Everything about you



Jimin stared at her refection on the bathroom mirror and sighed heavily. She was wearing a black cocktail dress which complemented her curves perfectly, accompanied with a Pandora bracelet that she had kept away just for this occasion. Next to her Junhong was making some re-touches to her makeup. The other was wearing a gorgeous turquoise dress thatpuffs out in the end with a yellow flower tugged in her hair. It made her look like a fairy tale princess. Junhong rolled her eyes at Jimin.


“Why are you getting so worked up on this Jimin? Who cares if you don’t have a date for formal you can still have fun ya know. Losen up.”


Jimin jutted her lower lips out into a pout and glared at Junhong.


“Easy for you to say! Yongguk’s like the classiest guy here. At lease your boyfriend isn’t some jerk who won’t show up to a public event fearing that he’ll embarrass himself.” Jimin sighed and played with her newly done manicure.


Junhong gave Jimin an apologetic smile.


“Sorry… but come on Yoongi isn’t that bad he’s just-” Jimin gave Junhong a look and she quieted down. “Ok yeah maybe he is kind of a douchebag but you know he’d do anything for you. Just… not… well… this.” Junhong said and pointed at her attire. 


Jimin sighed once again. Junhong was right. Yoongi would never dress up in a suit and go out to a dance with her, especially not one where every single person in their school was attending. Yoongi was snapbacks, basketball shorts and baggy t-shirts. Yoongi was hip hop music, microphone checks and loud crowds going wild. Yoongi wasn’t well… this. And Jimin knew the moment she asked Yoongi whether he wanted to come with her to the school’s formal that he would laugh at her. She knew he would pat her on the head and tell her he had way better stuff to do than cram himself into a lousy tuxedo just to lounge around the school auditorium the whole night. He didn’t even try to hide it with a “I’m busy” or a “I have to babysit my sister” because he knew Jimin was already aware that he didn’t care and there wasn’t any reason to hide it. Yeah, Jimin should have seen this coming.






I accidentally fell in love with fem!Jimin after writing this and I think I'm in need of some serious help right now

Don't ask me how it happened it just did and I'm not proud of it

Day 7 of this 30 day writing challenge

Contains lil banglo himup and vhope coz ya know how they're all ghei for each other ok I'll stop now




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Heichou_No_No #1
;u; Thanks you author-nim! I love FemJimin so much.
Chapter 1: I love fem jiminn
Chapter 1: I usually do not like fem!bts but this is an exception
Chapter 1: Thank you so much for writing this omg ;; I kept waiting for Yoongi to turn up because as unsociable as he is, that boy is whipped for Park Jimin. Also!!! Fem!Jimin, or any fem!bts, is such a huge weakness of mine and this is just unf. Your writing style is so simple but still so emotive. Perfection. Really lovely~
Chapter 1: This was grossly cute. /w\ Yoongi's such a gentleman. What a great boyfriend. He's a keeper, stepping outside his comfort to be there for Jimin. ;;w;;

surabhi12 #6
Chapter 1: So sweet and romantic,, definitely one of my faves!
carelessLISPer #8
Im getting addicted to fem!Jimin too!! Rawr.. Not enough fics.. Why?? QAQ This was so sweet~ I loved it
Omg ; - ; that was so cute and sweet <33
Chapter 1: I wanna krai...i wanna krai...this is so sweet. I love it how it is.