
Booey1233's Korean Teaching Class

English Word - Korean - Romanization (A dash represents the seperation between characters).

Let's take the first word for example (monkey). The romanization for it is "won-soong-ee." Won is the first 'character' - 원. Soong is 숭 and ee is 이, which creates the word 원숭이. It is all one word. The dashes are there to show the seperation between characters. Maybe I shouldn't have done so, maybe it's more confusing.


Monkey - 원숭이 - Won-Soong-ee

Rabbit - 토끼 - Toh-Kki

Dog - - Geh

Puppy - 강아지 - Kang-Ah-Jih

Pig - 돼지 - Dweh-Jih

Cat - 고양이 - Go-Yahng-Ee

Rhinosaurus - 코뿔소 - Ko-Bbul-Soh

Horse - - Mahl

Rat - - Jwee

Squirrel - 다람쥐 - Dah-Lahm-Jwee

Porcupine - 고슴도치 - Goh-Seum-Doh-Chee

Bird - - Seh

Bear - - Gohm

Lion - 사자 - Sah-Jah

Tiger - 호랑이 - Ho-Lahng-Ee

Giraffe - 기린 - Gih-Lihn

Penguin - 팽귄 - Pen-Guin

Cow - - Soh

Calf - 송아지 - Sohng-Ah-Jee

Elephant - 코끼리 - Ko-Kki-Li

Dolphin - 돌고래 - Dohl-Goh-Leh

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Chapter 44: 부이ㅡ님언제업데이트할꺼야ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 37: OHHH. I thought 가 was singular and 이 was for plural nouns lol. But then this makes more sense... Lol story for blowing up your comments, but this is good stuff man. Good stuff~
Chapter 34: Lol: Preguntas? How many languages do you know, 남자??
Chapter 29: That's stupid. If it becomes 아너 and 고저, why not just write it like that?!? Lol. Why are languages so complicated...?
Gamja sent me here \(^O^)/
yamachibicinnamon #6
thanks thanks~~ *hugs* i really wanted to learn korean so bad, can't wait until we reach the sentence pattern part. ^^ do update more~~
booey1233 #7
Frankly, I didn't know how to explain that either so I had to make up my own terminology I suppose.
but. ㅛ wouldn't sound like how we might say "yo-yo" in english. But more of a how we might pronounce the "yo" part in "yolk."
THANKS ALOT <3 this is really useful :D