Colours, Man, Colours.

Love Makes Us

Point of View: Min Yoongi (Suga)
Word Count: 1261 (Character Count: 5546)

The sun shines brilliantly through the polished glass, making the light dance in waves around the crowded dressing room. I move my hand with the rays, lost in thought and my music. It’s a soft beat, a light chorus and lyricless. The room’s gray textures almost seem to show some colour from the magic sun but I still can’t see the colours. Everything is gray, from the clothes I wear to the irises of my eyes. The shades are different, obviously. My eyes are so dark they are almost black while my hair is a lighter shade. I pick it up indifferently, watching as it falls back into place in the reflection of the window.

This world, is weird. I’ve always thought of it as strange. The world is grey. Many shades of grey. There is no such thing as ‘colour’ to people. Of course, this changes after some requirements have been made. That requirement can take a lifetime to fill or it could take the first few years of someone’s life. The requirement; meet your soul mate but this also means you have to see their face in person, look them directly in the eyes. The person who are supposed to be with forever. The one who can make your heart skip; make you laugh until your stomach hurts; the one who’s never supposed to leave.


I’ve been on this Earth for twenty one years and I still don’t see colour. I’ve almost given up hope. I feel as if I’m going to be the person who ends up never meeting their Soulmate. There’s no red string to guide us to the person, it’s only random. If you’re lucky, you meet her: if you’re unlucky, you never do. A lot of childhood friends have already met the person and they tell me in as best detail as they can, what the colours look like. This is what I gathered; blue is the colour of the sky and is a relaxing colour to watch; red is a lustful colour that is the shade of women’s lips; green is the colour of nature and trees, a kind colour. This is what they tell me but it’s different for every person. One friend told me blue is a sad, miserable colour and red is the colour of love while green is envious of the other colours.

I’ve given up.

Today, like any other day, I sit and wait for the colours to unfold before me. I watch out the window, looking at every face, watching for anyone who could show me colours. It’s become a habit. What’s even more frustrating is that Taehyun and Hoseok has already found their soulmates. They’re always telling me that red looks really good with my chestnut coloured hair.

As if I know what it looks like. Everything is grey. Hundreds of shades of grey. I’m so bored with it that I close my eyes and try to imagine what colours look like but all I see are swirls of grey.

“Hyung, we’re going now.” Namjoon calls for me, he looks at me with tired eyes. We had stayed up till almost one in the morning writing our new album while still promoting our current one. “Yoongi-hyung, come on.” Taehyun pulls at me, making childish noises and faces.

“Yeah, yeah.” I say, standing up like an old man. Stretching loudly, I begin walking towards the door. “Why couldn’t we sleep in?” I complain noisily, “Whhhy??”

“Because its ARMY fansign event~ Smile~” Hoseok comes over and pushes my cheeks up to create a joker-like smile.

“Do you want to die?” I ask in a menacing, yet playful and muffled tone. Hoseok jumps away, calling me a grandpa and an old man. I laugh it off, used to the terrible nicknames. We walk out of the dressing room together, heading towards the faint screams of anticipation. As we reach the door, I put on a fake smile to hide my tired eyes, “Let’s go!” I say in English, strutting out ahead of the other boys.

The screams and flashes of light always make me stagger back, blinking like a madman. I close my eyes and dramatically complain to the ARMYs, putting on a little show to hide my sleepy voice. “Aish, too bright! Too bright!” I put my hands up to cover my face and walk blindly to my spot where we do our group introduction before sitting down. For the next hour or so, I make funny and cute faces, accepting gifts from the ARMY and doing fan service.

“Suga-oppa! Please do gyomi player for me!” This particular fan asks me, she holds a large, expensive looking camera but waves it around as if it’s a toy. I silently wince as she fumbles with it to take a picture. She holds it up to her face, quite a pretty girl to say the least. The fan asks once more, whining childishly.

“One plus one,” I start with a smile, “Is…no.” I give the camera a sudden serious glare causing the girl to laugh and squeal.

“Ahh I’m putting this all over my blog! Thank you Oppa!” She bows graciously which I respond with a polite bow. The next girl steps forward: I don’t look at her though, I’m just doodling a small drawing on her album. “What’s your name?”

“Trish but put Trix please!”

“Tri…x…h-how do you spell that?” I look up at her, bewildered at such a foreign name. She covers her face in embarrassment. Her hands are pale and small, the nails painted a lighter grey.

“T-R-I-X but it sounds like Tricks, ya’know?” She laughs softly, a nervous sound.

I force a chuckle out while writing her name out, “T-R-I-X. Why that nickname?”

The girl looks away, her straight cut bangs blocking her face, “Because I’m very different than what people expect so I accidentally ‘trick’ them. Ahha…” More nervous laughter. She’s very cutesy; a large sweater and short shorts with her hair in spiraling curls that reach almost as far as her waist. As she moves her arm away, I can read the words written on her sweater as ‘I’m not ing CUTE’. I laugh loudly at the words which startle the girl.

I lean forward, trying to catch my breath, “Sorry, sorry. I like your shirt, ahha!” Still looking startled she politely thanks me before taking her album and moving on to the next person. I watch as Taehyun signs her album. She must notice me staring at her because she shifts her brilliantly blue eyes towards me. I smile awkwardly before looking away.



How do I know that colour? I close my eyes tightly before opening them once more. Colours. Everywhere. I stare in awe at the brilliant shades which continue to get brighter and brighter as my eyes adjust, for the first time, to the pale sun illuminating the sea of colours.



If I can see colours, that means. I look again towards Trix who has begun to walk away in a hurried manner. She looks around her in amazement as if she’s seeing for the first time. I stand suddenly, “W-wait!” My voice isn’t loud enough as she walks away, her brown hair mixed with pieces of blond tumbles down her back. Her skin is a pale colour with rosy cheeks.

I can’t help but stare at her.

And I swear, I can see a red string attaching from my finger to hers.


I sit, slumped back in the seat, not really paying attention to the member’s hyper attitudes. The car is packed with noise and jokes and laughter; something my brain is not in the mood for. All I’m in the mood for is to find her. Trix. Trish. Blue-eyed amazement. My soul mate. It’s almost frustrating how quickly she had disappeared. Did she not want to see me? Did I disappoint her? I did see her laughing quite loudly with Namjoon. Maybe I’m not her bias. This thought saddens me, my heart clenching in realization.

I turn my attention to Namjoon who sits with his earbuds in, typing lyrics into his phone. His head bobs softly along with the beat of his music. I tisk loudly, clearly annoyed at it all. Jungkook turns towards me, worried about my current mood. “Hyung? What’s wrong?”

Not replying, I know I’m being y but I’m just frustrated. I continue to stare out the window, picking at my bottom lip. He doesn’t push me, sensing my mood is all over the place. One; the world is colourful. I can’t believe how much I was missing out on as I look around and watch as the grays turn into beautiful reds and yellows and greens. I say red is a bold colour and green is a kind colour. At least, that’s my opinion. Two; she ran away. Why would she ran away? I don’t understand. It honestly doesn’t make any sense. Three; Taehyung knows something’s up. He keeps looking over at me, a small smile on his face.

Once he does it for a fourth time, I turn to him angrily, “What?”

He backs off slightly, “Hyung,” The alien leans closer to me, “Do you like my hair?”

I look up at it, it was dyed before we left. “What?”

“My hair, isn’t it pretty?”

I shake my head in disbelief, what is this punk saying? “Orange suits you.” I don’t notice my mistake until he smiles wildly.

“Yoongi-hyung can see colours!!” he says loudly, dancing around.

Stuttering, I try to cover it up, “N-no, coordi-noona told me.”

Taehyung looks at me, “No she didn’t.”

“What do you know?”

“I know you can see colours.”

Jungkook smiles mischievously while Namjoon has taken his earbuds out. “Was it that blue-eyed girl?” Namjoon asks, looking at me curiously.

I feel my face blush a deep red before I turn away, not speaking.

“OHhhhhh!” Hoseok starts wiggling in his seat, “Yoongi has a girlfriend, yoongi has a girlfriend!” I reach over and punch his arm causing him to whine loudly. “Hyunnng. That hurt!”

As I look back out to watch colours stream by, I try to ignore the onslaught of questions.

Who is she?

What’s her name?

Is she pretty?

What do colours look like?

They need to shut up. My earbuds go in and the world goes off as I try to tune my mind out. As we wait at a stoplight, I watch as a familiar head of curls makes its way across the street. I scramble to sit up in my seat, trying to get out of the car. Jungkook sits back as I move across his lap towards the door, his hands up in defense. “Hy-hyung what are you doing?”

When I finally make it out of the car, the girl has disappeared again and I have to quickly get back into the car of curious faces. I bow in apology to the honking cars before getting in.

“Was it her?” Hoseok asks.

I nod in annoyance, angry once more. How can a girl just disappear so easily?

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amandaXluhan #1
Chapter 3: Why so talented?!?!? Gahhh I love this story so much ♡♡♡♡♡
amandaXluhan #2
Chapter 1: It was supposed to say 잘했어, but the last syllable disappeared... anyway 사랑해^^
amandaXluhan #3
Chapter 1: Thank you for making me better after this horrible day (these painkillers aren't working or something)~ this was worth not getting revenge ㅋㅋㅋ 동생, 잘했. Looking forward to Jungkook's part ♡♡