
Booey1233's Korean Teaching Class

Hello~ Sorry I haven't been able to update that frequently lately. (School has bogged me down, so muuchh.)

Anywho, I'm back and ready to teach!

Today's lesson will be on the usage of adjectives. Most(I'd say 98%) of the adjectives are words that are derived from nouns. I can only tell you one pattern that I have noticed with adjectives, most of them end with the 'batchim 'ㄴ.'' Other than that there are no patterns, you just have to memorize adjectives.

I'll try and write down every adjective that I can think of right now.

The pattern I will use = English word - Korean noun- Korean adjective

Here we go! (It's a two-in-one lesson! You'll learn various abstract nouns and adjectives.)

Please do not take offense with these words. They are merely adjectives. Every single one of you are beautiful.

I'm assuming you know how to pronounce all of these words in Korean. If you are unsure or would just like to check the pronunciation feel free to leave a comment.

*You do not necessarily need the (힘). The 힘part in the word 'strong' is when you describe the strength of a person's muscle. Like, the strong boy. When you want to describe let's say, 'The strong team' then you take out the 힘part and just use the '쌘' part

Nice - 착해- 착한

Mean - 나빠- 나쁜

Fat - 뚱뚱해- 뚱뚱한

Skinny - 날씬해- 날씬한

Weird - 이상해- 이상한

Odd - 엉뚱해- 엉뚱한

Smart - 똑똑해- 똑똑한

Dumb - 멍청해- 멍청한

Petite - 아담해- 아담한

Pretty - 예뻐- 예쁜

Long (in length) - 길어- 긴

Short (in length) - 짧어/짧아- 짧은

Tall (in height) - 커- 큰

Short (in height) - 작어/작아- 작은

Perfect - 완벽해- 완벽한

Strong* - (힘)쌔- (힙)쌘(Look up at the asterik part)

Fast - 빨라- 빠른

Slow - 느려- 느린

High (not the stoned kind) - 높아- 높은

Low - 낮아- 낮은

Same - 같아- 같은

Different - 달라- 다른

Handsome – 잘생겼어– 잘생긴

Weird - 이상해 - 이상한

...The list is quite brief...I cannot seem to think of anymore adjectives right now. If you can think of more adjectives that I could add to the list, PLEASE tell me down in the comment box. 

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Chapter 44: 부이ㅡ님언제업데이트할꺼야ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 37: OHHH. I thought 가 was singular and 이 was for plural nouns lol. But then this makes more sense... Lol story for blowing up your comments, but this is good stuff man. Good stuff~
Chapter 34: Lol: Preguntas? How many languages do you know, 남자??
Chapter 29: That's stupid. If it becomes 아너 and 고저, why not just write it like that?!? Lol. Why are languages so complicated...?
Gamja sent me here \(^O^)/
yamachibicinnamon #6
thanks thanks~~ *hugs* i really wanted to learn korean so bad, can't wait until we reach the sentence pattern part. ^^ do update more~~
booey1233 #7
Frankly, I didn't know how to explain that either so I had to make up my own terminology I suppose.
but. ㅛ wouldn't sound like how we might say "yo-yo" in english. But more of a how we might pronounce the "yo" part in "yolk."
THANKS ALOT <3 this is really useful :D