And I was born.

Beautiful Target

OTAY! so don't kill me. I'm still doing Girl in the Boys' Dorm, buuuuut, I saw the MV for Beautiful Target and I was just all "Asjhdsjkfhajdhs I need to write about this!" so basically, this first chapter is just about what happens when she's created, and what happens after that. LOLOL. So pleaaaase, enjoy. Thank you~ <3 Lots of loooooveee (as always) ~ <3


The first sight I ever saw was a monkey mask.

And let me just tell you, that freaks me out.

"Ah! Vanessa!" my creator shrieked, as I sat up, rubbing my head. It felt like it was about to explode. I had so much information crammed into the thing, I could barely sort through it.

"Can you speak?" he asked excitedly, and I opened my mouth to retort a quick "Of course I can", but when I tried, nothing came out.

Okay, so maybe I couldn't talk.

I looked around the room: it was white with a bunch of test tubes bubbling over. The walls were covered in fan letters and pictures of beautiful boys, one of them being my creator. I blinked a few times, my brand new eyes adjusting to the light.

My creator, Jinyoung was his name, patted my shoulder with a gorgeous smile, "Don't push yourself. You're brand spanking new, so it'll be hard for you to get used to this body," he pointed down at me, and I gulped back a gag.

God, I was cute. I wound my fingers through my black hair, the slick strands sliding through the cracks between my slender fingers. I my lips, plump and pink, and felt my tongue glide over my teeth, perfect, straight, white rows.

I was perfect.

"Come on, let's try your legs out," he held out his hand shyly, and I grabbed it, wobbling myself to my feet. I was clad in a stark white dress and a pair of flats, and I stumbled forward a little bit, falling into my creator's arms. He held me up, a small smile coming to his lips, and he embraced me lightly, moving his face close to mine. It felt like fire was moving through my veins at his touch, and electricity seemed to pump around us.

What was this? This wasn't in my information bank. All I could find on this was some sort electrical shock. Had I been shocked during my awakening? That was the only explanation for the feelings I was experiencing.

"HEY! HYUNG! WHAT WAS THAT EXPLOSION?!" someone called from what I figured was outside. I looked towards the door, letting go of my creator and plopping back down onto the bed. He huffed lightly to himself, grabbing at the handle of the door and opening it.

"What do you guys want?" he barked at the four figures at the door, and I tried peaking around his shoulder to see who it was. He was blocking my view, and I pouted a little bit.

"We want to see what you created, Hyung!" one of the voices called out.

They wanted to see me? How strange. This wasn't normal human behavior.

"Yeah, Jinyoung! Let us in!" another of those voices spoke up.

"No! You know you aren't allowed in my lab!" my creator scolded, blocking their way in. I pouted some more.

I wanted to speak up, but my vocal chords refused to work.

"Ah, you loser, just let us in," a different voice snickered, and elbowed his way in, stopping to stare at me as he came into view.

He had a black cap that read "Go Ride" across the bill, and big eyes that said "HOLY IT'S A CHICK".



"Yes, it is a female," my creator walked over, putting a protective arm around me.

"He made a toy! Leader made a toy!" Baro, his name and face was installed into my brain by my creator, screached.

toy? I had no such nonsense in my data base.

"She isn't a toy! Don't you dare say that!" my creator snapped, and I was shocked to see 3 other boys walk in, their eyes almost as huge as Baro's.

Gongchan, the youngest, Sandeul, the playful one, and Shinwoo, the oldest.

"Oh, she's pretty, hyung," Gongchan jutted out his bottom lip, "Why didn't you make me one?"

"She's a break through in science!" Shinwoo gleefully walked over to me, lifting up my hand and examining it, "a real live girl! Made from scratch!"

"And she's gorgeous!" Sandeul jumped up and down happily as he peered at me.

"Eh! Stop it!" my creator warned, pushing me behind his back, "She was just born and she's still very confused. She hasn't even spoken yet."

"I bet we can make her speak!" Baro leaned against one of the walls confidently, looking me up and down.

"Yeah! We can!" Gongchan piped up, running towards me, "Say 'I love you, Gongchan'! It's easy!"

"AISH! You weirdo," my creator complained, before turning to me with a stunning smile, "Just say something, please."

I nodded, slowly, and opened my mouth. Could I do it?

I looked around, biting my lip as I took in each of the boys' faces. I turned to my creator, testing my chords with a little grunt.


And I said the only thing that came to mind.

"Master, your friends are strange."


OTAY! So this is going to be a really short story, mostly about Jinyoung.

But I hope you enjoy!

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this reminds me sooo much of the beautiful target video! i can imagine the whole song playing and im playing it right now!! btw i love this story already!!
xtelle #2
Nice update!<br />
I can't wait for more~~<br />
Update soon^^
hey, great story so far! i am intrested in the co-author position but like u i have school work too. update soon!
xtelle #5
"Master, your friends are strange." - nice one!<br />
I can't wait for the next update^^
MapleDumplings #6
I have the mv on repeat XD I just can't stop playing it, it's such an awesome song!
AndromedaSone4Life #7
Ah, I just finished rewatching the MV so many times. They are just too cute.<br />
Do update.. soon. ( :