they'll need it.


'I dont want to get wet that way again'.


But with all his effort,it was'nt enough...


"Wake up Baekhyun!"


That's the cue.He almost got drowned with a pail of water again.

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