Chapter 9 - I Only Like You

Kept From The Start

Lizzy's POV

I could sense that it is already morning. As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw Nana beside me. She's still asleep. I don't wanna wake her up yet so I just pretended to sleep. 
A few minutes later, I could feel her breath towards me. I managed to open my eyes. Her face is now a few centimeters from my face. She's now awake.

"Goodmorning Park Lizzy~". She said to me in her hoarse yet calm voice.

"Ah yeah. Goodmorning unnie." I whispered.

She got up already while here I am still lazily lying in her bed. I closed my eyes for a while.

The thoughts of last night came to me. I kept asking myself if it was a dream or not. It surely isn't a dream. I can't help but smile as I reminisce the kiss with Nana. Our first kiss.

Nana's POV

That lazy bum. Still not getting up yet. I went out of the room without really telling her anything except for that hoarse goodmorning. For now, I just need to prepare us some breakfast.

Jongsuk didn't arrive yet. Probably, he stayed in his friend's home for a while. I don't really know how to cook much so I just made some kimchi fried rice that is topped with an egg.

Minutes later Lizzy finally came downstairs.

"Hurry up. Let's eat." I told her.

We ate quietly. Not really saying much. Something must be bothering her. I hope she loved the food that I made for her.

"Is everything ok? You don't like it?" I asked her.

"I like it of course. Look it's all finished." She said as she showed her plate to me."

I continued to look at her. Still trying to read her expression. I'm glad she liked the food though.

"What are we right now?" She asked me suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean are we like more than friends now or still friends? Something like that." She explained to me.

"Haha. Isn't it obvious or you just weren't paying attention last night? Would you like me to kiss you again?" I asked teasing her.

"I get it. Ok." 

Her face turned red once again. I could clearly see it.

"By the way, when did you start having feelings for me?" She asked again.

"Well...I got curious about you when you confessed to me anonymously. I find you really cute the first time we met for dinner and I love how trusting and honest you are. Oh and don't forget your sense of humor. I don't know exactly. I guess it just happened to be that way." I gave her an honest answer.

"Wanna hear my side?" She asked me.

"Sure. That'd be interesting." I said to her.

"To me it was like love at first sight. The first time I saw you was when I got invited to a cultural event by Niel. His friend was one of the organizers. I felt weird by that time. My heart began to beat faster just by looking at you. I don't know... And then everytime I see you around at school, I can't help but smile." 

I felt special as I heard those words from Lizzy. 

"Thanks for making me feel special." I said to her as I touched her face with my right hand.

"Yeah me too." She said as she held my hand that was on her face.

"Oh... Can I ask you another thing?" She asked me again. She removed my hands on her face but still held them.

I simply nodded this time. 

"Are you only interested in girls?" 

"I don't know. It feels like it happened that I like you. Even if you turned into a guy, I'd still like you... Ya Park Lizzy!! You liked me and I liked you back. Isn't that enough?" I annoyingly said.

In the end we end up laughing about it.

Lizzy's POV

It's time for us to leave. I really had fun being with Nana. When she's not around, I secretly took her childhood picture in their family photo album and hide it in my bag pack. She's so adorable even as a child.

Nana left a note to Jongsuk as we prepare to leave the house. Looks like he won't be coming home until we leave.

The trip as we leave her home was different from the trip yesterday. We didn't really talked much now nor shared stories. We were both tired I guess. We sleeped for the whole two hours as we listen to some music and held each other's hands.


It has been weeks now since Nana and I started dating officially. To our friends, it didn't really seem like it. Niel is one of them. We only appear as somewhat like friends when we're in public. We just manage to keep it to ourselves as of now. 

Meanwhile, I continue to get to know more about Nana and I have a feeling that she does the same too. Also, Niel and I still had that close relationship that was the same as before. Sometimes, we also have that mere skinship in which Nana seemed to be jealous of. I keep telling her that it's just Niel's way of acting friendly but she still won't mind my explanations. Anyway, I find her adorable when she gets jealous.

"Lizzy~" I heard a familiar voice as I continue to walk along the school corridor. Moments later I felt someone pulled me in my arms. 
It was Nana. I knew it. We're currently locked inside a storage room. Alone. Just the two of us.

"What are you trying to do? I have class you know." I asked her.

"Shhh. I figured that I just need some time with you." She whispered to me as she began to do playful kisses in my neck.

"What the heck?" I said as I pushed her away.

"We're not going to do this. Not now. Not in here." I continued.

"I'm sorry. I... I just missed being with you." She apologized without facing me.

"It's alright. We'll find some time ok?" I replied as I grabbed her hand.

She nodded as I pecked her lips.

"Let's go." I told her as we left the storage room together.


Here's another update. To be honest, I can't assure you that I'd be writing a jooee fanfic in the future. Usually stories come to me first before I finally decide on the characters. Kind of what I did in here. Anyway, I'll give it a try of course. Thanks for reading ^_^

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Please update soon!
Chapter 12: hey this is not the end right?it can't be rite?what a gloomy chapter thou niel being nice in here
Chapter 12: It's end already? :'(
midwednesday #4
Chapter 12: Oh no, what a sad chapter. But it sounds like the fic is ending...
Can't wait for the jooee fic!
Chapter 12: Aww. My heart is breaking. This story is just amazing. I love it!

And can't wait for your JooEE fanfic ^-^
Chapter 12: jooee, really :) ! so excited for your next story then ^_^
but this story is soo sad :(
Chapter 11: Aigoo my heart aching
Chapter 11: oh~~~~~drama is this chapter explains why the title for this fic is kept from the start?i sense unhappy please don't be it.i hope they will resolve this problem soon.seems like niel is a in this fic
Chapter 11: Nooooo. I'm gonna cry ㅠㅡㅠ
Chapter 9: Aww how cute!