A Date?

Four Years Later...
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Double update :) Read chapter 25 first :) Updating pretty much all of my stories today :)


Minseok stared at Jongdae for a minute before awkwardly clearing his throat and turning back to his class “I want you guys to keep working on your pictures, I’ll be right back.” He said and motioned for Jongdae to follow him.


Jongdae set the flowers down on one of the empty desks before following Minseok out of the class “What are you really doing here?” he then asked once they were outside the class.


Jongdae shrugged “I just wanted to see you, our last date was over two weeks ago and you don’t hardly ever call me and you barely even respond to my calls or texts.”


Minseok smiled a little and sighed shaking his head, there was a reason he was hesitant to call Jongdae after their last date.



“So since this is our first official date, I figured it’d be okay to go cliché.” Jongdae smiled shoving his hands in his pockets.


“Official, what our last two weren’t?” Minseok teased.


Jongdae laughed shaking his head “Not like that, the last time we really only met by coincidence and ended up spending the afternoon together, this time I asked you out for a day, so therefore, I consider it more of an official date.”


Minseok laughed “Alright then, well, what do you have planned for this official date of ours?” he asked.


“Dinner and a movie, simple and enjoyable.” Jongdae smiled making Minseok blush a little.


“Then what are we waiting for?”


Jongdae smiled brightly and their date had begun.


Minseok got to pick both the restaurant and movie, he tried to pick one both of them would like, he seemed to have succeeded because the entire drive back to Minseok’s they talked and laughed about the movie. It made Minseok truly happy.


Once they arrived at Minseok’s Jongdae walked him up to his door despite Minseok’s pleas.


“I had a great time today, thank you.” Minseok said as he stood with Jongdae at his front door.


“I did too, I really hope we can do this again.” Jongdae smiled.


“Maybe we can.”


“I’m going to turn that maybe into a yes.” Jongdae said before leaning in and kissing Minseok’s cheek before smiling and walking back to his car.


He didn’t leave until he was sure Minseok was inside. Inside he was and blushing without a doubt.




Even remembering it made Minseok blush “You aren’t avoiding me, are you?” Jongdae asked worried.


Minseok looked at him and shook his head “Of course not.”


Jongdae frowned “Then why don

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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 4: Rereading through my subscriptions - featured story but alas unfinished 😕
Beau1996 1385 streak #2
Chapter 10: Only a dream - sigh 😔
Beau1996 1385 streak #3
Chapter 5: I'm undecided on sulay -
Beau1996 1385 streak #4
Chapter 1: It to be left alone the next morning...
Silence_soul238 #5
will you ever update this authornim?
Chapter 39: Update again ah....Hunhan!Hunhan!Hunhan! This story is awesome and little MiRae is so cute and bubbly
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 39: Love the fic,update if u can =)
Kkyungxoo #9
Chapter 39: Cant hardly wait to the next chapter. Please finished this story author nim
wallflowerbaek #10
Chapter 38: update soon!!