chapter 6 : D-Day


It's an average morning. Shinwoo is up early to make breakfast, Jinyoung is crashing in the living room after a long night’s gaming, Sandeul accompanied Jinyoung. At the strike of nine Baro emerges from his room and seats himself at his usual chair at the dining table.


“Good morning Baro.” Shinwoo gives a jolly greeting.

“Good morning.” Baro replies.

“We’re having a full English breakfast today. Would you like your eggs scrambled, poached or sunny-side up?”

“Sunny-side please hyung.”

“Coming right up! Help yourself to some coffee or tea while you wait.”


Baro busies himself with making coffee to prepare himself for another hard day’s work, not forgetting to fill the pot enough for four people so that his hyungs can have some too. On the other side of the open communal space, the two potatoes start to shift in their sleep. With their eyes closed they slowly get up, relying solely on their nose to navigate the journey to their destination.


“Morning potatoes. Can I take your orders?” Shinwoo asks.

“Bacon…. Sausages… Beans… ENGLISH BREAKFAST!” Sandeul opens his eyes in excitement as he sniffs out the morning’s special treat. “Sunny-side up please hyung! MAKE IT TWO!”

“Coming up potato 1. Baro here’s your order.” Shinwoo says as he passes Baro his plate of steaming hot food. “What about you potato 2?”

“I’m feeling scrambled today Shinwoo.” Jinyoung says thoughtfully as if it was the most important decision of his life.


After fulfilling everyone’s requests, Shinwoo pours himself a cup of coffee and sits down with the rest of the house. Having already had breakfast himself, he was happily watching his kids eat with a motherly smile on his face. After a few moments of just munching, slurping and nomming sounds, a beeping sound starts to sound in the background. It's faint and muffled but is beeping in a steady beat.


“Is someone’s alarm going off?” Jinyoung asks with his mouth full.

“Stop talking when with your mouth full.” Shinwoo nags. “But yeah, what’s that beeping?”


Sandeul and Jinyoung simply shrugs at the question while Baro suddenly became very alert, eyes squint in concentration. Then out of nowhere he shoots out of his seat and runs to his room followed by a slam of the door.


“…o-kayyy.” Jinyoung mutters at the odd scene, but he figures its Baro so it really shouldn’t surprise him.


Moments later Baro steps out of his room again clad in jeans and a hoodie, hand holding onto a weird device that was connected to a set of headphones around his neck. All their eyes pop open at the sight of a fully dressed Baro heading towards the front door. Shinwoo jumps out of his seat immediately to catch the boy before he leaves.


“Baro where are you going?” Shinwoo asks, grabbing onto Baro’s arm.

“Hyung I have a signal!” Baro says enthusiastically pointing at his device.

Shinwoo stares at the weird toy and realises that it was making the beeping sound they had been hearing. His mouth forms an O as he tries to digest the situation, looking between the boy and his device. He wasn’t sure which was more unbelievable.


“Hyung I need to go find this!” Baro exclaims urgently, trying to get Shinwoo to release his hold on him.

“I’m going with you. Sandeul Jinyoung!” Shinwoo decides.

“Yeah?” the two boys shouts in unison from the dining table.

“Get dressed. We’re going out.” Shinwoo orders.


“I haven’t finished my breakfast yet!” Jinyoung shouts back.



“I’ll make you more later. Now go get dressed now!”


Both boys emergs from the living room doors a second later. One happily trotting off to his room to get changed, the other shuffling around slowly with a plate as he tries to multi-task in order to eat his precious eggs. Baro on the other hand was jumping about impatiently as Shinwoo held him down firmly to stop him from running off. He wasn’t about to let his child chase after a random beeping sound all by himself. It wasn’t long before Sandeul joined them by the front door but Jinyoung was still nowhere to be seen.


“Jinyoung hyung hurry up!!” Baro calls out desperately.

“I’m hearing correctly right…?” Sandeul blinks at the surreal sight. Shinwoo could only shrug in response.

“JINYOUNG GET YOUR DOWN HERE!” Shinwoo calls up the stairs.

“I’M COMING! JEEZZ!” Jinyoung replies. A few seconds later he steps out of his room and joins them.


“Let’s go!” Baro says as he opens the front door and sprints out.

Shinwoo and Sandeul follow immediately with Jinyoung unwillingly trudging along behind them. With his device held high in the air and headphones on, Baro lead the group in a seemingly aimless hunt. Zigzagging their way around the neighbourhood, they follow the device left and right as the beeping changes in volume and intensity. Too focused in this sudden breakthrough, Baro wasn’t even tired. Shinwoo and Sandeul’s breathing was getting a bit heavy but they were still keeping up fine. It helps that Shinwoo works out and Sandeul’s job required him to run about all the time. Jinyoung on the other was huffing and puffing all over the place. He couldn’t even remember when the last time he did anything more than walking was.


“Guys I can’t make it! Go on without me!” Jinyoung cries out dramatically as he falls onto the floor, refusing to move anymore. The group stops to glance back at the boy on the floor.

“Come on Grandpa, we’ve only been out for half an hour.” Shinwoo was unimpressed.

“Just leave me. I’ll find my way.” Jinyoung continues his one man theatrical.

“Do you even know where you are hyung?” Sandeul asks.


Jinyoung looks around a bit before scratching his head. A moment of realisation seems to dawn on his face but is quickly replaced by a shake of his head. “Haven’t a clue.” He says blankly.

“Well how the hell are you going to find your way?” Shinwoo questions again.

Baro, who was already past impatient, carries on his own way. Shinwoo follows immediately.

“Your choice hyung.” Sandeul says before running over to catch up himself.

“I hate you all.” Jinyoung mumbles as he pickes himself up to run after them.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Two hours into the hunt they didn’t seem to be getting anywhere. Every time the device starts to beep faster, it would slow down again as they took a different turn. Baro’s expressions mirrored the device as his face fluctuated between anticipation and frustration. By this time even Shinwoo and Sandeul were exhausted, never mind the grandpa trailing slowly behind them. Unfortunately for them Baro’s determination is famous for being indestructible. He never quit developing his detector to the point he has now succeeded and is following it around like a lost puppy. There is no way Baro was going to quit until he found something, or if the detector runs out of battery, whichever comes first.


“Can we go home yet?” Jinyoung cries from a distance. They have currently made their way downtown and are running around among the shoppers.

“Baro-ah, what are we looking for?” Shinwoo questions.

“Extra-terrestrial activity.” Baro answers straight forwardly as if it was the most normal thing ever.

The three of them just blinks at the boy.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Jinyoung says with a deadpan face. “I’ve followed you for two hours to look for aliens?!”  

“What else would we be looking for? You know what my field of work is.” Baro pointed out.

“Yeah… weirdo with a workshop.” Sandeul adds in.


“Are you sure your device is working properly Baro?” Shinwoo asks sceptically. “I mean aliens… really?”

“I’m positive! This is model #057. I’ve literally fixed all the bugs I can think of!” Baro exclaims.

“As if human technology can detect aliens…” Jinyoung comments.

“How would you know?” Baro asks his hyung suspiciously leaving Jinyoung a bit stumped.

“If NASA can’t do it what makes you think you can do it?” He stutters slightly.

“Fair point.” Baro says. “But no one said all the best were working at NASA.” He continues with a sense of pride.


“He really believes in this stuff doesn’t he?” Sandeul whispers to Shinwoo.

“Have you ever seen him do anything else?” Shinwoo whispers back.

“This is the first time I’ve ever heard him speak so much in a single day…” Sandeul comments.

“Me too…” Shinwoo adds unbelievingly.


“Well this thingy-ma-jig seems to be going in the right direction.” A sudden voice comes out of nowhere, making the group jump from surprise.

“Oh my god Gongchan where did you come from?!” Sandeul almost shouts as he holds a hand over his racing heart. Gongchan stands there staring intently at Baro’s device as if he could communicate with it. He and Sunny didn’t look any different than when they ran into them two days prior. The only difference seems to be his trolley had different things in it.


“Did you just say I’m going in the right direction?!” Baro asks excitedly.

“Well it’s going in the same direction as I am so yeah.” Gongchan says casually as he looks at the device.

“How do you know?” Jinyoung asks in a mix of mock and confusion.

“Believe or not. It is your choice. Us big boys have bigger things to do.” Gongchan says as he puts an arm around Baro and leads him off. Complete with trolley and dog of course.


“Wait don’t tell me you believe in aliens too Chan.” Shinwoo asks as he catches up with them.

“Aliens, super natural beings, things of the unknown. There is a bigger world out there hyung.” Gongchan says in his ever trance-like voice.

“The signal is getting stronger! How did you know about this Chan?” Baro says excitedly as the beeping of the device gets stronger and stays strong.

“We seek the same thing hyung, just with different methods.” Gongchan winks.

“Is this the ‘They are coming’ sign you were on about the other day?” Jinyoung asks when he and Sandeul finally reach them. Sure enough the sign was still firmly stuck to the side of his trolley.


Gongchan grins creepily at the question, slightly scaring the three ‘sane’ boys. Baro starts clapping like a happy seal even if he wasn’t sure whether Gongchan is looking for the same thing as he is. Jinyoung looks very uneasy at the overwhelming confidence of his two friends.


“IT’S D-DAY!” Gongchan shouts, the creepy grin never leaving his face.









But what D-Day? you're gonna have to find out in the next one ~~~

I was a bit stuck trying to write this so what do I do? Stick a B1A4 playlist on that's what! I thought it would help the creative juices run but all I've been doing is mime and dance around to every song... procrastination at it's finest XD

And speaking of English breakfast I am now very hungry... (It's like 1am here right now XD) I want an English breakfast too!

Look at them nomming away..... (isn't Sandeul such a cutie when he wakes up! >__< Don't even get me started on Baro...)

omg you guys need to watch this >>>>> WATCH

If only I could've been a part of that flash mob! the boys were so excited!! BANAs did such a good job ~ makes me proud to be part of the fandom ^^

Anywayssssss ~ I've rambled on for too long XD

Thanks for reading! =D

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Sorry for lack of update! Job interviews and general life getting in the way ~ will get to it asap!


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Lemonykitten #1
Chapter 10: There is so much fluff in this fic! Lmao, and yes. Planet Vixx. YES.

Also, just a little side note: I couldn't help but notice that, in your writing, you switch back and forth between past and present tense fairly rapidly. "Jinyoung goes" present tense; "Shinwoo stood" past tense. For effective and grammatically correct writing, you should really choose one tense, either past or present, and stick with it. ((Don't get mad at me for saying this, I'm a high school English teacher. It's in my nature to notice these things and point them out.))
Chapter 9: omergerd i laughed hard reading this! good job xD
Lemonykitten #3
Chapter 9: Lol, this was adorable. Love it! I think this is the only fic on this site I'm reading without a romance plot, lol. This is so great, can't wait for more! <3
Chapter 8: please update!
Chapter 8: Omo Jiji is an alien asdlfkjalsd
Chapter 7: Whooooooo~ this is sooooo good :DDD
Plssss update soon!!
Chapter 7: Wow wow wow! Who is 'she' and what is Jinyoung to her?? I need to find out soon!
Lemonykitten #8
Chapter 7: Omg. Omg. Is Jinyoung an alien?! That'd be pretty cool. I love plot twists! You are awesome!
ReenKai #9
Chapter 6: Wahhhh.... I'm so excited for the next update...,