Chapter 17

Library AU

    It takes Jimin longer than Hoseok would like to stop saying things like “when I find somewhere to stay.”  But he does stop.  Eventually.


    It takes soft kisses and wet kisses and early mornings and late late nights and tight hugs and loose cuddles but Jimin accepts the apartment as his home, not a temporary place.  


    He keeps his job at the library and Hoseok keeps his spot next to an empty arm chair in the remote corner of the library.  They walk there together in the mornings, stopping to grab tea or coffee along the way most days.  Hoseok will kick his feet up on the empty chair beside him when he’s afraid someone will take the spot, and when Jimin has a couple minutes of free time, he sits there instead.


    The letters from Yoongi never stop coming.  They arrive every week without fail, always ending with their “Sincerely, Yoongi.”  Hoseok wishes he could have Yoongi himself arrive instead of a piece of paper but it’s better than nothing. He understands it’s hard to get money to come visit.  Yoongi is happy to be home and happy with Jungkook and that makes Hoseok’s heart warm.


    Of the two friends Jimin ran off with the night he first came to Hoseok’s door, Jimin says Namjoon hasn’t contacted him in a while, but the other one, Taehyung, still comes around to visit every once in a while.  He says he’s been drifting from couch to couch but every time Seokjin insists he spend the night, Taehyung only refuses until the topic is dropped.  Jimin seems happy enough with occasional visits so Hoseok is happy enough too.


    He doesn’t think it’s what a normal family is; Jimin’s toes pressing between Hoseok’s under the table at dinner, Seokjin smiling at them and sometimes also Taehyung who takes their empty chair on occasion.  


He doesn’t think it’s what a normal family is, but it’s a family none the less.  

He doesn’t think it’s what a normal family is, but it’s the family Jimin needed.

A/N: thank you so much everyone for reading and thank you to those of you who waited whats been nearly half a year for the conclusion of this.  You all mean so much to me.

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expect another chapter or three tonight


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lunamoonsolar #1
Chapter 19: This was unusual and amazing.☆☆☆☆☆
KawaiiePumpii #2
Chapter 18: From sincerely to love.
So cute. >ω<
I liked yoonseok more than jikook in this!!
Is that normal?? O.O
ninin25 #3
Chapter 19: oooohhhhhhh my god i'm not even in Yoonseok but damn, in this story they are so precious...... my heart
i swear is about to burst! ok i like it so pretty i like it a lot!
ninin25 #4
Chapter 17: <3 ok so pretty, so fluff i freaking love Yoongi in this, want to hug him and hold him, so precious! and Jimin too... i really like it, i will look foward any you publish (i'm a er for fluff and jihope)
ninin25 #5
Chapter 9: oh yeaaahhhhh Park Jimin!!!
ninin25 #6
Chapter 1: ok, i like it so far, cutest first chapter ever!
2cutesocks #7
Chapter 19: This was written beautifully. I enjoyed every single word.
Chapter 19: ah this was so beautiful ;A; I'm sobbing
Chapter 19: YES PLEASE ~^O^~ i think i'm kinda biased towards the way you write so i'd be happy to read your stories even if they weren't kpop ^^
I agree with AlekNeko....aihh...I thought it was an update but it's fine hehe