And It Begins Again!!!!

Four Years Later...
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“Hey Lulu, can you bring me that book thing next you please?” Sehun asked from the top of the second floor.


Luhan looked up at Sehun from the movie he was watching “Sure,” he reached for the book on top of the pile “This one?” he held it up for Sehun to see.


“That’s the one.” Sehun smiled and Luhan nodded getting up from the couch and quickly jogged up the stairs to hand the book to Sehun.


“Thanks Lulu.” Sehun smiled.


Luhan smiled and nodded “What are you even doing?” he asked.


Sehun stopped for a second “Just rearranging some things in my office is all.” he said.


Luhan frowned a little “Do you want any help?”


Sehun chuckled “That’s okay, thanks though.” He ruffled Luhan’s hair.


“Yah~ you know I hate it when you do that!” Luhan whined fixing his hair making Sehun laugh.


“Sorry Lu.”


“Liar.” Luhan frowned.


“You know what happens when you frown in front of me.” Sehun said softly and Luhan’s eyes widened.


Seeing Luhan’s expression Sehun couldn’t help but laugh “I’m just kidding Lu.” He chuckled before ducking back into his office.


“What are you even doing Oh Sehun?” Luhan mumbled to himself.


He sighed and went back downstairs while Sehun stayed all cooped up in his office. Even thought Luhan wanted to go up and see what the other was doing, he couldn’t bring himself to do so, he really wanted to know what Sehun was doing, but Sehun had told him he was just rearranging, so why does Luhan feel like Sehun may have told a little white lie?


‘I don’t want to upset him…’ Luhan frowned to himself while playing with his hands in his lap.


He let out another breath and decided to turn his attention back to the movie that was playing leaving Sehun to his thing, if it was important, he’d tell Luhan.


After two hours though, Luhan was getting really curious about what Sehun was doing and it was getting hard to sit still. It was almost two thirty in the afternoon and Luhan hadn’t really moved much from his spot on the couch, Luhan grumbled some incoherent words before getting up from the couch and headed towards the stairs. Sehun was no longer in his office but in his bedroom.


Luhan neared Sehun’s office door and slowly opened the door. His eyes widened when he saw that the only thing left in his office was an empty desk and computer chair. His usually messy desk was completely empty. No computer, no phone, no piles of paper or dozens of colorful highlighters. All his books were gone, even the pictures on the walls were gone.


“What the hell?” Luhan asked himself. This was not rearranging.


Luhan closed the door and stepped back confused. What was Sehun hiding? Luhan heard muffled noises from Sehun’s bedroom and without a seconds hesitation he walked over and opened the door to find Sehun surrounded by taped boxes, an cleared bed, all his pictures he had hung on the walls gone, his books were gone. And Sehun was staring straight back at him.


“Oh .” Luhan heard him mumble.


“Oh ?” Luhan asked “Sehun, what the are you doing?” Luhan was angry and Sehun had never seen Luhan angry.


“Lu… it’s complicated.”


“Then un ing complicate it! What the are you doing Oh Sehun!” Luhan yelled and Sehun visibly flinched.


Sighed looked away from Luhan and sighed “It’s exactly what it looks like.” He said simply.


“You’re moving? Where to? How come you didn’t tell me?” Luhan asked all at the same time.


“Work.” Sehun said “And…. I’m moving to China.”


Luhan stared at him “C-China?” he asked.


Sehun simply nodded not meeting Luhan’s eyes.


“Why didn’t you tell me!” Luhan then yelled.


Sehun stood up and looked Luhan in the eye “You ing tell me Luhan! I am head over ing heels in love with you! I really ing am! But what the am I supposed to do?! My boss needs me in china and I’m not the kind of guy that can give up everything for the one I love when I don’t even know his ing feelings for me! Luhan, I didn’t ing tell you for that sole reason! I can’t be anything for you, I’m not the type of guy who can give up my everything for you. I’d sure as hell hesitate if you asked me to pick between you and my job. I’ve known you since Christmas and that was the best ing Christmas of my life, but that isn’t long enough of knowing someone to give up everything to be with them.”


Luhan stared at Sehun wide eyed. Did…. Did he hear that right? Sehun was panting and looking down at the ground, he couldn’t meet Luhan’s eyes now. Not after what he’d just

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 4: Rereading through my subscriptions - featured story but alas unfinished 😕
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will you ever update this authornim?
Chapter 39: Update again ah....Hunhan!Hunhan!Hunhan! This story is awesome and little MiRae is so cute and bubbly
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 39: Love the fic,update if u can =)
Kkyungxoo #9
Chapter 39: Cant hardly wait to the next chapter. Please finished this story author nim
wallflowerbaek #10
Chapter 38: update soon!!