Attatchments Part 2

Booey1233's Korean Teaching Class

Wow, I'm finally back after that long break. o___o

Sorry it's been so long! Anyways~ Let's start with attatchments part 2 :D


and are attatchments, they are used primarily as the verb 'is.' You attatch '이' or '가' to whatever your subject is.

In today's lesson, I'll use humans as the subjects.

You use '이' to a word with the last character that is  a 'batchim' and '가' for words whose last character is without 'batchims.' 

For example, the names 'Nana' (나나), 'Sunggyu' (성규), and 'Junho' (준호), the attatchment would be '가' because the last character of their names are without 'batchims.'

(Do you remember in chapter 17 the verbs? I'll use them here. If not, refer back to that chapter and refresh your memory.)

Example: 나나가 뛰어. The literal translation is: Nana (나나) is (가) run (뛰어).

That doesn't make much sense, does it? It's because the type of verb you need to use, we haven't learned it yet. The verb that we used here is in its infinitive verb, and oftentime we don't use the verbs in their infinite forms.

Example: 성규가 먹어. The literal translation is: Sunggyu (성규) is (가) eat (먹어). 

Try this one on your own:


"Attatchment '이'"

This one is a little different. The attatchment '이' is used as a filler in order to use the attatchment '가.'

Let's use the names, 'Hyosung' (효성), 'Yoseob' (요섭), and 'Ryeowook' (려욱).

Example: 효성가 먹어. Literal translation: Hyosung (효성) [filler] [이] is (가) eat (먹어).

Example: 요섭가 마셔. Literal translation: Yoseob (요섭) [filler] [이] is (가) drink (마셔).

Example: 려욱가 걸어. Literal translation: Ryeowook (려욱) [filler] [이] is (가) walk (걸어).


Why do we use a filler?

If we use '가' as an attatchment for a word with a batchim without the filler, it sounds really awkward to native Koreans and it's too much of a mouthful to say.


Why not just use '이' instead of '이가' for words with batchims?

If we do that, then the whole meaning of the sentence could change. Let's take the first example sentence under the '이' attatchment section.

'효성이가 먹어.' If we say '효성이 먹어' without adding the '가' then the sentence could be taken as 'Eat Hyosung' instead of 'Hyosung is eat' (which isn't grammatically correct.).

Do you see the importance of that?


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Chapter 44: 부이ㅡ님언제업데이트할꺼야ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 37: OHHH. I thought 가 was singular and 이 was for plural nouns lol. But then this makes more sense... Lol story for blowing up your comments, but this is good stuff man. Good stuff~
Chapter 34: Lol: Preguntas? How many languages do you know, 남자??
Chapter 29: That's stupid. If it becomes 아너 and 고저, why not just write it like that?!? Lol. Why are languages so complicated...?
Gamja sent me here \(^O^)/
yamachibicinnamon #6
thanks thanks~~ *hugs* i really wanted to learn korean so bad, can't wait until we reach the sentence pattern part. ^^ do update more~~
booey1233 #7
Frankly, I didn't know how to explain that either so I had to make up my own terminology I suppose.
but. ㅛ wouldn't sound like how we might say "yo-yo" in english. But more of a how we might pronounce the "yo" part in "yolk."
THANKS ALOT <3 this is really useful :D