Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry. But have we met?"

Hani swore that she could only see red.

"Are you trying to joke around with me?!" she said, straining with her angered voice.

"No, seriously," Daehyun said, still unaffected by Hani's rage. Then he narrowed his eyes at her, studying the girl's face, "Hey, wait a minute."

Daehyun seemed to recognize her. Hani tried to cover up the chocolate stain on her shirt with her school blazer when she felt Daehyun stare at her middle.

"Aren't you that chick that tried to confess to Himchan hyung?"

"Y-You really don't remember me?" Hani asked, the scowl on her face disappeared and was replaced by a dejected frown, "It's me, Daehyun ah. Park Hani."

Daehyun merely shrugged as the empty look on his face had remained for a long time now. Hani felt a painful feeling in her chest. She simply stood there, staring into Daehyun's eyes, wishing that she had the power to detect lies. She was definite about him being her childhood playmate.

"Daehyun ah," she slowly spoke, "I don't know if I should believe you. If you're lying to me, I want to know why you left and why you're doing this to me."

"You must've mistook me for someone else. I'm not lying, Hani-ssi."

"But if you're telling me the truth," Hani continued, before getting lost in her thoughts. Daehyun stared at her, waiting for a reaction from the dazed girl who was looking at her shoes. A troubled expression was evident on her face.

"I-If you're telling me the truth..." Hani gulped, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall, "Then I'm really not wanted in this world, am I?"

"Umm..." Daehyun said, clearly startled at Hani's sudden statement.

"My best friend left me a few years ago," Hani explained, "And you kind of remind me of him.

"My parents had ditched me too," she went on, "So I thought that no one in this world needed me after all the people I cared about left me. I'm sorry to bother you, Daehyun-ssi."

"It's alright, I guess," the boy said, "I'm sorry to hear about your parents and your friend."

Hani managed to put on a small polite smile before returning to her seat. The school bell rang, signalling the start of the last class for the day. But Hani couldn't focus her mind in school. Her mind was busy with thoughts about her childhood, especially her parents.


Jungkook ran to the school gate after the last bell had rung. It had become a routine for him to wait for Hani everyday after school before walking to the bus stop together since his classes always ended earlier than Hani's. He scanned the crowd of students that were swarming towards the exit, noticing the familiar figure with an obvious chocolate stain on her shirt. An elated smile was glued to his face as Hani came nearer to the gate.

"Noona!" he called out, waving his hands to get her attention.

But Hani seemed to only look straight with a blank face and she didn't even spare a glance at Jungkook.

"Noona?" he said when Hani walked past.

That's odd, Jungkook thought, watching Hani walk in the opposite direction of the path they usually took.


Hani found herself staring down at the ground five floors below her. She was at her old apartment building, where she used to live with her parents. She studied her surroundings. It had always been very quiet in this area at night. Just like the night when she and Daehyun were up here. She smiled to herself. That memory would always be in her mind no matter how many times she forced herself to forget. But the smile vanished as quickly as it came when she suddenly thought of the reason she tried to jump ten years ago.


"Daddy! I wanna go on that!" Hani said, pointing excitedly at the carousel.

"Okay, sweetheart. Let's go!" her father said, holding her hand and bringing her towards the ride.

It had been weeks after her best friend went out of her sight and Hani tried her best to cheer herself up when her father brought her to the amusement park.

Hani's father helped her get on to one of the horses and buckled her safety belt.

"Aren't you gonna ride it with me?" Hani said when her father turned around to head towards the exit.

"No, Hani yah," he said, smiling at her warmly, "Go ahead and enjoy yourself."

Her father stepped outside the gate and smiled at her again. Hani beamed back at him. She preferred this side of her father. It was almost as if he really did wanted her. She didn't want this feeling of acceptance to go away, even if she knew that her parents wished to throw her out of their lives.

An amusement worker pressed the flashy red button and the rumbling of gears could be heard before the horses started moving up and down and the carousel started rotating. Hani held on to her horse tightly and she could feel the wind in her face as the carousel sped up. She could see everything around her: all the fun rides, colourful toys and balloons and parents with their joyful children. She felt free and she loved it. She waited for the carousel to make a full turn before casting her smile towards her father.

But he wasn't there.

The cheerfulness drained from her face. She tried to search for him in the crowd of parents outside the gate, but to no avail.

As soon as the ride stopped, she ran out and called out for her father. Her eyes were frantically searching for a familiar figure within many people in the amusement park. She ran towards the entrance, thinking that he would purposely leave her. And she was right.

Hani stopped in her tracks when she caught a glimpse of her father waving for a taxi cab just outside the entrance.

"Daddy!" she yelled when a cab arrived.

Her father turned around to look for the source of the sound before making eye contact with her. For a moment, there was a trace of guilt in his eyes. Hani was about to run towards him when he got in, shut the door and told the driver to go.

Hani stared at the spot where her father stood, still unable to believe that this was happening to her. Her parents had finally got rid of her from their lives. She knew it was bound to happen soon. She even prepared herself well for this exact moment. Even so, she didn't understand why her cheeks were wet with tears.


"Why are you crying?"

Hani lifted her head up from looking at the ground to find a boy staring at her.

"Are you sad?" the boy asked. He was about three inches shorter than Hani and Hani had never seen him before.

Hani nodded at him while sobbing.

"Why?" the boy asked again, tilting his head while looking up at her.

"Jungkook ah!" another voice called before Hani could respond.

A lady in her early thirties hurried towards the boy with a worried look on her face.

"Jungkook dear, didn't I tell you to stay close to me at all times?" she said, grabbing hold of the little boy's wrist.

"Sorry, Mommy," the boy named Jungkook said.

"Let's go now, okay? Mommy will buy your favourite vanilla flavoured ice cream for you," his mother said, starting to drag him away by his wrist.

"But wait, Mommy!" Jungkook said, pulling his wrist free. His mother looked at him with a puzzled look. The little boy glanced back at Hani and that was when his mother noticed the tearful girl.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Jungkook's mother said, crouching down to her level, "Are you lost? Where are your parents?"

"T-They don't want me," Hani said, rubbing the tears that flowed from her eyes.

"No, I'm sure they do."

"Daddy got on a taxi and left me here."

The lady was about to say something, when she realised that this girl might be in a really difficult situation, especially since she was young. She tried to think of something to comfort her, but in the end became speechless, sympathy taking over her.

"Would you like to come home with me?" she tried, "I'll make a strawberry milkshake for you. Would you like that?"

Hani nodded, her tears still falling endlessly.


Hani wiped her face as she felt something wet slide down her cheek. She didn't realise that she was tearing up from remembering the events that occurred on that day.

"Park Hani."

Hani turned around to see the owner of the familiar voice. But before she could even blink, she found herself in a tight embrace in the arms of that person.

"What are you doing here, Jungkook ah?" she asked.

"I followed you here," Jungkook said, pulling away from her slightly, noticing her puffy eyes, "Were you crying?"

"Yeah, but it's nothing. I was just thinking of some stuff," Hani assured him before t

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Chapter 2: oh gosh daehyun doesnt remember and i felt nervous when she shouted that oh gosh =/
im so into this story ha :P
chimgotjams #2
This is such an awesome story!! Made me cry :') Good job!
This led me to tears. :) I like it.
Chapter 3: I shall be waiting, this story made me feel things...such emotional things.
cherryaizawa #5
Chapter 3: i want hani succees and make her parent's that abandon her releas that her not a mistake but a lucky for people that love her.thx to update authorssi...i hope you will update so soon.^^
I absolutely loved this story!! And can't wait for the sequel :)
Chapter 2: OMG, no, not amnesia right?! I hope he's just really good at pretending or something and doesn't have a medical issue. :O
cherryaizawa #8
Chapter 2: what happen with Daehyun seems he didn't know Hani???
thx to update
i like it.^^
cherryaizawa #9
Chapter 1: its so sad hiks hiks hiks
why her didn't want her????
hiks...hani bw strong.
thx to update authorssi
i like it
hope you could update so soon for the next chpter.^^