Love you like a love song, baby

Beautiful Target

My creator wasn't at all happy with my first words.

And neither were any of his friends.

"KYA! THIS ISN'T HOW IT'S SUPPOSE TO GO!" my creator feigned a fainting spell, and I giggled into my hand. He was a bit miffed, but my laughter seemed to cheer him up.

"I'm sorry, master, but I didn't know what to say," I bowed to him, my apology sincere.

"Oh, it's fine," the one named Sandeul hit my creator's arm lightly, and I involuntary flinched to grab my creator's arm protectively.

"Oh, someone's a little overbearing," Baro sang out, his back still against the wall.

"My programming says I must take care of my master at all times," I replied in my calculated tone. At once, all of their heads cocked to the side, except my creator's.

"Um, that is true," my creator spoke up, his eyes shining in happiness, "She's supposed to protect me."

Suddenly, my stomach rumbled loudly. What was this? I had an uncomfortable curling in the pit of my stomach.

"Oh, looks like someone's hungry," Gongchan commented, cupping his hands together cutely, "Can I take Nooooooona~ out?"

"She's isn't your noona!" my creator snapped, "She was born 20 minutes ago!"

"Op~ Hyung, that makes you a e," Sandeul pointed out, and I giggled into my hand.

"He's right, master," I muttered playfully. Jinyoung rolled his eyes, but smiled at me brightly.

"Come on, I'll take you out for smoothies," my creator grapsed my slender arm and I nodded gleefully. Moments alone with my creator? That would be amazing.

"Hey! We'll come with you!" Shinwoo yelled, trailing after us.

"No you won't!" Jinyoung turned to stick his tongue out at the older boy, grabbing my hand and holding it up in victory.

My stomach rumbled again, and my creator, leaned over to place a hand on it. I looked down and blushed, "We should probably hurry, shouldn't we?"

And then we ran.


"Mmm~ master, this is delicious!" I held a hand over my mouth, sipping the mango smoothie as Jinyoung sipped his.

"You can call me Oppa, Vanessa, it's fine," Jinyoung nervously sat down on a bench, fixing his yellow jacket self consciously.

"Okay..." I paused, "Oppa," I tested the word on my tongue and found I liked it.

He chuckled, and it was the most beautiful thing I had heard in my entire life.

I sat down beside him, looking around the little town. There was a dentistry, a soccer place, and the restuarant we had just left, as well as a ratty old hotel behind us. The town was deserted, except for Jinyoung and myself. I didn't bother questioning it, but instead enjoyed the sensation of warmth against my new skin.

Jinyoung hummed quietly to himself beside me as I continued looking around. He turned away from me, breathing out anxious breathes. Did he know that he had  given me super sonic hearing? I could hear him everytime he exhaled. Maybe I was just hyperaware of everything he did. He placed a hand over his heart, and I felt his other hand inch closer to mine, until our pinkies overlapped. I felt myself blush when, suddenly there was a loud explosion behind me.

"Oh god!" Jinyoung screeched, standing and almost dropping his smoothie. We looked around, a fire had started at the hotel! I gasped as I heard the sound of ambulances in the distance.

This was not good.


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this reminds me sooo much of the beautiful target video! i can imagine the whole song playing and im playing it right now!! btw i love this story already!!
xtelle #2
Nice update!<br />
I can't wait for more~~<br />
Update soon^^
hey, great story so far! i am intrested in the co-author position but like u i have school work too. update soon!
xtelle #5
"Master, your friends are strange." - nice one!<br />
I can't wait for the next update^^
MapleDumplings #6
I have the mv on repeat XD I just can't stop playing it, it's such an awesome song!
AndromedaSone4Life #7
Ah, I just finished rewatching the MV so many times. They are just too cute.<br />
Do update.. soon. ( :