Bang Yongguk & Hwang Ri Ra

Going Crazy

        "Aahh...I'm bored.." Ri Ra moaned, seated alone as she watched her friends going crazy on the dance floor.Usually she would spent her saturday night either at home, playing with her sisters or chill out in a bar but for tonight, she didn't know why she agreed to join her friends to come to this club. Resting her chin on her palms, sighed deeply as her eyes went to every corner, observing everything that was going on in the club until her wandering eyes came to a halt at the bar area. Someone caught her eyes and it was difficult to make herself looked away from him especially with the way he looked when he was smiling.

      Yongguk was at the bar with his front facing the dance floor. He rested his elbows on the counter and checking out the people that were dancing. Every now and then, people who knew him would greet him and he would acknowledged it by flashing a wide smile. Kept looking at his watch to count the minutes left for him to go up the stage and was worrying that his partner, Himchan, had yet to be seen. "Aissh..where is this guy?" Glancing through every part of the club to see if he could catch a sight of Himchan but ended up setting his eyes on a girl who seemed to be staring at him.

       Even with the dim lights, they both knew that they were looking at one another. Ri Ra realised she was caught red handed for her stares and turned her head away. "Auugh..Hwang Ri Ra..are you THAT bored until you have to stare at him like that?" she asked herself, angered with the way she acted because it really looked like she was checking him out and she NEVER has done that to any guys before. She took the mug of beer on her table and gulped it down.

       His eyes were still on her even after she looked away. He had never seen her in the club before and he was confident about it because he seldom see a girl coming to this club with just casual jeans and shirt. "Was she looking at me or maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me?" asking himself, thinking that it was impossible to be THAT popular for people to know him only after a few gigs in this club.

       "Yah.." Himchan said as he stood infront of Yongguk, blocking Yongguk's view. "It's time..Let's get the party started!" added Himchan who seemed to be high spirited tonight then he normally did few nights ago. He put his arm across Yongguk's shoulder and together they walked up to the stage.

        Ri Ra tried to take a peek. She wanted to see if that guy was still at the bar, looking at her. Slowly moved her head but stopped it halfway when the lights suddenly went off and the club was in a total darkness. Few seconds went by, a spotlight light aiming at the stage lighted up and she saw the guy on the stage.

        "Yeoreobun (everybody)..Annyeong!" Yongguk greeted the crowd with his smile and the girls started to scream.

        The sound of his deep voice came as a shock to Ri Ra's ears. First his smile made her eyes defied her orders to look away and now his voice was making her mind went blank for no reason. "What is going on with me?"

        Himchan was addressing the crowd and except for the few faces that Yongguk saw at the front row of the dance floor, the other part of the club was dark until one by one the spotlights started to lighted up again and he had thought that maybe the girl who was staring at him before would be joining the girls who were standing on the dance floor, cheering on them before they started with their performance. The music started, with his eyes still searching for the girl at the dance floor, he started to do his thing and made the girls screaming.

        Although she shown calmness on her face, Ri Ra was totally hypnotized by the outburst of charismatic vibes coming out from him when he was rapping and moving all over the stage. The girls went wild and her friends were no exception but Ri Ra, just sat still, staring poker-faced at the stage.

        He could not see her anywhere at the dance floor and his eyes went to the place where he last saw her. He waited and waited for some light to go to where his eyes were and when it did, he finally saw that she was still there. His hand automatically raised up and pointed at her, concurrently with his cue to start his part to rap after Himchan was done. Without knowing what came over him, he smiled and winked at her before he started rambling his words away.

        Ri Ra gasped when she saw that. She started to rub the skin on her arms where the goosebumps had appeared instantly. The boredom she felt before no longer existed because she could sit here for hours just to see the duo performed. She would have joined the crowd at the dance floor but hated to be squeezed and pushed by those girls who seemed to be out of control. Anyway she felt safe here watching him in a distance because he won't get to see if she happened to suffer a 'nosebleed' due to his extreme hotness.

An Hour Passed By...

         His throat was dried up and he badly needed a drink. Yongguk ran to the bar and requested for some lukewarm water. He turned around to see the girl again and maybe this time, he could talk to her. Throughout the time he was on the stage, he had been trying to figure out whether she was just a fangirl he had never noticed before or someone he knew from the past which he happened to forget. There was just something about her that made him wanted to know more but she was nowhere to be found. "Went home already?" he mumbled in dismay and drank up his drink before making his way to the gents to wash his face.

        Ri Ra was blaming her bladder for making her missed out on the last song. She knew the performance had already ended when she heard the duo said their goodbyes. "Should I come here again tomorrow?" she murmured, suddenly forgetting how much she used to hate going to a club. Washed her hands and made her way out of the ladies as she searched for a packet of tissue inside her bag. Found it but the moment she lifted her head, she was startled to see him standing right infront of her and this time she could see him clearly. Ri Ra couldn't take her eyes away from him and she was surprised with how daring she was to look at a guy like this but seriously, when it comes to him, she lost the power to control her own eyes and she was hoping that he won't smile at her.

        Yongguk did not expect to see her here and neither did he expect she would be giving him the same look like she did just now. He just felt that she was different from the other girls in the clubs. While the other girls would giggle loudly, go frantic and screaming his name but this girl over her just gave him a stare..a blank stare which he found interesting. Right now, getting to see her closely.. from the way she looked, to the outfits she was wearing and the coolness aura surrounding her had really intrigued him to know more about her.

      They stood face to face for a moment. It was awkward to stand like that and both of them wanted to give way for the other party to walk. Her feet moved to her left and coincidentally he moved to his right. They both ended up standing face to face with one another again. Yongguk then moved to his left and she moved at the same direction too. It was getting weird when they ended up being right infront of each other again.

     " move and I'll stay.." Yongguk finally said and Ri Ra slightly nodded, agreeing with his suggestion. Just as she wanted to walk away, he gathered his courage and said, "Sillye (excuse me).." Ri Ra turned around and looked at him before he started to ask, "Have we met before?"

       Ri Ra shook her head and replied briefly, "Ani (no)."

       "Hmm..then, are you my fan then?" he asked and then stopped to think of how uncool he sounded. Initially he wanted to know why she stared at him the first time he saw her but now, he felt that it would be cool to finally have a girl who does not act crazy around him, so he quickly rephrased his question, "Erase the previous question. Hmmm, can we..aahh.. be friends?" He looked at her nervously with his furrowed brows while waiting for her to reply.

       She could not believe what was happening. Ri Ra never had a performer as a friend and besides adding someone as charismatic as him into her friend list won't hurt. Her girlfriends will really envy her on this considering how they were screaming at Yongguk and his friend when they were performing. One of her friends who commented her on her outfit and saying that no guy will look at her, will have to eat up her own words if Yongguk was to go over to their table. Ri Ra smiled and offered her hand to Yongguk, "Okay friend..I'm Hwang Ri Ra."

        A wide smile crawled on his face as he shook his hand with her and said, "Hwang Ri Ra, such a unique name..Nice to meet you, I'm Bang Yongguk. Really look forward to get to know you better.."

        She nodded and smiled, "The feeling is mutual..I would love to get to know you better too.."

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shesworthit #1
im excited for your next update!! :Dd
"You have sweetness all over your face until my eyes dont wanna look away.."<br />
how could you possibly say that, Yongguk-ah??? with your deep voice *melted* <3<3<3<br />
Yoseob & Hani *wink wink*<br />
Seobie-ah, how could you so inconsiderate?? i'm jealous here...hahahaha...<br />
Yongguk too!!! but the good thing is, Yongguk do the right thing...pull Rira away from that awkward situation...hehehe
i would love to be lock in his room and able to shopping online...<br />
omg Himchan-shi, you are cutest thing ever...more nervous to ask her number than sending her home?? hahaha...that's a sweet lie, no worries...hehehe...<br />
instead of calling you, he waited in front of your house!!! nicest surprise ever...hehehe<br />
both of you makes me fall harder for Himchan <3<3<3 joh-a!!!
JOH-A!!!!<br />
both of this guy are cool...<3<3<3<br />
and Sanghee and Rira are super cool too...<br />
Sanghee with her "whatever" attitude and Rira wearing jeans and shirt to the club, totally loe their characters....<br />
keep updating, girls~~~<br />
great piece XD
omo omo my two favourite writers collab together....<br />
i know it's going to be awesome<br />