Chapter 1

I'm Here

  Everyday is the same. Nothing changes after he left. The only thing he left you with is a broken heart. How can he be so heartless , leaving you so cruely without anything to....

    THUD! Someone just bumped to you , HARD. Totally interrupted you with your thoughts. "Gosh, that hurts okay, who the hell are you? Are you blind?!" You were never really rude to people but at this moment, you are just ready to blow up. You spun around to see your 'attacker' , only to be struck by a familiar figure. "Jackson...", you whispered slowly. "Ohh, I'm sorrryy! I didn't see you there Yeon. Well, actually I did and hmm well sorry,"he muttered his apology. "Its okay,"you said, feeling annoyyed and started to walk away. Why oh god why do i have to bump to him. Of all people. Just perfect.

    Suddenly you felt someone pulled your hand to prevent you from walking away. You already knew who it was. "What is it Jackson?",you said. All you want is to get away from there NOW. "Are u okay Yeon?",he asked. "Im fine, get lost," you replied while trying to get loose but to no avail of course. Those years of fencing made his muscles too firm to fight against so you just stopped fighting back. Jackson came closer. "Yeon Im sorry for what Mark did to you, I just..", he started to say but you had enough of this. "Just what?! Are u here to make fun of me too, like the rest of his stupid fans? Go on then, I don't care",you replied harshly to him, looking straight into his eyes.

    You and Mark were a couple for a few months ago. You guys were as happy as any couples can be, at least that's what you thought. Then, out of the blue after almost a year together , he said he wants to break up because he got bored of you. You were shocked because, not to brag , but you were the perfect girlfriend. You never forgot to text him every morning, always giving him presents and kept him company until late night due to his practises that ended very late. Maybe he just wants to be free and not to be in any relationship. But then you found out the actual reason he broke up with you is that he had found another girl. Why? Why Mark?! Why can't he just be honest with you? Why? You weren't mad because he left you , you were just mad because when everyone knew the truth , you didn't and people make fun of it. Even those people that was once called your friends.

    Without you knowing, you suddenly started crying in front of Jackson. Jackson was really surprised because he knew that ever since the broke up,you never cried until now. "Am I so horrible? I know that Mark was too good for me but he said he love me and I believed him, I was such a fool," you let everything out to Jackson, a guy you only know by name. Mark never actually introduced you to any of his group members, not one. "No of course not , I saw how you treated him. And man I was sooo jealous. I wish I have a girlfriend or at least, just a friend that will stay with me to practice in the middle of the night. He was so stupid to let you go. So please don't cry over someone so blind," Jackson said while pulling you to a warm hug.

    Somehow, u slowly stopped crying when he hugged you. Normally people will cry even harder when someone hugged them , but with Jackson u felt safe and secure. Something you never felt even with Mark before, no matter how much you said you both were in love. "Jackson... why are you here? How do you know I will be at this park? No one knows I'm here, did you follow me?" you started asking him. "I kindda did, for almost a year I had been following you around. Even when you go on dates with Mark. Yeon, I don't know what to say or how to explain how I feel.. I hope you don't find me creepy or anything , I just.. Want to get to know you more.. But you were with Mark and... Well now you are single right , so hmm can we.. I don't know, exchange phone numbers or grab a coffee or you know just stay like this for a while?"he started to say while blushing. "Anything you want , I just want to see you smile again. A sincere smile that comes from your heart for me. Can you do that? I'm not asking to be your boyfriend , no no.. I mean if you want.. I can!  I don't mind! I really don't! I..I.."he started to panicked.

     You giggled because he said all of that in a really muffled voice and he sounds so cute! Oh dear god, why is he being so adorable! Why diddn't you noticed his sincerity towards you? "Why did u laughed? It was my confession and you laughed at me",he said and looked straight into my eyes. He looked so sincere that you can't help but smiled. "There! I had been wanting to see that smile for days now! Am I the cause of it? Hehe you look cute when you smile, please smile more okay", he said and gave you a kiss at your forehead. "Stop it, you are so cheesy and I don't even know you well. What if you are a ert?", you hit his hand lightly. "I'm not a ert! Well, not much.", he said while smirking. "Yeon ah, please let me cure you. I won't ever hurt you, I'm not like Mark."

     "How will I know? Mark used to say the same thing and ended up leaving me. I think you are the same too, all guys are the same," you said, not really caring if he was hurt by your words. You had enough of all these , you just dont trust guys anymore. "Give me a chance, I will show you that I am different from Mark. Just a chance, come on please. Every girl wants a piece of me, don't say you don't," he winked at you. You just stared at him, unimpressed. "Ok ok sorry that was Mark's line, I know that was a bad joke, but please. Just one chance, is that so hard?, he asked with pleading eyes.

    "Jackson, I.."you started to say but Jackson cut you mid sentence. "No no its okay, you don't have to tell me now. I mean, I can wait. As long as you need. Just remember," he leans forward to slightly kiss your forehead, "I'm always here for you, here is my number.", he took your phone from your hand and started to save his num. "I saved it under 'Baobei',you know it means baby right? So call your baby okay. I will be waiting. Im waiting for you to say yes.", he said while smiling warmly to you, letting you know he will wait regardlessly. With that , he just walked away, waiting for your answer that you yourself were uncertain of.

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Chapter 4: So freakin cute!!!!!! Wow this was a great oneshoot! I love the final chapter ^__^
Chapter 4: The ending was perfect! It was sweet and cute! I just wanna slap mark again and again!
Chapter 4: Awwwww that was such a sweet ending <33 I'm glad yeon got her happy every after ^^
Foreverhis #4
Chapter 4: Awwwwe ! <3333 so sweet. Jackson bias !
Chapter 2: Aaiiieeeee I can't wait for the final chapter !!! :p
Chapter 1: " every girl wants a piece of me " kekekekeeeeee that reference tho :P
Chapter 1: This is very interesting. I can't wait for ur next chapter! Pls update soon!