
Does it almost feel like nothing's changed at all?
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"I'll miss you." These's no doubt about the tenderness of his voice. His smile doesn't falter, his eyes a well of tainted truth, yet nothing about his veneering is questioned.


Perhaps Jiyong doesn't know him all that well.


Nothing's changed at all.


Honeyed words are exchanged. And a hug that lingers a bit too long to be considered friendly follows. Jiyongs lips brush lightly against his own, and amidst the flurry of travellers, the kiss suddenly feels too much of a taboo. Too agonizingly long. Exhausting.


Maybe Seunghyun shouldn't have been so coignisant of his surroundings. His five senses ought to have been overwhelmed by the kiss, and his heart should've skipped a beat or so, the lukewarm, pleasant bubbling in his gut should have begun. He shouldn't have cared less if it grabbed the attention of these obscure passer-bys. His world should have stopped spinning. Mind should've stopped wandering.


Everything should've been easier, lighter, breezier.


"I'll see you---soon." The words leave his lips; the last one feeling every bit heavier than the rest.


And he initiates it -- the drawing back his own ebony fingers, still interlaced with Jiyong's daintier ones. Jiyong musters a smile, but Seunghyun knows he's keeping up a strong front.


It can only get harder.


Seunghyun reciprocrates it - except with much more hesitence. Picking up his sleek luggage, he gives the man that had once meant so much to him, one final wave.


He watches Seunghyun's slowly diminishing figure, Jiyong knows. Slowly, he will see less and less of Seunghyun. Seunghyun will slip out of his life, like the placid waters that runs through the gaps between his fingers, fluidly, swiftly, with great celerity.   


"We're not like that anymore" is what Jiyong wants to, but doesn't find the courage to say. Saying it would mean that he admits it - that blemish in their perfect relatio

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Bianca_MSP #1
To curiosa
daerii #2
Chapter 1: Wow. This was so good? Oh my god. t's beautiful.
I feel like I've been stabbed.

BUT, OTP aside, this was a story of great subtlety, and I am happy I didn't skim over this little jewel.
Thank you for writing this.
primrosepath #4
oh and i forgot to ask, do you happen to be a lit major? I don't usually see these analytical stories on here often. Kudos to you, author-nim, this is really impressive! I felt really compelled to comment the first time i read it so i literally told myself i HAD to comment ^^""
primrosepath #5
wow the amount of quality in this fic is amazing. this i seriously too underrated! one of the best fics i've read so far.
wow...this is so beautiful...i'm actually tearing right now. I love love love the way you described their entire relationship in a single scene, it's extremely impact. I think the length is just right, the mystery in this story is very intriguing, i like how you leave alot of space for the readers to think and find out for themselves. About jiyong's character i feel like he's more of a clingy, self absorbed guy that in the end make seunghyun choose to leave him? Seungri appears to be more empathatic towards him, i think you did a great job in portraying Seunghyun as a good guy on the brink of being villainous? I feel angry at Seunghyun cos he cheated on jiyong and it doesn't seem like he feels sorry but yet i don't really blame him because jiyong seems to be at fault?? (idk is this accurate?) "infalliable indeed" really. just. made. me. crack. "Jiyong isn't all that irreplaceable. (is he really not)." oh that one killed me. it's like seunghyun's doing it out of coercion and he's contemplating on coming back bad then he isn't (isn't that kinda of like what jiyong is doing?) IDK THIS PIECE NEEDS SO MUCH ANALYSIS... my brain hurts.

But really, you're damn talented to come up with such a lasting story. Painful and beautiful. thanks for sharing.
it was short ? + i was expecting since you rated it lol , it's a good plot but i wish you wrote more in it with more details about gtop's relatiosnhip and topri relationship and how and why he did leave gd and why gd still believe that he will comeback to him one day , but the idea of the fiction is goood , thank you
mitadinasty #8
U'll update soon, right??? I'll wait ^^