Chapter 2

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"Daehyun ah."

"How does it feel like to die?"


Hani stood near the edge of the roof with her precious Cuddles in her arms. She peeked at the ground below while Daehyun stood at a small distance behind her.

"Why?" Daehyun asked.

"Will it be painful? Will it only be for a short moment?" Hani said, speaking out her thoughts, "Will I feel anything?"

"Why do you wanna know?" Daehyun asked.

Hani stayed silent for a few moments while staring at the concrete floor five storeys below, estimating the time to reach the ground.

"Remember when I asked you why people want to suicide?"

"Yeah," Daehyun said, "Because they don't wanna be sad anymore."

Hani turned around slightly to look straight at Daehyun's face. A small smile landed on her lips.

"I'm sad," she said.


Daehyun turned speechless. He saw the smile on Hani's face quiver as a water droplet slid down her cheek, its path accentuated by the moonlight.

"Why?" he said. His voice was barely louder than a whisper.

"Nobody wants me," Hani said, wiping the teardrop away and facing forward again. Her grip on Cuddles tightened, "Mommy and Daddy wanted to get rid of me."

Hani stretched out her arm and held her stuffed doll over the two feet tall wall at the edge of the roof.

"H-How do you know?" Daehyun said, trying to be careful with his words.

"I heard them talking," Hani said. She released the toy and watched it drop to the ground and land on the hard concrete in more or less one second.

"They said that I was a mistake and that I was bad luck."

Daehyun remained still, listening to her words.

"They don't need me anymore," she said, "So why should I live?"


Daehyun's vision became clouded as tears formed in the corner of his eyes.

"Hani yah," he said, tears flowing slowly down his cheeks, "Don't tell me you're thinking of jumping."

"I'm sad, Daehyun," Hani said, "I don't wanna be sad anymore."

"Hani yah!" Daehyun said, the tears in his eyes falling faster, "Please don't jump."

"I'm sorry, Daehyun."

"Hani yah!"

Hani made her way to stand on top of the wall.

"Park Hani!"

"I'm sorry," she said.


"Yah! Park Hani!"

Hani diverted herself back into reality. Her eyes met with a scowling Jungkook who was sitting in front of her. She almost giggled as she thought that Jungkook's expression was adorably scary.

"What?" she said nonchalantly before imitating Jungkook's look, "Who gave you permission to say 'Yah' to me?"

"Did you even hear what I said?" Jungkook asked, frowning.

"No, I was daydreaming," Hani said, "And where are your manners? You know you're not supposed to say 'Yah' to someone older than you."

"I'm sorry, okay?"


Hani noticed the two food trays on the table.


When did I get here? Hani thought. She didn't even remember getting in line for her food.


As a matter of fact, she didn't even remember leaving her class.

"Yah!" Jungkook said, successfully capturing Hani's attention. The glare on Hani's face didn't look so pleasant.

Jungkook sighed and his expression softened.

"Why are you easily distracted recently?" he asked.

It was Hani's turn to sigh.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook ah," she said, grabbing a plastic fork and stabbing the piece of chicken on her plate before putting it into , "I'm thinking about that new guy a lot lately."

"You're not hitting on him, are you?" Jungkook said. A disgusted look was evident on his face.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Hani said in between chews, taken aback by Jungkook's unbelievable assumption.

"Not really," he said, "He looks kinda handsome, to be honest."

Hani questioned him with a raised eyebrow, still chewing on the piece of chicken.

"I mean, in a girl's perspective," Jungkook said, quick to cover himself up.

"No, I'm not attracted to him," Hani said, "He just reminds me of my past."

"Why? Did you have a friend like him?" Jungkook asked.

Bingo! Hani thought.

"I guess you can put it that way," she said, poking another piece of chicken with her plastic fork.


What used to be an angry look earlier on Jungkook's face now transformed into an evil one.

"Of course you're not attracted to him," he said, "There's just the one and only Himchan Oppa in your eyes."

"No!" Hani said, trying to defend herself.

"By the way, I heard that the new guy's kinda close to Himchan."

"Hyung!" Hani corrected.

"Fine. Himchan hyung," Jungkook said, "Lots of people say that both of them are training to debut as an idol group."

"Do I look like I care?"

"No, but I know you do," Jungkook said.

The sound of Hani's chewing filled the air around them both.

"When are you gonna confess to him?"

"I don't know," Hani said, "After you take me shopping to buy chocolates."

A moment passed where Jungkook only watched Hani stuff more chicken into .



"What do you want?"

"Let's go."

Hani looked up from her food and met with Jungkook's unreadable face.

"Go where?"


Hani halted her chews.


Hani stared at the boy in front of her carefully. Jungkook didn't even budge.

"Wait, are you serious?" she asked, "What about our classes?"

"We'll skip them," Jungkook said as if it wasn't the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yah, we'll be dead if we're caught!" Hani said.

"Well, it's up to you," Jungkook said, standing up along the way, "It's between having fun or being stuck here and forced to study like zombies. Your choice."

Hani glared at him for the umpteenth time that day. Her mind went back and forth between the tempting offer and her role as a student. But wait a minute, she thought. She wasn't really a good student to begin with, so what had she got to lose?


"I want the strawberry flavoured one." Hani said when she and Jungkook went to buy ice cream from a vendor.

"If I knew you didn't bring your wallet, I wouldn't have offered you to come in the first place," Jungkook said, paying for both their ice creams.

"Hah! You dug your own grave," Hani said, laughing mockingly at the younger boy.

"Can we get on to why we came here at first?" Jungkook said with a frown on his face.

"Whatever. Let's go!"


"Jungkook ah, how does your ice cream taste like?" Hani said when they were near the famous dessert shop.

"Like vanilla," Jungkook said.

"Wow. I absolutely cannot contain my laughter," Hani said in a monotonous voice. Jungkook chuckled.

"It's good."

"Can I have a taste?"


Jungkook suddenly stopped in his tracks as a shade of pink slowly became apparent on his cheeks.

"I said can I have a taste?" Hani said. She too stopped walking.

"I know. I heard you the first time," Jungkook said, "but... what?"

Jungkook tried to search for any signs on Hani's face that she was joking with him, but to no avail.

"Why? Are you laway-conscious or something?" Hani said.

"N-No, but-"

Hani reached for the ice cream cone in Jungkook's hand and wrapped her fingers around it. She brought it closer towards her, pulling Jungkook's hand along too, making the boy's blush deepen at the skin contact.

"It really is good!" she said after taking a small from the vanilla flavoured ice cream. She then let go of the stunned boy's hand and chuckled when she saw how pink he was.

"Loosen up a bit, will you?" she said, "It's just me."

Hani walked ahead of the dazed Jungkook. Jungkook's gaze followed her path before he looked back at his ice cream cone and tried his best to put on a look of displeasure on his face.

"Noona! You contaminated my ice cream!" he said, picking up his feet to catch up with her, "You owe me another one!"


"Do you think he'll like it?" Hani asked, admiring the box of chocolates that she bought, with Jungkook's money, that is.

"Maybe," Jungkook said, munching on chocolates from another box that they bought, "I know I do."

The two of them were sitting at a table by the window inside the dessert shop.

"Yah, how do you know that he'll say yes if I give him this?"

"I don't."

"Then why am I here?!"

"Because you wanted to come," Jungkook said, putting another piece of chocolate in his mouth.

"I should've seen this coming," Hani said, "I will never ever trust an overnight love expert ever again."

"You'll be fine," Jungkook said, "If he accepts, congrats. If he rejects, move on."

"You say it like it's that easy."

"You don't even know him that well."

"Yah!" Hani said, raising her arm to throw something at Jungkook. Jungkook stared at the box of chocolates in her hand.

"Are you really planning to throw that at me?"

Hani glanced at the box she was holding. She pursed her lips as she lowered her arm and placed the box on to the table.

"I think we should head back," she said.

"I think we should have more fun," Jungkook said, "I say we make the most of today. It's not always that we're skipping school together."

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Chapter 2: oh gosh daehyun doesnt remember and i felt nervous when she shouted that oh gosh =/
im so into this story ha :P
chimgotjams #2
This is such an awesome story!! Made me cry :') Good job!
This led me to tears. :) I like it.
Chapter 3: I shall be waiting, this story made me feel things...such emotional things.
cherryaizawa #5
Chapter 3: i want hani succees and make her parent's that abandon her releas that her not a mistake but a lucky for people that love her.thx to update authorssi...i hope you will update so soon.^^
I absolutely loved this story!! And can't wait for the sequel :)
Chapter 2: OMG, no, not amnesia right?! I hope he's just really good at pretending or something and doesn't have a medical issue. :O
cherryaizawa #8
Chapter 2: what happen with Daehyun seems he didn't know Hani???
thx to update
i like it.^^
cherryaizawa #9
Chapter 1: its so sad hiks hiks hiks
why her didn't want her????
hiks...hani bw strong.
thx to update authorssi
i like it
hope you could update so soon for the next chpter.^^