
Kryber extra-short shots

hey baby wake up.....
babyyyy wake up.........
waky waky waky.............
YAH, Aiden wake up or else.....
Silent filled the rome, there's a young lifeless body on the bed so gloomy certainly not because of sleepiness contrary to the lively sunny morning and happy crisp of the birds.
Acutually he woke up from the first call but he just wanted to hear the sound he just missed so much from the alarm clock.
'I miss you so much princess' tears b in his eyes.
He dragged his body out of bed like a zombie and went into the bath room.
His hand went to the blue llama doll tooth brush and halt in mid air, when he saw the pink kitty doll tooth brush beside the blue one, only to sadden him.
Flash back,
"Kyaaa, so cute" he faced the direction towards the sound and there's his other half sequealling like a small child, he smile.
"Look, Aiden blue llama for you and pink kitty for me" krys exclaim showing the doll toothbrush at the same time.
"Krys, so childish" Aiden reply while smiling.
"So" glare!
"Ok, ok" you win
flash back end
He squeezed the tooth paste only to remember which is his girl love so much, strwberry flavor tooth paste.
He face the mirror and....
'He and her are burshing the teeth together side by side, bumping the shoulder playfully time by time.exchanging playful grin and glare through the reflexion of them from the mirror.then compete for the mug and not bother who win, of course lady frist and the princess.
"Amber if you don't come to office, i will kill you"
Sudden voice mail wake him up from his thought.
He hurriedly finished his morning business and went out of the bathroom to his closet.
Yeah, there is no one who will place his work clothes on bed not like the old times.
He walked to the kitchen and grab the milk bottle and gulp down the milk from the bottle not bothering to take glass, yeah there 's no one to nag him to take the glass.
he scan the kitchen and dining rome,
usually this place is used to fill with his girl humming tune while she is making breakfast,not anymore.
dinine tabel is full with unwashed dished and left over take out from yesterday or may be from the day before yesterday.
he sighed and went to the door to go to work,only escape from his miserable life and cold and dark house.
When he reached the shoes rack, there, her shoes, slippers and heels neatly placed like old times unlike him, socks are scattered everwhere, and there's also shoes too.
he glanced back into the house before he closed the door, yeah no goodbye kiss from his girl unlike usual, sadly grin and left.
Click! the unlock sound followed by the slamming of the door.
"Whoooo, so tiring" the girl exclaim and put her laggage into the house.
she switched the light and
"gaspp" and..........
her chest is moving fast with the quick breathing of her and the breathing sound is becoming harsh with her rising anger.
Her eyes twitched when she is seeing unwashed dishes and left over take out on the dining table, living room is messed with beer bottles and unfinished crisps. dirty clothes hanging here and there, wait did she saw the bra hanging on the TV.
'I am out of town only two days and what he has done'
Meanwhile in the other part of city
Hekchoo! Aiden suddely sneeze
"God bless you, someone might be thinking about you" Yul said handed him coffee to drive away after party headache
"sorry that i called you to go to work today,this client asked your service particularly, and i can't denie" he continued.
Yul words suddenly remind him of certain someone
'Uh Oh, today is the day Krys coming back and i haven't clean the house, i am so dead'.


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bizzle030194 #1
Chapter 13: hahaha poor yul
sefexclusibo #2
Chapter 12: Yoong should've done his business before their "mission". Hahahaha
sefexclusibo #3
Chapter 10: Your stories are so fun & cute! Hehehe. More KryBer stories, please author. Thank you :)
bizzle030194 #4
Chapter 10: wahhhh hahahahaha i really like it when amber and krys are little ones. haha i laughed at the 'mango mission' part haha mooooore authoooor
denisha #5
Chapter 10: fluffy.. cute ^^
Chapter 9: Hahahah nice story I can wait for your next update of TTL and see how wanna be the first meetinf of the Brothers&Cousins hihihihi and aww emo llama don't it's just for one day Amber XD
Fox-PigletMania #7
Chapter 8: Love your stories
Chapter 7: poor Amber
Chapter 5: All the misunderstanding by eating mangoes