Story review #1

Tantris Onara

Review by The Freelancer Review Store

Here's a link directly to the Review shop that iLoveToRawr runs! Do check it out if you need a review of your stories!

And if you're too lazy to surf to the original review post, below is what Rin aka iLoveToRawr the reviewer had to say:


Title Grab :[10/10]

STILL No idea what it means. But it does make it sound mysterious. ^^

Foreword/Description: [8/10]

You made it short and simple.  Sweet =D xD
Good job my friend. =3

Storyline/Flow: [22/30]

The chapters are a bit too short, you should have spacing =3! Allows the reader to read more easily but other than that its okay. You story features yuri, I adore you for that... there arent ALOT of people on aff who like /yuri... so sad... I have a story similar to yours =3 but it you are welcome to check it out ^^

Characters: [26/30]

Good job on character portrayal ^^ Keep at it!!! I at writing and portaying characters D=


Laughs/Bonuses/Extras: [20/20]

You have some laughs here and there and its good ^^

You got da art and everything <3 very creative i loves it =3 <3

Overall : [86/100] a  B GOOD JOB <3



A/N: You seemed perplexed at the fic's title, I *think* because you overlooked the trailer (maybe you didn't scroll low enough down the page? Not sure what happened there lol). Or maybe the flashing letters passed too fast on the screen, I dunno!

Same with the title poster.


Tantris/Onara <-------> Tristan/Aaron (it's an acronym, plain and simple :) )

I revised the text spacing as you suggested, and further realized I didn't like the way the chapters flowed in general. So the NEW Tantris Onara has fewer chapters though all the content remains. I'd hoped the new spacing might work better, but gahhh I guess you would prefer even MORE spacing huh? lol.

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Thank you!
missterious Tantris Onara take TWO! And this time BigBang gets involved!


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Chapter 7: great story but its too short i think ;)
gah i cant copy paste and edit >.<
KauType #3
bwoh! they are really cute together
jackie #4
Thank you for the welcome message :)<br />
I am glad I found your fic. You write really well.<br />
There just seemed to be a lack of MISSTER fics everywhere.<br />
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I like how your story on Tristan and Aaron goes. They Dynamic Duo is adorable! S~W~E~E~T~~ Haha!<br />
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Am a little loss on the Chris/Chiao relation though (??) <br />
Guess I will have to do some catching up on your other fic to solve the puzzle.<br />
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Once again, thank you for sharing your fic :)<br />
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oh and THANK YOU :)
oh but i do ;) scorpio and jingxjin just haven't been publicized yet...they are here among us, bu waiting for tweaks and then all i have to do is make them public from the draft versions ;)
Okay, first of all: AMAZING title picture! and now for the mindless gushing about how cute this is and how ur such an amazing writer etc. and how sad i am that you have no more fics going :'(<br />
Well, it was the only place I could get wi-fi, I am now in the aerospace museums cafe. And just read chap 4 a 2nd time, made me lol again.
cacn: omg mah misster sistah is in my hood!! and i find it hilarious you were reading this WHILE in a MUSEUM in another province :P
LOLZ (I am currently in Quebec in the museum of Civ btw) and I just read this, hehe I had totally forgotten that this was in the continuum of ur chaio/Chris story. Great job !!!