Chapter 2

Library AU

    It had all started three weeks ago. Hoseok and his long time friend, Seokjin, had been casually strolling through the small downtown area of their little town. It was a little bit cloudy, just past noon on a Sunday. The only other people around were a couple families going and coming from the few restaurants and a couple sitting on a bench. Hoseok dragged his feet as they slowly walked.


"Why are we out so early, hyung?" He asked.


"Because I felt like it." Seokjin responded. Hoseok groaned.


"Can we at least do something besides wandering around?" The older paused to think for a moment.


"Come with me to the library?" Hoseok groaned louder.


"It's so boring there!" He whined.


"Well, I don't have any other suggestions and there's a book I'm in need of so it up or go home." Seokjin said, shrugging. The younger pouted. Going home sounded pretty nice right about now but the pair's shared apartment was several miles away and the walk there was less than appealing. Letting out one last frustrated groan, he reluctantly agreed.


He trailed behind Seokjin as they entered the building, keeping his eyes on his feet. He was impossibly bored already, and the silence felt like it was suffocating him. His frustrated thoughts were interrupted by a light laugh. The sound drew his attention and he glanced up to the front desk as they passed. Identifying the source of the noise as the cute boy behind the desk, he looked back down. Wait. His head snapped back up to look at the kid. He wasn't just cute, he was impossibly adorable. His cheeks pushed his eyes into little crescent moons when he smiled and his laughter reminded Hoseok of those girly drinks Seokjin ordered when they went out, bubbly and intoxicating. He felt his face grow flushed and he went back to staring wide eyed at his shoes.  He followed close behind as Seokjin turned into the rows of books.  Suddenly, he bumped into the older, not realizing he had stopped.  He took a step back, muttering an apology.


“Hoseok-ah.”  He didn’t process his name until the third time it was called.


“Yeah?” he responded, softly.


“Hoseok, look at me.”  


He kept his head down, embarrassed by how flustered he was.


Seokjin grabbed the younger’s chin gently and guided him to look up.  Hoseok immediately looked away when their eyes met.


“Why are you blushing like this?  Did something happen?  Are you sick?” Seokjin pressed the back of his hand to Hoseok’s forehead.  He frowned when this yielded no answer.  “Hey, Hoseok,”


He still didn’t respond.


“Hoseok, you can talk to me,”  


The younger’s lips pressed into a thin line.  Seokjin groaned.

“Fine,” He pulled his hand from Hoseok’s face, “But we will talk about this at home,” he said, turning on his heel and continuing down the aisle.

A/N: Sorry my chapters are so short, guys!  I already planned out what happens in each chapter and sometimes just 400 words is enough to tell you what's happened ^^ Expect more very soon!

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expect another chapter or three tonight


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lunamoonsolar #1
Chapter 19: This was unusual and amazing.☆☆☆☆☆
KawaiiePumpii #2
Chapter 18: From sincerely to love.
So cute. >ω<
I liked yoonseok more than jikook in this!!
Is that normal?? O.O
ninin25 #3
Chapter 19: oooohhhhhhh my god i'm not even in Yoonseok but damn, in this story they are so precious...... my heart
i swear is about to burst! ok i like it so pretty i like it a lot!
ninin25 #4
Chapter 17: <3 ok so pretty, so fluff i freaking love Yoongi in this, want to hug him and hold him, so precious! and Jimin too... i really like it, i will look foward any you publish (i'm a er for fluff and jihope)
ninin25 #5
Chapter 9: oh yeaaahhhhh Park Jimin!!!
ninin25 #6
Chapter 1: ok, i like it so far, cutest first chapter ever!
2cutesocks #7
Chapter 19: This was written beautifully. I enjoyed every single word.
Chapter 19: ah this was so beautiful ;A; I'm sobbing
Chapter 19: YES PLEASE ~^O^~ i think i'm kinda biased towards the way you write so i'd be happy to read your stories even if they weren't kpop ^^
I agree with AlekNeko....aihh...I thought it was an update but it's fine hehe