

When Kim Jongin woke up, the room around him startled him because it was filled with colours and details. He half expected the walls to break in, but nothing happened.

He was about to enter the bathroom when his sister Yoonhee shoved him out of the way.
"It's not your turn yet," she hissed. She was taller than expected.

Down the corridor his sister Juri laughed at him. She was already dressed, and looked tense.
"You finally look like you actually slept," she smiled, before she headed downstairs.

His father was busy reading the newspaper.
His mother was busy arguing with Yoonhee.
Juri was busy worrying about an exam.

None of them noticed a thing.

The first time Kim Jongin actually felt a difference was when he reached school. Everything looked a little sharper, the whole perspective had changed a little.

He knew the faces that greeted him, but he had never actually talked to them before. He had to hold back a little, if he didn't want to stick out.

He saw his face in the windows of the main entrance, but he couldn't waver now.

On the second floor he finally reached the room he hadn't entered in what felt like an eternity. The door sign hung higher than he remembered.

"Oh, dear, could it be?" a voice he didn't recognize at first asked. He had never heard it from outside. "Are you perhaps looking for me, my dear Kai?"

He turned around to be faced with Park Chanyeol. It unnerved him that he had to look up, though not much. He wasn't used to taller people.

"I actually am," Kim Jongin grinned, and Park Chanyeol's smile slowly faded.

Kim Jongin frowned. "Don't tell me you allowed Mom to cut your hair," he gasped.

Park Chanyeol unwillingly took a step backwards. "It's you," he muttered.

Chanyeol finally had the upper hand. He not only had Jongin's body, he also had his power, something the woman who had stolen his body had tried to avoid.
That's why she had told Jongin how to kill Chanyeol.
She knew that she wouldn't last if Chanyeol went after her with Jongin's power.
She knew what Jongin himself hadn't understood.

Jongin was strong, not just because he knew those scared rules his grandfather had forced upon him, but in spite of them. If he had taken more risks, he would have been able to do even more amazing things. Without the limits he had set himself, he could have become even stronger.

And now that Chanyeol had that power, combined with what was left of Zhong Zhaokang, he could overwhelm her, the woman who had taken his body as if it was nothing.
And she knew.

"I have a proposal to make," the face of Kim Jongin said, and the face of Park Chanyeol gave him a wary look. "Let's swap. I get my body, you get this one."

Park Chanyeol frowned. "How do I know I can trust you? This could be a trick."

Kim Jongin shrugged. "You can have a look if you want to. And you know my name, so you could easily take over. There's nothing left of him, so my name is all it takes."



Btw, I'm sorry for all the short chapters! The next one is finally going to be a real one again!

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I'm randomly popping in to say that it's been 3 years since I read this fic - and it's still in my top 3 fics of all times. Whenever someone asks me which fics I like the most, I dig this one out.
I hope you're not bothered by that *haha...*
Anyway, now I can truly say this has been staying on my mind for a long, long time.
Thanks a lot for being so inspiring ♡
Chapter 15: It had been a confusing first. I didn't even pay attention that impostor and dream chanyeol were different beings for... a couple chapters i'm so sorry. But then everything came together ooooh asdsfgshdjd i've enjoyed the whole thing. Also the fact that put aspect of bad seed into chanyeol's character (●▽●) like the fact there is a big big big possibility that chanyeol would turn out just like phoenix aaaaahh so good and also bc this isn't a typical chankai and i loved these kind of stories anyway

Thank you for writing :)
Chapter 5: Motherkkkkkkk. This made soooo much more sense now. Oooooh i'm fidgeting in my seat in excitement lmfaoooooo
Chapter 15: This was my first time ready a fic like this, and I was not disappointed. It was a journey of question marks, gasps, shivers and even a small amount of humor. You must have a great and lively imagination to write something as exceptional as this. Creds to you. This was awesome and I'll definitely reread it later!
mad_lion #5
Chapter 15: Wow.... I've never read a fic thats horror and mystery and now i know thay I've been missing out ._. The plot was so unique and it was written in such an awesome way that I loved ALLLLLLLLLL of it. This was so fun to read thank you for writing this, you beautiful person
Exoexolovee #6
Chapter 11: I'm terribly sorry to ask this but, who and what is the imposter? I have not caught what it is. Is it an 'imposter chanyeol' ? Again I'm very sorry to ask this.
keybha #7
Chapter 15: Woah that was fun to read :)
pendosa #8
Chapter 15: Oh my goodness. This is so wonderfully written. Complicated and all....
Whoa man..
elkyouya #9
Chapter 15: ok ending.



elkyouya #10
Chapter 10: omggggg i like juri!!! i have hope. maeby chanyeol is real person. not jongin's dream!