
A Little Not Over You


I have been spending lots of time with Gary. Honestly. I spend almost 2 hours everyday at the JGS(JihyoGarySanctuary). I either slept there or I practiced my pieces faithfully there. Occasionally, I'd see Gary in there too and he would play pieces for me to sleep and then leave silently. Other times, he wil sing his songs he has written for me. Today, it has been a quiet day. It was a saturday. No one was in school except for those with projects like my class. Many would come back to school to use the facilities to complete their projects. However, I came back to school, just to sleep in JGS. I slept well everytime I was in JGS. It gave me a reassuring feeling. I entered the room and conveniently slammed into the sofa and slept. I then had a dream...

"Hey Gary!" I met Gary in my dream. He was dressed in a suit and was holding a bouquet of flower. It was lilys. The flower I love the most. 

"Hey Ji Hyo!" He came up to me. Suddenly, he went down on his knees, holding the flowers up. "Will you Song Ji Hyo be my girlfriend? I promise to devote my most to you and make you the happiest girl on Earth!"

Tears swelled at the brim of my eyes. I felt so touched that he confessed to me. Just as I was going to shout YES I WOULD, and give him a hug, he popped his head from behind the flower and asked me.

"Is this okay? I needed your advice before I confess to someone." He then flashed his killer smile. However, instead, the tears I was trying to keep from him fell straight down onto my cheeks. I wiped my tears as he got up and just nodded my head. I tried my best to smile but I could feel my lips quivering as I smiled at him. 

"Thanks! I needed this from you the most. Your blessing!" He hugged me, turned and left. I felt like I was being stabbed. The pain was even more painful than getting stabbed by the penknife Joo Kim. I crumbled to my knees and cried my heart out. I then heard a sound of piano filling my ears. Following it, I saw Gary on the piano playing a piece I loved a lot and I told him before about it. Then I saw this girl walk over. Her face hidden by a light blinding my vision slightly. He finished the piece and then went on his knees and asked. "Will you Yoon Eun Hye be my girlfriend? I promise to devote my most to you and make you the happiest girl on Earth!" I felt all my brain muscles relax totally when I heard the name. I couldn't believe it! The best friend of mine who asked me just a few days ago what I felt about Gary was the one Gary was wooing.  I backed off until I hit a wall and suddenly, the couple walked towards me. I seemed invisible as the couple walked right past me without glancing at me for a single moment. As Gary walked past me with his arm over her shoulder, his cologne filled my nose, my heart and my brain before I cried out again. This time, the wall faded and I fell into darkness without an end.

Suddenly, I woke up from my dream with a startle. I saw Gary still playing the piano and the piece he was playing was the piece I heard in my dream. I realised that I had been sweating really badly because of the dream. I laid there, my heart beating faster and faster according to the speed of the piece and my mouth becoming drier and drier like sandpaper. Finally, the piece ended. My heart slowed down as I caught my breath and drank some water. 

"Are you okay?" He turned around and asked me. 

"Why did you play the piece?" I asked him, furious at him. 

"Because when I came in, you were having tears on your face. So I thought you were sad so I played the piece you told me you loved. Then I realised, it seemed to evoked some feelings in you. You cried harder but without sound. So I just played it to the end hoping you would feel better..." He said softly, startled by my fiercness. 

"Why this piece? When did you learn it? How did you learn it and why did you learn it?" I was so mad at him I got on my feet and questioned him. He gave me a shocked look before saying calmly,"You liked this piece so I went to learn it. I learnt it ever since you told me you liked this piece. I learnt it because the piece was nice and to impress you..." 

Suddenly, my face went soft. So did my heart. I then could not help but let all my relief and tears pour out. I started crying without really knowing why. Gary got up and came up to me. Cautiously and slowly, he wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his chest. His well-built chest. I did not put my arms around him. After about a minute or so, I finally calmed down. He offered me tissue but did not further question why I cried. He then picked up his guitar and sang me a song his dad wrote. It was a song his dad sang for his mom during their wedding. 

The way you look today, does not mean a thing. 

The only time you looked ugly was when you cried.

The way you smile today, does not mean a thing.

The only time it hurt me see you smile, was when you were smiling at someone else.

Today, you don't need be beautiful, or y. 

Today, you don't need be my everything, my one and only. 

You just need to love, me, one day. Any day will do. I'm cool. 

Because I am happy, knowing you will love me.... one day.

The way you walked tonight, does not mean a thing.

The only time you walked right, was down that aisle with me.

The way you kissed tonight, does not mean a thing.

The only time you kissed me right, was when you truly loved me.

Today, you don't need kiss me but when you do, I want you to give me your all. 

Today, you don't need to love me, but when you do, no one else can be yours. 

The time I spent looking at you from afar...

The time I spent hoping you love me one day....

The time I spent wishing that I was the guy beside you... 

Until... that day... you came to me.....

With your heart. 

You don't need to be beautiful.

You don't need to have a y body.

You don't need to kiss me everyday.

I just need you with me.... forever....


I was touched by the song. Literally that I cried again. 

"Your dad is so romantic!" I cried, laughing at the same time. 

"Yep. He was. He had many other songs but this was my favourite." He told me, setting the guitar down gently.

"You are lucky to have such loving parents and despite having left you, leaving such fond memories. My parents, had a very grand wedding but no extra corny or romantic gestures were made by them. Just a wedding, dinner, vows and that's it. Joong Ki and I popped into their world. That's it!" I said, feeling sad. 

"It's okay. Every parent have different way of expressing their love. One day, you will be another kind of parent too... So will I!" He then smiled at me, that I locked my eyes onto his, can't seem to move away from his gaze. Then it occured to me why I cried just now. I was afraid. I was afraid that it was real and that Gary would have a girlfriend. However, why was I feeling sad and jealous? He is just a friend. Just a friend. Nothing more.... I think... I felt my head getting more and more confused.... Confusion steps in, blurring my vision to make a proper judgement of the situation now...

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Nylia78 #1
Chapter 21: Authornim... Update please... ☺️
iamrainy #2
Chapter 21: please update n make happy ending...
Chapter 21: Bittersweet story, mix feeling when i read this...
Is this the end?
Please make a happy ending... :)
HaMoon #4
Chapter 21: Update please
alylim #5
Chapter 21: wow i wonder wat will happen next! only authornim can ans my ques...ty authornim for all ur good stories!
Chapter 21: finally... they meet again T.T hope everything will be happy after all the time.
kgsjhrm #7
Chapter 21: Urgh!! Authornim please update soon!! I really want to know what's going to happen next!!! They finally see each other again, please let them be together in the next chapter!:)
alylim #8
Chapter 20: wait this cant be the end right?! ur not gg to be so heartless and let them suffer for the rest of their lives right?! apparently there r this type of parents in the world.sigh.
mikanMD #9
Chapter 20: I have only one word for this chapter: NOOOOO!!!!!!
anisshahrir_ #10