chapter 4 : My friends


A/N I was listening to this while writing this chapter ~ I think it really sets the scene well ~ listen while you read ^^



“Melissa! Melissa!” Sandeul desperately cries out as he avoides the advances of the muscle man in front of him.

“Who the hell are you anyways?” he questiones the guy as the man grabs onto his collar.

“Melissa’s boyfriend you dimwit. You trying to pull a fast one on me? Playing with my girl when I turn my back? Is that it? Huh? HUH?” The muscle man replies in an agitated manner; eyes wide, fist raised.

“No wait… you have a boyfriend? You told me he was just a friend!” Sandeul arches his head to the side and looks questioningly at Melissa. Melissa runs over to them and yanks her boyfriend’s fist off Sandeul’s collar.

“Dong Chul-ah please don’t do this. Sandeul’s just a friend. Come back inside.” Melissa reasons with her bulky boyfriend, trying to pull him back into the house.

“Didn’t look like it last night. OK everyone had a bit to drink, I could overlook it. But you even had the guts to come back?! SERIOUSLY PIZZA BOY?!” Dong Chul shouted, trying to get at Sandeul but Melissa holds him back by standing in between them.

“OMG why are you always like this?! This is why we have so many problems!” Melissa cries out to her boyfriend in frustration. She turns toward Sandeul with an apologetic look on her face.

“I’m sorry Deul, he is such an . Thank you for coming over when I was sad. You’re a great friend.” She says and gives him a quick one arm hug; the other arm keeping her boyfriend at bay. She then proceeds to push her boyfriend back into their house.

“Don’t you dare come back! Like you have a shot with her! Don’t even dream about it pizza boy!” Dan continues shouting at Sandeul as he gets pushed into the house.

“Shut up will you! Gosh you’re so embarrassing.” Sandeul could hear Melissa say as she closes the door behind her.


Sandeul stares at the closed door. After a while he starts laughing at himself. It was just ironic wasn’t it, always friend-zoned. Depressed and hurt, he turns away and walks home slowly. Back hunched and head dipped low, his sense of his surroundings start to fade as moisture starts to collect in his eyes. He would not let them fall though.

Walking dangerously close to the road, it wasn’t until a car honks at him did he snap back into reality and shifts back onto the middle of the pavement. He continued his journey with a blank expression, occasionally stopping and looking around, making sure he didn’t pass his house. Finally reaching home, he puts his hands into his pockets to find his keys. His pockets were empty. He starts knocking on the door but no one comes. He knocks again and again, getting more and more desperate each time.

“Shinwoo hyung!” he calls out.

“Jinyoung hyung!”



In a moment of despair he drops onto the porch, bringing his knees to his chest and buries his face into his arms. Moments later the door opens, showing a frizzy haired Baro. He looks down to see Sandeul huddled up and shaking. Concerned, he kneels down and taps Sandeul on the shoulder. Sandeul tilts his head and peeps over his arms. Seeing Baro, Sandeul throws his arms around his friend and starts crying out loud.

“Why is it always me? Why does no one like me? Why does everyone abuse me?!” Sandeul cries, pouring his heart out for the first time in a very long time; having bottle up all his sadness for so, so long.

Baro is shocked to see Sandeul like this. Although timid and shy, Sandeul had always been a cheerful boy. He may not admit it but Sandeul’s bright personality is really warm and makes him feel happy. Seeing the sunshine boy sad made the bright sunny day seem gloomy. Not knowing how to react Baro simply patted the boy’s back gently to comfort him.

They stayed there like that; Sandeul hanging onto Baro, Baro softly patting Sandeul’s back, on the threshold of the house. After about fifteen minutes, a car pulls into their driveway. Getting out of the car, Shinwoo spots the two boys immediately and walks over with a concerned expression. First thing’s first why are they just sitting on the porch like that? Secondly is that Baro out of his room?!


“Hey guys what’s up? What are doing sitting in the doorway?” Shinwoo asks as he crouches down next to them.

“Sandeul’s sad.” Baro replies simply.

Hearing that Shinwoo taps Sandeul’s shoulder and gently turns him around to face him. Seeing the boy’s blood shot eyes and wet face makes his motherly instinct kick in straight away.

“What’s wrong buddy? Why are you crying?” Shinwoo asks gently as he wipes away the tear trails on Sandeul’s face.

“She doesn’t like me…. She never liked me…” Sandeul starts, eyes starting to get wet again.

Shinwoo understands immediately and pulls Sandeul in for a hug. Baro crouches silently next to them, eyes of concern looking at Sandeul.


“YAH! Some help over here!” Jinyoung suddenly calls from behind the car, oblivious to the situation.

“Baro can you go help Jinyoung with the groceries? I’ll take ducky here inside.” Shinwoo says.

Baro nods and stands up. With a final look at Sandeul, he goes towards the car boot to take some groceries. Jinyoung was rummaging around, choosing the lightest bags to carry. When he sees a pair of hands reach for the bags, he turns expecting to see Shinwoo but is shocked off his feet when he is faced with Baro. Baro turns to find Jinyoung suddenly sitting on the ground and the two just blink at each other for a few seconds. Shrugging at his weird hyung, Baro takes three bags in each hand and heads inside the now vacated porch.

“I think I’m hallucinating…” Jinyoung says before picking himself up, only to find an almost empty boot.

“Or maybe I’m not…” he ponders and hastily grabs the last two bags, close the boot and locking the car.


As he walks back into the house he finds Sandeul cuddled up on the couch, Shinwoo making a drink and the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. He heads to the kitchen counter and puts down the last two bags, scratching his head in confusion. Did he just see a ghost?

“What’s wrong with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Shinwoo asks as he rounds the counter and takes a mug of hot chocolate to Sandeul.

“Shinwoo did you bring these in?” Jinyoung asks.

“No, Baro did.” Shinwoo replies.

Jinyoung opens his mouth in realisation but then scrunches his face in confusion again as he tries to make sense of the situation. Baro just walked outside….


Deciding to let it go he finally notices a very sullen Sandeul, now sitting with his knees close to his chest, clutching his mug. Making his way towards him he ruffles Sandeul’s hair.

“Are you ok ducky?” he asks gently. Sandeul just shakes his head and stares at himself inside his mug.

“Come on Jinyoung let’s give him some rest.” Shinwoo says as he makes his way to the groceries to start putting them away. Jinyoung obeys and walks out of the room. He comes back a few seconds later carrying a bright yellow stuffed duck and hands it to Sandeul. Sandeul takes it wordlessly and cuddles closely to it.


Jinyoung sighs at the scene. It had been a weird day. Gongchan was getting loopier than usual. Baro went outside. Sandeul was sad. He wasn’t playing his game.


“Go do your chores Jinyoung.” Shinwoo’s voice suddenly snaps him out of his reverie. He groans at the order and begrudgingly heads to his room to clear the dust that’s been collecting there. 








A sad update today :( 

I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to portray Sandeul's timid pizza boy character who wanted to get the girl ~

The sad thing is I can actually imagine Sandeul like this ~

He's always so cheery that I wonder how much he is holding inside and not letting out?

Ok I'm getting too deep here XD ~ 

I'll see you guys in the next one ~

Thank you to all the new subscribers!!

I promise it's not depressing all the time *fingers crossed*

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Sorry for lack of update! Job interviews and general life getting in the way ~ will get to it asap!


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Lemonykitten #1
Chapter 10: There is so much fluff in this fic! Lmao, and yes. Planet Vixx. YES.

Also, just a little side note: I couldn't help but notice that, in your writing, you switch back and forth between past and present tense fairly rapidly. "Jinyoung goes" present tense; "Shinwoo stood" past tense. For effective and grammatically correct writing, you should really choose one tense, either past or present, and stick with it. ((Don't get mad at me for saying this, I'm a high school English teacher. It's in my nature to notice these things and point them out.))
Chapter 9: omergerd i laughed hard reading this! good job xD
Lemonykitten #3
Chapter 9: Lol, this was adorable. Love it! I think this is the only fic on this site I'm reading without a romance plot, lol. This is so great, can't wait for more! <3
Chapter 8: please update!
Chapter 8: Omo Jiji is an alien asdlfkjalsd
Chapter 7: Whooooooo~ this is sooooo good :DDD
Plssss update soon!!
Chapter 7: Wow wow wow! Who is 'she' and what is Jinyoung to her?? I need to find out soon!
Lemonykitten #8
Chapter 7: Omg. Omg. Is Jinyoung an alien?! That'd be pretty cool. I love plot twists! You are awesome!
ReenKai #9
Chapter 6: Wahhhh.... I'm so excited for the next update...,