Chapter 7

Library AU

    The chilly autumn weather which hosted the beginning of Hoseok’s love had cooled into an icy winter with plenty of flushed noses and thick scarves pulled over faces.  The book Jimin had recommended turned out to be brilliant and Hoseok started seeking out the author’s other books.  Every once in a while, if Hoseok was lucky, he got Yoongi to say more than just a sentence or two.  He had become able to tell by the man’s posture and expression whether or not he was comfortable saying much about a topic and tried his best to avoid things that made him draw back from Hoseok.  


    Hoseok tugged at the zipper of his thick winter coat as he dropped into the chair beside his friend, revealing the thick fleece jacket he wore underneath.  He wasn’t particularly fond of this season; he felt like the freezing air seeped through his clothes and into his bones no matter how much he wore.  He sunk into the chair and enjoyed the feeling of the heat of the building burning against his frozen cheeks.  It was early on a Monday, meaning there weren’t many people around and Yoongi and Hoseok would be able to talk as much as they wanted without too much worry, and from the way Yoongi had looked up and grinned when the younger arrived, Hoseok predicted today might be an appropriate day to ask a question he’d had for a while.


    Hoseok sat and day dreamed for a while while Yoongi read.  After a little while, Hoseok cleared his throat and Yoongi set his book beside him, giving Hoseok his attention.


    “I knew you were going to have something to say today,” Yoongi said, grinning, “I can see it all over your face.  What is it?”


    “Oh really?” Hosok chuckled, “Right now I’m wondering what’s got you in such a good mood.”  Yoongi grinned and looked away, the way he usually does when he’s talking about himself.


    “The weather,” he sighed.


    “Do you like winter that much?” Yoongi hummed and nodded in response, his grin getting wider.  “Why’s that?”


    “The cold is refreshing.  That, and Christmas is my favorite holiday.  I love spending time with the people close to me and the amount of good feelings and generosity.”


    “But I thought you’d said you moved here a little over a year ago and didn’t have any friends until now. . .? What was last Christmas like?”


    Yoongi’s smile didn’t falter but he closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair.


    “That’s why I’m extra happy; this time around, I have a friend.”


    He turned and gave Hoseok a few precious moments of his very rare eye contact before glancing away again.  The younger laughed a little bit and turned from Yoongi.


    “Heavy words, hyung.  Lighten up a little; this isn’t a drama,” the two of them chuckled.  “Hey,” Hoseok said, getting his attention again.  Yoongi turned to see him holding his phone out with the ‘add contact’ screen up.  The older smiled and tapped his number in quickly.


    “So Yoongi,” Hoseok said, slipping his phone back into his pocket.  Yoongi hummed, acknowledging him.  “Why did you move here?”


    Yoongi sighed yet again and looked up at the ceiling.  


    “I knew you would ask eventually,” he closed his eyes, “You really want to hear about this?”


    “Yeah, if you’ll tell me.”


    “Okay then.  Up until recently, all of my memories had been of my home town; I was born there, played in the streets, went to the public school, worked in the shops.  My parents had met when they were both living there.  My father’s apartment was in the same building as my mothers, right above her’s actually.  They met when both of them were out on their balconies at the same time and ended up talking.  My father was in a small band at the time and my mother was working retail at the time, so they weren’t rich but they were happy and that’s what mattered to them.  


“When I was born, my father’s band had disbanded and my mother was still in retail, but they gave everything they could to provide for me; applying for countless jobs, skipping meals, my father even spent some time playing his guitar on the streets for a little extra money just so I could make it.  They were so full of love for me, and I’m eternally grateful, but as I got older I started to feel like a burden to them.  I would have never left if I had the choice but I didn’t want to see them starving and exhausting themselves any longer.  I got a job and started saving money as I searched for a small place I might be able to afford for even just a little while.  So, a little over a year ago, I found my current home.  It’s no penthouse but it’s off my parents’ backs and I’ve never been more at peace knowing I’m no longer holding them down.”


Yoongi kept his eyes closed and a silence fell between them for a few moments.


“Do you think you’ll ever move back?”  Hoseok asked quietly.  Yoongi opened his eyes but didn’t look at the younger of them.


“I’m saving up to go back, yeah.”  Yoongi didn’t need to look at Hoseok to know he wasn’t smiling anymore.


“Is there any way I can stop you?”


“Probably not.”


“What if I invite you to live with me?” Yoongi snorts.


“You’re pretty funny, Hoseok.”


Hoseok frowns at him.


“Well, if you lived with me, you wouldn’t have to pay rent and you’d get to move back sooner, and the least I can do is help you if I can’t stop you.”  


“Like I said, you’re a funny kid.”


“I’m being serious.”


“Don’t you already have a roommate?”


“He can be new friend number two.”


“Hoseok did you understand any part of the story I just told you?  I hate being supported by other people and I don’t want to bother you and Seokjin.”  Hoseok groans.


“For real?”

“Yeah.  Now stop asking."

A/N: Two in one night woo hoo.  I just hate really angsty back stories so I tried to keep this one kinda light.  

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expect another chapter or three tonight


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lunamoonsolar #1
Chapter 19: This was unusual and amazing.☆☆☆☆☆
KawaiiePumpii #2
Chapter 18: From sincerely to love.
So cute. >ω<
I liked yoonseok more than jikook in this!!
Is that normal?? O.O
ninin25 #3
Chapter 19: oooohhhhhhh my god i'm not even in Yoonseok but damn, in this story they are so precious...... my heart
i swear is about to burst! ok i like it so pretty i like it a lot!
ninin25 #4
Chapter 17: <3 ok so pretty, so fluff i freaking love Yoongi in this, want to hug him and hold him, so precious! and Jimin too... i really like it, i will look foward any you publish (i'm a er for fluff and jihope)
ninin25 #5
Chapter 9: oh yeaaahhhhh Park Jimin!!!
ninin25 #6
Chapter 1: ok, i like it so far, cutest first chapter ever!
2cutesocks #7
Chapter 19: This was written beautifully. I enjoyed every single word.
Chapter 19: ah this was so beautiful ;A; I'm sobbing
Chapter 19: YES PLEASE ~^O^~ i think i'm kinda biased towards the way you write so i'd be happy to read your stories even if they weren't kpop ^^
I agree with AlekNeko....aihh...I thought it was an update but it's fine hehe