Kryber extra-short shots

In the same morning at amber place


In the dining room

Four girls were silently eating while glancing a certain person from time to time.

“I am full, thank you for the breakfast.” He said no one in particular and left the dining room.

“Hi morning baby” Jessica said when she saw her beloved cousins when she was about to go inside the dining room.

“ morning nona” he said with a glance to the girl and left.

Jessica frowned due to unenthusiastic tone.

“ Why he is gloomy” she asked as soon as she saw the other four girls.

“The usual” sunny said

“ What is it this time now?” Jessica asked.

“you don’t know, that’s why I told you too much sleeping would damage your brain” Tiffany tease.

Jessica glare and the other giggling girls stop immediately.

“Don’t beating around the bush fany. You know that I have a really short patient span.”

“ It’s soojung birthday today and she is spending the day with her brothers, so as usual our drama king is acting like that” sunny said instead of Tiffany.

Jessica smiled with the word ‘drama king’ and the other girls too.

“ But can’t blame him, he suffered a lot during this three years. He really love that girl much that he can’t even complain aloud to her” Nicole said.

The others nodded their heads with agreement.

“I don’t like when he is all emo and gloomy, we should consider this problem seriously” seohyun said and continue “ we all want to see him his usual self playful, dorky and happy, right. So we should help him with this problem”


Meet amber’s cousins from his father and mother side.



Outgoing and cheerful

Majoring in business administration.

Love pink and adorable cute little things



Cold from the stranger point of view but it’s not true. She is just socially awkward   

Majoring in fashion and design

Interested in sleeping rather than wasting her time doing other things like dating or meeting new people whom are not sure worth it.



Her name shows her personality perfectly.

She is a talented chef and really tough lady.

She like playing games too. She is as bright as sun and energetic and friendly.



Cheographer, song writer and talented musician

She is interested in all kind of arts though.

Hopeless romantic, friendly.



Gamer, blogger, and web page designer.

Majoring IT.

She can do other things related to IT. She is really a genius.

Love sweet potato.

They all are amber’s one and only cousins because the six of them are only children and they are only young generation among the relatives. So they stick together very much.

And amber is the youngest and only boy among them.

They studied abroad and recently graduated. Interesting fact about them is they all are single and ready to mingle.(The mingle part is author opinion,Hehe)


OH almost forgot, they all love amber much and they don’t think amber as cousin but real younger brother.

That’s why they decided to live in his house when they arrived Seoul for to start their careers.

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bizzle030194 #1
Chapter 13: hahaha poor yul
sefexclusibo #2
Chapter 12: Yoong should've done his business before their "mission". Hahahaha
sefexclusibo #3
Chapter 10: Your stories are so fun & cute! Hehehe. More KryBer stories, please author. Thank you :)
bizzle030194 #4
Chapter 10: wahhhh hahahahaha i really like it when amber and krys are little ones. haha i laughed at the 'mango mission' part haha mooooore authoooor
denisha #5
Chapter 10: fluffy.. cute ^^
Chapter 9: Hahahah nice story I can wait for your next update of TTL and see how wanna be the first meetinf of the Brothers&Cousins hihihihi and aww emo llama don't it's just for one day Amber XD
Fox-PigletMania #7
Chapter 8: Love your stories
Chapter 7: poor Amber
Chapter 5: All the misunderstanding by eating mangoes