Danger & Risk

Bo Peep Bo Peep Love

"This isn't gonna work, Seungho."

"It will, Soyeon. Believe me." Seungho reassured.

"Ani, Seungho. This plan is too risky. You don't understand." Soyeon said.

"I do understand. Really. I know it's hard, but it's possible. Trust me on this."

Soyeon shook her head. "It's dangerous, Seungho. Do you know what could happen to me? Well, maybe you don't care. Maybe you're okay with me getting my tail cut off. Or worse." she said, shivering.

"I won't let that happen." Seungho said firmly.

"You have no idea what we're getting ourselves into."

"Soyeon, please stop whining. You know that this plan will work. You're just being a scaredy-cat. Oh, right. You are a cat."

"Very funny." Soyeon fumed.

"I'm serious. Just try, araso?"  Seungho pleaded. "You promised to listen."

"Well, I didn't promise to obey. Just listen! Besides, why do you care so much about my cat life, huh?"

"You're my friend." stated Seungho. "Friends don't let friends think about getting their tails cut off."

Soyeon smiled. "Hm. Well, you better save me before my tail is gone."


~ ~ ~

Soyeon slid her Cat Identity Card on the profile reader. The machine scanned her card slowly. After about a minute, the screen showed Soyeon's human face and also her cat picture.

"Park Soyeon. Access granted." the machine said.

The metal door opened quietly and Soyeon stepped inside. There was another door. But there were 2 guards standing next to it. Soyeon walked over and the guards checked her body for any weapons. Soyeon bit her lip nervously even though she hadn't brought anything violent.

"Clear." the guards said together.

They pressed button to open the door and Soyeon gave a sigh of relief. She barely came to the KAT Building. Workers had lied to the government that KAT stood for Korean Agency (of) T-Ara. The truth was, the building was for the Cat Project managers to use for cat purposes: cat experiments, lab tests, cat discussions, etc. Cat-Girls were allowed to come visit. That was (sort of) the reason Soyeon came.

As Soyeon entered, she saw many people at their desks typing on computers. This was not unusual. Many workers had computer jobs. It involved organizing the numbers of Cat-Boys each Cat-Girl was able to turn. The more Cat-Boys you turn, the more reputation you earn as a Cat-Girl.

Soyeon still remembered one Cat-Girl by the name of Lee Misong. She was one of the earliest Cat-Girls developed, even before the T-Ara girls were Cat-Girls. Misong became famous for her attracting beauty and her charming seduction. She had turned many men into Cat-Boys. Everyone had been proud of her. But for an unknown reason, Misong suddenly had her memories erased. She was given a shot to cure her from being a Cat-Girl. Then she returned to her normal life with no idea what kind of life she had been living. People made up rumors that she wanted to quit the job and thus decided to erase all her memories.

"Miss Park, what are you here for today?" asked a worker.

Soyeon snapped away from her earlier thoughts. "Oh! Um, it's just that I haven't been here for a while. I, uh, wanted to discuss with the manager about my Cat Acts so far."

"Ah, I see. Your Cat Acts." the worker said. The best definition for Cat Acts is: Actions done by Cat-Girls to earn higher reputation from all Cats (boys & girls).

"You don't have to tell the manager. I'll wait outside of his office until he's ready." Soyeon said.

"Ani, that would be impolite of me. I should-"

"Anyo!" Soyeon cut in. "It's fine. I'll wait. You should go back to finish your work."

With an apologetic smile, the man nodded and went back to his desk to work. Soyeon did a mental victory dance and sneaked away. She walked casually to the confidential room, where all papers and files were safely kept.

Soyeon glanced everywhere. No one was around. So far. I have to be quick. There's bound to be someone coming soon. I must be as fast as lightning! Here I go!

She undid her hair ribbon and pulled out a thin bobby pin that had been secretly hidden in the ribbon. Soyeon pressed the bobby pin into the key hole. She wiggled the bobby pin around. Come on, come on! Open up!

She squirmed the pin some more. She wiggled, pushed, turned the pin, but the lock wouldn't budge. Soyeon was now sweating a little from the frustrating exercise. She took a deep breath and tried again. It didn't work. Shoot! How do thieves get into homes so easily?! Just a small toothpick would work for them, so why not a pin?!

Soyeon heard someone chattering loudly with someone down the hall. The voices were getting closer. They were coming here! Aish! I'm gonna get caught, just like I said! What do I do?!

Soyeon picked at the lock some more but got the same results. Her heart beated faster and faster as the voices got louder and louder. Not knowing what else to do, Soyeon took out her wallet and pulled out her credit card. She slid the card along the side of the door and the door opened!

Whew! Soyeon thought. She quickly zoomed inside of the room and closed the door. That was close.

In fact, Soyeon had been super lucky. Just as she was inside the room, the chatty men who were walking down the hall had nearly spotted her. Soyeon thanked her credit card for letting her get in at the last second. However, now the credit card was broken on one side. Great, I'll have to get a new one. . .

Not wanting to waste any more time, Soyeon immediately searched the room. There were cabinet files on almost every single part of the room. Soyeon prayed that no keys were needed to open them. If keys were needed, she wouldn't be able to access the files.

She tried to open one of the cabinets, but they were locked. After trying each one, Soyeon felt like kicking Seungho. None of them are open! How am I supposed to get any information about the Cat Syringes if everything's locked?!

That was when Soyeon saw it. A key. Lying on a desk near the cabinet files. She frowned at it. No way. Unbelievable. Maybe it's to deceive thieves. Is this a trick? If I touch it will it start an alarm? Anything can happen. But seriously, who would leave a key here if the files are so important? Maybe someone forgot it.

Soyeon hesitated slightly before picking up the key. No sound. No alarm. Nothing. Good. Looks like it's my lucky day.

Soyeon pressed the key into one of the cabinet locks. It opened! Inside were tabs with many papers and folders. She searched through them carefully. Each folder had a name. The Cat Project. Cat-Girls' Profiles. Cat-Boys' Profiles. Developers.

These aren't what I'm looking for. What if they don't have a folder about it?!

Soyeon continued to search another cabinet. This one had different topics. Cat History. Cat Population. International Cat Events. That wasn't right, either. Where could it be?

Soyeon looked through the next cabinet. Plans for 2012. Cat Hours. Ideal Cat Diet. The Formula for Cat-Girls. Huh?! 'Formula for Cat-Girls'? Could that be it?! Maybe that's the one! Soyeon thought.

The sneaky girl grabbed the file and skimmed through it. It was about the Cat Syringes, which was just what Soyeon was looking for. She hid the file into her purse and closed the cabinet. Curiosity tried to pull her into opening the cabinet again, wanting to find out what the company was saying about the Cat-Girls and T-Ara. But Soyeon knew that she was running out of time. Besides, Seungho was waiting for her outside.

Soyeon put the key back onto the desk and opened the door. She walked out and closed the door behind her. That was when she heard it.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing?!" yelled a man.

Soyeon gasped and ran the opposite way. She heard footsteps behind her. More than one person. She ran as fast as she could.

"Yah! Come back here! How did you get inside?!"

"Aish! Why didn't you watch the door, Cheolyong?"

"Mianhe, sir. I was-"

"Shut up and go after her!"

Soyeon knew that the men were catching up. She threw some ladders behind her so they would waste some time.

There was a loud sound, like someone had just fallen down. "You b*tch!" screamed one man. "GO FASTER, CHEOLYONG!!!"

"Um...ye, sir." said a tiny, scared voice.

Soyeon had reached the exit near the staircase, where no one was blocking her. Only one pair of footsteps were behind Soyeon now. What was funny was that Soyeon heard someone panting.

"P-Please. . .stop!" he cried.

Soyeon almost stopped running because she wanted to laugh so hard. Because she couldn't help herself, as she ran, Soyeon shouted to the person, "What kind of person who's escaping would stop because you said so? Are you crazy?" They now reached the parking lot, which was where Soyeon wanted to be.

The boy ran after her with tired breath. "I don't . . .care. Please. . .stop. I'm so tired."

Soyeon winked and jumped into Seungho's car, which was on the side of the street, waiting for Soyeon. Seungho grinned and started to drive away. "You got what we need?"

Soyeon nodded. "I also got something I don't want." she said, pointing out the window.

Seungho glanced past Soyeon and saw an upset, running guy. Ani. It can't be. . .But it was.

"I-Is. . .Is that. . .That's Mir." Seungho stuttered.

Soyeon gaped at him. "What?! Are you serious?!" She hadn't really paid attention. "You mean, Mir, as in your friend?! As in your MBLAQ roommate?!"

Seungho nodded. "N-Ne. That's right."

Meanwhile, Mir was running like a tired dog. Aish. My boss is gonna yell at me. It's all that girl's fault! If she hadn't sneaked in while I was on break, this wouldn't have happened!

Mir continued to race after the black SUV. He spotted a cartoon sushi on the back of the window. Hm? Wait a minute! Seungho's car has the exact same sticker! What's going on?

Then Mir spotted the driver of the vehicle. Seungho. What relationship does Seungho have with that girl? And who is that girl, anyways?!

Thanks for reading, everybody! Sorry if that was a little long of a chapter...>.<   A new character! I didn't really plan on adding Mir into this story, but since Seungho's already here, join the club, Mir! Ha, ha. Tell me what you think of this. Actually, just tell me what you think of everything overall! I love hearing your comments, so please speak as much as you'd like! :)

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New Chapter for Bo Peep Bo Peep Love! The date goes on!!! And a plan for the Cat-Girls...Will Hyomin be saved?


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Byunjungie #1
Chapter 19: Yay chingu.. Why don't you continue this story?
Please update..
Sejungluv #2
Chapter 26: Please c0ntinue this st0ry chingu..
And m0re betwen khunie and jungie.. Keke..
that's my baby mir. hahaha..good job!
update soon.
jyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh ! Seungho confessed
update soon :)
Queen's t-ara comebackkkkk
babyjiji #7
yeah,,!! i love t ara thanks for this fanfic.. i hope you will create that the characters will be seung ho for jiyeon and all of the t ara members have a couple too
Hyaaaaaaaa soyeon pretty
i want khunjung moment authornim
they're gonna save hyomin..^^
i hope seungho would chase soyeon n admit tht he actually in love with her...
@soyeonjjang02 @SerriSunny12: LMAO!!! XD Haha, yes. I'll remember to add some clothes in when I make the next chapter. Haha.