Colonizing a New Planet



Based on something that really happened to me a few days ago. I would be Kris, as funny as that sounds.

Krishun/Sekris, Krishan



EXO in suburban dystopia.


I don't know what made me stop and listen, but I was pleasantly surprised.

He spoke of a different sort of prison than we're used to hearing about. He lamented the state of our economy, health care, and sheer lack of empathy and communication toward one another. He blamed technology for the lack of conscience and care for each other. He blamed government for the state of most everything else, and money for making us miserable. Without money, we can't progress, can't pay our rent, can't travel to a better place.

Why did he choose me? Why talk to me when so many others were milling about?


New EXO poster is up!


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I like this very much!!