Show Me What Home Is

Four Years Later...
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Taking Jiwoo back to the orphanage that night was the most heartbreaking thing Kyungsoo has ever had to go though, he hated it, Jiwoo had hugged him tightly telling Kyungsoo he loved him and that he wants to be together forever and having to send Jiwoo back into that place made Kyungsoo want to cry. And cry he did.


Kai had stayed with him that entire night, holding him telling him everything was going to be okay. Kyungsoo knew he loved Kai and the fact that he was just as bent on Jiwoo as he was made him love Kai more than he already did.


“Are you ready Soo?” Kai asked when Kyungsoo walked into the kitchen.


Kyungsoo walked up to Kai and leaned into his chest “I want to bring him home.” He said softly into Kai’s shirt.


Kai cracked a grin “Have patience, we’re going to the orphanage as soon as you’re ready to get this whole situation figured out, okay. He’ll be ours, I’ll make sure of that, okay?” Kyungsoo looked up at Kai who was looking down at him.


Kyungsoo smiled and hugged Kai tightly “I trust you.”



“Hi, welcome to ShinHyun Orphanage, what can I do for you?” a small petite older women walked up to Kai and Kyungsoo when they entered.


Kai smiled his dazzling smile “We’re here to speak with you about adopting one of your kids.”


The women was captivated by his smile instantly “Well, we do have regulations and requirements that need to be checked before you can adopt any child, if you’ll come with me, we can get the paperwork started.”


Kai and Kyungsoo smiled “That would be amazing, huh baby?” Kai wrapped an arm around Kyungsoo who just smiled nodding his head.


The two followed the woman back into an older office and she shut the door and they both took a seat in front of her desk “Please forgive me, I’m old and don’t always remember where I put things, so this may take me a moment.” She chuckled.


“That’s quite alright.” Kyungsoo smiled warmly.


“Such a handsome couple you two are.” She smiled.


Kyungsoo felt his cheeks heat up and Kai just beamed “Thank you very much ma’am.”


“Aigoo, just call me grandma, ma’am makes me feeling older than I already am.” She laughed.


Once she’d located all the papers needed, the two got to work filling them out “Now, I have some questions I have to personally ask.” She started “Which one of you will be filling in the role as the child’s mother?”


“I will be.” Kyungsoo answered in a heart beat.


She smiled “You’ll be a great mother, I can already tell.”


“Thank you grandma.” Kyungsoo smiled.


“Both of you have stable jobs, correct?”


“Yes.” Kai answered.


“And just to verify, what is it you do and how long have you been doing it?”


“I work as a stock advisor for Park Industries, CEO Park Chanyeol is a childhood friend of mine, I’ve worked there since I was eighteen.” Kai said with complete confidence.


“I work at the hospital as a supervisor, I work in the ER with a very close friend of mine, I’ve been there since I graduated college.”


The woman nodded “You two make quiet the couple, are you married?”


“No, not yet grandma.” Kai smiled.


“Aigoo, not yet? So I’ll be expecting a wedding invitation soon then?”


“Of course.” Kai grinned.


Kyungsoo on the other hand couldn’t bring himself to speak just quite yet. “Well, now that you’ve both signed all the paper work, now comes the tedious business, we can get it done today if you’d like, but the paperwork will take a few days to get through.”


“We’ll do whatever needs to be done today.” Kai spoke as he squeezed Kyungsoo’s hand.


“Alright, well, first off, who will the child be living with until you two marry or move in together?”


“Kyungsoo, he’s got a nice home on the south side of Seoul a couple minutes from the hospital.” She nodded and then looked to Kyungsoo.


“Now, you work a lot being you work at a hospital correct?” Kyungsoo nodded “How will you care for the child when you’re working?”


“Well, Jongin and I have our set schedules, unless I’m called in for an emergency, other than that, I normally work in the mornings and am done by two and he’s done by five. Mornings are no issue for us and if worst comes to worst to where something can’t be figured out, the child will stay with our close friends Baekhyun and Chanyeol who have a four year old of their own or go to daycare with her.” Kyungsoo answered.


She nodded along with his words “And is there anything you honestly feel would pose a threat in your life to your child?”


“Our parents will spoil them.” Kai answered making her laugh.


“That’s quite a worry, and this little girl, your friends daughter, she’s…?”


Kyungsoo smiled ‘She’s a perfect little girl, she’s definitely the social center of attention, she loves making new friends.” The woman smiled.


“And for the last part, I’m going to have to personally see both of your homes since I’m assuming that since you two are not yet moved in together or married that the child will be going back and forth between the two homes for a while?”


“Probably, only until things become settled between us.” Kai answered.


“Well, we can do that today if you wish, and then by doing so, I can get the paperwork in by this afternoon and hopefully we can have you with a child of your own by Saturday.”


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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 4: Rereading through my subscriptions - featured story but alas unfinished 😕
Beau1996 1385 streak #2
Chapter 10: Only a dream - sigh 😔
Beau1996 1385 streak #3
Chapter 5: I'm undecided on sulay -
Beau1996 1385 streak #4
Chapter 1: It to be left alone the next morning...
Silence_soul238 #5
will you ever update this authornim?
Chapter 39: Update again ah....Hunhan!Hunhan!Hunhan! This story is awesome and little MiRae is so cute and bubbly
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 39: Love the fic,update if u can =)
Kkyungxoo #9
Chapter 39: Cant hardly wait to the next chapter. Please finished this story author nim
wallflowerbaek #10
Chapter 38: update soon!!