
Just An Ordinary Person

Jackson walked in and waved at me. I returned the action and he came up to me to order. He had his hair and makeup done which told me that he just came from a schedule.

"Did your performances go well?" I asked him handing him his drink.

"Y-Wait. How did you know?" Jackson asked me with an eyebrow raised and a freaked out facial expression.

"Because I stalked your van and watched your performances. I also harassed Jr. and made him give me his autograph as well as a few pieces of his hair," I said carelessly. His eyes got really big and he started to back away. I rolled my eyes.

"You have your eyeliner on and your hair is all styled up, dork," I reassured him.

"It's not eyeliner! It's guyliner! Jeez, why do people always get them confused," Jackson retorted and sipped on his drink. 

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot. The members really enjoyed meeting you," Jackson turned to me, "They said that they want you to come over again, but I told them that you can't because you have me." I coughed and gave him an incredulous look. 

"Why'd you tell them that?! Now they'll look at me weird," I said with a pout. He laughed and set down his drink to lean against the counter.

"They already do look at you weird," he said making sure to issue eye contact. I felt my cheeks warm up a bit and looked away. Jackson stood up again and waited for me to close up and walk me home.

Right when I took off my apron, it started to rain out. I guess that made sense. It was appraoching monsoon season. I checked my bag for an umbrella and found none. 

"Do you have and umbrella, Jackson?" I asked bracing myself for his answer. He was looking out the windows with disbelief at how sudden the rain started. 

"Huh? No," he answered flatly. I sighed and made up my mind that we were just going to have to run through it.

Jackson opened the door for me and followed me outside while bracing for the warm water to hit our skin. Big raindrops were falling and hit us with big splashes. We ran down the street to the bus stop. He almost slipped a few times and I helped him not die on the pavement. We waited for the bus and he put his hands over my head to sorta shield me from the downpour. I scooted slightly closer to him and looked up at him. Water was running down his face and the lights made him glow. 

I felt my heart do a tiny, tiny flutter and resumed searching for the bus. It pulled up after a couple minutes, but we were still drenched from running. I sat down next to Jackson and took a short nap. I woke up with my head leaning on his shoulder and his arm draped across my shouders. He was trying to move his arm back to his side, so that woke me up. 

Jackson got up from the seat and guided me off the bus and we ran again through the rain. I was starting to feel irratated because of it and the fact that I just woke up. We went up to my apartment and I unlocked the door. I walked in and a sigh of relief escaped my mouth. 

"You still have to get back to your dorm," I stated simply, the fact just dawning on me.

"And your point is?" he pushed back his hair and replaced his snapback. 

"You need an umbrella or else you're going to get sick," I said looking around for one.

"I'm already soaked," Jackson mumbled.

"It's the thought that counts," I told him and walked over to my TV which had an umbrella leaning against it for some odd reason. I picked it up and offered it to him like a bouquet of flowers. Jackson reached out and took it from my grasp while giving me a weird look. 

It had little hearts all over and looked extremely femine. What can I say? I like cute things. Jackson looked at it with confusion as to why I was giving him the girliest thing he had probably ever owned.

"Haven't you seen an umbrella before?" I chuckled. He looked up at me.

"No," he said seriously. I gave him a concerned look and pushed him to the door. Jackson turned around midway and dropped my arms. He examined my face for a couple seconds and turned back around.

"What?" I asked him completely confused.

"Nothing," he said and walked to the door. I told him goodnight and off he went with my umbrella. My favorite umbrella.


A small herd of boys walked in laughing and talking amongst themselves. They walked up to the register and placed their orders.

"Hi, Chrystal-ah!"  a familiar voice said and I took a moment to actually realize who these people were. I saw Jr. in front of me and the rest of GOT7 behind him. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"To order coffee, duh," Jackson butted in before Jr. could answer and stepped out of the line. He grabbed their tray and walked off to a table nearby.

"Jackson hyung always comes here and we wanted to see what he was so intrigued with!" BamBam excitedly told me.

"Whenever he's not at the dorm, we just assume he's here because when he come back he has a silly smile on his face," Yugyeom added.

"Yah! Don't tell her about that!" Jackson whined and gave the two a glare. My break was coming up and I went to the back for my school bag to get my homework out. I chose a table in the back to work on it where I could concentrate more. I felt a person come to the side of the table and I looked up to see Jackson hovering by me.

"Just come to our table. It's more fun than sitting by yourself," he said and slung my bag over his shoulder. I went after him to get it back, but he already plopped it on the seat. 

"Don't resist. It's better that way," Mark said looking at me. I sat down with a huff and continued my homework. 

I heard little snippets of their conversation despite my focusing.

"This coffee is actually pretty good," Youngjae commented and bobbed his head.

"I don't think that's why he comes here, though," Junior smirked and looked over in my direction. I heard a thud and then a cry of pain from Jr.

A little piece of paper slid next to my elbow and I looked to see what it said. Do you want any help? it read. I scribbled a quick answer of I guess and handed it back to Kong. He took my pencil and paper away from me and answered nearly all of the questions. Jackson handed it back to me when I stood up to get back to work. 

"Here. You're welcome. I even wrote in your name for you in case you forgot it," he said with pride evident in his tone. I took it and wrote a thank you on the note from earlier. I stuck it in his hand while reaching for my bookbag. 

JB saw the transfer and punched Jackson's arm lightly. I saw him give JB a what-are-you-doing look and laughed. I leaned down to whisper something in his ear before I went back to work.

"Don't forget about my umbrella," I told him and made sure to make it seem like something secretive was going on.

"Hyung! What was that?" Yugyeom poked Jackson and the other members joined in as he was still staring at me and I gave him a small wink.


Here's a little update with some teasing going around. Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment, upvote, and subscribe if you feel it's worth it! ^^ 



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Thank you to valerie_millenia, Soulx95, and summerliz99! Maybe I'll do some picture spam for you guys when we reach 10 subs. Sound good? ^^


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Chapter 9: It's so funny to see Mark (who is the oldest in the group) doing aegyo and being so adorable. He's so cute.
naylaa #2
Chapter 8: I love your story !
mauge92 #3
Chapter 8: Wow i'm working right now and i almost cried! I feel so bad for her.
Awesome update!
summerliz99 #4
Chapter 8: AWWWH! I really loved this one. I like how Chrystal gets homesick and Jackson would totally know the feeling.
summerliz99 #5
Chapter 7: Hehe how cute :)
mauge92 #6
Chapter 7: I didnt get the 119 joke u.u.
Woow so much ship between these lovers, i love it. I thought something was going to happen in her apartment, you gave fake hopes :(.
Great update, till next chapter.
summerliz99 #7
Chapter 6: This is really good! Love it!! And I'm glad the boys got to warm up to the MC a bit more. Hmm you're a really good writer, so I don't want to influence the story! It's amazing the way you write it!
mauge92 #8
Chapter 6: Awesome, i´ll suscribe.
summerliz99 #9
Chapter 5: I feel like I'm the only one commenting and it may get annoying....BUT ANYWAAAY~ I really liked this chapter! And that pabo, leaving the MC his credit card, pshhh. :)
summerliz99 #10
Chapter 4: Ahh I love it! I think the gift is a bracelet! And I totally agree w/the bond before complete fluff. I LOOOOVE fluff because it's so nice and cute and clean, but they do need to give it time. After all, we did just meet. ;) Haha but really loving the story so far!